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     "Yeah, you better get ‘em,"
Amir growled.

     Alexis  held up a hand as if to ward
him off. She turned pleading eyes to Soul to help calm Amir down. “Soul,
     Soul looked at her then at David. Snorting, he turned
his back to them as if he hadn’t heard her. He had held his friend back enough
for one day. If David was bold enough to butt into something that wasn’t his
business, then it was his ass. The only advice Soul could give him was he'd
better man up quick, because once Amir got a hold of him…
     Amir’s gaze never left David’s. “Was there something
you wanted to say to me?” he asked in the same tone.
     Alexis quickly pulled David a few steps away. “I think
it’s best if you leave.”
     David looked as if he wanted to argue, but when he
noticed Amir still glaring at him as if he wanted to rip his head off and use
it as a football, he wisely changed his mind. “I think you and Michael should
come with me.”
isn’t going anywhere with you,” Amir
pushed the words out through his teeth.
     Alexis glared at Amir before looking back at David.
“I’ll call you tomorrow, but this is really between Amir and me. I don’t want
you caught in the middle of our…disagreement.”

     Still David hesitated. “Is it true?” he
whispered to Alexis. “Is Amir Montgomery Michael’s father?”
     Alexis slowly nodded. “We have some things we need to
work out. I’ll be okay.”
     “Alright, if that’s what you want. But call me the
minute you get home so that I’ll know you’re okay.” With a defiant glance at
Amir, he leaned down to kiss Alexis before leaving.
     Alexis sighed and raised her eyes to Amir. “I’m sorry
I hit you.”
     Amir was silent for several long moments. “I didn’t
just come out and tell him. I wouldn’t do that after we’d already agreed to
tell him together.”
     Alexis acknowledged, now that she'd calmed down, what
he was telling her made sense. Michael was a very smart boy. It wasn’t beyond
the realm of possibility for him to figure out on his own Amir was his father.
     “I know. I…I apologize.”
     After a moment, Amir nodded, accepting her apology.
When Alexis turned around to go back inside, he called her name. “Just how
involved are you with….David.” He said his name as if it left a bad taste in
his mouth.
     Alexis looked at him curiously. Although David wanted
to take things to the next level, she wasn’t ready and had no time for a
relationship right now, but she didn’t owe Amir Montgomery any explanations.
     “That’s none of your business, is it?”
     She turned to go inside before seeing the look of
jealousy plainly written on Amir’s face.



Over the next several weeks,
Amir spent as much time as he could with Michael. The relationship between
father and son evolved naturally. Michael had his own room at Amir’s house and
a closet full of clothes, toys, and every video game imaginable. Amir told
Alexis he wanted him to feel at home no matter where he stayed. Before long,
their lives fell into a routine that worked for them.

     Having Amir a part of Michael's life took
some getting used to for Alexis, but once she did it was surprisingly easy. She
had to keep reminding herself that she was not the sole person responsible for
her son anymore. There was someone else around to help ease the weight off her
shoulders.  Amir was an excellent father and that's all she expected. Very
quickly, Alexis became comfortable with the idea of Amir being around - and she
wasn't sure if that was wise or not. Alexis intentionally kept him at a
distance. She was honest enough to admit she was attracted to Amir. Seeing how
great he was with Michael drew her to him, but she was not about to open
herself up to that sort of heartache. Michael idolized and worshipped the
ground he walked on. She just had to be careful she didn’t start doing the same
     On a Friday afternoon that Michael was set to spend
the weekend with Amir, he pleaded with Alexis to join them at Amir’s house to
watch a new movie he’d been dying to see. 

     “Mikey, why don’t we just watch the movie
     “Because I want to do it at Dad’s house. We’re popping
popcorn and ordering pizza. And Mom, I asked you not to call me Mikey anymore.”
Alexis hid a grin as his brows bunched down in a scowl that made him look even
more like Amir. 

     As he continued to try to wheedle and
coax her into coming, Alexis sighed. Her breaking point came when he gave her
‘the look’. It was one he’d perfected long ago, and they both knew more times
than not, she would give in.
     “Okay. But I’m just staying for the movie then I’m
coming back home.”

     Michael grinned. He loved when they all
spent time together.
     Silently, Alexis was more than a little apprehensive
about going to Amir’s. At least when he was at her house, she felt as if she
had a little bit more control. But as she told Michael, she would just stay for
the movie - and that’s it.




