Mr. Right Now: Vol. 1: Party Boys Who Get What They Want (3 page)

BOOK: Mr. Right Now: Vol. 1: Party Boys Who Get What They Want
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“Chloe.” Clint invades her thoughts. “You’re up. Ready?”

She nods and takes her spot at her iPad. Gripping it tightly, she’s prepared to deliver the information of her life and escape her personal hell.

Before she has the chance to begin, Clint interrupts.

“My assistant will now show our proposal and what we can do, together with Seidman Construction, to get your Made To Sin nightclubs up and running on the West Coast.”

“Prick,” Chloe says in her head.

Her finger glides across the home screen and drags her presentation to life. Everything, including Eli, seems to disappear as she immerses herself in her work. The numbers on the financial reports soothe away the pain, and she keeps talking. At one point she’s able to make eye contact with Eli, and once again she receives a slight grin from him, but this time his eyes linger on her. Chloe watches him as he pushes away from the table with his large hands. His long, lean legs spread out in front of him as he rests his arms on his stomach and tilts his head, shooting her a devilish look.

At first Chloe thinks Eli might recognize her, but soon detects he is trying to flirt with her. From this point on, she avoids all eye contact with the fucking pig. She focuses on the reports or over to Cole, who is rapidly taking notes.

“Do you have any questions or concerns?” Chloe inhales a long deep breath.

The room falls silent after she’s finished speaking. The men continue to study the reports while Clint paces back and forth near the window. The man doesn’t have a poker face at all.

“Mrs.—” Cole pauses trying to remember her name.

“Ms. Thompson.” Chloe emphasizes the Ms. part while staring straight at Cole.

“Ms. Thompson, I understand all these figures, but the piece I can’t put together is why this figure inflated by twenty thousand from the last estimate we got?”

“Mr. Sterling, if I may.” Chloe gestures to a slide on the TV. “This is the cost Clint discussed with you about the same company following you from city to city until all four clubs are built. It ensures the quality of work and that each of your clubs has the same feel, which I know is a priority to you and our business partners.”

“So, you get us out here and basically committed to this, then jack up the price twenty thousand?” Eli bites down on the end of his pen as he finishes his question.

Clint melts into the background, not stepping up to support Chloe. This is typical behavior. Chloe doesn’t let any of it affect her as she pushes forward. All four Sterlings are sitting up and facing her, demanding answers.

“You wanted quality, and I put together a quality lineup. The best of the best. Seidman Construction is a five-star company which prides itself on prompt and high quality work. They’ve committed to this project, taking up almost three years of their time.” Chloe steps to the front of the table and places her hands down on the dark, over-sized meeting table. “So, excuse me if it may ding your pocketbooks a bit. I understood that quality was a must. If this doesn’t suit your fancy, I can find four different companies in each city, not ensuring any consistency.”

“This twenty-K covers what?” Kam speaks up.

“It covers cost of living for over twenty employees. I believe it’s fair enough when asking these people to travel.”

The men turn to each other and break out in light conversation. Chloe doesn’t try to focus in on their words. She’s flustered and wants these men out of her office and life forever. If they don’t take this deal, another one will come along. Not ideal, and it will take her probably another year to build her portfolio up enough to get her own division. Part of her wants to beg them to take the deal and sign, but her pride refuses to.

“We need time.” Eli stands, tucking his folder under his arm. “Meet us for dinner at our hotel tonight at seven.”

Clint finally cues in, bouncing to his feet. “Absolutely. I’ll be there, and I know for sure you’ll be ready to sign.”

“Bring her too,” Kam says.

Clint nears, wrapping his arm around Chloe’s shoulders. “Oh, she’ll be there. Chloe wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Now Chloe has passed pissed off and is closing in on furious. Clint had no intention of bringing her along until it was suggested. It takes all her self-control not to slam down her black high heel on the top of his foot.

Dax lets out a light groan, causing all attention to focus in on him. He grabs his head and is still in obvious pain from last night’s escapades. Cole and Kam follow him to the door, shaking Clint’s hand. Chloe stays back on purpose, wanting to avoid the men. When she looks up, Eli is rounding the opposite side of the table and striding straight toward her.

She takes two steps back until she is stopped by the wall.

