Moon Sworn (The Bound Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Moon Sworn (The Bound Series Book 1)
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Maya swallowed, what the hell was going on?  He didn't even look human at that moment and she paused, then something inside seemed to rise up as her own hackles rose.  She was furious to find herself trapped in her own home by a man that had been haunting her dreams and threatening her in her head for longer than she cared to remember.  Her shoulders straightened and her own top lip lifted, a growl rising up from her throat and she hissed at him.


Jaden halted, shaking off the thrall of his cat as he took a good look at his mate.  Her human canines were showing, her eyes gleaming, and her human hands had come up, in clawing positions, as if she were going to swipe at him.  He burst out laughing, it was like he was being threatened by a kitten, a human one. I mean the whole idea was absolutely preposterous.

"Are you intending to you use those?" he asked, leaning his hip on her sink counter top by the side of the door as he absently turned the key in the back door.  Then he crossed his arms over his chest as if he was completely harmless, never once breaking eye contact as he worked out his next move.  He watched the confusion cross her face as she looked down towards her hands.  She seemed perplexed at their clawing pose and dropped them, clearing her throat and then resting those same hands on her rounded hips.  His eyes now trailed down her body, taking in her shape.  He'd been stuck on her eyes earlier, and the way her nipples pressed against her bra.  Now he was doing a full body visual on what was before him.  She wasn't slim, but she also wasn't big either.  She was well shaped, solid and curvy and his eyes were once again drawn to those hips.  He unfolded his arms and took a step towards her, and her eyes slit again, glinting at him, staring without blinking.

"I really hope you are prepared to lose a body part because I'll tell you now, come one step closer and you will definitely lose something."  His brow rose at the threat and he smirked as he took another step in her direction.  Noticing too late the nice blade she pulled from the block on the counter behind her.  Her own brow now rose, and a smirk played across that lush mouth he wanted to lose himself in.

"You're going to what, stab me? Cut off my dick, come on mate exactly what are you going to do to me?" he goaded, taking another step until around 12-feet separated them.  Then he pounced and was on her in a heartbeat, the knife back on the side and her hands held behind her back with his own.  He rather liked this new position, with her bent backwards slightly it pushed her groin into his.  He especially enjoyed how her lush curves cradled his harder frame and purred against her neck.  She tried to twist away hissing at him but he ignored her as he waited for her to realise the vulnerability of her position.  He had all night and he would get his way, he'd win her around, after all he had nearly 200-years' experience on her.

"You can do that for as long as you like, it's rather pleasurable," he whispered into her ear before giving the lobe a punishing nip.  She yelped and again tried to twist from his grip, but he sucked the soft skin into his mouth, running his tongue over it to take away the sting.  "You really don't want to try to get violent with me mate, you don't want to see me upset.  You really wouldn't like it," he heard her snort and pulled back with a frown.  She was no longer fighting, her eyes were now shining with mirth and her mouth twitched.

"Seriously, you just used that line.  What are you the hulk, are you going to grow bigger and turn green?" he tugged her towards him. 

"Oh I'm definitely growing bigger.  I've not noticed it turning green though," he informed her as he rubbed his erection against her.  Her mouth snapped closed and her cheeks heated with colour, he rather liked the flush to her skin.

"I'll ask one more time what I asked you the other night, and believe me when I say this.  A truthful answer is very important for your own comfort.  Are you a virgin?" her cheeks seemed to glow now with embarrassment and she snorted.

"I'm telling you exactly what I told you the other night.  It's got fuck all to do with you because you won't be touching…" The last word had hardly left her mouth when his lips took hers in a punishing kiss for defying him.  As soon as she tried to suck in a breath his tongue slipped inside, stroking over her own.  Gripping both her hands in one of his left him with a hand free to begin roaming over her body.  A double assault as his mouth reluctantly left hers to do some wandering of its own.