          Several hours
later, Alexis rang the doorbell to Amir’s and smiled when she saw her son’s
face peeping through the stained glass of the door with a huge grin on his
     “Dad, it’s Mom,” he called out to Amir.
     “Hi sweetie.” She reached down to hug and kiss him
before walking in. Her heart ached a little as she realized how much he was
growing up. She knew being around his father had a lot to do with that. She’d
never admit it to Amir, but she was aware that she had a tendency to baby him,
but that’s what he was to her - her baby, and he always would be.
     Amir came into the family room and greeted her with a
smile. As always, his eyes hungrily swept over her, lingering on her full
breasts until her nipples hardened. Seeing this, his teeth bit down on his lip
while his eyes sought to catch and hold hers. Forgetting they weren’t alone, he
took a step closer. Alexis breathed a sigh of relief when Michael called her
     “Come on, Mom. We just popped the popcorn, now we’re
ready to put my movie in.” Alexis sent her son a grateful look for the
     “How are you, Lexie?” Amir asked. “You look good.” His
eyes did that roaming thing again, lingering on her bare legs.
     Alexis self-consciously tugged at her blue jean mini
skirt which seemed long enough when she put it on earlier, but now left her
feeling a She nervously cleared her throat before she answered.
“I’m fine.” When he continued to stare at her as if he were a lion trying to
decide which part of his meal he wanted to start on first, Alexis tried to
quell her panic.  ” guess we can put the movie on. Afterwards,
I’ll be on my way.”
     “There’s no rush for you to leave. I can almost
guarantee Michael won’t last to the end of it. He’s fighting his sleep as it
is. We’ve been going nonstop since I picked him up, and he’s worn out."

     Michael frowned up at Amir. "I'm not
tired, Dad. I'm not a baby, you know."

     Amir and Alexis exchanged a look of
amusement. "I bought a bottle of your favorite wine on the way home. It’s
chilling in the refrigerator now. After the movie, I thought maybe we could
have a couple of glasses and just relax with some adult conversation.”
     He said it innocently enough, but Alexis thought she
heard a promise of more than just adult conversation in that last sentence.
Having no intention of staying after the credits rolled, Alexis only answered,
“We’ll see.”
     “Okay.” He nodded to Michael. "We're ready. You
can start the movie now."
     Michael picked up the remote but paused when he saw
Alexis going over to a chair by the sofa.

     “Mom, sit over here.” Michael patted the
spot on the other side of him which would put him in the middle of her and
Amir. Amir took his place and stretched his arm along the back of the couch.
Alexis ignored Amir’s knowing grin and sat beside Michael.
     Once the movie began, Alexis started to relax a little
bit . She could sense Amir staring at her over Michael’s head, but kept her
attention glued to the TV screen. All of a sudden, she felt the lightest of
touches along the back of her neck. Amir slid his hand underneath her hair and
made soft circles on her nape. Alexis bit her lip and closed her eyes. She knew
she should move away, but it felt so good. Knowing he couldn’t go any further
with Michael sitting right there, Alexis didn’t see the harm in enjoying his
touch for a few minutes.
     She bent her neck slightly forward to give him better
access. He continued the light teasing before his long fingers slowly slid
around and dipped beneath the front of her tank top. When he touched the slope
of her breast, Alexis had to stifle a moan as sparks of pleasure shot through
her body.

     She looked over at Amir and narrowed her
eyes as he gave her a look full of innocence. Yeah right. Alexis hopped up from
the couch as if it were on fire and stood on unsteady legs.
     “I‘m going to get some water,” she threw out over her
shoulder in a husky voice.
     Once in the kitchen, Alexis opened the refrigerator
door and just stood there, blindly staring at the contents. The cool air felt
good against her flushed skin. She closed her eyes and took several deep
breaths to try and slow her speeding pulse.
     "What is wrong with you??’ she muttered to
herself. ‘You act like the twenty year old virgin you were when you first met
     "Maybe you need to stop thinking so much and go
with your feelings."

     Alexis jumped when she heard Amir's soft
voice a mere whisper behind her. He placed a hand on the door of the fridge,
and the other on the front of it, effectively blocking her in. Alexis tried to
move away, but one hand quickly wrapped itself around her waist keeping her in
place. At the same time, it pulled her squarely back against his body.
     “What are you doing? Stop.” She meant to say the words
as a firm warning, but they came out more like an invitation. 
     Amir let the hardness in his pants answer the question
as he did a slow grind against her soft backside. He reached up and lifted her
hair from her neck so that his lips could continue the teasing his fingers
started earlier. He licked her skin lightly, and as before she tilted her head
to aid his seeking lips. Unable to control her body, Alexis circled her butt
onto his groin until they were engaging in a lazy, erotic, rhythm.
     “M-M-Michael…..” she managed to get out, trying to
remind them both of their son.
     “Asleep.” Amir breathed the word against the side of
her neck as he continued to nip and suck her soft skin. He chuckled when Alexis
reached behind her and placed her hand on the back of his head.

     “That's your spot, isn't it? Or at least
one of them...”

     Alexis' lashes fluttered open. “Y-Yes.
How did you...
...” She bit back the rest of the moan as his mouth
accurately hit just the right area in the curvature of her neck. Oh God! If he
stopped now, she knew she'd die right here and now.

