Read More than Passion Online

Authors: JoMarie DeGioia

More than Passion (2 page)

BOOK: More than Passion
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“What can I do for you, Kane?”

“Well, sir, I need a room for a few days, and stables for my two horses. I’ve left them with your groom down at the stables. I hope I’m not being presumptuous.”

Thomas shook his head. “Not at all. I trust you found them satisfactory?”

“Yes, quite. As fine as any stables I’ve seen.”

Thomas’s chest swelled at the praise. “I hope you won’t find me immodest, but my two-legged patrons are treated to at least the same quality of lodgings.”

Geoffrey nodded. “I’ll take a room then, and my driver should have accomodations, as well.”

When that business was concluded, Geoffrey took his satchel up the narrow staircase and located his room. The upstairs hallway was narrow, with rooms located on either side. At the top of the stairs, Geoffrey turned left and strode down the hall. He found his room elegantly furnished, with a large bed taking up one side. The other was fashioned into a sitting area of sorts, with a plumply upholstered armchair and padded footrest. A mirrored washstand stood across from the bed and a privacy screen stood folded nearby. A small wardrobe completed the furnishings, standing open to receive his clothes.

He hung up his few jackets and shirts, and placed his spare boots on the bottom. “Meager wardrobe, Kane. Good thing your valet is at Kanewood.”

His stomach growled, reminding him he’d missed the nooning meal. He glanced at the clock on the bedstand, surprised to see it was nearly six o’clock. Thomas had told him that dinner service began at six, so he washed his face and carelessly ran a comb through his hair. He glanced in the mirror and saw that a light stubble darkened his cheeks and his blue eyes looked tired. “You just shaved this morning, fop,” he told his reflection. “I’m hungry.”

He changed his shirt for a clean one and shrugged back into his jacket. It was still a bit crumpled but would have to suffice. Who knew how long he’d be stranded here? Somewhat satisfied with his appearance, he took himself downstairs to the dining room.

Geoffrey entered, finding it furnished in the same simple elegance as was his room. The polished floor shone. The round tables were covered with fine white cloth. The place was nearly filled and two or three patrons sat at each occupied table. According to Thomas Kingsley, only half of the diners would be staying in the rooms abovestairs. It seemed the cook was famous in the nearby town and many an unattached man took his evening meal at the inn. Geoffrey located an empty table and sat.

The meal was simple, but it smelled glorious. Apparently, tonight he could look forward to a hearty meal of roast beef with potatoes. He could almost taste the thick gravy covering each helping.

A buxom serving girl bearing a loaded platter sashayed over to his table, her red ringlets bouncing with each step. She stopped in front of him, favoring him with a smile that showed a dimple in her cheek. “I’m Emmy.”

Geoffrey let his gaze fall to her bosom, which was very nearly in his face. “Emmy.”

She set the platter down and placed a hand on her hip, regarding him closely. “Will ya be wantin’ anythin’ else?”

He brought his gaze back up to her face, blinking at the invitation in her brown eyes. He smiled at her and shook his head. She turned away and he watched her bottom as she bent over a nearby table. Perhaps he’d try out the fine bed upstairs with the wench. He soon saw that she favored all of the male customers with the same familiarity. Laughing to himself, he picked up his fork to start on the appetizing meal before him. He nearly dropped it when he spotted the dark-haired girl coming from the kitchen.

She moved with an easy grace through the dining room, her glossy black hair catching the light given off by the candles. Curls framed the perfect oval of her face and teased the back of her neck. Her simple gown hugged her lush figure, the skirt swaying over her hips as she walked. She carried a pitcher of ale, and Geoffrey couldn’t take his eyes off her as she moved from table to table.

A man’s voice broke through his reverie. “Fetchin’, ain’t she?”

“What …?” He hadn’t even noticed the gray-haired man who joined him at his table. “Yes.”

“Peter Jenkins is the name,” the slight man offered. “How do you do?”

Geoffrey shook the man’s hand. “Kane. Geoffrey Kane,” he answered. “Very well, thank you.”

The older man gave a flick of his head in the girl’s direction. “She’s Kingsley’s daughter.”

Geoffrey raised an eyebrow at that. This beautiful creature was related to the florid-faced innkeeper? Impossible.

Just then, the girl approached the two men. Her mouth curved into a smile for the older man before she turned her attention to Geoffrey. Her rose-colored lips parted as she stared into his eyes for a long moment. “Blue.”