He kissed down her throat and then between those breasts that were presently rising and falling in her agitation.  Her nipples once again beading and pushing against their confines.  He nuzzled against them before sucking one straight through her t-shirt and bra, biting the turgid flesh with the tips of his teeth.  She hissed and tried to pull away but he held her fast, bending her further and used his spare hand to push up her t-shirt and pull the cup of her bra below.  He then latched back onto that unfettered nipple and suckled strongly.  He alternated his sucks with laves of his tongue around her areola before sucking that tempting nipple back into the warm cavern of his mouth. 


What the hell was wrong with her?  She'd pulled a knife on him.  She'd never threatened anyone in her life, and he arrives and she's suddenly pulling a weapon on him and threatening him with violence like a gang member.  She didn't have a clue how to defend herself, so why was she antagonising the mad man that had been talking inside her head for nearly 5-years?  Come to think of it, who was the mad one here?  She was the one who'd heard him, and how the hell was that possible?


Jaden listened to block out the conversation going on inside her confused mind, but it was drilling inside his head. He really didn't want to listen to her ruminations while he was trying to pleasure her body.  Surely she should be applauding his good manners for trying to prepare her virginal body for what was to come, hopefully them both if she'd stop thinking long enough to enjoy herself.  He bit her nipple again, with enough force to make her gasp and go quiet, then he flicked it with his tongue before pulling back and replacing his mouth with his fingers.  He continued to tug and knead the flesh while he watched her through brooding, hooded eyes.

"I need you to know I'm not going to hurt you, but I need your compliance here Maya.  I promise you'll enjoy it." He purred, smiling down into her slightly glazed but still rather angry eyes as he gave her nipple another tweak.  His nostrils flaring again as her arousal made itself known.

"Arrgh, you like a little pain with your pleasure?" His brow rose, and he grinned wickedly down at her as he bent his head and nipped at the flesh before swirling his tongue over it.  Her legs seemed to give out making him chuckle, and he released her hands and slowly lifted her onto the work surface behind her.  He then stepped between her spread thighs, making himself at home and moved the knife further up the counter.

"I promise we'll try with a little pain next time.  For your first time though I think I should be a little gentler with you," he said just before his mouth took hers in a toe curling, panty wetting kiss.  She couldn't think, didn't know whether she was on her head or her arse.

Her heard dropped back, and he went on a journey over her neck and back to her breasts.  He tugged its twin from its confinement and pushed her t-shirt over her head, throwing it over his shoulder to join his own on the floor.  Then reaching around her, he undid her bra and sent that the same way.  Now he had free access to the bounty before him.  She wasn't big, but they did fit rather snugly into his palms.  He played with one as he went back to sucking and nibbling on the other.


What the hell was she doing?  He may have been talking to her for a couple of years but she didn't know him from Adam.  Why was she letting him touch her like this?  No one had ever touched her like this, she should be kicking and screaming not purring.

Jaden let the nipple he'd been enjoying slip from between his lips with a sigh.  He stepped back, his head dropping backwards on his shoulders, groaning as stared at the ceiling.  Really it was nice that she hadn't been touched before.  I mean it was fucking fantastic that his mate had never before slept with someone, but for fuck sake.

"Seriously, Maya, you need to stop thinking.  I can't concentrate and I've gone without for nearly 5-years, and all you can do is think of ways to try to kick my arse?  Why can't you think of something more pleasurable, like how to ride me into next week?"

She blinked at him a couple of times, he thought she was going to put out, really?  Growling low in her throat she pushed against him, her palm landing on the warm smooth skin of his chest and he hissed.  His amber eyes now glowing as they met her startled ones, her mouth open in shock.


Jaden could hear her thoughts as if they were being shouted, she thought they weren't doing this?  Really, after going so long without, not a cat in hell's chance.  Holding her hand against his naked chest he watched her mouth snap shut as her eyes drop down to watch what he was up to.  He heard her heart rate kick up a notch and her breath catch.  Suppressing a grin and remember to blank his thoughts, he decided to use her own curiosity against her.


