My Captive Highlander (Highland Adventure Book 7) (11 page)

BOOK: My Captive Highlander (Highland Adventure Book 7)
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"Then I suppose he'll not return with the men you sent." If that was the case, what would happen to her clan?

Chapter Eleven

When Chief MacDonald of
was found around noon, locked in
bedchamber with a large knot on his head and a stab wound to his abdomen, he made up a story about being knocked on the head during battle, stabbed, and then dragged to her chamber. He claimed to hardly remember it. She would've had him removed earlier, but with everything that was going on, she'd forgotten about him.

Dermott stopped her in a corner of the great hall. "Is what
said true?"

"Nay. He tried to force himself on me, and I defended myself," she whispered, not wanting to mention
for fear a maid might get into trouble for bashing the head of a chief. Maili did not know why but she felt more comfortable telling Dermott than anyone else, since Shamus was so ill. He then relayed the information to the others.

consulted with the MacDonald clan elders, then told
and his men to leave and never return. The chief was lucky to escape with only two minor injuries.

The next three days were a dark, exhausting blur for Maili. Her emotions were in turmoil. Not only was Shamus horribly injured and unresponsive much of the time because of blood loss, but the clan also held funerals for the twenty-five men who were killed during the battle, her brother's being the most elaborate. Her heart ached with the loss of so many of her fellow clansmen's brothers, fathers and sons in the battle. Their clan was forever changed and nearly decimated because of her daft brother's greed. Her emotions switched from sadness to anger so quickly she was shocked at herself. She would strangle
if he wasn't already dead.

had lost four men in the battle. After the clan held brief funerals for them, Cyrus sent a galley crew to take their bodies home to their families.

Tensions between the
were high but, to her relief, no fights broke out. Most of the
' large force of soldiers camped on the hill above the castle, but Shamus' brothers and their personal guards remained inside the castle. She did not fear them and they treated her with what seemed to be genuine kindness. Many in her clan wished to kill the
, but made no move to do so. They well knew they were outnumbered. Besides, the
had disarmed them and imprisoned the most militant in the dungeon. She thought this was wise, because most of the men were
closest personal guard and they held the same mindset that

Late at night, Maili sat by Shamus' bedside holding his hand and willing him to awaken. Everyone else had retired to their beds. She hated the dark, dismal feeling that closed in around her. She had lost so many in her family and clan. She could not lose Shamus, too. Her second sight was proving no help to her now. She couldn't even get a glimmer of the future.

"Please, God, allow him to be by my side for a while longer, for a lifetime if it be your will," she whispered barely louder than a breath. "I haven't known him long, but I love him and I know our souls are bound."

Tears streamed down her face and blurred her vision, almost causing her to miss the movement of his head.

He inhaled a deep, audible breath. "Maili?"

Gasping, she wiped her tears away. "I am here." She leaned toward him.

He opened his eyes a crack and focused on her in the candlelight. "How many days have I lain abed?"

"Three. How do you feel?" She stroked a hand along his dark-whiskered jaw.

He frowned. "What the devil happened to your face? You have an enormous bruise. Were you injured in the battle?"

"Nay." She touched her fingertips to the tender skin of her cheek where she knew the bruise was turning from purple to disgusting shades of green and yellow. "
struck me with his fist after the garrison brought us back that day."

"That whoreson," Shamus said through clenched teeth. "I'm not sorry I killed him now."

Maili was surprised, but not angered or hurt by his admission. "Oh. You… were the one who killed him?"

"Aye, in the skirmish. He fought hard, but I finally managed to gain the upper hand."

"Was he the one who gave you these sword wounds?" she asked.

"Nay, 'twas another of your clansmen. In truth, I'm sorry if the loss of your brother pains you, but he got no more than he deserved."

She nodded, saddened that her brother had not been a better person. "I agree. He was too brutal and callous."

Shamus gazed at her solemnly and she squeezed his hand. "How do you feel?" she asked.

"Not as bad as before." His expression lightened and a wee smile lifted one corner of his lips.

She smiled back, wishing she could kiss him. "Thanks be to God. I have some broth for you." She retrieved the wooden bowl from the hearth where it had been kept warm.

"Nay, I cannot stomach it," he grumbled.

"You must eat to regain your strength."

. Very well. One sip."

Using the wooden spoon, she eased the broth into his mouth.

After he swallowed, he said, "I must speak to you about something important."

"Aye, what is it?" She placed the bowl on the table, sat by his side again and grasped his hand.

"If I survive this… will you marry me?"

Joy burst through her and tears of happiness pricked her eyes. "Of course, I will. And you will survive."

"I believe you," he said, studying her intently, "for you have the sight, do you not?"

Sudden fear crushed her happiness and seized her breath. If he knew the truth, would he withdraw his proposal?

"Why do you not want me to know about your gift?" he asked gently.

"I fear… that you will not want me if you think me a witch."

. Second sight is not the same as witchcraft." He gazed at her with such affection it near broke her heart. "I love you, Maili. No matter what."

Her throat tightened and tears of gratitude and happiness flowed from her eyes. "And I love you."

, don't cry. I vow to make you happy." He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it. "Are you certain your clan will allow us to marry?"