     “How did I know? I remember every single
spot on your body that made you purr, baby.”  Amir lost count of the
number of times he had woken up with a hard-on because he'd been dreaming of
the night he and Alexis had sex.
     The hand splayed over her stomach inched down and
pushed the helm of her tank top up until he touched her bare skin. His fingers
travelled up and quickly unhooked the front clasp of her bra. His other hand
joined in so that he cupped both breasts and squeezed them like ripe fruit.
     The combination of his mouth working in conjunction
with his hands was driving Alexis crazy. She knew she would have love marks
tomorrow by the way he sucked and bit at her skin but it felt so good. His
mouth opened wide and French kissed her neck to take the sting away. Alexis'
pussy flooded from arousal when Amir squeezed and kneaded her breasts like a
baker preparing his dough. His lightly calloused thumbs rubbed back and forth
over her sensitive nipples. She wanted him so bad. Even after all this time,
she'd never forgotten how thick and delicious he'd felt moving inside of her
and awakening her innocence.
     Amir unsnapped her skirt then pulled the zipper down
to allow his hand to plunge inside her panties. He lightly rubbed the soft hair
covering her mound, only letting his fingertips graze the very top of her
southern lips before pulling away teasingly.
     “Amirrr…please,” Alexis whined. 
     Amir licked the delicate rim of her ear before
capturing it gently between his teeth. "Are you sure?" he whispered,
slipping the tip of his tongue inside.
     “Touch me." When he kept teasing her by just
caressing one finger along the outside of her moist outer lips, Alexis moaned
in frustration. “Like this..." 

     She placed her hand over his and pushed
his fingers between her legs until he got to the silky wetness of her opening.
They both let out a long, low growl. Needing no further urging, Amir took over
and slipped his middle finger deep inside of her.

“Damn. You
good, Lexie.”
     When he circled her swollen clit, Alexis clamped her
thighs together and moved against his hand. She was so aroused. She hadn’t been
this excited since...since the last time he got her there.
     “I’m gonna cum...” Her choice was breathless and full
off anticipation. She'd been wanting this for weeks.
     “Not yet...” Amir pulled his finger out and used her
cream to trace her outer lips again. “You know what I’ve been wondering...?”
     Alexis shook her head wildly from side to side. She
was right on the edge and couldn’t take much more of this.
     “I’ve been wondering if you still taste as good as I
remember.” He plunged his finger inside of her hot canal again and withdrew it
covered in her juices. He held Alexis' gaze as he deliberately brought it to
his mouth and sucked every drop of her essence clean.
     “Mmmmm…damn. Even better.” Watching him take such
obvious pleasure from the taste of her flavor turned Alexis on so much. She
leaned her head back against his shoulder and allowed him to give her a long,
wet kiss.

     Still standing with the refrigerator door
open, Amir's mouth never left hers as he opened the freezer side and reached
into the top to get a cube of ice from the ice basket. Alexis swiftly inhaled
when he brought the ice to her stomach. Amir slid it over her warm skin then
continued the wet trail downwards until he got to the lacy waistband of her
panties. His teeth gently bit her earlobe as he dipped his hand beneath her
underwear and pushed the ice cube inside her pussy. With her body temperature
already close to the boiling point, the heat from her core immediately started
to melt the ice and caused thin lines of water to slowly trickle down her inner
thigh. Alexis writhed against him, silently begging for what she needed.

     Amir heard and understood. With his other
hand, he massaged her clit with lazy, deliberate caresses. Alexis was at his
mercy. At that exact moment, Amir owned her body and soul. The sensation of the
cold ice inside of her center, combined with  Amir's fingers which were
moving rapidly over her pleasure button quickly brought her to a hard, body
jerking orgasm.
     “You are so fucking sexy, you know that….” Amir
whispered in her ear as she rode the crest of the climax like a surfer catching
that perfect wave. Aleesha descended from her high and leaned weakly back against
Amir’s chest. Her breasts heaved up and down as she tried to catch her breath.

     Amir stood behind her and held her
trembling body tight as he soothingly kissed her cheek and neck and shoulder.
“It’s okay, baby.”

     Seconds later, a sleepy voice called to
them from the family room. “Dad...? Mom...?”
     Alexis' eyes popped open. Shit! How had forgotten that
her child was in the next room! As she quickly straightened her clothes, Amir
turned her around and kissed her on the lips.
     “I’m going to put him to bed. Then I’ll be right
back.” His look told her he planned to finish what they’d started, and then
     Alexis nodded and watched him walk out. She put her
hands on each side of her hot face as she tried to come out of the lethargic state
her orgasm had left her in.
     “I can’t do this. I have to get out of here.”
     Alexis hurried to the family room. She peeked in
first, and when she saw Amir wasn’t there, snatched up her purse then ran out
the door. She didn’t begin to breathe until she was in the car and had pulled
out of the driveway.
     Amir was on his way back to the kitchen when he heard
her car start up. By the time he got to the front door, he saw her taillights
heading down the street. He stood in the open doorway, fighting to calm down.
Closing the door with more force than was necessary, he felt a sense of déjà vu
as if history was repeating itself: ten years ago, she had run out on him the
same way.
     But that’s where the similarities were going to end.
This time, he knew where to find her.

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