Read Never Have I Ever Online

Authors: Alisha Rai

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal

Never Have I Ever (8 page)

BOOK: Never Have I Ever
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The sentences became a never-ending loop in his head, reverberating through every cell in his body, commanding him, working him into a frenzy. He didn’t even need to look at the disturbed snow—he could smell her, so close, so close, soclosesoclosesoclose…

He broke free from the stand of trees. Her ski suit made her into a target of puffy pink, small and defenseless in the huge backyard of the cottage. Like any good predator, he made sure she heard him too late. By the time she started to turn, he was in mid-leap. She could only get out a tiny squeak before he tackled her to the ground.

Somehow, though he was in his frenzied state, he managed to keep her landing soft, cradling a hand under her head so she wouldn’t smack it against the snow, shifting his weight so he didn’t land on her.

He kissed her, his desperation and need a living thing, uncaring that she still wore a ski mask, uncaring that she was bundled in layers of slick outerwear.

She kissed him back eagerly, but it was the cold lips under his that made him draw back, reason entering his mind for the first time since he’d caught her scent.

“Inside,” he said roughly.

With the ski mask on, all he could see was her wild eyes and her lax, wet mouth. She grabbed him by the sides of his face and brought him down to kiss her again.

He complied, surprised and hard. Was she as excited by this chase as he was? It was the slight touch of wetness on his wrist where his glove had separated from his jacket sleeve that brought him back to the world.

“Too cold,” he rumbled, and moved off her despite her grasping arms.

He hoisted her to her feet and glanced at the house. Eli was inside there.

Good. Make him watch you take her. Maybe he doesn’t know yet that she’s yours. Force him to admit it.

Taylor shook his head, trying to shove the vicious thoughts out. Images bombarded him again, even more dark and dirty, of Eli holding Ana still for his penetration. Fucking his wife’s mouth while the other man ate out her cunt, both of them driving her wild with pleasure.

No! No. He’d never treat her like that.

“Taylor, please, fuck me here. I need you so bad.”

The dirty word coming from his wife’s sweet lips drove him even further into his dangerously borderline feral state. If she had had his higher body temperature, she probably could have easily been fucked into a snowbank, but she didn’t. And he feared what would happen if he did take her to the house to find Eli there.

So he hoisted her into a fireman’s carry, ignoring her yelp of surprise, and made way for the huge storage shed. Despite its humble name, the space was large and neat, and most importantly, it kept the cold out.

After he entered, he set her on her feet on the concrete floor and gave her a terse order. “Strip.” The interior of the large shed was already warmer than the outdoors, but he turned on the two space heaters on either end of the open floor.

He stripped his own clothes off, tossing them into a pile on the ground, until he stood naked. By the time he’d done that, she’d just wiggled out of her tight boots and snowsuit and was about to pull her ski mask off. “Leave the mask on.”

She blinked at him with her innocent doe eyes, taking in his naked and ready body. He stalked closer to her. “Do you have any idea what you’ve started here?”

She shook her head and then gasped when he took her flannel shirt in his hands and ripped it clean down the center, buttons pinging everywhere. He shredded the shirt underneath it as well, and then her bra while she stood docilely in front of him. “It’ll be hard, and rough. Tell me now if you don’t want it.” He didn’t know how he’d let her go, but even if it killed him, he’d find some way to allow her to walk out the door. He’d find some way to bury this part of him deep inside.

She said nothing, though her brown eyes behind the mask were more than eloquent, conveying a need and a desire he couldn’t mistake. She unsnapped her jeans, shimmied them down her legs, dropping her panties with them as well.

“Your safe word is mountain. Say it and everything stops.” They’d had no need for safe words before, had never engaged in anything which might lead to confusion as to whether she wanted it or not.

He waited until she nodded before spinning her around so her back was facing him. With a quick jerk, he pushed her mask up until it covered only the top half of her face, leaving her nose and mouth free. She breathed in fast little pants once she was essentially blindfolded. “Can you see?”

She gave a shake of her head.

