Read Mountains Wanted Online

Authors: Phoebe Alexander

Mountains Wanted (10 page)

BOOK: Mountains Wanted
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She didn’t know whether
to be exhilarated or exhausted from trying to keep up with Dr. Pawel Kowalczyk’s
mental acrobatics. Not that James was simple - he was far from it - but being
younger and having no letters after his name contrasted sharply with someone so
worldly and degreed as Pawel. Sarah studied Pawel’s warm, kind brown eyes deep
set behind thick, smudged lenses and watched the way he pushed his lengthy
gray-streaked dark hair off his forehead.  He was the type of person who
would take off his glasses and leave behind little red spots where they’d rubbed
against the bridge of his nose. When they were off, he was so nearsighted that
he didn’t even look like himself. She was drawn in by his passion and the
expression lines on his face. She liked his laugh and the way he would text her
links to all sorts of articles to read, sometimes in the middle of the night
when it was clear he was poring over his research in lieu of sleeping. He got
what she did for a living - the research part of it - the student of human
culture side - in a way James and most other men couldn’t. There was a
camaraderie there that transcended any age or cultural barriers.

She had been on three
dates with Pawel so far and none had conflicted with time she spent with James,
so she hadn’t told him. There was no precedent set for her to tell him,
anyway. It really seemed ideal to have one partner to fulfill her physical
needs and one to fulfill her intellectual ones. 
Speaking of contrasts
she thought,
after three completely platonic dates, the only physical
contact we’ve had was Pawel clumsily pecking me on the cheek
. She really
didn’t think that lack of knowledge or experience was to blame for the
awkwardness in his case, but rather the intimidation factor. More than one
man had finally admitted to Sarah - after much cajoling - that she projected
some very intense sexual vibes that had the power to arrest even the most
secure of men. Although she preferred not to be the aggressor, every once
in a while Sarah had to take the bull by the horns to counteract a partner’s trepidation. After
the clumsy peck, she’d lightly grasped Pawel’s chin and drew him in very slowly
for a full-on-lips, open-mouthed kiss, their tongues just lightly brushing
against each other.
she had thought,
that’s so much better.

Sarah decided she was
going to tell Rachel about Pawel during the pedicure. No description of a new
suitor was complete without photographic evidence, so she had managed to snag a
shot of him from his faculty web page and save it to her phone. “He has
nice eyes,” Rachel observed during her first glimpse of the photo. “God,
aren’t all those academic types stuffy though?” she questioned.

“Am I stuffy?” Sarah

“Touché,” replied her
friend, studying the picture a bit more closely “It would be nice to run
my fingers through hair like his. So you’ve got your G.I. James and your Dr.
Smart Guy,” she laughed. “The best of both worlds!”

“Amen to that!” Sarah
concurred as she wiggled her freshly painted toes.  

“Want to do dinner with
me and Jack next week for my birthday?” Rachel questioned, Jack being The New
Guy. Knowing the answer would be yes, she quickly added: “Do you think you
could bring a date with you? Pawel or James, whatever.”

“So, in other words,”
Sarah laughed, “I should just bring someone with a Y chromosome?”

Rachel giggled.  “Any
guy will do, I suppose,” she replied. “Bonus points if he’s hot and into



Rachel’s birthday dinner
was the following week and Sarah had first invited Pawel to join, but he was
slated to be in Chicago for a conference where he’d be accepting an award for
some research he had recently published. Undaunted, Sarah decided to broach the
subject with James that night during one of their intermissions.

Her heart palpitated a
bit when his familiar broad silhouette appeared against the back door.  She
revealed his wicked grin as soon as the door creaked open, but within minutes
she was in his arms, his lips pressed against hers, his body pinning her
against the wall, her hands thrown around his shoulders.  He had her
bra unhooked and shirt unfastened in minutes and she felt his erection pressed
against her pelvis. She opened her eyes and took his hand to lead him to her
room, not saying a word.

He wasted no time
throwing her on the bed and sliding her panties off.  He dropped to his
knees on the floor and pulled her by her calves so that her bottom was at the
edge of the bed just below eye-level. He spread her thighs and ran a
finger up the inside of her legs from her feet to her slit, slipping just the tip
inside to gauge her wetness. She sighed at the slight hint of penetration
and arched her back, thrusting her pelvis toward his face. She was already
craving more, remembering how wonderful he’d felt inside her during their last

He was enjoying making
her wait, intensifying her desire and for the next few minutes he let his hot
breath fall on her flesh with his lips mere inches away with no actual contact. He
relished her moan as he finally let the tip of his tongue part her labia and
slide nearly up to her swollen clit but deliberately stopping short. She
breathed very deeply as if she was trying to settle into what was appearing to
be a lengthy tortuous tease.  

She heard him unzip his
pants and the heavy fabric subsequently make a soft thud on the carpet. Even
though she couldn’t see his hands, she knew he’d taken his stiff cock out of
his boxer briefs and was beginning to stroke it slowly as he made a trail of
kisses up the crevice between her vulva and her inner thigh. She was lying
on her hair, so she sat up halfway to gather her thick brown locks and fanned
them out all around her head, then closed her eyes, anticipating his next move.

With one hand stroking
his cock, he began to tease the opening to her sex with his other hand, just
one finger lightly traveling from her anus to her clitoris just barely
penetrating her labia on each trip back and forth. Then his tongue took
over, tracing the same path, once again lightly entering her, just enough to
taste a hint of her sweet nectar. All of this teasing and her clit was soon
throbbing with the need for attention; he could feel the urgency radiating off
her skin. She wanted to pull his face closer to her, to lift her hips and grind
against his mouth. Her body vibrated with her struggle to maintain patience.
has never been my strong suit
, she thought.
Particularly not when it
comes to matters of a...carnal nature...