Maya couldn't believe she was allowing him to use her own hand to stroke over his chest.  Really, she should put a stop to this and show him the door.  Well, maybe in a minute.  He did feel kind of nice, smooth, yet hard and soft all at the same time.  He was also warm, really warm to the touch.  She enjoyed the texture of his skin and how it felt beneath her fingertips.  She was so lost in the feel of him that she'd forgotten she was sat on the breakfast bar topless.  She bit he lip when she got to the little brown disc of his nipple and grazed her nail over it, back and forth.  She mimicked the movement he'd done to her earlier and heard his breath catch.  Looking up she caught his slumberous gaze, he looked like a lazy contented cat.  Where the hell had that thought come from?  Then it was gone as quickly as it had surfaced as he made her hand repeat the move with her nail on him again as he did the same to her.  They groaned in unison and Maya was once again lost in the texture of his skin.  Tracing all the grooves and indentations in his stomach, he had really good stomach muscles.  She also ran her nails through the light trail of black hair that ran from his naval through the centre of that slab of muscles and then stopped again.  As she got to the top of his jeans, she bit her lip in indecision on whether to continue.  Jaden made the decision for her as he undid the button and zip on his jeans, hissing in relief as the tight material opened.  Maya wasn't sure what to do now, and went to pull her hand back but he took possession of it again and lightly ran it along his length, practically purring at the sensation.

She tentatively began to explore on her own, not having a clue what she was doing but too curious to worry over it.  His eyes watched her eye move, she could feel them, unblinking and intense.  He watched her like a predator with prey and she expected him to become aggressive but he didn't, he just held himself still and allowed her to explore his body.  Well, not completely still, his hands had begun to do a little exploring of their own.

Maya was just running her fingers up his length again when he grasped her hand and made it into a fist, so he'd fit snuggly inside.  A little too snuggly, she couldn't get her fingers to meet.  He began to guide her movements, showing her how to stroke him.  The sound of his groan helped by showing her exactly what he liked.  In the next instant she nearly jumped out of her skin and let go because he'd put his hands down her shorts.  His long fingers pressing against her sex through her panties and he leaned forward and kissed her.  She soon forgot to worry as he pressed and retreated at the same time as stole her breath with the carnality of his kiss.  He devoured her mouth as he once again took her hand and put it back around his hard flesh.  He did something with his thumb and she broke the kiss to gasp but he followed her and thrust his tongue into her mouth, giving her no quarter.  Her hips were now moving of their own volition as his touch, helpless to do anything else as her own hand mimicked his movements on his flesh.  They groaned in unison as he began to edge her further towards him on the counter, tugging at her shorts and lifting her in turns as he tried to remove them.  She didn't complain because his tongue was still in her mouth, until he broke the kiss to move to one side, and she also lost her grip on him.  She tried to catch his mouth again her hands reaching to tangle in his hair as he finally tugged them off and over his shoulder to land with the rest of their clothes.  He took her mouth again as he made himself back at home between her thighs and pushed her panties to one side.  Then he held himself at her entrance ready to sink into her when he heard a noise outside.  Jaden froze, breaking their kiss as his forehead dropped to rest against Maya's.  Her eyes now open and glazed, pupils blown and mouth swollen from his kisses.  He groaned again as she wiggled closer and the tip dipped into her entrance, the feeling making him shudder after so long without another.  He was just about to thrust home when he heard the same noise again and he swore as he pulled back.  His head turning towards the back door, listening intently as he held up a hand for Maya to be quiet as he tried to figure out what was going on.  Then he heard it again, a scuffle and the soft pad of a foot, or was it a claw on the paving outside her back door.  He growled low in his throat, the sound rumbling up from his chest and he felt Maya recoil, hearing her gasp.  There was no time to soothe her as he turned, leaving her teetering on the edge of the unit.  He had the door open and was halfway through before she'd jumped down and was behind him.  He didn't think he just changed on-the-fly bones cracking in mid-flight of the step and skin turning to midnight black fur.  He was fully transformed as he landed in the garden, one large pad taking his weight as the other black jaguar took off down her garden and over the fence.  It jumped into the canopy of trees, and he swung his head back in time to see Maya stood with her mouth open.  She had one foot off the step and the other inside the doorway and he swung back as he flew down the garden in pursuit and went straight up and over the fence. 

BOOK: Moon Sworn (The Bound Series Book 1)
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