Read My Other Daddy the Complete Series Online

Authors: Carl East

Tags: #erotica fiction fantasy oral older man

My Other Daddy the Complete Series

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My Other Daddy the Complete




Published by Carl


At Smashwords


Copyright 2010 - Carl








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Table of


Story 1 – My Other


Story 2 – My Other
Daddy 2


Story 3 – My Other Daddy


My Other


I hadn’t made many friends in my short
life, so it was a blessing when I met Marybeth at grade school. She
was asked to stand up in front of the whole class and tell us a
little bit about herself. We’d all gone through it, so I knew how
nervous she felt. Anyway, she revealed that she’d moved here from
Texas after her mother had died. Apparently, her father had moved
them back to his own hometown to be closer to the rest of the

As luck would have it, Marybeth was
assigned a desk next to me and we soon became best friends. We’d
share things together and sometimes she’d stop over at my house and
I’d stop over at hers, and generally hangout.

After six years, we were inseparable
and on my sixteenth birthday, my parents bought me my very first
car. It was only a small old hatchback but I have some great
memories with that car. Marybeth and I used it to go to the beach
on many occasion. I’d gotten to know her father extremely well over
the years, in fact, he often joked about me being his second
daughter since we spent so much time together.

Then when we turned eighteen, things
started to change. Marybeth was accepted into a four-year college
that was over a hundred miles away. I applied to the same college
but was rejected since my grades weren’t as good and ended up going
to the local college so it wasn’t all bad. Still, I was going to
miss her and I knew her father was too.

On the day she left, she made me
promise to look in on her dad from time to time, so he wouldn’t be
all alone, and I was very glad to say that I’d check up on him now
and again.

A week after she’d gone I remembered
that promise and went visiting, just to see how he was getting on.
He was in the back yard digging and I remembered he wanted to plant
a row of rose bushes back along the fence line. The weather was hot
for the end of August so I wasn’t surprised to see him wearing only
a pair of old jeans. His shirt was hanging off the end of the
wheelbarrow and as I watched him digging through the dirt, I
noticed how the sweat was running down his back. The muscles flexed
and moved with each shovel of dirt he threw to the side and I
suddenly realized how muscular he was. In fact, seeing him like
that made me think of the only boy I’d been with, sexually speaking
I mean. Although, saying what we did was sex, was an overstatement.
My one and only excursion had only lasted for about five minutes
and left me so disappointed that I never took the plunge, so to
speak, again. I shook the thoughts from my head and walked over to
talk with Marybeth’s dad.

Hi Mr. Booth, how’s
things? I said.

Ah, it’s my other
daughter; to what do I owe this pleasure? He replied with a

Just checking up on you
to make sure everything’s okay. As per your daughter’s orders” I
said with a laugh.

I’m fine. I’m just
getting the ground ready for the roses. Do you want to help? When
we finish up with the garden, you can stay for dinner?” he

I had no plans, so I said

When we finally got inside, he put the
dinner on and then said he was going to have a quick shower. I
washed up my hands, rinsed the sweat off my face and took a couple
of paper towels to dry off. I began to set the table as I had done
a hundred times before and when that was done took a last look at
the casserole in the oven, took the salad out of the refrigerator,
and put it on the table. That done, I headed to the living room.
Sitting down on the sofa, I was drawn to the stack of photo albums
that were sitting on the coffee table. I saw the pile and wondered
what Mr. Booth was doing with all of them out.

As I picked one of the older albums up
a photograph fell out of its pages and when I picked it up, I
couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was a naked picture of
Marybeth’s dad. He was lying on a beach towel, his tanned legs were
spread wide and he was holding his fully erect cock in one hand as
he posed for the camera. It was huge, and he was obviously offering
it to whoever had been taking the picture.

I felt my cheeks go red and my heart
was beating out of my chest as I quickly put the picture back
inside the album and lay it back down onto the coffee table. To be
honest, I didn’t know what to think. As I sat there looking at the
album on the table, I couldn’t get the image of that cock out of my
head. Sitting there in stunned silence, I could still hear the
shower, so I opened the pages again and took hold of the picture.
My god he was big and still I sat there staring at it. I suddenly
realized how hot my bottom felt and that I was getting wet. I
couldn’t help wondering what something like that would feel like
inside me; but then I wondered why he would have a picture like
that in his family album.

Moments later, I heard the shower
being turned off and I quickly placed the picture back where I’d
found it. Mr. Booth shouted that he’d be out in a minute, to which
I replied there was no rush. As I waited, my eyes seemed to be
drawn to the album and realizing that he would take at least a
couple of minutes to get dressed I dared myself to have another
look at the picture. That was a mistake, because no sooner had I
picked it up, than Mr. Booth walked in with a large towel wrapped
around his waist. Unfortunately, he saw me before I saw

Oh my god, I’m so sorry.
I didn’t mean to leave that lying around, I just forgot about it,”
he said surprising me as he reached for the photograph.

I must have turned a bright red as I
could feel my cheeks flushing as he took it from my hands. I
couldn’t seem to look up at him, as I didn’t want our eyes to meet.
I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

I think it would be best
if we just put this away and not talk about it,” he said

I’m…um…I’m sorry Mr.
Booth, I didn’t mean to be nosey,” I replied, finally looking up to
see him.

