Newmar, Lola - Devlin's Beast [Scarlett Rose and the Seven Longhorns 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (3 page)

BOOK: Newmar, Lola - Devlin's Beast [Scarlett Rose and the Seven Longhorns 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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Raised without a mother and by an elderly, Dallas-business-royalty father, Scarlett had grown up fast and mostly on her own. Visions she and her mates had gained over the last couple of weeks clued her in on her social life as well. It turns out she didn’t have much of one. Being just twenty-one and already the head VP of account relations apparently didn’t come without significant sacrifice.

There weren’t many memories of slumber parties with the girlfriends, hot dates with the quarterback, or sneaking spiked punch into prom. Her father’s company took up all her time and energy. But if she wanted to move to the top in the multi-million-dollar public relations agency her father had dedicated his entire life to, she had to put in the blood, sweat, and tears required for a young girl like her to become as successful as she was. She often wondered if that was the reason she was so drawn to Devlin’s sexual appetites. The thought of finally being the one not calling the shots and instead surrendering to her desires with not just the permission of her Master, but with his insistence, was extremely fascinating and tempting to the young city girl.

“Now turn around and lean over the table.”

Staring back at him, she struggled to form a coherent thought long enough to ask him what he planned to do to her from behind. A spanking maybe? God, she hoped so. Just imagining his work-roughened hands coming down on her tender flesh as he fucked her hard made her wiggle in her seat, her panties dampening more with each image swimming through her mind.

“Now!” he growled, horrifying her into obeying immediately.

She moved so fast to do as he said that she almost fell over on her own feet. When she plopped down on her tummy, atop the dining table, Devlin didn’t waste a second before ripping her shirt completely in half from the back. Not expecting such force, her instinct was to scream out in terror. Devlin immediately muffled her cry with one hand as he tore her panties off with the other.

“The lessons I planned out for you start now. The time has come to seriously start your training as my lifelong submissive. Since you seem to have a bit of an authority issue with me, I’m going to start by making sure you know exactly who is boss in this situation.”

The logical voice in her head told her to back-kick the dog right in his arrogant scrotum. She wasn’t supposed to let anyone talk to her in that way, much less a man she’d given her heart to. But somehow, in the depths of her heart, she knew that wasn’t at all Devlin’s intention, so she obeyed. There was movement behind her, and she could hear Devlin mumbling to himself, but she couldn’t quite make out the words because his voice was so low. Going off the way he rubbed her bare ass with admiration and love, she figured there was likely positive stuff coming out of his mouth.

“Mmm,” she moaned, her eyes fluttering closed in bliss when she suddenly felt his wet tongue poke between her ass cheeks and lave the tight, sensitive hole, lubricating her for what she hoped would be his cock, or his finger at the very least. Then she heard the unmistakable sound of his sucking on something before his wet finger gently pressed again her asshole.

“Relax,” he commanded when she involuntarily squeezed her ass before he could begin to penetrate.

Concentrating on her breathing, she slowly relaxed her entire body with special attention paid to her ass. His finger went for the window of opportunity at that time and carefully pushed in just little. “Goddamn, I don’t think I’ll ever get over how fucking amazing and tight this gorgeous ass of yours is. No matter what punishments or humiliations I have planned for you, it’s incredibly important to prepare you first. Like I said, kitten, protecting you from harm is above all the top priority in my life, as it will be until the day I day I die.”

As he spoke, he slowly worked his digit into her body little by little. It was just his index finger, but it felt huge and thick inside her ass. A burning sensation briefly peaked in pain before disappearing as quickly as it had appeared.

She sighed with relief, and it seemed Devlin used that as his cue to pull out and push back in with a second finger, gradually building speed as her ass loosened around his fingers. Soon she was grinding her ass back against his hand, and her pussy flooded with desire at the full, naughty sensations overtaking her asshole.

“Stop moving.”

She didn’t hesitate to obey his authoritative tone and went still. He retracted his fingers then, which were quickly replaced by the nudging of the head of his cock. They both took a deep breath as he pushed forward, his generous and thoughtful preparation paying off when he easily slid in the snug channel. It was torture, but she remained still as he fucked her ass against the breakfast table, causing ripples of happiness to course through every limb.

His speed started off slow, her body slowly adjusting to his large size. “Do you know why we’re starting today by fucking your ass?” he practically chanted out between heavy breathing.

“W–Why?” she managed to choke out.

“Because I’m making sure you start your day completely submitted to me, and nothing quite does that like having a big cock in your ass.”

“Oh yes,” she hissed between her clenched teeth, loving the way his large shaft pumped deliciously in and out of her body while his balls slapped against her pussy and clit like a naughty tease.

She cried out in pain when his hand struck her ass, stinging her sensitive skin. He struck her again, but this time, she noticed the pain searing through her body, morphing into pleasure as the aftershocks seemed to settle in her cunt.

“Damn, your ass is squeezing my cock so tight.” He reached around and impaled her pussy with two fingers. “Come for me, kitten.”

“Oh, oh!” she screamed over and over as her body felt like it was folding into itself, her cunt and asshole hugging him in desperation. Her voice briefly cut off when she exploded like a blazing comet in the sky.

They both quickly came together, his body pounding against hers in desperation as he filled her ass with his thick cum. His chest fell on top of her back, his body heat easing her aching back muscles like a hot water bottle that had just given her a full-body orgasm.

Chapter Three

Alisa breathed past the burning stream of fire running down her throat, inhaling her crisp menthol cigarette to push down the sting of the expensive tequila. She poured one more shot before corking the bottle and placing it back in the glassed bar shelves at the back of Charlie’s recreational room. Again, she held her breath then threw back shot number two. She glanced at the clock and sighed in frustration. It was twenty until ten in the morning. Her mother, Dasha, and Todd were expected to meet her in the game room exactly ten minutes before, but as usual, the two biggest pains in her ass possessed absolutely no respect for her.