“Good.” Taylor led her over to a waist-high worktable near the wall and pressed on her back to lower her over it so her ass stuck out toward him. For someone so tiny, her ass was a round handful that always delighted him. He pressed his palm to her cheek and squeezed it roughly, loving the way the resilient flesh gave way under his palm. When he released her, he could see the imprint of his hand there fading into her skin.

He stared at that imprint until it was long gone, stroking over the rest of her flesh. The fine tremors running through her body, the loss of control she was experiencing the longer he waited, ironically made him gain more control, made him more determined to teach her a lesson.

In…what, he wasn’t quite sure.

“You’ve been teasing me, Ana.” He ran his finger up her fragile spine, making her shiver. “Hitting me with snowballs, making me chase you through the woods. You knew what would happen when you did it, didn’t you?” His voice sounded lower to his own ears, like a stranger’s.


His hand pulled back and swung forward. A part of his brain, the sane, rational part that didn’t understand why he was doing this, watched in horrific fascination, as if he were doing this in slow motion. The slap resonated through the room. “You’re lying to me.”



The shocked voice inside him grew dimmer when he popped her a second time. “I think you did know.”


“Please what?”
Don’t say mountain, don’t say mountain…

“Please…don’t make me wait. I was teasing you. I did know.”

If someone had goosed him with an electrical current, he couldn’t have been more shocked by Ana’s husky plea. God. She wanted this. She really wanted this.

So give it to her.

A smile spread across his face. Yeah, he’d give it to her. “Whatever you want.”

Chapter Six

Ana hadn’t realized just how kinky her secret desires could get until she was blindfolded, bent naked over a cold metal worktable and begging to be spanked by her husband.

Masturbating and teasing her husband in a car? Please. Vanilla.

Giving him a blowjob while they watched a porno together? Only mildly naughty.

But this…this was pretty out there.

She wasn’t even all that sure what she had gotten into. But it had felt so good, that first little burst of pain when Taylor had swatted her, all of the sensations increased thanks to her loss of sight. It could only get better.

And more importantly, she trusted Taylor. Trusted him with her life and safety, and trusted him to stop if she uttered the safe word.

He slapped her ass again, harder, and she gasped, her stiff nipples rubbing against the chilled metal of the table. His blows fell on both cheeks at a speed he constantly varied. It got to the point that she was waiting with bated breath for the next blow to fall.

But then they stopped. Her breathing was harsh in her ears, mingling with the sound of his breathing behind her. She waited.

And waited. Her back was hot from the space heaters and his swats, while her front was freezing from the metal.

Frowning, she tried to push herself up from the table. His hand between her shoulder blades stopped her. “Did I tell you to get up?”

The unfamiliar silky menace in his voice sent a rush of wetness straight to her vagina. “N-no.”


She lay down in the original position, not at all surprised when he pulled her arms behind her. Something looped around her wrists and tightened. “Your bra is pretty much useless for anything but this,” he said, dark humor in his voice.

She shivered. He’d tied her up with her own bra? She probably should have been protesting that, but…sexy.

He’d tied her loose enough that her arms didn’t hurt. Mainly, she just felt…helpless. And God, it was fun.

She tried to inject a beguiling note in her voice. “Please don’t hurt me. I’ll do whatever you say.”

His hand sank into the strands of her hair and he drew her head up. The tug on her scalp made her as hot as it had the night before. His teeth scraped the side of her neck before he whispered in her ear. “You have to do whatever I say. You’re all tied up, just for me. Do you understand?”

She nodded, then gave a gasp when he gently bit at her ear. “Say, yes sir.”


“Good girl.”

The phrase was sexist and chauvinistic. So why did it thrill her as much as it had last night? She waited, breath held, pussy slick, as she listened to him walk away.

The sound of rustling came to her ears. Something scraped across the floor. Footsteps rang out against the concrete, echoing the pounding of her heart, closer and closer until she knew he stood behind her.

