Read Murder Is Elementary Online

Authors: Diane Weiner

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #Women Sleuths

Murder Is Elementary (17 page)

BOOK: Murder Is Elementary
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“So you made a poison cupcake?” Susan asked. She was perspiring despite the freezing, dark room. Was she in danger? If Jody had killed Vicky, she could just as well kill her. She wished Lynette were there.

“It wasn’t exactly a poison cupcake––only if you happened to be allergic to peanuts. I just crushed some peanuts in the blender and threw them into the cupcake batter. Added some almond milk too. I made a happy little cupcake just for her. I decorated it with lots of frosting and sprinkles on top. Then I put it on her desk during the first half of the show, knowing she’d probably go to her office during intermission. I was right.”

“Jody, that’s murder,” said Susan.

“I prefer to think of it as paying a consequence. It was a stroke of luck that her angry husband came in and punched her. They didn’t even put together the cause of death for weeks. The world is a better place without Vicky Rogers in it.”

“How did Vicky’s purse get in Antonio’s closet?” asked Susan.

“I took it off Vicky’s desk when I brought the cupcake. I knew she carried an Epi-pen with her always. Then I remembered she kept one in her drawer as well, so I took that too. I rushed out to my car and stashed the purse in my trunk. I must have dropped the other Epi-pen on the way to my car. The night of Antonio’s party, I took it with me inside my super-sized purse. I went upstairs to use the bathroom and planted it in the closet. I figured that would slow the police down for a while.”

“Jody, we have to call the police. You took Carolina’s mother away from her.”

“Believe me, she didn’t need a mother like that. I’ve saved her years of therapy,” said Jody.”

“That’s not for you to judge. If you explain that you were a victim throughout your childhood or even that you’ve been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, maybe the court will go easier on you,” suggested Susan.

“No, Susan. That isn’t going to happen. You need to keep this between us.”

“I can’t. I understand how you felt, I really do, but that doesn’t justify murder.”

In the candle-lit room, Susan saw Jody enter the kitchen. She heard Jody rummaging through drawers. Susan knew this was her chance to escape. She tiptoed to the front door.

“Oh, no, you don’t,” said Jody. “You aren’t going anywhere.” Jody took a heavy wooden rolling pin from behind her back and raised it above Susan’s head. Susan ducked just in time. Didn’t Jody just say she wasn’t a violent person? Susan was contemplating her next move when the front door burst open.

“Police! Drop the weapon.” Lynette and Jackson were there, guns out. Jackson put handcuffs on Jody.

“You’re under arrest for the murder of Vicky Rogers. You have the right to remain silent…” Lynette finished reading Jody her rights.

“Lynette, how did you know I was here? How did you know Jody was the murderer?” asked Susan. Her heart was still beating in overdrive.

“Shortly after you left the station, we got a hit on the prints that were on the Epi-pen that the custodian found in the parking lot. We ran them through the database and they matched Jody’s. It’s a good thing we require fingerprinting for school employees or we never would have made the connection,” said Lynette. “What on earth were you doing here anyway?”

“Well, I just got a confession,” said Susan. “You were going to be my first call.”

“Had you lived, that is,” said Lynette. “That rolling pin could have done some real damage. What do I tell you all the time about snooping?”

“I’m sorry, Lynette. At least we solved the case. I can’t wait to tell Carolina and Javier. I still can’t believe it was Jody who did this.”

“You never know what people are capable of given the right circumstances,” said Lynette. “Let’s go. We’ll drive you home. Dad can bring you back to pick up the car tomorrow when the roads are clear.”

Jackson walked over to them. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked.

“I’m fine, thanks to my daughter and her fearless partner.”
Maybe Jackson wasn’t all that bad
, thought Susan. It was snowing so hard that they could barely see the police car. Lynette and Jackson dropped Susan off at home on the way to the station.

“Wow, what a night. I can’t wait to get home and crawl under the covers. The snow’s really coming down now,” said Lynette.

“Go ahead and get some sleep,” said Jackson. “I have one stop to make first.”

