Read Mysterious Warriors: Alone Online

Authors: T. N. Hayden

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Superheroes, #Teen & Young Adult, #Children's eBooks, #Superhero

Mysterious Warriors: Alone (25 page)

BOOK: Mysterious Warriors: Alone
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Child of Destiny


“The Liberator shall destroy the evil upon the throne with her true love, the Bloodline Prince, by her side. The Chain shall stop the bringing of peace if the Liberator allows it.”

~ Prologue ~

Dintz 38, 538

Beryl, Najos


              Who did he think he was? Megan Broxley had never been so insulted in her life. Rather than face him again, she had quickly walked away from the dark brown-haired man with dazzling blue eyes. Megan took a deep breath, turning her attention to her sister and her brother-in-law as they danced a waltz. The three had vacationed together from their hometown for the past several months. Megan gently touched the necklace she always wore, thinking of her grandfather as she did.

              “Hello lovely lady.” A man cleared his throat as he spoke to her.

              Megan was tired of all the attention. She wanted peace and someone who could see past her outward appearance. “Hello.”

              “My name is Derek.” He grinned, revealing white teeth and a dimple in his right cheek. “What’s yours?”

              “Megan.” She put on a smile. She had to be courteous. Her manners were her greatest weapon, and it was the thing which could broker peace. Or so her mother always told her. She preferred reading in a library to speaking with strangers.

              “May I have the pleasure of a dance?”

              She eyed him closely. He was average height with dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. His friendly smile brought a real one to her lips, and Megan couldn’t dwell on the comments Scott had made to her.

              “It would be my honor.” Megan took his hand. It was rough, as if he had worked every day in his life.

              “What brings you to Beryl?” Derek asked as they joined the waltz.

              “My sister, her husband, and I are traveling to see the country.” Megan explained as she stepped in a box. “What about you? Do you live in Beryl?”

              “No.” He chuckled. “I grew up in Pyrite.”

              “Are you a fisherman?” Megan was familiar with the cities of Najos. Her mother, a governess, had educated her daughters far past the normal expectations of women.

              “I used to be.” Derek gently spun Megan. “I’m now on different missions for the kingdom, which is what brought me here.”

              “You’re a soldier?”

              “Something like that.” He pulled her close, her heart fluttered, and he whispered. “Would you like to go outside for a breath of fresh air?”

              She nodded, unable to answer him. Megan couldn’t express the strange feeling she had coursing through her body, and she took a deep breath as Derek led her onto an outer balcony. Megan went to the railing and looked up. “Aren’t they beautiful?”

              Derek moved beside her and looked at the stars. He turned his gaze to her face and whispered. “Very.”

              “My grandfather always said stars have magic.” Megan felt like she was in a dream, something she couldn’t understand. Was this really happening? “He told me stars grant wishes.”

              “What is your wish?” Derek was suddenly very close.

              Megan looked at her soft hands as they danced against the railing. “It doesn’t matter what I wish.” Her voice was so low, she wasn’t sure he could hear her.

              “It does to me.” Derek put a finger under her chin and lifted her head to look into her eyes. His were deep brown pools of something purer than desire, stronger than iron, and softer than silk.

              “I wish destiny wasn’t written.” The words slipped from her mouth before she could think.

              “I know what you mean.”

              “So that’s your wish as well?” Megan couldn’t tear her gaze from him.

              Derek grinned. “I want to rule my fate. That’s my wish.”

              “Then we should rule our own fates.” Megan gently slipped her arm around his back. Her cheeks flamed as she wondered where this boldness came from.

              Derek grinned and cupped her neck, tilting her face up to kiss her. Megan gripped the lapels of his jacket to pull him closer in their kiss. She sighed happily as their mouths danced like their feet had before.

              “We won’t hurt you.” Derek took a step closer. “I could never hurt you.” He gently reached up to touch one of her braids.

              She bit her lip as something besides butterflies flew in her stomach. “What do you mean?”

              He brought his finger under her chin and gently kissed her again. Derek suddenly pulled back and gently removed the white-gold ring on his right finger. “Take this Megan, and may it always remind you of me.”

              “It’s beautiful.” She touched the white-gold. She frowned as she noticed the etchings in the ring. “What does this mean?”

              “I don’t know.” Derek grinned. “My uncle gave me that ring, and I’ve had it since I was eight. Keep this, and think of me.”

              “I have a feeling I’ll be thinking of you for a long time.” She gently touched his cheek and shook her head. “I don’t understand. I shouldn’t feel like this. I just met you, and you just met me.”

              “But it’s like we’ve known each other for a long time.”

              “Megan.” Scott gasped. “Let her go.”

              Megan whirled around and noticed a dark-brown haired woman and black-haired man with Scott.

              Suddenly Derek grabbed her               wrists and pulled her close. “Scott, take my sister and her husband to the weapons stash.” He yanked Megan aside him, and she gasped as he held her tight. She wasn’t sure what was happening.

              “Weapons.” The dark brown-haired woman stated. She grinned at Derek and the man with them. “She’ll be safe once we get what we came for.”

              “Fred, go with Abby.” Derek sounded like he was in charge. “I’ll stay here.”

              Abby nodded, and she left with Scott and Fred.

