More Than Physical (The Physical Series Book Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: More Than Physical (The Physical Series Book Book 2)
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Chapter Nine


Jackson had no idea what he’d done to deserve this, but he wasn’t going to waste a moment wondering what caused Sasha’s sudden change of heart about being with him. He was not about to look this gift horse in the mouth. His only thought was getting his mouth all over Sasha’s silky feminine flesh as soon as humanly possible.

Standing outside his hotel room door, his hands full with the bottle and champagne flutes, Jackson gestured down to the pocket of his tux pants.

“Mind helping me out with the key, Shorty?” He gave her a conspirational wink.

“Hmm, I think I can be of assistance,” she drawled, her hand jutting in the pocket, rummaging around and brushing up against his crotch. “My God, this card is
big and hard. How on earth will it even fit in the slot?”

He loved playful Sasha. And her lusty laugh was an aphrodisiac that sent a thrill down his spine. “Oh it fits, sweetheart. It was made to fit if you do it right. Lucky for you, I how to use it.”

Sasha let out a low whistle before grabbing at the small plastic hotel key card, but not before she laced her fingers around his throbbing length, squeezing it once. Jackson groaned at the exquisite jolt of pleasure that ricocheted through his groin, her grip mimicking the tightness he would soon find between her legs.

She smirked up at him, slowly pulling her hand from his pants and turning toward the door. This woman was a wickedly evil woman who cast a spell on him the moment he met her. A spell he was more than glad to be under.

Although for the past eight months Jackson had been casually throwing out hints of recreating their one-night together, wanting desperately to find out if that one night lived up to his memory, Sasha continually evaded his advances. He’d tried the flirty banter, to no avail. And he knew, without a doubt, that his flirting techniques were above average, because they worked quite successfully on other women he’d been with. But Sasha was just a wily one. A self-proclaimed commitment-phobe. An elusive creature destined to avoid what she considered “entanglements”.

He’d watched with amused interest as Sasha beguiled man after man over the past year. She’d seduce and charm them into her lair, take what she wanted, and throw them away like yesterday’s old news. This incredibly smart, successful and sexy-as-hell woman was a force of nature that the average male had no idea how to handle.

But he did. Jackson had watched and learned, taking in the errors lesser men made, waiting patiently for his opportunity to implement his next course of action. This beautiful and enticing woman couldn’t be cornered. She didn’t want to be tamed. And she most certainly did not want to give up her sense of control.

Sasha reminded him of the wild Mustang horses he’d once seen on a vacation at a wild horse sanctuary in Wyoming. These exotic horses ran free, exhibiting an affinity to roam, undomesticated and elusive in their existence. Their beauty was in their strength and confidence – the exact characteristics Sasha possessed. And for whatever reason, she resisted getting close, always keeping a ten-foot barrier around herself.

Until now. Whatever it was that changed for her, Jackson wasn’t about to rock the boat and question her decision, not when he had her willing and ready for what came next.

The door to his room opened wide and he took the opportunity to advance before she formed a slew of objections. Pressing forward, Jackson walked her backward into the dark entryway, his mouth descending on hers to take what he’d desperately wanted all night.

When he kissed her, Sasha’s soft, full lips parted, granting his tongue immediate access to roam her mouth. They groaned together, the sound reverberating off the room walls. Moving her further into the room, he freed his hands by placing the bottle and glasses on the table, securing his arms around her slender waist.

Exploring the sweetness of her mouth, enjoying the taste of champagne and strawberries, he drove his hand into her hair, gripping it tight and giving her a vigorous yank. Her gasp filled his mouth and he smiled against her lips, enjoying her sexy vocal response. The sound succeeded in bringing him to a new level of hardness, making his dick turn into an iron spike.

Jackson pulled her against him, grinding and thrusting upward, his hand gripping her tight ass to keep her locked in against his aching erection. She rocked against him, the friction causing his balls to tighten to the point of pain.

“You keep doing that, gorgeous, and I’m liable to come in my pants.”

