Read No Reservations Online

Authors: Lauren Dane

No Reservations (12 page)

BOOK: No Reservations
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Need to grind her cunt into him warred with control, control that floated away like ash as she came, shattering around him, her head fal ing forwards.

He moved from beneath her, licking his lips, loving her taste. She was warm and relaxed, the way she went after dimax. He laid her back and she opened her eyes slowly, looking at him with a lazy smile.

'You're so good with that mouth of yours. Sexy.' She stretched and he watched as her breasts jiggled, offered to his gaze as her back arched.

'Glad you approve.' He grinned as she sat up, her hair fel forwards in a sweet-smel ing curtain.

'I'm going to suck your cock now.' She arranged pil ows and he sat back against them while she got on al fours and bent over him. He loved to see her this way, her ass swaying as he watched the show. Her mouth taking his cock over and over. So fucking pretty.

She sucked slow, wet and hard. The perfect combination. Each time she pul ed up, she left his cock shiny, darkened as she brought him closer to the edge. One hand fisted at the base of his cock, angling him so she could suck him better and the other braced on his thigh, her nails lightly digging into the muscle there.

'Darling Kate, you look delightful y debauched there with a mouthful of my cock,' he murmured, running his fingers through her hair. That contradiction lured him. The way she was in court or at work, buttoned up, cool, sharply professional, versus the way she was with him. Sexual, adventurous, not afraid to ask for what she wanted or to demand it. He loved the hidden facets she only showed to a few people. His secret dirty girl. Dix liked that. A lot.

He liked it even more when she took him so deep he felt the back of her throat and his toes curled.

Gulping, he managed to croak out some

encouragement but, for the life of him, once he'd said it, he couldn't remember what the fuck he'd said.

She toyed with him for what seemed like hours. Sweat beaded on his forehead and he couldn't seem to stop moaning. He was adrift in a sea she'd created. She was his only way back, his anchor.

You're a very bad, or rather good, girl. Christ, Kate, take pity on me and let me come,' he begged.

She pul ed off, licking her lips, and he felt it like a phantom touch.

'Pity? Oh my sweet Charles, I have no pity. I'm a lawyer, remember? What I have is this, umm, what do I cal it?' She played with her dit as she pretended to think, fisting his cock and sliding it up and down as she did.

'You're evil,' he gasped as she brought him right up to the edge and then, holy God, straddled him and slid down his cock hard and fast.

'Evil and making you come,' she agreed, as he came hard and fast as she surrounded him with her cunt. That hot, sweet place he'd dreamt of since the moment she'd left the car and headed into the airport three days before.

He tossed her to the bed and kissed her thoroughly.

'Why, hel o there, counsel or. And how are you today?'

'A lot better now. My darling, Dix. It was only three days.'

She tried to hide her indulgent smile but he won it anyway.

'I'm greedy when it comes to you.'

She made one of those little snuffling noises to indicate her amused annoyance and damn him if it didn't turn him on.

Rol ing her pretty ass out of bed, she sauntered into the bathroom and back out again some moments later.

She crawled towards him on al fours. Up the bed, just the way he liked it. Al to please him and he loved it.

'Greedy. Pffft. Dix, it was three days. You're like a toddler who's had his candy taken away. I was coming back to you wel in time for New Year's Eve.'

You left because of Eve. I missed you. You promised me this time. And I didn't want you to go away mad. This bed . . .

Christ, Katherine, I slept on a plastic-cove red cootie mat last night with Bingo. You were here with Egyptian cotton sheets?'

'I was. It's a rather superior hotd bed, I wil say that.' She smiled up at him as she snuggled into his side. 'I'm very relaxed right now, Charles. Don't fuck with my mood. I wasn't mad at you, stil not. Don't make me change my mind.'

His phone rang -- the girls' tone. Kate sighed and rol ed over, digging through his pants to hand it to him.


'Oh, Charles, I'm so glad you're safe. You didn't cal and I worried.' Eve.

'Is there a problem with the girls?'

'No. But you didn't cal back after I left a message last night and I was worried.'

Kate growled and moved to stomp away in a huff so he stopped her with his leg over her body, ignoring the slap she delivered to his bel y.