Chapter 60

Jackson got into his car and headed toward Theresa’s apartment. He’d been stopping by every day on his way home from work to check on her. He had no doubt that one day they’d get married and start a family. She was so warm and so funny. Smart too. When he got to her street, all the lights were out. He parked in her driveway, made his way up the icy sidewalk to her door, and knocked.

“Jacky, I’m so glad to see you.” Theresa greeted him with a huge bear hug. The electricity was out and judging by the freezing temperature inside of the apartment, he figured it had been out for a while.

“Are you okay? I was worried about you being alone during the storm,” said Jackson.

“I’m better now that you’re here,” said Theresa. “I’ll admit it was creepy sitting alone here in the dark.”

“Theresa, I have some terrible news about your friend Jody.”

“What? Is she alright? Did she get into an accident?” asked Theresa.

“No,” said Jackson. “Jody had problems that she kept very well hidden.”

“What problems? She’d have told me. I’m her best friend,” insisted Theresa.

“I don’t know how to tell you this. Jody was just arrested for Vicky’s murder.”

“What? No, I don’t believe it, not for a second.” Theresa looked completely confused. “Why would Jody kill Vicky?”

“Jody has had a tough life. She realized early on that she was transgender, though she didn’t have a label for it. Her mom thought she was gay, which she isn’t. She identifies with the female gender although physically she was born a male,” explained Jackson.

“I still don’t understand how that’s related to Vicky’s murder. This is totally crazy. Jody’s one of the girliest girls I know. She loves clothes and makeup. This must be a mistake.”

“Jody had planned to kill Vicky for quite some time. Her mother was Vicky’s best friend. Vicky encouraged her friend Kara to send Jody to a behavior change program. It nearly killed Jody. She blamed Vicky for the trauma she underwent and for destroying her relationship with her mother.”

“Poor Jody. I had no idea. This is hard to digest,” said Theresa.

“Jody will stand trial but hopefully she’ll also get the help she needs,” said Jackson.

“And you know what, Jacky? I’ll still be there for her. It’s horrible that she was compelled to commit a murder, but I can’t imagine how much pain she must have been in to drive her to that point.”

“You’re a good friend, Theresa. I knew you were special the minute I met you,” said Jackson.

“Jody always helped people. She gave all those wacky kids at school the benefit of the doubt. She always tried to see things from their perspective,” said Theresa.

Jackson couldn’t help himself. He embraced Theresa and gave her a long, slow kiss.

“I took out a bunch of blankets,” said Theresa. “We could cuddle up on the couch, to stay warm.”

“Yes,” replied Jackson. “To stay warm. Sounds like a plan.” He took off his shoes and cuddled next to her. There was nowhere in the world he would have rather been.

“You know Jacky, the roads are awfully treacherous. It may be better not to chance driving. Maybe you should stay here tonight.” said Theresa.

“I thought you’d never ask,” said Jackson.

Chapter 61

Carolina felt like a kid on Christmas morning. Her dad was being released today. Although it had been nearly a month since Jody was arrested, she still couldn’t believe that the sweet social worker turned out to be a murderer. Carolina hoped that Jody would spend the rest of her life staring at the walls of her jail cell. She hoped Jody would feel lonely and scared every single day. Although she was glad that her mother’s killer was paying the consequences of her actions, it didn’t make Carolina miss her mother any less.
At least I connected with my aunt Becky,
thought Carolina. Carolina had been spending a lot of time with Becky lately. She respected her and enjoyed her company. It was remarkable that Aunt Becky had voluntarily decided to share the inheritance with her. She could have kept it all.
I never would have known about it,
thought Carolina. At least she didn’t have to worry about paying for college now. Becky sent a text telling Carolina that she was out front. Carolina opened the front door and decided to swap her coat for a sweater. The sun was out, the snow had melted, and the bareness of winter was evolving into the abundance of spring. It felt like a new beginning.

“Hop in,” said Becky.

“Hi, Aunt Becky. I can’t wait to pick up my Dad. I’ll ride home with him if you don’t mind, but remember we’re going out to dinner tonight to celebrate.”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world. I know your dad was assigned a sponsor but you and I will need to support him too. We need to make sure he goes to his AA meetings. Also, I got in touch with Human Resources at Ohio State. They want to interview your dad for a job doing technical support. He can work from home. With the new push for virtual classes, there’s a big need for 24 hour tech support,” said Becky.