She get out a stifled giggle. “We wouldn’t want that, now, would we?” Sasha’s dark eyes gleamed with naughty purpose, her hand reaching the front of his trousers, yanking the material of his dress shirt from his pants. Her fingers deftly unbuttoned and unzipped, leaving the flap open for her hand to slide down. He cursed loudly, his dick jumping for joy as her warm hand wrapped confidently around his shaft.

It was heaven. “Aw, shit. That feels good.”

“It sure does,” she murmured, her breath becoming labored. “And it’ll feel even better in my mouth.”

Without warning, Sasha dislodged his hand from her hair as she slid to her knees in front of him, taking his pants and briefs along with her. Within moments he stood full frontal, his cock jutting out between them. Jackson growled in both pleasure and pain as he watched Sasha wrap her hand around his erection, gripping the base. Time stood still in that moment as his cock was suddenly enveloped with the warmth of her tongue.

Her eyes pinned to his, he watched as her tongue licked up his length, reaching the top as her wet lips covered his tip.

The strong desire to surge into the hot cavern of her mouth was overwhelming, nearly knocking him to the floor. Jackson’s gaze fixed on the top of her head, which was bobbing up and down in front of him, her eyes blinking at him in heated lust. There was no way he was going to last if she kept this up, the perfect suction of her mouth as she vacillated between sucking and licking, her movements thorough and precise.

With a mind of their own, his hands gravitated to her hair, locking his fingers into the thick, raven strands. The feeling was exquisite, a waterfall of silk. His brain told him to slow down, to enjoy every sensation, yet his aching balls were ready to get things going, his cock beginning to thrust into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat.

In a desperate act of will, Jackson gently removed her mouth from his ready-to-blow-at-any-moment dick. Sasha’s wide eyes darted to his in question, her brows furrowing as her mouth still hung open in surprise.

“I’m getting too close, and I want to make you come before I fuck you properly. Now get your ass over to that bed so I can do just that.” She gave him a
noise, but did as he suggested without any resistance. At least they were making progress there, he inwardly chuckled. Under normal circumstances, she would dig her heels in and do exactly the opposite of what he asked.

Jackson grabbed her elbows to assist her to her feet, turning her around and slowly walking her backwards to the foot of the bed. Stopping there, he placed his index finger and thumb underneath her chin, lifting her head for their eyes to meet. What he saw there sent a bolt of lust through his body. Her eyes burned bright with heat, longing and need.

Jackson latched his mouth onto her neck, the warmth of her skin infusing him with an insatiable desire to drink her in. Her soft, sultry scent reminded him of spiced tea. Succulent, sensual and undeniably Sasha.

“If I haven’t mentioned it yet, it was a privilege having you by my side tonight. You were radiant and stunning,” he murmured against her collarbone, his lips making a path down to the center of her chest. “Every man in that ballroom was jealous of me, and not because of the award, but because I had the most beautiful woman they’d ever seen on arm. And they all knew exactly what I’d be doing with you tonight. That makes me the luckiest man alive.”

Quickly divesting his tuxedo jacket, he flung it to the floor without a glance before unbuttoning his shirt, undoing his bow tie and tossing them both away, his lust-filled gaze never leaving hers. Something close to appreciation flickered in her eyes as she took in the sight of his naked torso, her eyes fluttering closed as Jackson leaned in again, nipping at her sensitive earlobe, her breath catching in her throat in a small gasp.

“You’re so full of shit, Rowdy…but I appreciate the compliment,” she whispered, leaning in to take a quick swipe of her tongue across the stubble on his chin. “Now why don’t you undress me and give me some more dirty talk. I like that.”

The words she spoke transported him back to their night together in Cabo. The way she said those exact words, telling him how turned on she’d been when he talked dirty. When he described exactly what he wanted to do to her – with her - and what he was going to do to her body to give her pleasure.