She dried her eyes. "Aye, I believe they will." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "After all, you have compromised me."

He sent her a broad grin. "Aye, and I cannot wait to do that again, m'lady."

Her face heated. "Then you must eat and grow strong."

"Aye, I believe I'll have another sip of that broth now." After he had drunk a bit more, he grew serious again. "Who will lead your clan now?"

"Some of my clansmen have taken a galley out to the isle to find my other brother. We're praying he will want to be chief."


Four days later, Shamus had improved enough to join everyone in the great hall for supper. She had helped him bathe, shave and put on clean clothing. The food had just been served at the high table when the entry door burst open. Her brother Neacal strode in, followed by his wolfhound and the three clansmen who had gone to get him.

She had not seen him in several months, since their father's funeral. His windblown dark hair had grown long, past his shoulders, and he had not shaved in a great while. His wild blue eyes, the same color as her own, scanned those in the great hall, slashing sharply over the

She arose and strode across the large room toward him. She had not remembered the pink scar on his handsome face being so pronounced. Knowing the pain and torture he must have suffered, her heart broke yet again. "Neacal, I'm so glad you've come."

"I need to speak with you in private," he murmured.

"Of course. Are you hungry?"


Although she suspected he was lying, for he was much leaner than the last time she'd seen him, she proceeded to the library and he followed with his dog, then closed the door.

"What the devil happened here?" he demanded. "The
and half our clan, and now they feast in our great hall?"

She held up her hand. "After a galley wreck, Shamus
washed up on shore nearby.
and his men beat him severely, then threw him in the dungeon. Our brother believed he could get a great deal of money from the
chief. Instead of bringing ransom, he laid siege to the place. You would've done the same if your brother had been taken hostage."

"Whose side are you on?" His piercing blue eyes burned into her.

"Do you wish the truth?"

"Aye. Never lie to me, sister."

She took a deep breath. "The truth is… I love Shamus
and I intend to marry him."

eyes widened and he cursed. "Are you mad?"

"Nay. He is a good man. He did naught wrong.
and his men beat him black and blue twice. If not for me taking him food,
would've let him starve in the dungeon."

Neacal shook his head, looking weary and tired. "I feared the power would go to

"It did."

Her brother stared out at the loch below for several moments.

"Will you stay and become the chief?" she asked quietly.

He turned his turbulent gaze upon her. "I was never meant to be chief."

"I ken with a certainty you will make a far better one than

"I will do what is best for the clan.
what Da would ask of me, and I can do no less."

At his words of self-sacrifice, her heart squeezed and ached. How could her two brothers be so different? "Da would be so proud of you, Neacal. You're a good man, and I pray you will find peace and happiness."

He gave a brief humorless laugh and glanced away. "Not in this life, Maili. But my happiness is of no import. Like I said, I'll do what is best for the clan." He appeared resigned to his fate… and miserable.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Nay. Knowing I have your approval is enough. If you're going to marry the
man, you'll be leaving us, aye?"

true. Not that I wish to leave you or my clan," she said, sadness weighing upon her. "I will come to visit often."

He nodded, looking troubled. "Near half the men of the clan are dead at the
' hand. I'll have to hire guards. And 'tis obvious our defenses require shoring up if the
overtook the castle so easily."

"They're highly trained warriors. And if you're going to blame anyone for this disaster, blame

He nodded again. "He made a bad choice and then underestimated them."

A knock sounded at the door.

Maili opened it and found Shamus standing just outside with his younger brother Fraser. Entering, Shamus took her hand and kissed the back. Warmth and affection spread through her. She introduced her brother to the
and held her breath until Neacal offered his hand and they shook.

"We wish to speak to your brother alone for a few moments," Shamus said.

Her face heated when she realized Shamus planned to ask for her hand in marriage.


Her eyes wide, Maili sent Shamus a wee grin, nodded and exited the room. He adored her blushes and enchanting smiles.

He eyed the man across from him, about his own size, lean and muscular. He looked as if he'd been training intensely. Though the man's eyes were the same color as his sister's, the expression in them was completely different. The man possessed a feral, unpredictable quality that put him on edge. Fraser had insisted on accompanying Shamus since he was not yet fully recovered.

"I'm sorry for what happened between our clans," Shamus said, hoping
wild-eyed brother would not throw a dirk at him.

"And I'm sorry
took you hostage."

"I want you to know, I love Lady Maili and I want to ask for your permission to marry her."

Neacal eyed him critically. "Very well.
what she wishes. I hope this marriage will forge an alliance between our clans so we'll have no more violence between us."

Shamus nodded. "I'm certain my brother Cyrus, the chief, will be glad to hear this."


Maili had never been happier than when she married Shamus the following week in her family's wee chapel beside the castle. The light from a multitude of candles pierced the gloaming and reflected off the stained glass windows. Tears of joy blurred her vision as Shamus vowed to cherish and honor her through this life and into the next. After she repeated her vows, they were pronounced man and wife. Shamus smiled, leaned down and gave her a kiss filled with love and devotion.

BOOK: My Captive Highlander (Highland Adventure Book 7)
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