She’d just picked up an empty shot glass to throw against the wall when her mother and secret lover finally walked in. “Jesus, where the fuck have y’all been?”

“We’ve been up since six trying to care for his hand,” said Dasha as she poured herself a scotch. “Which I believe is
job, you little brat, not mine.”

Todd’s eyes were red ringed and very puffy, an obvious indication he’d spent his lovely morning screaming and crying. He looked at her sad and wide-eyed, but instead of looking back at him with sympathy, she rolled her eyes.

“Anyways, this whole hit-man thing doesn’t really seem to be our niche. So I’ve come up with another plan. Master Brock told me he knew a group of brothers who were interested in some weird human trafficking ring. I’m thinking that maybe we can somehow send these brothers a recent picture of Scarlett and perhaps pay them to kidnap her then get rid of the nosey little bitch once and for all. We all have cameras on our cell phones, so next time we see her, we’ve no excuse not to walk away with a picture to send to the Razos.”

“We just might get that picture today,” said Todd. “This morning your father spoke to Scarlett on the phone.”

Alisa and Dasha both twirled toward Todd, rushing toward him in panic over his annoyingly casual words.

“Well did she mention last night?” Dasha screeched impatiently.

Todd took his time shaking his head side to side. “Nope. She only told him she needed a word with him during lunch.”

“Not before I get to him first!” Alisa slammed down her fist on the marble bar top in fury. “I’m going to reveal her whoring ways to her father before she gets a chance to tell him I tried to kill her. Once her father finds out she’s fucking seven rednecks at the same time, the only words he’ll hear coming out of her bopping mouth is blah, blah, blah…”

“Alisa, my dear?”

Alisa clapped her hands in excitement before turning to her elderly fiancé. “Charlie, my love, just the person I wanted to talk to right now.”

Chapter Four

Scarlett closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her nose, listening to Leo’s sexy, deep voice in her head. She silently counted to ten, just the way he’d taught her to relieve her anxiety so many times the past week or so. Then she slowly and steadily released the breath through her pursed lips, imagining the millions of butterflies swarming inside her tummy, flying out of her body along with that cleansing breath.

The heavy touch of Devlin’s large hands on her relaxing shoulders had her opening her eyes again. The skin around his jade-green eyes slightly crinkled as he gave her a sexy smile.

“Feel a little better now, darlin’?”

Scarlett nodded her head as she stepped closer and wrapped her arms around his wide frame. Her cheek rested against his crisp blue cotton shirt. The woodsy, clean scent of his skin seduced her. She had to strain her neck to look up at him when she held his tall body that close. “Yes. A little.”

Devlin leaned down and kissed her. His lips felt relaxed and soft, but his embrace tightened around her body for a few moments, just long enough to let her know he’d want so much more of her later. His fingers curled into the soft upper part of her ass, just barely causing the hem of her peach-colored summer dress to lift a little. The light fog of lust momentarily blinded her from the ugly reality of the situation.

When he released her lips, he immediately smoothed down the material over her ass. His handsome features were characteristically stern and serious. “No matter what happens, darlin’, don’t forget I’m right here by your side, and I’m not going anywhere. Let’s just go in there and calmly explain things to your father the best we can. Stop worrying. He’ll believe you, baby.”

He grabbed her hand in his, and they both turned and walked toward the tall glass doors of the skyscraper in which her father’s public relations agency was located. Reminding herself that all the Lenox brothers insisted on abiding by old-fashioned chivalry, she stopped a couple of steps before reaching the door to allow Devlin to open it for her. She smiled at the way he put a protective hand on her lower back as she passed through the doorway. It made her feel like a protected treasure when he did that. It seemed like it was a subtle sign to anyone looking on that she was all his and that anyone thinking of hurting her should think twice before signing their life away.

That comfort was something she craved in the situation at hand. This meeting could go well or very badly. She was sure that if she could only gain the rest of her memory back, she’d be smart enough to think her way out of this nightmare while keeping those she loved safe. As far as she knew, her father was the only blood family she had, and she just wasn’t willing to forget about him as if he never existed. In love or not, her instincts pulled her to protect her father. It was obvious she’d loved him very much, despite her nontraditional upbringing.

They walked across the cream marble floors in the massive, chilly lobby until they stood in front of a chubby little redhead sitting at the oversized receptionist desk beside the rows of elevators. Her hair was a fireball of curly frizz, and she wore a taupe blouse with a matching taupe scarf. Even if it weren’t for her mannerisms, the woman’s outfit alone screamed bored. She sipped her steaming hot coffee as she stared at the computer screen in front of her, her chin resting in her other hand. Scarlett was sure that before the amnesia, she and this woman had been well acquainted since she knew she worked there. But because of the goddamn memory loss, she had no idea how well they really knew each other, so she just had to wing it. The gold nameplate in the center of the desk indicated the receptionist’s name was Margot.

“Good morning, Miss Margot!” Scarlett exclaimed in a very peppy voice. She’d already learned to keep her interactions with people from her “past” simple. The less that was said was usually the better.

The woman’s eyes widened when she turned to Scarlett, and she almost choked on her coffee. “M–Miss Scarlett! What a pleasant surprise.”

Scarlett shot Devlin a quick glance, seeing he looked as puzzled as she felt. “Surprise? It’s five minutes until noon. I have a lunch appointment with my father. Is he here?”

BOOK: Newmar, Lola - Devlin's Beast [Scarlett Rose and the Seven Longhorns 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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