In his experience, most women he’d been with seemed put off by his colorful commentary, as if it cheapened the act. But Sasha enjoyed it, which only spurred him on further, driving him to speak more bluntly and erotically. It ratcheted up his own level of desire as she murmured her own agreements to his sensual questions, her body arching into his, as if she couldn’t get close enough.

Jackson pulled away, looking down into her darkened eyes, filled with an unsaid emotion, a heavy mix of lust and need. Her eyes held a thousand secrets, locked deep inside, protected by the sharp dragon-like persona that guarded her like a vigilant sentinel. A brilliant disguise, carefully sheltering the hairline fractures of that glass she obviously constructed around her heart.

From what he’d heard and seen of Sasha’s love life, she was quick to jump in and bolting at the first sign of anything material. She was a woman who owned her reputation, she enjoyed sex and flagrantly flaunted it to the world, as if to say, “
this is me, like it or not. And I fucking love it!

Yet here, stretched out beneath him, her body arching to meet his, her hands gripping his shoulders and her mouth seeking his, it felt like she was grasping for something more to hold on to. Something, or someone, to tell her she was
. That she was safe and protected. That she could trust him not to hurt her or discard her. Even though her words and her actions said the complete opposite.

Sasha blinked up at him, her fingernails dug sharply into his shoulders, like a bit pulling tight across a horse’s mouth. The sting brought him back to what it was she was asking of him.

He smiled, knowing he could play along with her game and give in to her demands. Or he could take control back from her. Lead her to where he thought she really wanted to go. And Jackson knew he could take her there.

“You want me to talk dirty to you, is that it? Does it get you off when I tell you how fucking hard you make me?”

She nodded, her lips parting as a soft moan left her lips. Her lush, full lips, still wet and swollen from being wrapped around him just moments before. 

“Well, in that case…I’m going to start with getting you out of this dress, and then I’m going to run my tongue and hands up and down every inch of your silken skin.” He enjoyed the involuntary shiver she emitted as his hands dug underneath the straps at her shoulder blades, slowly unzipping her dress. His fingertips grazed the soft skin of her back, now exposed to his touch, relishing the heat of her body.

She helped him in his quest by shrugging her shoulders and wiggling her upper body, letting the bodice slip down her torso, exposing her creamy, weighty breasts. His breath caught as he took in the sight underneath him.

Although he’d touched, licked and kissed her breasts before during their wild night in Cabos, it all felt like a dream, one that was fuzzy and faded around the edges when you wake. In some respects, he was uncertain if it ever really happened. At the time, it had been dark, and he’d been drunk enough so that he hadn’t spent the time to worship her gorgeous tits.

But now? Now, he had all night long. And he would relish in the opportunity to give Sasha as much pleasure as she could possibly endure.

“Sasha,” he murmured, bending so that his mouth hovered over her distended nipple. “Your tits are exquisite. Your nipples are so perfectly pink, just screaming for my lips to cover them. To suck on them until you’re crying out for me to fuck them. You want that, don’t you?”

His eyes left their current happy place to meet hers. What he saw in them nearly brought him to his knees. At half mast, she licked her seductive lips, a small smile forming to tell him he hit the mark.

“Yes…I want you to fuck them.”

A low, almost beastly growl, emerged from the depths of his chest. God, this woman was going to kill him. His body was poised to blow, the tightness in his balls increasing in pressure, as his dick throbbed with need.

“I know you do. But not tonight. Tonight I’m going to come when I’m buried deep inside you. My cock is going to make you lose your mind. You are going to need me inside you so bad by the time I’m finished devouring you. Your pussy will be so wet. Aching for me. Hungry. Insatiable.” 

He took possession of her nipple, laving his tongue over the stiff peak, his hand moving to squeeze the other, fingers flicking at the pebbled nub. She arched her back, crying out in her need.

…I need you. Now.” Her voice dripped with desperation, her hands threading into his now mussed hair, digging into his scalp with an urgency he himself felt.

BOOK: More Than Physical (The Physical Series Book Book 2)
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