Read Northern Fascination Online

Authors: Jennifer Labrecque

Northern Fascination (9 page)

BOOK: Northern Fascination
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Jenna wasn’t exactly sure how it happened but the next thing she knew, she was on her back and Logan was on top of her. And that suited her just fine. She liked his weight against her, his body heat, the press of his erection between her thighs. It was as if she couldn’t get close enough to him.

Logan was like a fever she’d carried inside her for years.

“Logan, make love to me.” He paused, his entire body going still except for the hard thump of his heart against her chest. The look in his eyes, a glittering heat combined with tenderness and wonderment, made her entire body tingle. “It feels as if I’ve wanted you for a lifetime.”

“It’s the same for me.”

He sat up and took her by the hand, pulling her into an upright sitting position. “Where’s your bedroom?”

She smiled, curling her fingers around his. “Across the hall.” She stood, tugging him to his feet. She felt too hot and tight for her skin, as if she would explode if he didn’t release her.

Fingers intertwined, they crossed to her bedroom.

“Wait.” She’d placed candles earlier today and she lit them now, her hand not quite steady. The room seemed to dance, a slow, erotic movement of candlelight on the walls and ceiling. She turned to him, silently holding out her hand in supplication.

He crossed the room, intent in his eyes. He took her hand and slowly brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it like a courtier in a movie. Deliberately, he turned her hand over and nuzzled the inside of her wrist. Sweet heat flowed through her.

It was as if they’d both waited so long, they wanted to take their time now and make it right. Without speaking he brushed his fingers along the line of her jaw. A tremor ran through her.

He feathered his fingers through her hair and molded them against her scalp. He gathered her to him and leaned his head against hers, his breath gusting warm against her skin. She closed her eyes at the unutterable sweetness of it, at the ache inside her he’d awakened. She inhaled his scent, a combination of man, soap and a hint of aftershave.

They stood together for what could have been seconds or hours, absorbing one another. He pulled off his shirt and then his undershirt.

She ran her hands over his chest, touching him, exploring him. She loved the contours, the feel of his skin covering hard muscles, the play of springy chest hair beneath her fingertips.

Jenna kissed the strong column of his neck down to his chest she’d just been exploring. There was no mistaking his shudder. “Oh, Jenna,” he breathed against the top of her bent head.

Logan sat on the mattress’s edge and eased back, pulling her down on top of him. She sprawled on him, reveling in the feel of him beneath her, the press of his jutting erection against her belly. She slid herself against his hardness and the sensation arrowed through her. She whimpered in the back of her throat.

Wrapping his arm around her, he rolled until they were on their sides and then he kissed her. She’d wondered if the earlier magic of his kisses would fade. So far it hadn’t. If anything, this was even better than before. The comforter was cool beneath her, his skin was hot to her touch.

He kissed his way down her chest until he’d reached her breasts. “Jenna?”

She canted up and pulled the sweater over her head. “Yes. Please.”

She smiled at the hiss of his indrawn breath. She wanted him as hungry for her as she was for him. He trailed one fingertip over her collarbone and down to the edge of her bra. This time
indrawn breath echoed in the quiet. She felt at once relaxed and yet coiled with tension at his touch.

He slid the straps down her shoulders, her skin on fire where he touched her. His breath gusted warm against her as he leaned forward and kissed the tops of her breasts. Her heart hammered and her breath caught in her throat as he caught the cup of her bra in his teeth and tugged it down past her nipple. She held on to his shoulders as he swirled his tongue around the tip and she thought she might surely be dying a slow death at the feelings that swamped her. She ached. She rejoiced.

Jenna closed her eyes and arched up into his mouth, eager, needing what he was giving her. The moment he gently bit her tender point she nearly came unglued. It was the ultimate combination of slight pain and pleasure. He followed his love bite with a gentle lick and then suckled. “Oh…yes…”

It was as if she was caught up in a sensual dream. Logan stood. While he took off his slacks, underwear and socks, Jenna took off her skirt. Still wearing her panties, she laid back on the bed and looked at him.

He was everything she’d ever dreamed of and more. Lean but muscled, a smattering of hair on his chest arrowed down to a nice flat belly. But it was his penis that fascinated her.

Rigid with want, it jutted long and thick from a nest of dark hair, curved back toward his belly. In the flicker of the candles, a pearly drop of liquid dotted the tip. Trepidation warred with anticipation and excitement. She’d read books, seen pictures but was that going to fit inside her?