He parted her lips again
with his free hand, holding her open, and finally allowed his tongue to
encircle her swollen rosebud. He felt her thighs start to quiver as the
sensations that ensued from his oral ministrations began to surge through her
body. She felt her orgasm building under his tongue as his finger slid
inside of her and arched to find her G-spot. He took her entire clit into his
mouth, gently sucking it as his fingers massaged her deep within her sex,
slowly thrusting in and out of her, deliberately strumming that magical bundle
of nerves behind her pubic bone. She felt the walls of her sex swelling as if a
dam was about to break; the intensity of the pleasure was beginning to make her
extremities feel numb, all of her vital fluids draining into the core of her
body. She no longer had control of her voice or her hands; moans were escaping
that sounded only vaguely human and her fingers firmly gripped James’ head,
clenching tightly onto his buzzed hair, holding him in position as if the fate
of the world rested on his mouth maintaining contact with her pussy.  

Just as the floodgates
were about to open, she shouted, “Watch out!” Naturally, he watched; it was
the “out” he had issues with. He was unable to avoid his entire face being
drenched by a huge gush of fluids emanating from her sex, a display the likes
of which he had only witnessed in internet porn.  

“Holy fuck!” he
whispered as he felt her thighs close around his neck, preventing his escape. The
sweet, hot juices began to drip down his chin and chest, quickly cooling in the
chilled night air. For minutes afterwards Sarah laid convulsing beneath him,
maintaining her death grip around his neck until finally she slowly released,
her thighs lazily falling to each side of her as if she were completely limp
and lifeless.  

As she came to, she
realized that they had not spoken one actual word of greeting to each other. Nothing
had been said except her warning to watch out and his exclamation of surprise. There
was also complete silence as he pushed her back onto the bed and filled her
still dripping pussy with his rock hard cock. He looked intensely into her eyes
as he stroked slow and deep within her, his need for release so great that he
was afraid to move with any more speed. On his knees between her thighs he
could feel the wet spot she had created seeping outwards on the sheet under
him, which only served to remind him again of the powerful orgasm she’d had
under the direction of his deftly skilled mouth. The momentary rewind of the
scene that had occurred just minutes before prevented him being able to hold
back any longer: a few more long, deep strokes and he expelled his fluids
inside her so forcefully that she felt the spurts hit her cervix.

That was when she
realized he hadn’t worn a condom.



Sarah lay in James’ arms
in her special spot for several minutes after he finished and rolled off onto the
bed beside her. She could feel the warm sticky semen dripping from her sex
and onto her thighs. Plus the bed was already wet from the earlier oral
I’ll have to get up and change the sheets.
 She was
reviewing how many times she had been with James now…
was this our 10th night
He’d never failed to produce a condom from his pants pocket
or to grab one from the drawer beside her bed.
What made this time

He was still and silent,
as if he was about to drift off. They had talked about so many things during
these quiet post-coital moments, but never their experiences with other lovers.
She still had no idea about his past and he had no idea about her lifestyle. She
suddenly felt very guilty for not being upfront with him, and she couldn’t
shift the blame to him for not asking.
 It’s time
, she thought,
is the time

“ condom this
time?” she broke the silence, causing his eyes to jolt open. She felt the
muscles in his arms and chest tense at the abrupt sound of her voice.

“Oh, god, Sarah,” he
replied, “I was so caught up in the moment...”

“James,” she said, “it’s
okay. I’m fixed; I’m not going to get pregnant or anything.”

“Whew!” he sighed and
laughed a bit. “Good, no big deal then. Why didn’t we talk about this before?”

“Are you seeing anyone
else?” she asked pointedly.

“Not right now,” he
answered. He didn’t hesitate, which put her at ease. “Are you?”

“There’s probably
something you should know about me, James,” she confessed, sitting up so she
could look him in the eye.

Her serious tone gave
him pause. He sat up as well, wearing a perplexed, tense expression. She’d
never seen him that way. He was always so confident and composed. She
patted his leg a bit, trying to reassure him as she began her story, “I don’t know
where to start exactly... When I met you, I hadn’t been with anyone for a long

She felt his posture
relax a bit and urged her on with his eyes. “But?”

“Right...there’s a
She sighed and turned toward
him, her legs crossed in front of her, pulling the sheets up around her and
pressing her arms down on them to form a toga of sorts. She gathered up
her words carefully before beginning again. “But in the past several years I
haven’t really had any traditional relationships. Not since my divorce. I...I
actually prefer having multiple partners,” she explained, carefully gauging his
reaction. “That’s why I suggested a friends with benefits arrangement. I
thought maybe my situation might be too complicated for you. And you should
probably be aware that I just started seeing someone else and although I
haven’t had sex with him yet, I intend to at some point.” Once she’d settled on
them, she let the words gush out just like the fountain she’d produced moments

James looked confused,
as if he couldn’t decide whether he should be relieved or shocked. “What, are
you like a swinger or something?” he finally asked, like it was the punch line
to a joke.

Sarah laughed at the way
he said the word, as if it was dirty. “I don’t like that term particularly. I
prefer to think of myself as very open-minded,” she corrected him.

“So I guess I don’t
understand what this means,” he admitted. Sarah looked into his eyes,
noticing that he suddenly looked so young, so naive. “What does it mean for
me?” he clarified.

“Well, it’s definitely
something I should have told you from the beginning,” Sarah admitted. “We’ve
been seeing each other for a while now, and we should be open about any other
partners we have. I just did meet Pawel and I haven’t...been with him
yet...I would have told you...when we did. But I didn’t want to scare you
off...” The words were tumbling out like water from a faucet. “I really like
you, James...” She took his hand into her own and laced her fingers through
his. “Maybe too much...”

BOOK: Mountains Wanted
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