“Chloe.” Eli stretches his hand out for hers. “Thompson.”

Knees buckled and breathing out of control, Chloe extends her shaking hand. Everything inside her is trembling. Chloe knows when she touches his skin this silly game will be all over. Her eyes remain locked on his, waiting for a hint of recognition to happen. Their palms finally lock. Eli wraps his fingers around her petite hand and squeezes gently. She melts into him and tries to steady her breathing. Strong and confident, he grips Chloe’s hand a moment longer than any professional handshake should last.

“Eli.” Chloe’s words are breathy. “Sterling.”

Using his hand, she pulls herself away from the wall and leans in closer to Eli. Instead of her back being supported by the wall, her front is now leaning on Eli. It’s all so familiar and something she never realized she so desperately missed. His strong, musky scent invades her senses, as does the hard feel of his chest. He was always her safe place. The one person to always protect and love her endlessly.

Chloe watches as he brings their hands up to his lips. He twists their clasped hands and lightly lays his lips on her knuckles.

“Nice to meet you, Chloe Thompson. See you at dinner tonight.”

Without warning, Eli drops their hands and walks away. His broad shoulders covered in his designer suit fill Chloe’s vision while his words replay over and over again in her mind. “Nice to meet you.” The son of a bitch didn’t recognize her. She could understand not recognizing her from her looks, but he heard her name and felt her skin and listened to her voice. That dick.




A cab. She’ll have to call for a fucking cab to make it to dinner tonight. Two empty bottles of wine sit next to her on the couch. And Chloe is still thirsty. Thirsty to drown out the pain and forget Eli. She knows better than to open the third bottle. Hell, when she stopped by the store to pick up these, they were supposed to last her the next two evenings.

Padding across the living room, she catches her reflection in the large window. Only clothed in her bra and panties, she giggles. Chloe’s hair won’t take long to do since she pulled it back in a messy bun, keeping her curls safe. One more glass, just one more glass before she calls for a cab. She cuts herself while peeling back the metal lining on top of the bottle. The pain is dull and numbed from the alcohol. Chloe sucks on her finger as she pours a glass of wine. She takes a long sip and then tops it back off.

Chloe stands in front of the full-length mirror in her room, holding her glass of wine. Her eyes admire her full breasts and tanned skin while her brain still mulls over the moments she and Eli shared today.
How in the hell did he not recognize me?
The question may haunt her forever, but she’s damned if she’ll give in to the prick.

A little black dress in her closet catches her attention. It’s the most risqué piece of clothing she owns. Her fingers run down the silky material. Chloe finally takes it from the hanger and slides it up her body. The dress is tight fitting, and there’s not much to it. Both of her shoulders are exposed, and the dress dips down and reveals much of her breasts. She turns to peek at the back of it in the mirror. The dress drops down to right above her butt crack, leaving her entire back bare. The scar running along the bottom of her back is visible. Chloe wonders if Eli will recognize it.

Her fingers undo the elastic holding her hair piled up on her head. Chloe’s curls effortlessly cascade down her back and are still perfect. Her necklace is tucked down into her breasts and she decides to leave it there. She knows exactly what shoes she’ll wear. They’ll drive all the Sterling men nuts, and that’s what she’s aiming for. In her drunken state, she could care less what they decided. She knows it’s wrong, but she’s too far gone.


Chloe wipes the brown crumbs lingering on her breast. She even digs down into her tits to get all the bits out. She’d asked the cab driver to stop at KFC to grab some chicken strips, hoping to soak up some of the alcohol buzzing in her bloodstream. It seemed to do the trick, leaving her with only a slight numb feeling. It’s just enough to get her through this evening, and then she knows she’ll be able to walk away.

Stepping out onto the sidewalk, she steadies her red high heels under her. Her tanned legs are covered with a light, glittery dust. The night air is warm, so she’s only clothed in her barely there dress. Chloe adjusts her girls, settling them as high as they go before she enters the hotel.

Not only does she need to look good for the Sterlings tonight, but she is also aware this hotel is well known for celebrity sightings. It’s the hotel of hotels, if you will. The outside brickwork is meticulous with an outrageous velvet awning lined with gold poles. Chloe’s never been inside the hotel; she’s only seen pictures online.