As if he sensed her shift in mood, Logan stretched out beside her. “Relax,” he said and then kissed her, his tongue seeking the warm, wet recesses of her mouth even as he slipped his fingers beneath the elastic of her panties and stroked her.

“Oh, yes, yes, yes. Logan, I—”

She didn’t even know what she was going to say, she simply knew she wanted more of that, more of him.

“I’ve got it taken care of, Jenna,” he said as he pulled a condom out his wallet. Fever gripped her. She’d only thought she wanted him before. Nothing had ever prepared her for the maelstrom of emotion coursing through her, the tightness of her body, the tension that held her.

She wavered as he sheathed himself. Should she say anything or not? It was important to her, therefore, it should be important to him.


He knelt, poised between her thighs. “Yes?”

She drew a deep breath and hoped he wouldn’t think she was a freak. “I’ve never done this before.”

His hands gripping her thighs tightened. “What? You mean you’ve never…”

“I’ve never done this before.” She motioned to the two of them, naked, with him between her legs. “You’re my first.”


?” Logan said.

“I’ve never been surer.” Jenna traced her finger along Logan’s thigh, close to his erection. “And I didn’t mean to stop things, I just wanted you to know. Tell me if I need to do anything I’m not doing.”

“Honey, the only thing you need to do is relax. And tell me if you like or don’t like what I’m doing.”

“I’ve liked it all so far.”

Jenna emphasized the fact by stroking along the length of his penis. He shuddered and clenched his jaw. “Jenna, honey, if you keep that up, we’re going to be finished before we even get started.”

She liked that he was as vulnerable to her as she was to him. “Then I guess I don’t need to do that.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I love it when you do that. Do that another time. Right now I’m wound up too tight. And knowing what I now know about you, well that makes me even more tense.”

“You don’t think I’m a freak?”

He skimmed the back of his hand along her cheek. “You’re a beautiful woman and I think I’m one lucky man. I’m honored.”

Light and shadow played across the planes of his face. Jenna had never found a man more handsome and sexy than Logan Jeffries.

She rubbed her hands along his arms, his skin warm and supple. Her heart raced with excitement, her entire body quivered with anticipation. She had been waiting and waiting for this moment, not just the initiation into lovemaking, but
Logan. Now that the time was here, she grew impatient. She lifted her hips in invitation and uttered one word, “Please.”

Logan, too, was obviously tired of waiting. He nudged at her entrance.

Jenna closed her eyes as he slowly entered her. Leaning forward, he kissed her, absorbing her sharp intake of breath from the pain. A few moments later, however, her body stretched to accommodate him, in a good way. It was as if all of her nerve endings were centered on the sensation of him inside her, the press of his weight, his heat, his mouth on her neck, the brush of his hair against her jaw, the feel of his skin beneath her fingertips.

Logan began to move in and out, long, slow strokes. She’d never dreamed… “Oh, Logan, that feels so…good.”

“Honey, you feel wonderful. Better even than I’ve ever imagined.”

She hadn’t thought it could get better but to hear him telling her he’d imagined doing this with her… “You’ve imagined this with me?”

His eyes glittered with heat and arousal as he made love to her. “So many times, so many different ways and the real you is so much better. Oh, sweet baby.”

His words were like a magic aphrodisiac. She’d read that sex for women started in the brain. She’d just found the perfect combination—his words, which stimulated her brain, his body which stimulated her physically and his tenderness with stimulated her emotionally. And she knew exactly how he felt. “I’ve thought about you so many times, too. But…I…didn’t…know it could be…so…good.”

“Me, either. Me, either.”

The strangest sensation gripped her. It was as if she were a spring, being wound tighter and tighter but at the same time she felt as if everything inside her, everything she’d ever known, was slowly unraveling, coming undone in the most delicious way.

Reaching between them, he stroked her. Pleasure so intense it bordered on pain filled her. Swallowing a gasp, Jenna closed her eyes but then opened them. She wanted to see him, watch him take this journey with her.

She didn’t think she could take any more, but she didn’t want him to stop. She never wanted it to end, but she craved…something…she didn’t know. She couldn’t think, only feel.

“Jenna—” Logan’s ragged voice held the same desperate note she felt. Slowly she spiraled higher and higher, losing control as she let herself ride the sensations, the feelings until she shattered into pieces. He quickly followed, her name echoing in the room as he found his own release.

