Read No Place Like Home: The Coming Home Series, Book 1 Online

Authors: Jennifer Kacey

Tags: #FBI;unrequited love;New York;Texas;adoption;teacher;single father;love at first sight

No Place Like Home: The Coming Home Series, Book 1 (6 page)

BOOK: No Place Like Home: The Coming Home Series, Book 1
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Then, as if someone pushed a fast forward button, and before he’d decided to change courses, he’d flipped her onto her back with her head toward one of the corners of the foot of the bed. Her
of surprise made him growl and he knew if he didn’t keep her hands off of him, he’d come. And he wasn’t nearly ready to quit yet. “Don’t move.”

Off the bed, he grabbed the end of his belt and yanked it through the belt loops. Before he climbed back on the bed he snatched his keys, setting them on the nightstand. Then he picked up the handcuffs. “Give me your wrists.”

Her smile brightened his heart. “I’ve never had handcuffs put on me before.”

“This is very serious.” He delivered it deadpan. “No laughing. Very serious.”

She tried unsuccessfully to stop giggling, but it didn’t work for her.

He snapped on the first cuff and it clicked into place.

“Mmm. Cold.”

“Like that, do you?” he asked as he bound her with the second cuff.

“Kinky. It makes me…”

He moved her arms up over her head and draped them off the end of the bed. “Makes you what? Hot? Wet? Excited?” He wound his belt around a section of the bottom of the frame, then around the portion of the handcuffs between her wrists before winding the leather through the buckle to lock it in place.

“Wet,” she answered as he put one side of the belt in each of her hands.

“Hold this, and when you need to pull on something, pull on the leather. Not the cuffs.”

She stared at him as he climbed between her thighs. Panting breaths lifted her ribcage. “Why the belt?”

Settling on his stomach, it took him approximately half a second to lick her from her asshole to her clit. “Metal might hurt you if you pull too strongly.” He licked her again and she tugged on the leather. Hard.

“It’s not like I’m going to come?” She asked it as a question instead of making it a statement and he loved hearing that somewhere in there she wasn’t willing to settle for

“You are most certainly going to come. I actually think you need to come a couple times before I fuck you.” He licked her again, centering his attention around her clit as he slid two fingers inside her pussy. “So wet.”

“How do you do that?” Her back arched when he pumped his fingers along the ribbed area right inside her slick core.

“Do what?” He flicked his tongue over and over her clit and used his free hand to pull at her mound. As soon as he exposed her clit, her pussy locked down, throwing her instantly one step away from coming.

“Know how to touch me. Know how to make me come. Everyone else I’ve been with… Okay, less than a handful of people, but none of them could do this.”

Cole stimulated her g-spot and sucked her clit into his mouth. It triggered her orgasm just as he knew it would. “Come for me.” He latched onto her clit again and licked her harder.

“Fuuuuccccckkkkk,” she groaned as she tugged on his belt and humped her pussy on his face and fingers. She probably didn’t even know she did it. And that was fine by him. He wanted her mindless with pleasure. He wanted her to let everything go and just be with him.

Her hips and feet twitched every time he flicked his tongue across her clit but he kept at it until she whimpered with renewed need. “Cole, please.”

“Please what?” he asked as he pulled his fingers out of her and sucked her juices from them. “Please stop or…”

“Please put yourself inside me. I’m begging you. I’m actually kind of glad you strapped me down.”

“Oh, really?” The idea of her attacking him sat rather well with him. “Wouldn’t be able to control yourself?” He licked her slit one more time before climbing off the bed, and a bit of a growl reached him as she watched him step over to his pants.

“I’d jump you. Probably hold you down.” She squeezed her eyes shut as he grabbed the packet of condoms he’d brought and ripped one off the end. “You must have done something to me. Like a spell.”

“Sure that’s the only plausible explanation? Don’t think it might be because you like things other than just plain vanilla?”

“I rarely get vanilla.” She paused as he fisted his cock, rolling onto her stomach as he moved closer to the end of the bed. “Much less something like this. You.”

He cupped the side of her jaw and she didn’t hesitate opening as he got closer. Not having to tell her what he wanted threw him for a loop. Talk about sexy as hell. She was like a mind reader.

“Your mouth. Fuck.”

“Mmm…” Her hum traveled up his shaft, settling in the pit of his stomach where he already felt the need to come.

