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Authors: TC Matson

Tags: #Romance Thriller

Mistaken Identity (30 page)

BOOK: Mistaken Identity
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“How were you so sure? You hadn’t known me for very long.”

“I just knew.”

That day the weather was perfect, and he was sexy as hell, sweating, moaning my name in my ear in a field of grass. I’d never experienced a passion like that before.

“Your passion sank into me that day,” I tell him. “After that, my mind and body were completely enslaved to whatever spell you put on me.”

He laughs. “Good, that was my intention.”

The trees sing a song with their leaves rustling in the soft breeze that feels like a whisper against my face. I close my eyes and take in the serene song. We’ve come so far together. Our love only deepening.

“We’ve been through hell this year,” I think out loud.

“I must say we have.”

“And still, you’re here.” I smile.

“Not going anywhere, Belle,” he kisses the top of my head. “Remember I told you that you amaze me.”

“You’ve said that many times, Tanner.”

“Well, you still do. You’ve made me believe in love again and showed me a deep love I feel in my soul,” he says donning his lethal smile.

“Do I still give you butterflies?” I ask, remembering he asked me that when we first started dating.

“More than you know. I have them right now.”

I glance up to him when he grabs my hand, his palms sweaty. He takes a deep nervous breath and moves in front of me pulling me up to stand. He reaches deep into his pocket, pulls out a diamond ring that sparkles with the light of the sun, and drops down on his knee. I gasp, my breath catching in my throat, my heart melting to my feet.

He swallows hard, and smiles. “Samantha, I have fallen so deeply in love with you. You’ve showed me strength, courage, and a love that has no bounds. You’ve become the one who holds the key, and I want to hold yours. I promise you that I will devote my life to making you happy and cherish you beyond your expectations. Samantha Beckman, will you marry me?”

His intense blues glint with exhilarated love. A bead of sweat has presented itself across his brow, and his chest is heaving quickly up and down. His words wrap around my heart and my eyes glisten from the warm tears that have already begun to silently spill onto my cheeks.

Somehow I know this is an ending with a new beginning…



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Mistaken Identity


New independent author, TC Matson, loves to let her characters voices be heard. With a head full of stories, she puts her keyboard through a beating daily. Regularly she visits the solidity of her writing cave, whether it be on the couch, at her desk, or wherever the three year old can’t reach the laptop. Currently she is publishing her debut novel,
Mistaken Identity
that’s set to storm the web in the fall of 2014.

She is an avid reader and is known to devour books within hours. As a romance junkie, Matson sets her sights to try to find stories that are relatable and real. She’s not a fan of vampires, fairies, or any other out of this world fiction stories. And understanding that love isn’t always instant and full of flowers…her writing mirrors it.

Matson resides in the peaceful piedmont area of North Carolina with her husband and three boys where she stays hopped up on caffeine and chasing children. She has a relatively normal life managing her home, or as she calls it, her looney bin. Chaos is indefinite and a sense of humor is absolutely a must.


Connect with TC Matson


BOOK: Mistaken Identity
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