Careful not to put all of his weigh on her, he nonetheless collapsed on her. And she knew she’d never be the same again.



bathroom and slipped back into Jenna’s bed, his heart still pounding. She smiled, a sensually lazy curl of her lips. He pulled her close to him and she snuggled against his side, her hair tickling against his still-damp skin.

He could hardly think straight. He looked up at the ceiling and tried to marshal his thoughts. Making love had never been like that ever before.

“Jenna.” He didn’t have anything in particular to say, he just wanted to say her name aloud. He smoothed his hand over her hair. She lay spooned next to him, her skin like soft velvet, her hair spilling against his shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“I’m better than okay.”

“Can I ask you something? You were engaged?”

She seemed to know what he was asking. “Tad had problems. So, he really was just as happy to not sleep together. He just wanted to have me on his arm.”

“And before that?” He had to admit he was curious. She’d been responsive. Sex with her had been incredible so it wasn’t as if she had a problem, or at least not one he’d seen.

She traced the birthmark, a kidney shaped darker patch of skin, on his chest with her forefinger. “My parents have both been married just a couple of times.” She smiled at the irony of her parents numerous marriages. “From the time I graduated, I wanted to build a life for myself. I’ve seen so many women, my mother included, derail themselves by getting wrapped up in sex and relationships. And I guess I never found anyone special enough to put myself through that. It never felt right.”

He smoothed his hand over the curve of her shoulder, her skin smooth satin beneath his palm. “And now?”

She swirled the tip of her finger against his wrist. “I never met another man who made me feel the way you do, who I wanted the way I wanted you tonight.”

That was some heady stuff. And he’d never been anyone’s first.

“Jenna…” Expressing himself, talking about how he felt didn’t come easy to him. He didn’t have any experience in that area, but dammit he’d try. “It’s never been like this before, either. It’s never been this good. You make me feel like no other woman’s ever made me feel.”

She smiled and pressed a kiss to his bicep. He wasn’t through spilling his guts. “In school, I had such a thing for you.”

“You did?”

“Uh-huh. Apparently I’ve still got a thing for you,” he said, grinning. “Otherwise we wouldn’t be naked in bed now.”

“Excellent point.”

When he left, he wanted to leave her with memories no other man could ever live up to. He wanted to be the first in every respect—the first to kiss every inch of her, to initiate her into the different rites of lovemaking. There was something about knowing no man had ever done the things he could do with her that made him want to bang his chest and swing from a vine.

He wanted to map her, explore her, chart her territory, find out what her most erogenous zones were so that he could know how to give her the most satisfaction.

“Jenna.” He liked saying her name, the way it rolled off of his tongue. He trailed his fingers down her chest. “Your skin is so soft.” Lightly, he traced the outline of her breast and then teased his fingertip around her pale-pink nipple.

She sighed, “Oh, Logan.”

He smiled and leaned forward, licking the same path he’d just touched. She shuddered and wrapped her fingers around his shoulder. Her soft noises of pleasure brought him satisfaction.

Shifting down the bed, he nibbled his way down her belly. He planted sucking kisses on the sweet spot of her hip. She wriggled beneath him and laughed. “That tickles.”

He smelled her, the enticing scent of her arousal. Her pubic hair was trimmed close. He continued to kiss his way down her body, raising her leg to lick the skin just behind her knee. “Umm.”

He spread her legs and lay down between them. Her woman’s scent beckoned him. She looked at him, excitement glittering in her eyes.

“Put your legs over my shoulders, honey,” he said, his voice harsh with the need to taste her.

Jenna did as he requested. It was like warm weighted satin draping over him. He closed his eyes, inhaling the fragrance uniquely hers. Opening his eyes, he sucked in an unsteady breath.

She was like a delicate flower opened before him, her petals glistening as if drenched by a summer rain. A need to bring her pleasure again, to satiate her, to render her mindless with ecstasy overwhelmed Logan. This wasn’t about him. It was all about Jenna.

He teased his tongue along the delicate folds, gathering her sweet moisture.

“Oh,” she gasped, her thighs tightening against his shoulders.

“Relax,” he said in a soothing tone.

“I’ll try, but that felt

“It’s about to feel a whole lot better,” he said, not arrogant, just sure, her words stoking the fire inside him.

He bent his head and lapped at her, one long stroke against her silken channel. She uttered a gratifying moan. He tried different pressures, strokes, angles until he knew what she liked and how she liked it.