Seconds ticked by, the urge to squirm becoming close to unbearable the longer he withheld his touch. The silence wore on her nerves until she finally had to shift her weight to keep from going insane from want. Immediately, something smacked her bottom, stinging her flesh harder than his hand had done. She jumped, and he grabbed her hips. “Hold still. If you move again, you’ll be seeing to my pleasure before I let you come.
I let you come. Got it?”


She managed to hold still while he whacked her twice more with what felt like a paddle. It had some sort of rubberized side which kept the blows from actually hurting her.

Then he stopped, inserted his foot between hers and kicked her stance wider. Resistance didn’t cross her mind, since she knew she’d be rewarded. Sure enough, he pressed two huge fingers inside of her. “Mmm. You’re nice and wet. Listen, you can even hear it.” He fucked her with his fingers a few times, and her ears grew hot at the squelching sound his digits made as he pressed into her tight, wet passage.

He withdrew his fingers. Ana wanted to whimper, but recalled his warning just in time to stifle her plea. The next thing she felt was his breath puffing along the folds of her pussy. His fingers bit into her thighs as he pressed her legs wider to accommodate his head.

When he’d eaten her out before, it had been a gentle, loving thing, and he’d always started out with slow, languorous kisses to her clit with shy forays into her passage. There was nothing shy or languorous about this, and while it may have been loving, there was nothing gentle about it either. His tongue thrust deep inside of her, and he fucked her with it while rubbing against her clit with the pad of his thumb.

When she squirmed—how could she not?—he withdrew his mouth from her and lazily spanked her with the paddle. The heat of the blows only made the blood rush faster to her pussy, which made it even harder to keep still.

She tried though, she really tried, even though the paddling was not so much a punishment as much as it was a way to stroke her own desire higher. She needed to come, and the paddle wouldn’t allow that. Or so she thought until she felt something round and wooden resting against her clit.

He circled it once, then twice, while fucking her with his tongue, and she came in a high keening sound, her hips going wild in his restraining grip. He didn’t bother to stop her, simply allowed her to finish it out, sucking the climax out of her while giving her a base to rage against. When she came back to reality, her cheek was resting against the surface of the table, pants coming from her mouth, her body lax and boneless. If it wasn’t for his hands on her hips and the fact that her upper body was bent over the table, she wouldn’t have been able to remain standing.

Something hit the table next to her head, but she didn’t so much as stir until his hands squeezed her ass cheeks and opened them up. The air wafted over her and she whimpered. He kept her held open and brought the tip of his cock to rest against her small asshole.

His hot body covered her back as he leaned in close to whisper in her ear. His movement made the tip of his cock teasingly rim the small opening of her hole, making her gasp. “I want to fuck you here.”

They’d never tried anal sex. Suddenly the idea seemed wildly appealing, though she knew it would hurt. She didn’t even care, because if it was sex and Taylor was involved, she knew it would also be explosive.

He bit her ear. “I don’t think Eli keeps any lube in here, unfortunately. But if I wanted to, you’d let me, wouldn’t you?” He rubbed against her.


“You’d let me do anything I wanted to you, wouldn’t you?”



She licked her lips. The answer was obvious. “Because I’m yours.”

“Damn right.”

He stood and thrust inside her pussy so hard her legs lifted off the floor. She strained against her bonds, instinctively seeking to grab on to something, but there was no hope of retreat. He hammered into her, abrading her nipples against the cold metal. And then the metal was replaced by his hands as he pulled her up off the table until she stood. With one hand across her breasts, the other on her shoulder to keep her steady, he fucked upwards once, twice…her pussy convulsed around him as she came. He fucked her through another climax, and then pushed her back down on the table to bury himself deep and find his own pleasure.

As she lay there, thoroughly exhausted, only one thought ran through her brain.

How had they gone for two years as a couple and not tried something like this before?

Once Taylor climaxed, he lay over her for a good while, breathing in great gulps of air. Then she’d felt his fingers, suddenly clumsy, attacking the knots in the bra on her wrists.

She was too tired to move, so she didn’t mind the fact that he gently massaged the blood flow back into her tired arms, or that he kept her prone on the table as he pressed small, almost pleading kisses on her back.

BOOK: Never Have I Ever
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