Geoffrey blinked. “What?”

She shook her head. “N-nothing.”

Geoffrey could only stare at the girl, dumbstruck. Her eyes were the color of emeralds, and sparkled as prettily. His gaze fell on her lips as she flicked her tongue over them. Desire shot through him, want like he’d never felt before. Once again, Peter’s voice broke in.

“Rebecca, this is Geoffrey Kane. Kane, meet Rebecca Kingsley.”

The girl, Rebecca, curtsied in greeting after a brief hesitation. She seemed as off-kilter as he felt, to his amazement. After a moment, Geoffrey stood and bowed slightly. “Miss Kingsley.”

“I’m pleased to meet you,” Rebecca said.

Her voice suited her. It was soft and a bit husky. And damn sensual.


“Will you be staying with us long?”

If I can help it.
“A few days, actually,” he said, smiling.

She gasped softly, the sound no more than a whisper. “Well, do enjoy your stay,” she said, shyly returning his smile.

She stared up at him for a moment longer. Finally, she filled his tankard. With a nod of her dark head, she continued on through the dining room. Geoffrey sank back down into his seat, his gaze glued to her form.

“Rebecca,” he breathed. “Becca.”

Peter chuckled at Geoffrey’s obvious befuddlement. Geoffrey ignored him and turned his attention back to his meal. But because he stopped every so often to stare after the enchanting girl, Becca, his meal was cold by the time he finished.


Chapter 2

The next morning, after seeing to the morning meal, Rebecca was upstairs putting her assigned rooms to rights. She was disappointed that Mr. Kane, Geoffrey, hadn’t joined the other lodgers for breakfast. Perhaps he had business to attend to and needed an early start. She grinned to herself. And perhaps Emmy would need help serving the nooning meal.

With an armful of clean towels, she moved from room to room. She paused in front of Geoffrey’s door. She knew this was so, for she’d been in her father’s office the night before. She smiled. While straightening his desk, she just happened to see the registry.

She placed a hand on the door, trailing a finger over the wood. He’d affected her last night like no man ever had before. His beautiful eyes, his dazzling smile, had made her heart beat faster. The stubble on his finely chiseled cheeks only added to his appeal. Lord, he was handsome. Letting out a sigh, she entered the room.

The chamber was dark as the draperies were still drawn. She placed the towels on the washstand and crossed to the window. She pulled aside the drapes and turned, stunned at the sight before her. There on the bed, Geoffrey lay sleeping. The covers were down around his waist and he wore no night shirt. His broad chest and strong arms were dark against the white sheets. She let her gaze wander over him, noting the thick lock of honey-colored hair that fell across his brow. She quietly crossed to him. She looked down at his face, striking even in repose. She gently brushed the lock of hair back from his forehead. So soft. Would the hair covering his chest feel just as soft? She gently brushed her fingers over his chest.

Suddenly, his hand gripped hers and her gaze flew to Geoffrey’s face. She found him staring at her, his brilliant blue eyes boring into hers. She gasped, a soft sound in the silence of the room.

“Geoffrey ….”


He lifted his head off the pillow, a question in his eyes. Her gaze fell to the firm, masculine curve of his mouth. She bent her head to meet him halfway.

“Becca,” he whispered again, his mouth a breath away.

Their lips brushed ever so lightly, the fleeting kiss firing her senses. He began to apply more pressure and she pulled back, shocked by her actions. She fled the room, her cheeks flaming and her lips on fire.

Out in the hall once more, Rebecca leaned against the wall and tried to collect herself. Her heart beat furiously and her breath came fast. She brought her fingers up to her mouth and lightly touched her lips, still tingling from Geoffrey’s kiss. Breathing in deeply, she tried to slow her racing pulse. She hurried to the safety of her room, not wanting to run into him. She paused at her door, glancing down the hall toward his room. She was safe. From him or from herself, she wouldn’t ponder.

She straightened her shoulders and entered her room, closing the door softly behind her. Almost before she was aware, it was time for the nooning meal.

“Girl!” her father bellowed from belowstairs in his usual manner.

She came out of her room to stand at the top of the stairs. “Yes, Father?”   

“Get down here. We got a full dining room.”

She nodded, sighing to herself. Only that morning she’d thought to help Emmy, hoping to catch a glimpse of Geoffrey. Now after shaming herself in his room, she knew she’d simply perish if she saw him. She slowly descended the stairs and entered the dining room.