He tasted and teased and taunted until she was writhing, her hands clutching the sheets. “Please…now…”

He felt her tension mounting, her pleasure building toward a pinnacle. And it was heady stuff knowing he would be the one to take her there.

Within seconds she shattered, her hips moving as she spasmed beneath his mouth. Tasting her pleasure on his lips, her soft cries echoed in his ears like a sweet refrain.



to pull up the covers and was suddenly very much aware of muscles she hadn’t even known were there. “Ow.”

“Are you okay?” Logan looked at her with tenderness and concern.

“I’m fine. Just a little sore, but in a good way.” She wondered if all lovers were as attentive and thoughtful as this man and then dismissed the idea. She’d heard too much girl talk to have such a foolish notion. She knew better. “That was definitely worth the wait.”

He smiled, his expression faintly smug. Which was fine by her. He’d earned the right. She felt somewhere beyond good. “I’m glad you weren’t disappointed. I have a feeling you’d have said so if you were.”

“Oh, not disappointed at all. In fact, I’m looking forward to doing it again. Now I know what all the fuss is about.”

“Good. So am I, um, you know, after some rest.”

She laughed. “You’re going to have to leave soon. I’m tired.”

“Fair enough.”

“But you don’t have to get up and leave just yet.” She liked this laying in bed together business. “You know the town’s not going to sell out.”

“Yeah. I do. Merrilee and I talked yesterday and then again today.” He paused, a frown of speculation wrinkling his forehead. “Did you think sleeping with me…?”

“If I weren’t so exhausted that might make me mad. But I’m too tired for me to get upset. Of course not. I slept with you because you turn me on. End of story.”

He turned his head and smiled at her. “I’m glad I turn you on because you definitely do it for me.”

Despite being tired, she felt a newfound playfulness with him. “How do you feel about that?” She laughed at the consternation that crossed his face. “Relax. That was a joke.”

He laughed and rolled out of bed, getting to his feet. He snagged his briefs off the floor. “Okay. I don’t know what your schedule is like but would you care to go cross-country skiing with me tomorrow?”

She settled on her side, watching him. He really was a beautiful man. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to pass.” As he pulled on his underwear, she noticed the muscles in his butt flexing as he bent over. “I have the morning off but I’ve already got some things planned and I don’t particularly like cross-country skiing. But we could get together again tomorrow night.”

Logan tugged his undershirt over his head. “Sven invited me to play poker with him and some of the guys tomorrow night.”

“No problem. I’ve got exercise class tomorrow night until eight. Gus’s closes at ten. Just come over afterward.”

He pulled on his jeans and looked at her as if he wasn’t quite sure he’d heard her correctly. “You’re saying that you don’t mind if I play poker tomorrow night and then drop by after that?”

“Sure.” She leaned over the edge of the bed and tossed his shirt to him.

He caught it one-handed and shrugged into it. “You’re good with us just getting together tomorrow night?”

It wasn’t hard to figure out where he was coming from. “Logan, I want to get it on with you. We don’t have to be connected at the hip. Well, I guess technically getting it on is being connected at the hip, but you get my drift. I’ve got a life. Just because we’re good in bed together doesn’t mean you’ve become the center of my universe. And I don’t expect to be the center of yours, either.”

He tucked in his shirt and zipped his jeans. “You’re the most unusual woman I’ve ever met.”

“If you say so.” She’d seen other women throw everything away after hooking up with someone. Heck, her mother specialized in it. They met a guy and suddenly everything revolved around him. Only, it totally threw that person out of whack when there wasn’t a him around anymore. Jenna had no interest in taking that path.

He sat on the edge of the bed. “Okay, here’s a hypothetical question for you. Would you be upset if I forgot your birthday?”

This could be tricky. “Are we dating? I mean I know we’re not dating now, we’re just on a date. In your hypothetical situation, are we dating when you forget my birthday?”


“That’s a no-brainer. Heck, yeah, I’d be upset if you forgot my birthday.” She paused but he didn’t ask when her birthday actually was. Okay, then. Clearly they weren’t dating yet. “So, what does that prove?”

He reached over and pressed a quick kiss to her bare shoulder. “Nothing really. Only that we can lie in bed together and have an inane conversation.”

Jenna liked this teasing side of him. She stifled a yawn. “Okay. It’s just as well you’re dressed because now I’m kicking you out.” She climbed out of bed, picked her robe up from the chair in the corner of the room and pulled it on.

BOOK: Northern Fascination
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