Nikolai: A Dark Light Novella (Dark Light #2.5)

BOOK: Nikolai: A Dark Light Novella (Dark Light #2.5)
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Copyright © 2013 Syreeta L. Jennings

Book cover by Steph’s Cover Design

Photography by Olga Martzoukou Photography

Model: Kyriakos Kanoulas

Formatting by Danielle Blanchard

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Excerpt from
Donners of The Dead
by Karina Halle

Excerpt from
The Beginning of the End
by Madeline Sheehan

About The Author




For Patty






The stench of bourbon, cheap perfume and sex fill my nostrils, creating a heady cocktail of hedonism that takes me higher than I already am. Melodic sounds of live jazz resonate from Bourbon Street and meld with moans of raucous passion nearby. The eroticism of hearing someone else’s pleasure, imagining the slick feel of damp skin against skin arouses me further, pushing me into oblivion. I let my head fall back and close my eyes, sucking in a breath through my teeth.

I’m close, but not close enough. Never close enough to feel … whole. Complete. Full.

I’m not kidding myself. I know I’ll never be satisfied. I’ll always want more. More wealth. More power. More women. And while I have more of each than any one man should, it’s not enough. It’s never enough. The hunger is real. Deep. Overwhelming. Consuming me from the inside out.

I lift my heavy head and slowly peel open my eyes, gazing down at a crown of blonde, wavy locks bobbing up and down in my lap. I force myself to abandon all thought and just focus on the waves of sensation coursing through my body. Prickly white heat crawls up my legs and floods my veins before sinking into the heaviness between my thighs.

This … I can do. This … is easy.

Over and over again, my cock disappears into her wet mouth. Pink lips slide over the rigid, smooth skin, taking me deeper with every stroke. The swollen tip hits the back of her throat and she doesn’t even flinch. No gag reflex. Shit. This one is good. I think I’ll keep her.

“Look at me, pretty girl,” I tell her, gently grabbing a handful of her sunkissed hair. She complies with wide, eager eyes, but doesn’t stall her movements. “That’s right. Just like that. Take all of me. Deeper. I want to feel those sweet lips all over me.”

She does as she’s told with enthusiasm, desperate for my approval. She knows I’m
. Somebody important. Somebody that could potentially change her shitty existence. And I intend to, just not the way she’s hoping.

Minutes tick by as I watch her suck me off with determination, growing more impatient, begging for my climax with her piercing gaze. She’s giving me her all, pulling out all the tricks, fondling every erogenous zone known to man. An arrogant smirk plays on my lips before I put her out of her misery.

“You can stop now. Come,” I say, patting my lap. She’s only too willing to slide her thong clad ass on my thigh, thrusting her full, naked breasts in my face. I pluck a pink nipple before rolling the bud between my fingers, giving it a tug. She moans her pleasure and begins kissing my neck.

“Oooh, that feels good. Take me, please. I’m so hot for you. I want that big cock inside me.” She trails wet kisses from my neck to my jaw. Wet heat seeps from her pussy and onto my slacks. Fuck. Just what I need - cum stains all over my Armani.

I shake my head. “No, baby.” I caress her other breast to cushion the blow.

“But you didn’t come. Let me make you come. I promise you; it’ll feel real good. Please, baby. I’ll do you right.”

Again, I shake my head. “I don’t come.”

“Huh?” She lifts her head to access my expression. I look back at her with ice cold, blue eyes, devoid of even a trace of humor. “You don’t come?”

“No. Never.”

She flicks out her tongue and runs it along her bottom lip before donning an arrogant smile. “Well, you just haven’t felt how good my pussy is.”

My softening cock marginally jolts back to life with the feel of her warm, delicate hand wrapped around it. Her lips advance towards mine, causing me to raise a palm to halt her advances. I stifle a chuckle when her face crashes into my hand.

“And I don’t kiss on the mouth.”

Letting out an aggravated breath, she rolls her eyes. “Well… what
you do?”

“With you? Nothing. Not a goddamn thing.”

“Nothing?” she spits indignantly. “Well, why the fuck am I here? So what…I’m good enough to suck you off, but not good enough to fuck?”

Growing bored with the annoyingly shrill sound of her voice, I stand faster than she can comprehend, and she tumbles onto the floor with a loud thud. I stuff myself back into my slacks and gaze down at the pathetic sack of flesh and bone covered only in a strip of black satin.

“Exactly. I don’t fuck the talent.”

Three raps on the door slice into the tension and Varshaun, my best friend and right hand, enters. “You called?”

I nod. “Take this one to Nadia.” I crouch down to her level on the floor and run a hand through her blonde hair. Initially, she recoils but instantly relaxes under my touch, her gaze locked onto my icy blue irises. Bringing a coiled lock to my nose, I inhale the scent of her: earth, foliage and sunlight. Euphoria invades my lungs before spreading throughout my chest and abdomen. I close my eyes for a moment and savor it, letting it warm my cold, desolate soul. If only it were this simple. If only
was enough.

Dropping the lock of hair, I run a finger along her bottom lip. “We’ll call her…Sunshine.”

Before she can blink, she’s airborne, and Varshaun is pulling her from the room. She looks as if she is on the brink of tears at the loss of my soothing touch.

“Wha…what? What are you doing? Where are you taking me? Sunshine?” she stammers, panic contorting her soft features. “What the fuck? That’s not my name!”

In an instant, I’m in her face, roughly grasping her chin so she has no choice but to see the rage painted on my face. Her eyes widen with horror at the sight of me.
The real me.
There is no exotic beauty here. No trace of the carnal attraction that made her knees weak just minutes before. Only evil. Violence. Disgust.

“I. Don’t. Give. A.
. Your name is whatever I say it is. Do you understand, Sunshine? Can your pretty little head grasp that?”

“Yes…Yes…” she rasps with quivering lips. Lips that were wrapped around my hardness just minutes ago. Lips that could probably suck the paint off the walls.

BOOK: Nikolai: A Dark Light Novella (Dark Light #2.5)
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