An enormous fountain and its sounds fill the majority of the lobby. People move about in different directions. Some are dressed up to go out for the evening, while others are returning from meetings, attired in business suits. Chloe isn’t intimidated by any of them, knowing she looks exceptional.

Clint’s laughter catches her attention. She zeroes in on him holding a drink and standing with the four men. They’re all still dressed up, but more casual than today in the office. She finds Eli in his white button down dress shirt. His cuffs are unbuttoned and rolled up to expose his thick arms, and the bottom of his shirt is untucked. The other men are similarly dressed, but it’s Eli who captivates her attention.

Before any of the men spot her, she rushes off to a side bathroom. Her fingers dig in her clutch for her lip gloss. Chloe debates pulling her hair into a quick up-do. She uses her hands to frame her hair above her head, and then lets the curls fall, trying to decide on the sexiest look. After she paints her lips, she decides to pull it up in a loose bun, letting some of the curls fall down around her face.

The door to the bathroom swings open, and Chloe doesn’t pay attention to the two women who enter. She applies another light dab of perfume and some lotion to her long legs.

“I’m so getting one of those boys in bed tonight,” one woman announces.

“You mean you’re going to land in one of their beds, right? I hear Dax is the easiest to claim.”

“He fucked me last night at the club.”

Chloe whips her head around to face the women.

“He did!”

“He took me in the bathroom and ripped my panties off, fucking me hard before he got into a fight.”

“Tell me was he huge.”

“A woman never tells.” She giggles. “But I want the brother who dropped the two off last night. He’s the quiet one with the light beard.”

“His name is Eli.”

Chloe’s gut turns listening to the sluts brag and set their sights on the Sterlings. Back in the day, she was used to hearing classmates talk about them in a similar fashion, but never Eli because everyone knew he wasn’t available.

That thirst is back again. Chloe stomps out into the lobby, striding briskly on her long legs. She sneaks the bottom of her dress up a bit to show off the top of her thighs. Those women won’t have a chance with Eli if she can help it. The men are gone from where they were standing. She peeks around the fountain to see a large restaurant, but before entering she orders a Crown and Coke. Chloe knows it’s a mistake to mix alcohol, and it’s also a mistake to want Eli back, but she doesn’t give either a second thought as she pounds the drink and orders another one.


Eli nods to the waitress and signals for another drink. His afternoon was hell listening to his brothers fight about the contract. The Sterlings were split right down the middle. He was on Cole’s side, agreeing the extra money will be well-spent to ensure consistency and quality. The other two brothers were not so convinced. They stayed locked up in their hotel room until they were all in agreement.

The waitress sets down two more Seven and Sevens in front Eli. She’s a cute little thing with an ass that would make anyone hard. He catches her wrist before she turns to walk away. Her name is embroidered in silver on her black uniform. Layla.

“What time do you get off?” Eli’s voice is thick with lust. Stress has driven him to maximum frustration, and he’s ready to take Layla upstairs right now.

She reaches down and adjusts his collar. “Eleven.”

He groans when her knuckles brush his neck. He pulls a room card from the chest pocket of his shirt.

“See you then, Layla.”

The waitress walks away, and Eli tries to push down his stiffened cock straining against his zipper. There’s no way he’ll be able to get through dinner with this fucking raging hard on.

“Kam, order for me. I’ll be right back.”

He’ll find a hot piece of ass to fuck or do it old school style. Eli pushes back in his chair and stands. His head spins lightly, and he begins to walk when he’s steady enough.

“Chloe,” Clint calls out.

Eli looks up. She came to play hardball from the looks of it. Her tan skin and exposed tits nearly have him coming in his slacks. He stares at her fuck me red high heels and roam a little further up her legs. He wants Chloe now and naked, with those red shoes wrapped around his neck.

Something grabs Chloe’s attention, causing her to turn slightly and reveal her perfectly shaped ass. Her black dress hugs every single one of her curves. When his eyes reach her tits, he can’t hold it back any longer and takes off for the bathroom.

There’s no way in hell Eli will be able to get through dinner with that sitting across from him. He needs to relieve himself, and now.

BOOK: Mr. Right Now: Vol. 1: Party Boys Who Get What They Want
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