His hands in her hair, gently guiding her, turned him on so much he almost lost his resolve not to come in her mouth.

At the last moment he yanked his cock free.

“But I want to taste you.”

He snatched the condom package off the edge of the bed where he’d dropped it at some point. He could think of nothing but getting inside her. Ripping open the package with his teeth, he couldn’t get it on fast enough.

Charlie rolled over onto her back again and wiggled, getting most of her hair out of her face. Climbing between her legs set his heart to some kind of beat he didn’t think anyone had named yet.

It was fast and frantic as he smoothed his palms up her thighs, over her hipbones to cup her breasts. Leaning over to suck one and then the other into his mouth, he loved feeling her arch into him. “Need something, pretty girl?” Knowing what she needed and watching her struggle against the cuffs turned him on something hardcore.

“You. Need you.”

“You have me.”

“Need more.”

He notched the head of his cock against the sweet entrance to her body. “You’re about to have it all.” He pushed into her wet sex, retreating every couple inches so he could ease himself into her without demanding more than her body was ready to take.

“More. Want. All.” She blew out a breath and moaned as he fucked her.

Her nipples beaded and her toes curled as he took her. Push. Retreat. Slide. Retreat. Down on one elbow he tilted his body and grasped her hip with his free hand. Thrusting inside her until his balls touched her pushed him that much closer to filling the condom he wore.

Her heat permeated each of his cells. “You feel—”

“Perfect,” she whispered as she blinked up at him. Heat suffused her cheeks and her pelvis lifted on each thrust.

“Exactly. We fit together.”

“Yes, but…” She trailed off and tried to close her eyes and turn away.

He wouldn’t let her. Pushing one of her legs up, opening her farther, he filled her completely. She moaned and craned her neck, looking for the orgasm she almost had in her grasp.

“But?” He kissed her jaw, her lips, trailing his nose along her skin, breathing her in.

“But… It’s more. Somehow.”

“What’s more? The sex is more?”

She nodded once and blinked as her mouth opened on a pant. “More.”

There are moments in a person’s life where everything comes together. Where they are in the perfect place, with the perfect person, and they were both exactly where they were supposed to me. Planets aligned and all that astrological hoopla.

This was one of those moments. Cole just knew it. It was an “is”, an absolute, as he took her body. Sweat broke out on his temples and his impending orgasm tingled along his spine.

“I don’t want it to end.” He said it. The words were out there between them as he fucked her faster, harder. “But I can’t wait any longer. I need to come. Your body. It’s too much for me to fight anymore.”


The smile that split her lips was pure, unadulterated, radiant joy.

His orgasm shot out the end of his cock. He couldn’t have stopped it if he wanted to. But he didn’t want to. Because he knew it wouldn’t be the last time.

He knew because he wouldn’t let it be.

Spurt after spurt of come filled the condom. The distant thought that he wished he wasn’t wearing one tingled the edges of his consciousness.

He reached between their bodies, rolling his thumb over her clit as he continued to come. “I want you to come on my cock. Do you feel that?”

“Feel. What?” She huffed as she strained to reach the peak she was close to.

“I’m still hard for you. I just came and I’m somehow still hard.” He pulled back and fucked into her tight body again. “I need to feel you squeeze my cock. Mmm… Just like that. Love knowing you’re about to come.”

“But I’ve already come twice.” She seemed almost panicked by it as she jerked her hips in time with his thumb and his cock filling her.

“Three times minimum, Charlie. Pretty sure there’s a three-time minimum.”

Tension broke across her face and her entire body torqued as she came. He moved his thumb one last time, somehow knowing it would be too much for her. Gathering her close, he continued moving in and out of her. Riding her through her orgasm.

One-handed, he removed the belt and tugged her cuffed hands between them. “Not gonna lie. I like seeing my cuffs on you.”

She giggled. After she came, she giggled again and looped her wrists over his head. Pulling him down for a kiss, she sighed against his mouth. “Not gonna lie. I like seeing your cuffs on me.”

“You’ve been in them long enough, I’m afraid. I’m going to have to convince myself to move. Hope my legs will hold me. Damn.” He kissed her again, partially to shut himself up and partially just because he wanted to.

He moved her arms and laid them on her chest while pulling free from the tight clasp of her body.

