Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Bodyguards [The Dirty Dozen 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Bodyguards [The Dirty Dozen 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Uh, uh, Briana. No touching.” Dillon grabbed her hands. He pulled them above her head and held them there.

From this position, he was leaning over her sucking on her nipple with his cock hanging over her mouth. She reached out with her tongue and licked it every time it came within touching distance. She noticed that it came within reach more often.

Her pussy was throbbing, in need of filling. Gavin seemed to know this and slowly pushed two fingers inside of her. He pulled them out, then pushed them back in and held them there.

“I can feel your cunt squeezing my fingers, Briana. I bet you’ll squeeze my dick like that, too, won’t you, baby?”

“Please, I need you inside of me. I can’t wait. Fuck me, Gavin.”

“Not yet. I want to play some more. You’re so much fun to tease.” He wiggled his fingers, and she squirmed beneath him.

When he began to curl his fingers inside of her and touch some hidden spot she nearly screamed in climax right then and there. He brushed over it again, and she bucked. He smiled.

“Ah, you’ve got a ticklish hot spot, don’t you, baby?” He pumped his fingers in and out of her wet cunt as he licked around her clit once again.

Dillon pulled at her nipple with his teeth until she wasn’t sure where to concentrate, on her breast or her cunt. Both felt so damn good. She wanted to scream for them to fuck her, but she didn’t want them to stop what they were doing, either. With Dillon holding her hands, she couldn’t reach up and hold his cock still so she could lick it like she wanted to. She couldn’t reach down and hold Gavin’s head still so she could fuck herself with his tongue. Never had she felt so needy and so helpless at the same time.

When she thought she would die from the endless teasing, Dillon pinched her nipple at the same time Gavin sucked in her clit and curled his fingers to stroke her sweet spot. She nearly exploded from the pleasure. It was so intense. Every nerve ending in her pelvis and clit burned with her climax. She couldn’t even scream at first. She whimpered, then finally called out their names as she flew higher than she had ever thought possible. No one had ever given her a climax that perfect before. Hell, she could count on one hand the number of climaxes she’d had by her ex-boyfriend.

After she finally came down from the endorphin-induced high, she found Gavin climbing on top of her with a condom-clothed cock lined up with her slit. He leaned into her and kissed her as he thrust his dick deep into her cunt. It set off a series of small climaxes that had her squeezing around him. He cursed and pulled out to thrust again. Again he rubbed over her G-spot, and she shivered with the sensation of it.

Dillon was whispering dirty words in her ear as he molded her breast. It was then that she realized he no longer held her hands still above her head. She pulled them down and reached up to touch Gavin’s chest. He smiled fiercely, and she took it to be approval, so she raked her nails along his nipples. He paused and threw back his head.

“Fuck, yeah. Mark me, baby.”

He shifted his body and lifted her legs over his arms. In this position, he went deeper with each push of his cock until he reached her cervix, bumping against it. She gritted her teeth at the pleasure/pain of having it bumped. She loved it. Very few men could reach her cervix to do that for her.

Over and over, he tunneled deep into her cunt wet with her pussy juices. Then he reached down and pinched her clit, sending her into another spiraling climax that took all her control from her. She felt Gavin speed up for a second then stop holding deep within her before he shouted and collapsed over her. He caught himself with his arms and avoided smothering her with his much larger body.

After a few seconds, Gavin moved off of her and left the room in search of the bathroom. She continued to try and catch her breath. Dillon grinned down at her with a wicked smile.

“Don’t get too comfortable. I haven’t had my turn yet.”

“Oh. My. God,” she said with wide eyes as he rolled a condom over his huge cock.

Surely he wasn’t seriously going to fuck her after Gavin had just wrung another climax out of her. There was no way she would come again. Her pelvic muscles were still quivering from the last one.

Dillon moved around until he was between her legs. He pulled her up to a sitting position then pulled her into his arms and stood up at the end of the bed with her in his arms. Gavin returned and helped him position his dick at her pussy slit. When he let go, she dropped on Dillon’s cock in one smooth glide. It woke up her nerve endings once again. Then Dillon walked her over to the wall next to the dresser and began tunneling in and out of her sensitive pussy. He stroked over her hot spot with every pass sending little sparks of fire along to her clit.

“God, you are so tight, baby. You’re squeezing my dick like a pair of vise-grip pliers.”

Briana had no idea what those were, but she couldn’t help tightening her cunt muscles around his in reaction to his stroking her G-spot over and over again. She moaned when she felt the sparks begin to fan into flames. She was going to climax again. She would never live through it. Not three times in one night.

Dillon began to curse and lose his rhythm as he plunged in and out of her tight cunt. Finally, he shouted out and slammed her against the wall on last time, grinding his groin into her clit. She screamed and fell over the peak, and thought there was nothing there to hold her. But then Gavin was there, pulling her off of Dillon. He pulled her into his lap on the bed and petted her as she slowly drifted into sleep.

Chapter Five

Somewhere around dawn, Briana realized she wasn’t alone in bed when Dillon’s condom-sheathed cock entered her from behind. She was draped across Gavin’s chest with her hands on his shoulders. She dug her nails in his shoulder, waking Gavin with a yelp. She tried to apologize.

“It’s all good, baby. Dillon likes his early-morning pussy. Let him make you feel good, Briana.” Gavin buried his face between her neck and her shoulder, seemingly unfazed by the fact that his brother was fucking practically on top of him.

There was no way she could
just go back to sleep
while Dillon tunneled in and out of her pussy. He managed to hit her G-spot with each pass. The angles were so different like this. He stimulated nerve endings and touched places in her that hadn’t been touched before.

“Your pussy is so juicy in the mornings, baby. I love sinking my dick inside you.” He reached around and toyed with her clit.

