Read My Savior Forever Online

Authors: Vicki Green

Tags: #romance, #romance adult contemporary

My Savior Forever

BOOK: My Savior Forever
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My Savior Forever


Vicki Green

This book is a work of
fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the
product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and
any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or
locales is entirely coincidental.

Vicki Green Copyright ©
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 9781467577106

No part of this book may be
reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic

Cover design by Cover It

*Due to a graphic rape
scene, strong language and sexual content, this book is not
intended for readers under the age of 18.

The most important dedication: My husband,
Dean and sons Charles (C.J.) and Cole. Your support through all of
this is beyond amazing. I love you more than my words could ever
tell you. More than my actions could ever show you. You are my
heart and my life!
I would like to dedicate this, my first
book, to all of the Author’s I have had the honor to read their
books. They have all inspired me in different ways. To my first
reader’s and all the reader’s along the way, without you this is
not possible. My heart is so full of love for you all!

I would like to acknowledge the following for
without you I would not have had the encouragement, the help with
pre reading, re reading and your honest feedback and suggestions to
follow my dreams.

First and most important, ‘Morning after a Good
Book’, book blog. Annie and Heather, as I have told you before YOU
ROCK! Seriously, without you, your support, advice,
recommendations, I never could have done this! I owe you both so
much! Our late night rendezvous on Facebook with laughing, sharing
pictures, gave me the much needed break’s from writing and our
friendship formed. More than that though, I cannot express the
gratitude of you taking me under your wings. You have helped me
every step of the way through this and for that you have my undying
love and gratitude. You’ll never know how much I appreciate you!
Just one more word, ‘Roadtrip’!!!!!!!!!

Visit ‘Morning after a Good Book’ on their blog:
and their Facebook page:

My Beta Reader extraordinaire, Megan! I learned
so much from you as you made your way through my book countless
times. You amazed me with your suggestions, pointing out sections
that could be better worded and what things to do research on to
make it better. You took time out of your busy life to help me make
my book a work of art and I Thank You, from the bottom of my

Another Beta Reader, Darlene. You gave me such a
‘High’ every time you gave me your opinions. Seriously, I didn’t
think I would ever come down. That encouraged me to push harder to
get my book finished.

I had a few other Author’s pre read my book and
their opinions and suggestions helped me learn so much. Their
praise and reviews made me feel like my head was in the clouds.
They made me think even more that my book was worth publishing.

‘Cover it Designs’, you were so fast and
wonderful to work with. You knew I was struggling to get a cover
made and you jumped on it. You jumped in and with your suggestions
you were able to create just what I had been looking for in a
matter of a few days. It was a pleasure working with you and look
forward to more in the near future.

To my friends at work who had to endure me
constantly talking about my exciting adventure in writing this
book, I know, I owe you. You know who you are.

Table of Contents

Prologue 8

Chapter one 10

Chapter two 16

Chapter three 25

Chapter four 31

Chapter five 38

Chapter six 43

Chapter seven 49

Chapter eight 53

Chapter nine 59

Chapter ten 68

Chapter eleven 75

Chapter twelve 78

Chapter thirteen 87

Chapter fourteen 93

Chapter fifteen 96

Chapter sixteen 102

Chapter seventeen 108

Chapter eighteen 113

Chapter nineteen 117

Chapter twenty 123

Chapter twenty-one 128

Chapter twenty-two 133

Chapter twenty-three 138

Chapter twenty-four 150

Chapter twenty-five 155

Chapter twenty-six 160

Chapter twenty-seven 165

Chapter twenty-eight 169

Chapter twenty-nine 174

Chapter thirty 181

Chapter thirty-one 191

Chapter thirty-two 201

Chapter thirty-three 209

Chapter thirty-four 215

Chapter thirty-five 222

Chapter thirty-six 233

Chapter thirty-seven 236

Chapter thirty-eight 241

Chapter thirty-nine 248

Chapter forty 258

Epilogue 264


I moved around a lot growing up. I
ended up in a small town in Kansas. I needed a job in the worst
way, but I didn’t know how to do anything really except cleaning up
after slobs.

When I saw the ‘Need Help’ sign in the
window of The Sweet Café, I literally ran in there to apply. I
explained I didn’t know how to do much and they hired me anyway
saying they would train me. How cool is that?

I had nowhere to live and no money.
When they found that out, the owner Stella told me about the room
over the Café. “It’s not much but it’s clean,” she told me.
“Unfortunately the only way to get there is the fire escape stairs
in the alley.”

After getting the key I went up to
look at it. It is very small but perfect for me and she told me I
could live there free as long as I work for her. Wow!

I was not comfortable learning how to
waitress yet so I kept the kitchen, bathroom, tables and really the
entire Café clean.

Stella quickly started calling me
‘pumpkin’. I’m not sure why, but she has become like a mother to
me. I was also building relationships with the cook, Peter, and my
favorite down-to-earth waitresses, Brenda and Lana.