'Don't use Kendal 's phone if it's not an emergency. For fuck's sake, Eve, I'm here with Katherine. I told the girls I'd arrived safely.' 'But you didn't tel me.'

'Eve, what the hel is wrong with you? Do you need a CAT scan? Did you hit your head? Stop this. You're embarrassing yourself and me too. Just. Stop.' He flipped the phone shut and met Kate's gaze.

'Now I'm getting mad. Again with this woman. Let me guess, she put the make on you the moment you returned from taking me to the airport.'

'Doesn't matter. I'm with you. You know that. She knows that. Let's order in, I'm starved. Then we wil have sex again.'

Leah and I have tickets to a . . . thing. A show. I don't know what her situation is with Brandon just now and I don't want to run off. In the meantime, we can definitely order up some snacks. I'm sure the room service at the Tenny Pincher was less than fabulous.'

A machine at the end of the hal with a three-inch-thick sticky film over the entire surface. Whatever was inside you couldn't see it through the glass. What kind of show?'

She picked up the phone and ordered some food and turned back to him. 'Now, what are you going to do about Pickles?'

'When are you going to move in with me?'

'In two years when your daughters are out of school and they won't need you as much.' 'I can be their father and live with you. Come on, Kate, this can be managed.'

And I can be the girlfriend who takes Dad away.

Special. I don't want that. I don't want to be your underline and I don't want to be the reason your children feel you're abandoning them. It's not fair. Not to me and not to them.

Certainly not to you. It's two years. I'm not going anywhere.

Why are you so pushy about it right now?'

'Because.' Before he could explain, the food arrived and she pul ed on a robe. He snorted, took the robe and went out to take care of it.

He shoved a few of the little sandwiches into his mouth and put the tray down and moved back to the bed where she looked pissed off.

'Back to Eve for a moment. She is up your ass al the time which means she'l be up mine if we live together. I don't like her. In fact, after this little series of stunts she's pul ed, I can safely say I hate her. Hate. I only hate like three people.

I'm not having anyholiday dinners where she's invited. I don't want her in my home. This is a big reason not to move in together since you al seem incapable of celebrating holidays without her. I'm not Mrs Brady and she total y hit on you and not for the first time.' She sat up, crouching and looking at him closely.

'What does it matter? She's not a threat to you. And we don't have to have her at our house for holiday dinners. I expect there wil be times when we'l al have to mix. When the girls graduate, weddings, that sort of thing. Wel , not our wedding of course,' he amended quickly.

'OK, first of al , that "not a threat" thing? She used that and I don't like it. Not from her and not from you. The thing is, I don't think you'd cheat on me with her. If I did, I wouldn't be with you. I asked you a direct question. Has she hit on you?'

Yes. Have people hit on you? Come on, I see the way men look at you al the time. Why are you making a big deal out of it if you know I wouldn't cheat on you? Not with her. Not with anyone.'

She took a deep breath. 'Don't. Don't you dare condescend to me. I am not your intel igence-impaired ex-wife. Can you actual y sit there and compare random guys asking me out to the woman you've had children with hitting on you? You have a history with her, a life with her. You've shared some of the most intimate and important life events with her. Of course that bothers me!'

Kate got off the bed and began to get dressed in short jerky movements.

'I don't know what to say. Katherine, I love you. I want to share my life with you. I can't change my past. I can't deny that Eve was important to me once. But it doesn't matter that she throws herself at me, I'm not catching.'

'You're missing the point. Oh my God! Seriously, Charles, you are a smart guy, I'm laying it al out here and you're giving me this shit?'

He got up and tried to hug her but she slapped his hands away. 'I love you, damn it. This is ridiculous. You're acting irrational y. You say yourself that you know I won't cheat.

I'm begging you to be with me and you're pissed? I'm missing the point.'

'Because you want to miss it. The point is, Charles, she's a person who is tied to you forever. In a way I cannot be.

She's part of what's the most important thing in the world to you -- those girls. And rightful y so, they're good kids, you've done a great job. But you act like I'm crazy to be bugged by the fact that she's total y disrespectful to me by repeatedly trying to fuck you when she knows you're with me. And yet I'm supposed to just tolerate it like it's no big thing. Wel , buster, it is a big thing. I don't like it. I hate it as a matter of fact and what I hate even more is that you'd compare that level of disrespect to some random guy at my firm asking me out for drinks.'