“God, that feels good,” she couldn’t help saying, despite having Gavin nuzzled in her neck.

“Hmmm, baby. You do too,” Gavin murmured in her ear.

“Hold on, Briana. I’m close.” Dillon began to speed up. He pressed her clit several times, and she gasped as a soft climax flitted across her nerve endings. It took her by surprise.

“That’s it, baby. Come for me. God. I’m going to blow.” Dillon plowed into her once, twice, and then grew still deep inside of her. He growled at her back before collapsing next to her.

She gasped for breath then finally calmed down when Dillon pulled out of her and slipped off the bed. A few minutes later, he returned, and the bed dipped as he climbed back in. She giggled when he pulled her away from his brother and toward him. She waited to see if Gavin would get angry, but he just reached out and put a hand on her thigh. Evidently as long as he could touch her, he was good with it.

Briana lay awake between two men in her bed at the crack of dawn. She wasn’t quite sure how she’d gotten to be there, but she wasn’t unhappy about it. Hell, she had to be honest. They’d given her the best night of her life. But where did it go from there? Would they disappear now that they had had her? She’d had that happen to her before.

She stopped and realized she was thinking long term instead of short term. When had she changed her mind about having a relationship with them? Probably somewhere between orgasm number one and number three.

Maybe they wanted to be bed buddies while they were in town. She guessed she was okay with that. They were nice to her and had been watching out for her. She kind of liked having them as bodyguards. No one had bothered her.

She dozed off and on for the next couple of hours before finally untangling herself from their bodies to shower and dress. She fixed a pot of coffee and then decided to cook a real breakfast. They were big men. They were probably used to a lot of food. She had just finished when both men came in wearing nothing but jeans, unbuttoned but zipped.

She poured coffee and shoved a mug at each of them. They both murmured something unintelligible and sipped the coffee.

“Food’s ready, dig in. I don’t set a table. You can serve yourselves.” Briana took her plate of scrambled eggs and toast over to the little table for four and sat down with her coffee to eat. It wasn’t long before the men joined her, one on either side of her.

“Mmm, this is good. Thanks, baby, for cooking for us. We would have taken you out to eat,” Dillon said.

“I know, but I really didn’t want to go anywhere first thing this morning.” She finished her eggs and toast and rinsed her plate in the sink before preparing to wash dishes.

“Nope, we wash, you cooked for us,” Dillon said.

“I don’t mind. I’m used to washing up.”

“Dillon’s right. You cooked, we wash. That’s a rule.” Gavin took his plate to the sink and shoved her aside with a bump of his ass.

“Fine, I’ll go finish dressing. I have errands to run today besides working on my schoolwork.” She slapped both of them on the ass and retreated to the bedroom.

She fully expected them to clear out once they had the dishes done, but they didn’t. Dillon walked into the bedroom while she was pulling her hair back in a ponytail. She smiled at him through the mirror.

“So, what kind of errands do you have to run?” he asked.

“I need to run and pay my utilities and grab groceries.” She applied some lipstick and turned to tell him that she really enjoyed their night, but he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

When he pulled back, he was wearing her lipstick.

“Hey, brother, that shade looks good on you,” Gavin said with a small smile.

Dillon grinned and licked it off. “Why don’t they make lipstick that has a flavor to it?”

“We’ll pay your utility bills for you if you tell us where to go while you grab your groceries,” Gavin told her.

“You don’t have to help me. I can handle it.” She began to panic. They weren’t leaving.

“We want to spend more time with you. If we help with the chores, you have a little more time,” Dillon explained.

“Oh, well. Um, okay.” She grabbed her bills and explained where they went. “I’ll be at the grocery store in town. I should be back soon.

“Don’t worry, we can find you.” Gavin seemed sure of that. No doubt he could.

They divided up, and each took their assigned job and pulled out of the drive. Briana still couldn’t believe how accommodating they were being. She wasn’t a fool. She knew they probably had a girlfriend in every town they worked, but what the hell, she could enjoy them while they were around. From what they had said, they would be around longer than she planned to be. She only had two months left, and they had about three.

Thirty minutes later, she was loading her groceries in her cart to carry out to the car when they walked into the store. Gavin zeroed in on her and walked purposely toward her. His expression was always so intense. She was beginning to get used to it.

“Ready to go, baby?” Dillon asked.


“We’ll load the groceries for you.” Gavin reached out and took her hand in his as Dillon wheeled her cart out to the car.

They made short work of loading her car. While Gavin saw her safely buckled in the car, Dillon took the cart back to the store. Then the three of them headed back to her duplex. She thought about all the noise she’d made the night before and was glad that the other side wasn’t rented out at the present. It could have gotten awkward.

“What’s the frown about, Briana?” Dillon asked as he opened her door.

“Nothing. Just thinking that it’s a good thing I don’t have neighbors right now.”

Dillon grinned, knowing exactly what she was talking about. He was obviously a quick study.

They followed her in the house with the bags and helped her put away the groceries. Then Gavin picked her up and carried her to the little loveseat in the tiny living room that adjoined the kitchen area.

“What’s next, baby?”

“I need to work on my homework and study for a test.” She wouldn’t let them deter her from it, either. Her classes were important.

“How about we leave you to your studying and check in with our leader, then come back to take you out to eat dinner tonight?” Gavin asked.

“Um, yeah. That sounds good.” Relieved that they weren’t going to push her, she was more than happy to have dinner with them later that night.

They each took a nice leisurely kiss before grabbing their gear and hitting the door.

“Lock up behind us, Briana,” Gavin warned her.

She nodded, and as soon as they were out the door, engaged the locks. Then she walked around the empty rooms for a few minutes, amazed at how deserted they felt without the two men in them to fill them up. Finally, she settled down to finish her project and study.

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Bodyguards [The Dirty Dozen 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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