This was the best thing that has ever
happened to me since my parents were killed in a car accident when
I was seven. After living in, way too many to count, foster homes I
had never stayed anywhere long enough to become friends with anyone
or wanted to really.

I am 5’ 6” and am about 110 lbs. I
know I am way too skinny. My friends where I work are always trying
to get me to eat more, to put at least a couple of pounds on. My
eyes are a light green, they almost look blue, and I have light
strawberry blonde hair that hangs down to my waist, which needs a
trim desperately!

I don’t think I am beautiful or
anything but my new friends keep telling me I am. “Girl, if I had
that figure, those C cup boobs, that long wavy hair and your great
complexion, I would leave this Café in a heartbeat and become a
model,” Lana would laugh.

I spent most nights in my small
apartment reading. I don’t have a TV or anything else to entertain
me, and I certainly don’t have the extra money to go to the movie
theatre, so reading it is. But I’m okay with that as I love to
read. My favorite books are Romance Novels.
Oh, I would love to meet a handsome man who sweeps me off my
feet and who will take care of me and love me.
I sigh. A girl has to have her dreams, right?

Chapter one

I awake shivering. Slowly opening my
eyes I try to look around me, but they are out of focus, so I close
them again. I am so cold, and my teeth are chattering. What the
hell? I know its winter here in Kansas, but I don’t remember being
this cold before now. Opening my eyes again they seem to be slowly
regaining their focus. I look around the room I am in and see
faded, stripping wallpaper with some kind of flowers on a pale
yellow background. There is a small dresser and a window on my
right, but the window is covered with curtains that are closed so
no light is coming in. The curtains are a very pale yellow to match
the wallpaper.

Looking to my left, I see a set of
double sliding doors which I assume is a closet and to the right of
that is another door. Maybe a bathroom? In front of me is yet
another door. Could be the bedroom door.

As I am looking around the room,
freezing to death, I look down at my body. Oh my God, I am naked!!!
No wonder I am so freaking cold!

I try and move my legs but can’t move
them either. I see that each foot is tied by rope to the end of the
bed, causing my legs to be spread open. Oh, this is not good at

My sleepy state has me so confused. To
clear my mind, I try to bring my hands from their uncomfortable
position stretched above me to rub my eyes, but my hands don’t
move. I look up and see they are tied by a rope to the headboard of
the bed. What? What the fuck is going on?

A door nearby shuts with force. I hear
footsteps from outside the bedroom that are coming closer. Oh my
God, what am I going to do? My heart is beating so loudly I can
feel it in my ears.

The bedroom door opens and a man
stands in the doorway looking at me with a sly smile on his face.
The lighting is dim in here, but I can see that he is well built,
not bad looking but then he smiles wide showing his teeth, which
are yellowed and chipped.

“So, you’re finally awake. I thought I
was going to have to come in and pour a bucket of water over you to
get you to come to, not that I wouldn’t mind seeing your body
glistening,” he says with a smirk.

My mind is on high alert, and I can’t
help but feel dirty as his eyes scan my naked body pausing at my
hardened nipples that fear and the arctic temperature are

“Who are you? What do you want?” I ask
through my chattering teeth.

“Oh, are you cold? Sorry, my bad! Here
let me turn up the furnace for you,” he says sarcastically. He
turns around is gone for a second and when he comes back in he
walks to stand at the end of the bed.

“Please, let me go. I woo-woo-won’t
tell anyone. I prooo-promise,” I said shivering and near

“No can do, sweetie. You see, you are
just what the doctored ordered. We’re going to have so much fun,”
he says laughing. Looking straight into my eyes, he begins to take
off his shirt. It’s a torn, faded t-shirt that you can’t even see
what the design is on it anymore.

“Please, don’t! Please let me go.” I
am begging now. I know what he has in mind. I am a virgin and this
is not how I imagined my virginity would be taken from

“Calm down. You will love this, I
promise,” he sneers.

Still looking into my eyes he begins
to undo his pants starting with his belt. I struggle against the
ropes, but they are so tight, I can barely move. He slides his
pants down towards the floor along with his underwear, the buckle
making a jingly sound as he removes both legs from his pants. Once
he is fully naked he begins to crawl up the bed towards me. I begin
to scream loudly while struggling.

“NO, NO, NO!!!! Let me go!!!!!” Over
and over again I scream. He starts laughing at me as he crawls over
my body settling between my legs. He puts his hands on either side
of my face, holding my head still and begins to rub his thumbs
across my cheeks. “Shhh, Shhhh, this will be fun, I promise” he

He licks the tears that are flowing
down my cheek. He continues to lick down to my jaw, my neck and
down to my breasts. Nibbling and licking as he goes until he bites
my nipple hard leaving marks on my unblemished flesh. As the tears
continue to puddle at my temple, I cry out in pain with each nip he

BOOK: My Savior Forever
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