'You're right and I'm sorry. She's been like this for so long I just tend to ignore it and let it be background noise.

Because while, yes, she's the mother of my children, she's not what you are. She can play her games, but I don't want her. I want you. Every minute of the day I want you. I wake up wanting you, I go to sleep wanting you. I used to think I was done with kids but I look at you and change my mind. Don't freak on me here, Kate,' he said quickly, noting her body language.

'I'm not freaked. Not real y. It's not like our future is in doubt. We're together and I get that. But like whoa serious, you need to deal with her. I've already told her off, but your daughters are in the middle so I can't do much more without harming them too.'

'So move in with me. That's the best way to solve this issue.' He backed her against the bedroom door and nuzzled her neck. She moaned softly and gasped when he found his way between her thighs. No panties and a skirt. His idea of the perfect Kate outfit.

She opened and hitched a long lean leg up at his hip and he took her invitation, angling his cock quickly and driving up and in as she came down. He thrust hard and fast, sweat building on his spine, on his forehead. Kate held on to him, open to his body, her gaze locked with his. Taking her this way was intimate, more than soft and romantic. The frenzied need she stirred inside wasn't something he was used to, even now after he'd had her time and again. He needed her and she gave herself to him. With her eyes open, meeting him thrust for thrust. That was something of a wonder to him.

'Make me come, Dix.'

'My pleasure.' He pressed her harder against the door, pinning her with his body. This changed her angle and she moaned, grinding herself on him. The swol en knot of her clit pressed against the stalk of his cock, slippery and hard. 'Is that enough for you?' he asked teasingly in her ear as her cunt fluttered around him.

'It's never enough. You could crawl into my body and stay there forever and I stil couldn't get enough. I need you.'

'Christ, you undo me,' he murmured before nipping at her neck.

She made that sound, the one that unravel ed everything within him when he heard it. Deep and low, a desperate, pleading sound as if she were wil ing her orgasm to manifest and then the tiny intake of breath as it did, like she was surprised.

The heat of her, the wet of her, the clamp of her pussy around his invading cock drove him on, drove him as the slap of his body against hers lured, as the rising scent of her body married with his. Sex and lust, need, craving and desire, and love too. She fit him in a way he'd never imagined. In every way, Katherine was his match, exciting and comforting.

He grunted as his cock shot, unloaded deep within her as she writhed through the echoes of her climax.

In the background, as his knees buckled and they headed to the floor, he heard the front door open and close and then his phone rang.

My God your ass is stel ar,' she said as he crawled to where he'd tossed his phone. I'm glad you approve.' He looked at the screen. 'Uh oh, it's Bingo.'

Kate regained feeling in her legs and moved into the bathroom to clean up and set her clothes to rights. When she came back out Dix was sitting on the bed, eating the food they'd had delivered. What's up?'

He's going back to the Penny Pincher. He's giving Leah space to think.'

Go on after him. He's not a moron, but he probably needs a friend right about now. I'm going to talk to Leah and see if, between you and me, we can't get these two crazy kids back together. Take him to a strip club or something suitably guy-bondy type. If you get a lap dance, do not return to me with feminine goo on your pants or I wil maim you. Only my feminine goo is acceptable on any part of you. But who am I to refuse a stripper such a face?'

He stood up and smirked, kissing her hard. 'And you'l be where?'

'Thunder From Down Under. Hunky Australian dudes taking clothes off, undulating, al that jazz. We have tickets and they're non-refundable. What can I say? I wouldn't want to waste the money. I'm al about value.'

He laughed. I do like lap dances, but I like the one you gave me at that little club in Phil y two months ago. Your goo is far more preferable. But hel , I like to look at strippers and it'l give Bingo an outlet. God, I've got to stop cal ing him that. The rule goes for you too. I don't want any male goo on you.'

I don't think they do lap dances but I'l keep that in mind.

Now go.' She pressed her key card into his hand. You're more than welcome to sleep here, in this luxurious bed, servicing me.'

BOOK: No Reservations
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