              “I’m sorry about this.” Derek released Megan. “I should explain that I don’t work with the king. He’s an evil tyrant, and we want to see him gone. We work with a group of rebels, and we’re here to get more weapons.”

              “I understood that last part.” Megan’s heart pounded as she played with the maroon material tied around her waist as a sash. She’d read about the rebellion since she was fourteen. Now a handsome rebel stood in front of her.

              “We won’t hurt you.” Derek continued. He took a step closer. “I could never hurt you.” He gently reached up to touch one of the auburn braids pinned back with the rest of her hair. “I can’t explain it, but I think there may be something between us Megan.”

              She bit her lip, unsure if she should tell him the truth.

Child of Hope

Coming May 24, 2016


“A powerful Sorceress will rise with a strong power.”

~ Prologue ~

Owlet, Waden

Atz 14, 524


              Marc rushed into the room. “Rose!”

              She spun. “Marc.” She ran, threw her arms around him, and kissed his lips deeply. He loved the way she smelled; the same as her name.

              He breathed her in, and his fingers twisted in her long, golden hair. She was trembling when he released her, and she cupped his face in her delicate hands. “If we’re going to do this, we need to do this now.”

              “Are you sure about this my love?”

              “I may be his wife, but you are the man I love.” She assured him, her sky-blue eyes bright and radiant.

              He kissed her again, took her hand, and turned toward the door as it banged open. Rose gasped as she saw her husband. King Jenkin, one of Marc’s best friends, stood in the doorway, build strong, and body sturdy. He held a naked blade in hand, and he stepped into the room. “Marc, did you think I wouldn’t find out?”

              “Find out what?” Marc stepped back, glancing for something, anything, to use as a weapon.

              “Rose is mine.” Jenkin shouted and ripped her from him. Jenkin shoved Rose behind him and stepped closer to Marc, his sword gleaming.

              “She loves me.” Marc’s voice lowered as he noticed the poker meant to keep her fire steady. “I’m sorry Jenkin. We didn’t mean for this to happen, but we are in love.”

              “She’s my wife.”

              “I don’t love you anymore!” Rose tackled Jenkin.

              He spun, knocking her aside with the hilt of his blade. Bleeding from her head, Rose’s eyes locked with Marc’s. He couldn’t let Jenkin harm her again, and he grabbed the poker.

              Jenkin turned, blocked Marc’s attack, and laughed. “Look at you. Rose is pregnant Marc, did she tell you that? She’s going to have my child.”

              “I know.” Marc didn’t care. He loved her.

              “You don’t care that Rose and I make love?” Jenkin circled his former friend.

              Marc kept his grip on the poker tight as he also moved. He let a shaky breath loose. “I don’t want to fight you Jenkin.”

              “There’s no way I’m letting you two leave together.” Jenkin lunged.

              Marc blocked and brought his weapon around. Jenkin ducked the wild blow, and Rose jumped into the fight. She slammed into her husband, clawing at his face. His sword spun across her room, and Marc rushed to grab the weapon. Jenkin grabbed Rose’s hair and smashed her head against the side of her vanity. She whimpered as roses fell, a glass vase breaking beside her fallen body. Blood seeped from her face and side. Jenkin snarled as he grabbed a large piece of glass. “You are mine, and you will never be h—”

              Marc’s blade sliced through Jenkin, the point coming closer to Rose than he wanted. Marc shook as he pulled the blade back. Jenkin’s body thudded to the floor, and Rose’s glassy eyes looked up into his own.

              Marc helped her stand. He touched the cuts on her body. “We need to get you somewhere safe.”

              “You saved my life.” She whispered as she touched his face. “I owe you so much Marc.”

              “You are my life.” He kissed her hands. “I could never let him hurt you.”

              “What of this child?” She touched her swollen belly. “He will never know his father.”

              “Then I will be his father.” Marc insisted as he put his hands over hers. “You’re queen, and I shall now be your king.” He kissed her temple and gently touched her arm. “I shall be a better king than Jenkin ever was.”

              “Oh, I know you will be!” She threw her arms around his neck as she kissed him deeply.


Thank you so much to everyone who helped me with inspiration, encouragement, support, and critique through the writing process!

  1. My husband: Adam Hanson.
  2. My family: Anthony Hayden, Pamela Hayden, Raj Gandre, Rachel Gandre, Sophie Gandre, Ryan Gandre, and Daniel Hayden.
  3. My best friend: Janelle Leslie.
  4. My editor: Daniel Hayden.
  5. My proofreader: Patrice Shuldies.
  6. My cover model: Kathryn Dunn.
  7. My cover editor: Megan Webster.
  8. My friends: Vance King, Mekayla Korpinen, Marisa Lowe, Rachel Simmons, and Angie Snyder.
  9. And everyone in my writing classes, critique groups, and who have asked about my writing throughout the whole process.


Thank you!

About the Author


T. N. Hayden and her husband live in San Diego. She has dreamed of being a published author since she was nine.

She is writing two series: Prophecy Series and Mysterious Warriors Quartet. She’s also authored a book of Short Stories.

She is a member of the San Diego Christian Writer’s Guild.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13


Prophecy Series:

Child of Prophecy

Child of Beauty

Child of Destiny

Child of Hope
(coming May 24, 2016)


Mysterious Warriors Quartet:




(coming November 29, 2016)


Short Stories



BOOK: Mysterious Warriors: Alone
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