“Aunt Becky, you’re amazing. Thank you. I know he was worried about finding another job,” said Carolina.

“I’d do anything for my favorite niece. The three of us are family now.” Becky twisted and turned the steering wheel en route to Coventry.

Carolina noticed buds on the previously bare trees that were interspersed between the evergreens. Anticipation made the ride seem interminable. It was like waiting to open Christmas presents. Carolina remembered how when she was younger it used to seem like December was the longest month of the year. She and her mom would open the little doors on the advent calendar every night but it seemed as if the days were passing in slow motion.

Finally, Becky announced, “Here we are.” She pulled into a parking space and turned off the key. Carolina practically ran to the elevator. Javier was dressed and waiting in his room with several suitcases. The rest were still in the trunk of his car.

Mi hija
, I’m so glad to see you. You too, Becky.” Javier hugged them both.

“I can’t wait to have you back home,” said Carolina. They walked to the elevator and then out to the parking lot where they found Javier’s car. Carolina slid into the passenger seat.

“Oh, no,
.” Javier tossed the keys to Carolina. “You’ve been sitting on that learner’s permit for months now. It’s about time you learned how to drive.”

Chapter 62

Birthdays sure go by faster the older you get,
thought Susan. What a year it’s been. Last year at her birthday dinner she had to worry about getting home early enough to prepare for work the next day.
No worries this year,
she thought.

Susan made a wish and blew out the 61 candles on top of the cream cheese frosted carrot cake. Dozens of balloons were taped to the wall of Lynette and Jason’s dining room. Colorful streamers hung from the chandelier. Mike took out his camera.

“I was thinking about funfetti but decided against it,” said Lynette. She put her arm around Susan and gave her a hug. Then she cut the cake and began serving it. Jason took the Moose Tracks ice cream out of the freezer. It was Susan’s favorite.

“This is divine,” said Susan. “Since it’s my birthday, calories don’t count, right? I’ll have another piece with extra ice cream.”

“Well, this has been quite a year,” said Mike. “I think you’ve found new hobby––solving mysteries.”

“Please don’t encourage her,” said Lynette. After they finished their cake, Lynette said, “Come on, let’s open presents.” They went into the living room.

“This one’s from me,” said Mike. Susan tore open the paper and opened the black velvet box. Inside was a Pandora bracelet. “Oh, my God, this is beautiful,” she said. She gave Mike a kiss.

“Look at the charms. The first is a heart. Self explanatory. And the other one is a spyglass,” said Mike.

“I love it,” said Susan.

“Here’s one from us,” said Lynette. She handed Susan a shirt box wrapped in pastel birthday paper. “Open it.”

Susan tore open the paper. She never was one of those people who opened the paper delicately and folded it to reuse. She opened the box, which Lynette had taped shut, and pushed aside the tissue paper. “Oh, my God!” She lifted the t-shirt out of the box. It said:
World’s Best Grandma.

“Is this for real? Are you going to have a baby?” asked Susan.

“Yes, Mom. You and Dad are going to be grandparents.”

“This must be what an out of body experience feels like,” said Susan. She hugged Lynette and Jason.

“And you’re going to be a grandpa,” said Lynette to Mike.

“I’m the happiest man in the world right now.” Mike hugged his daughter.

“No, I think I’m the happiest,” said Jason.

Susan had a feeling that this was going to be a fantastic year.

The End

About the Author

Diane Weiner is a mother of four and a veteran public school teacher with a broad range of teaching experience. She has previously published several music education articles as well as a doctoral dissertation but finds writing fiction to be much more fun. Westbrook, NY, the fictional setting of the Susan Wiles School House Mysteries, bears remarkable similarities to the small town in upstate NY where Diane grew up. She currently resides in South Florida with her husband of many years, their youngest daughter, two cats, and a bisch-a-poo. When not writing, Diane enjoys long distance running and spending time with her family.

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