Emmy was busy carrying out the platters of food. The fare was light: cold chicken, crusty bread, slabs of hard cheese. She spied Rebecca and motioned for her to bring the bread baskets to the tables. Rebecca stacked a few full baskets in her arms and moved among the tables. Halfway through her task, she spotted Geoffrey sitting alone. Their eyes met briefly and she looked away. He watched her with a smile teasing his lips, apparently amused at the flush she was certain covered her cheeks. He motioned to her, requesting some bread. She walked toward him resolutely and stopped in front of his table.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Kane,” she said stiffly.

“‘Mr. Kane’?” he teased. “Why so formal? I’d think that after this morning ….”

Her gasp blessedly stilled him. She bent down and placed the basket of bread in front of him.

“Thank you, Becca,” he whispered in her ear, his breath warm on her skin.

Rebecca blushed again, hotly this time. She looked at him and read the amusement in his eyes. She straightened and quickly walked away from the table.


Geoffrey broke off a piece of bread, smiling to himself. That morning, when she’d surprised him in his room then left so suddenly, made him wonder if she’d truly been there or if she was part of the wonderful dream he’d had before waking. Her lips had been so soft, her touch magical. She seemed to be having none of it this afternoon.

After finishing his meal, Geoffrey left the dining room, bound for the parlor. The sound of voices stopped him just outside the doorway.

“So what did Kane say to ya that turned ya all red?” he heard the other serving girl, Emmy, ask Rebecca.

“Nothing, really.”

Emmy snorted. “Ah, come on, love. He’s a handsome devil, and obviously taken with ya.”

Geoffrey blinked. Taken with her? Hell, he wanted her, plain and simple.

“What makes you say that?” Rebecca asked.

“The way he looks at ya, silly.”

“I like the way he says my name,” she said softly. “He calls me Becca.’”

“Does he, now? Ain’t that cozy?”

“No. I just like it, that’s all.”

“Okay, love. I won’t tease ya about it, then.”

The voices faded, and Geoffrey surmised that the women had left the room. He entered to find that he was right. He lowered himself onto a damask-covered settee. Rebecca had been as affected as he had. He’d felt it in his room. But why the shy blushes? Surely she couldn’t be completely innocent, not living in an inn as busy as this one. Not with all the men as taken with her charms as he was. That thought soured his mood. He didn’t like the idea of any other man touching her. He was surprised by that sudden wave of possessiveness.

“Easy, Kane,” he told himself. “She’s just a pretty girl and it’s been a while since you’ve had a tumble.”

He turned his attention to the stack of books left on the table. Choosing one, he opened it and put thoughts of Rebecca Kingsley out of his mind.

That evening, Geoffrey entered the dining room. He sat at an empty table and smiled as Emmy placed a platter of hearty beef stew in front of him.

“And how are ya this evenin’, Kane?” she asked, running her gaze over him.

“Just fine, Emmy.” He smiled.

Although he tried, he couldn’t stop his eyes from searching for Rebecca’s slender form. He wasn’t disappointed. She stood across the room, talking quietly to her father. As Geoffrey watched, she began to wring her hands, a look of distress marring her exquisite features. Geoffrey frowned, unaware of the telling action.

But Emmy didn’t miss it. “So it’s like that, is it?”


“Nothin’. Anythin’ else?”

“Not at the moment.”

Emmy nodded and turned away to see to the other diners. “About bloody time.”

Geoffrey ignored her parting comment, his eyes on Becca as she floated about the room. He didn’t miss the obvious lust in the eyes of the other patrons, however. He wanted to flatten every last one of them.

His food seemed to lose its taste, so he washed it down with more ale.

* * * *

“I’m telling you, Jenkins. I’ve got to get that girl married off, and right quick.”

Peter Jenkins nodded at Thomas, then smiled. “I can see what ya mean. All those young pups droolin’ after her. Yer goin’ ter have to keep her locked up.”

“It’s not funny,” Thomas growled. “I have no dowry for her. And my rank as the third son of a baronet yields me no bargaining power.”

Peter hid his smile, narrowing his eyes thoughtfully. “Ya know, Thomas, the way I see it, this here inn is worth a pretty penny. And as likely as not, whoever she marries is goin’ ter get it in due time, right?”

BOOK: More than Passion
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