You don’t have to
apologize it was my fault for leaving it where it could be found. I
think, no, I’d better explain why I even have such a photograph.
With Marybeth gone, I’ve been very lonely and a few days ago, I got
some of her mother’s boxes out and spotted these old photo albums
of when my wife and I were first dating. I know I must seem like an
old coot to you and Marybeth but I was young once too. This picture
was taken when I was engaged to Marybeth’s mother. We were on a
private beach and got silly taking pictures. We never did get
around to getting rid of these old photos.”

Staring into his eyes I saw how upset
he was and said, “It’s not like I’m a child, I am eighteen and I
understand how you can get carried away like that. I think it’s
incredible that you and your wife were so open about things like

Do you really think so,”
he replied, shocked by my attitude.

Oh without a doubt, I was
turned on just looking at it,” I replied boldly.

He watched as my eyes drifted down,
away from his, only then did he remember that he was still standing
in a bath towel and realized that I was looking at the bulge in his

I peered at the towel, hoping that it
would magically disappear and as I watched, I could see the bulge
beneath the towel getting bigger and realized that what I’d said
must have excited him. I think a kind of lust must have gotten a
hold of me at that point, as I found myself wanting to see what my
imagination was conjuring up.

Can I see it?” I said
softly with a croak in my voice.

I glanced up, and he just stood there
staring at me and for a moment, I thought he was going to shout at
me; instead, he allowed the towel to fall to the floor and didn’t
say a word. As I watched the towel slip to the floor I saw the
muscles shift on his flat stomach, and the first curls of black
hair appeared as it fell lower. The base of his cock was covered
with deep whirls of hair and as the towel fell further, I saw the
first glimpse of the flesh that nestled there. Oh my god, he was
only semi-hard but I could see how big it was going to get as it
started to lengthen and swell in front of me. At first, I didn’t do
anything I just stared at it. I’d never seen such a large cock
before and as it grew to its full length, I had the urge to reach
out and grab it. I didn’t fight the urge and placed my fingers
tentatively around it, and as I did so, I felt it pulsate in the
palm of my hand.

I have a confession to
make Anne; I’ve wanted this for some time. I think the fantasy of
getting together with you started on your eighteenth birthday, when
I saw you dressed for your birthday party in that silky pink dress
with the low cut top. You were bent over the cake and as you leaned
forward to make a wish, your dress gaped open and I saw your bare
breasts, your nipples were pointy and hard. When you pursed your
lips to blow out the candle, I was fantasizing about your lips
being wrapped around my cock and blowing me. It really shook me,
because you’re my daughter’s best friend and I’m eighteen years
older than you,” said Mr. Booth.

I’d had my own fair share of fantasies
and as I held his cock in my hand, I realized that this was one of
them. I’d always wanted to know what it would really be like, with
an older man, a man that had a huge cock, and, who knew what to do
with it. I was tired of reading about it in romance books, I wanted
the real thing and whenever I’d play with myself, that thought was
always prevalent in my mind.

I stroked the full length of it,
running my soft hands up and down that thick cock and feeling how
hard it was. Then I looked up at Mr. Booth and smiled, before
leaning closer and parting my lips. The end of his cock was velvety
soft and extremely warm as I slipped it between my lips. He let out
a low moan of approval as I started to suck the end gently. I knew
one thing; there was no way I was going to get much of this monster
into my mouth. As I held it and sucked on the end, he was getting
harder and longer and thrust his hips forward, trying to push it in
a little deeper. I allowed a few more inches past my lips and
carried on sucking. After a few moments of that, I allowed a bit
more into my mouth and stroked it at the same time. He was trying
to push his hips forward and before long, I was taking in at least
seven inches of his meat. I enjoyed the feeling of it running over
my tongue as it entered and sucked the end hard each time it came
back out.

I could only imagine what it would
feel like inside my pussy and couldn’t wait to find out. Looking up
at him as I sucked the end once more and ran my tongue around it, I
could see he had his eyes closed. He was muttering with delight and
had thrown his head back. Then I gripped it with both hands and
started to masturbate him into my mouth. He began to call out that
he was close and I just picked up speed. When he did cum, he was
deep inside my mouth and I could feel his seed hitting the back of
my throat.

Oh God child, ah…ah…don’t
stop, suck it baby, suck daddy’s cock dry!” he shouted.

I was so fucking turned on when he
said that, that I swallowed the first load, and then another, and
watched the rest covering my hands as I finished him off. I licked
my hands dry and then held the thick knob between my lips and
mouthed it to keep it hard. Pulling my lips away, I stood up still
holding his thick cock, which is when he started to strip me of my
clothing. He pulled my soft tee shirt over my head and tore open
the fastening to my bra. He started to suck and lick my breasts,
going from one nipple to the other as he unzipped my skirt and let
it pool around my feet. He knelt down and slipped my panties off
and I was so glad that I’d shaved that morning. My arms and legs
were silky smooth, and so was my pussy, as I always hated the feel
of hair there. I enjoyed the feeling of his rough fingers first
tweaking my nipples and then moving roughly over my moist lips

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