“Mmm…” Her happy noises. What in the world had he just gotten himself into? Love at first sight didn’t happen. It just didn’t. But the beat of his heart seemed to think otherwise.

But she didn’t even live there.

And what about Addyson? He scrubbed a hand down his face and stood.

Talk about complicated.

The sight she made told him he was in for a doozy of a train wreck. Legs open, pussy still clenching and unclenching as her body tried to process everything that’d happened. Nothing hidden. So open.

He wished he could be the same.

He needed to get dressed and leave.

Staying wasn’t smart and he knew it. So why did it feel as if he’d just gotten punched in the gut when he thought about walking away?

* * * * *

The giggles wouldn’t stop.

They just wouldn’t.

Part of them was because she couldn’t believe what had just happened and the other part was because the amount of happy couldn’t be contained in her body. It had to go somewhere.

She’d almost cried right in the middle when she’d gotten emotional. It felt like more than just sex. It wasn’t. She knew that. But the sensations had nearly swamped her.

And Cole had known. Not what caused it, but he at least knew something was wrong. He’d helped her through it. He hadn’t disappeared. No. He’d fucked her through it.

That word. It had always seemed crude to her. Unfeeling. Remote.

But it wasn’t.

It was fun, and delicious.

Her body twitched with remembered heat as Cole’d licked her, touched her, took her.

The guys she’d been with in college were utter and complete amateurs compared to him. He touched her as if he knew exactly how she’d react to him. Sex had never been like that. She’d surely never reacted to sex like that before.

She jerked as he lifted her wrists, and she opened her eyes to watch him unlock her.

He winked at her. “You might have a couple red marks. They should fade before the morning though.”

“Marks?” It was a stupid question and she knew it, but her brain wasn’t really back online yet. She rolled over onto her side and stared at the red marks on her wrists. “Pretty.”

“Ugh.” Cole walked in the bathroom and Charlie heard the water in the sink turn on.


“I need to leave. I need to get home and get some sleep before work tomorrow and before the carnival.”

“But?” she asked as the water turned off and he came out carrying a washrag.

“But I want to stay. Totally bizarre.” He looked completely perplexed as he climbed on the bed and pushed her legs open.

“I can do that, you know. I’m pretty adept at cleaning myself up.”

“I’m sure you are.” He gently wiped the lips of her sex and then leaned over and licked her. “But if you clean her up I can’t play with her. It’s all a delicate ruse to get to touch her just a little bit longer before I put you to bed.”

As he cleaned her, alternating with the washcloth and his tongue, she rubbed the marks on her wrist. Liking them was an understatement. She cleared her throat, trying not to get embarrassed.

Seemed they were way past that portion of the date.

“I liked giving you a blow job.”

His eyelids jerked up and he pegged her with an intense stare as he licked her clit one last time. “I liked you giving me a blow job. It made you wet. That was so fucking hot.”

“Isn’t that supposed to happen?”

“Yes.” He took the washrag back to the bathroom and then did something with his clothes on the floor she couldn’t see. He scooped her up and slid her under the covers on the bed. But he surprised her by getting in with her and turning off the light on the nightstand. He pulled her close, settling her against him before he continued. “That’s exactly how it’s supposed to go but that’s not normally what happens. A lot of people I think give oral sex because they think they’ll get it in return.”

“I just wanted to lick you, taste you. Getting it wasn’t even on my mind.”

“Exactly. Another reason you are awesome. You getting wet for me?” He squeezed her close then tilted her chin up to take a kiss. “You getting that wet for me told me how much you enjoyed it. You can’t fake that. Meaning it was totally real. Making it insanely hot.”

Thankfully it was dark in the room and she couldn’t see much. But she knew he was staring at her. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and her nipples got hard. “I liked it when you ate at me, too.” It was a whisper in the dark. He was so close she could feel the air from her confession move back to her as it bounced off his skin.

He grabbed the hand she had draped around his chest and moved it to his cock. His hard cock. “I liked it too. A lot. I can normally figure out what it takes to get a girl off, but you coming? Your taste? I could get addicted to it.” He kept his hand over hers and together they squeezed his cock. “Okay, okay,” he admonished with a shake of his head. “Sleep. We have to get some sleep.” He pulled her hand free and wrapped it back around his chest. “I actually had a moment of freak-out earlier, when I was hanging up my jacket.”

BOOK: No Place Like Home: The Coming Home Series, Book 1
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