Read Mistaken by Fate Online

Authors: Katee Robert

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Series

Mistaken by Fate (4 page)

BOOK: Mistaken by Fate
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“I mean to have you, Ridley.” In every way imaginable.

“You’re going to, what, seduce me to satisfy your curiosity? Get a little something before you bounce out of town for God knows how long? Fuck you, Garrett. I’m not your plaything.”

“But you want to be.”

“You’re insane.” She hung up.

He grinned as he unlocked his apartment door and stepped inside. He kicked off his boots and dropped onto the oversized couch, stretching out. Then he dialed Ridley again.

The phone barely rang once. “What do you want now?”


Chapter Four

Ridley stared at her ceiling and cursed herself for being an idiot enough to answer the phone. Again. No one called this late unless they were up to no good, which was why Garrett’s voice was growling through the line in her ear. She contemplated hanging up again, but couldn’t quite make herself push the
button. She was still stewing over what he’d said in the first call. He wasn’t done with her? Well, he didn’t get to decide to pick her up or throw her away, depending on his mood. “I’m pretty sure stalking is illegal in all fifty states.”

“Harsh words. Are you feeling…

Now that he mentioned it, she was starting to have some serious sympathy for the fluffy animals that froze when faced down with a hungry wolf. “Did you call back for a reason or are you just trying to get your asshole quota for the day? Maybe you’re going to tell me again how you’re not the man for me?” He wasn’t. She knew that. But hearing him say it and then go on to basically declare that he’d seduce her? It was enough to have her blood pressure rising dangerously.

“I’m not the one who decided it’d be a good idea to strip naked and put herself at the mercy of whatever man walked through that door.” Before humiliation could take root, he kept going. “Though I’m fucking glad you did. Do you know how many times I’ve pictured you exactly in that position? The only difference was that your mouth was around my cock in my fantasies.”

Her body went cold and then hot, her nipples tightening at the thought. Even though she told herself not to, she pictured exactly what he described. Would he be naked? She sure as hell hoped so. To have all that golden skin laid out, to look up his body and see his face go tight with pleasure, pleasure
was giving him… She clenched her thighs together, but it didn’t do anything to quell the ache already building between them.
Stop it. You’re playing right into his hands
. “Just because it’s a fantasy of yours doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.”

“You’re right.”

I am?
Ridley wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed that he agreed with her so quickly. Relieved. Definitely relieved. That was the correct response. “I know.”

“Would you like to know the reason it
going to happen?”

Danger! Danger!
She shifted, but the room was suddenly too warm, her cotton sheets creating too much friction against her naked skin. How the hell did he manage to affect her so much, even over the phone? It wasn’t fair. “It’s not.”

He kept talking as if she hadn’t spoken. “It’s going to happen because you want it to as much as I do. You got a taste of what it means to submit to me at Serve, and you’re already craving it again.”

Damn it, how did he know? She’d barely gotten any work done that day because every time she closed her eyes she felt the ropes biting into her skin and his hands on her body. She’d been helpless in every way that counted, and she’d loved every second of it. She wanted that feeling again. She was truly afraid that she

And there was Garrett’s gravely voice in her ear, more tempting than the devil himself. “Would you like to hear what I’m going to do to you next time?”

. But she knew better than to say as much. He was already unbearably arrogant. If he knew she was practically writhing on her bed thinking about the other night, he’d have all the cards and she wouldn’t be left with a single one. “Tell me I’ve been naughty and spank me?” The words didn’t come out as sharp as she’d intended. Instead, they sounded almost…needy.

“No. Though the thought of reddening that fine ass of yours is enough to keep me up at night. But that’s not for next time.” Something rustled, sounding almost as if he’d just taken off his shirt, which was ridiculous, but she found herself picturing him lying on his bed, his abs contracting as he yanked the shirt over his head.

“I’m going to strip you down and tie your hands to my bed frame. While you’re still testing the knots, I’m going to touch every inch of your body. Your breasts. Baby, your breasts are so fucking perfect I could spend hours on them alone, cupping them, sucking on those berry nipples… Are you touching yourself, Ridley?”

She jumped, her free hand having just wandered down to her breast. “I…”

“Answer me.”

Her breath left her in a whoosh, the answer drawn out of her almost against her will. “Yes.”

“Good.” Another pause. “Do you want me to stop?”

Did she? Ridley didn’t like phone sex. She never had. The one time she’d tried it with an ex, it had been so damn awkward they’d hung up without saying goodbye—and she most definitely shouldn’t be indulging in phone sex with

But his voice was foreplay all on its own. To have him whispering dirty things in her ear until she came… It wasn’t like last night. This was safe. He was miles away and those sinful hands weren’t anywhere near her. Would it kill her to play along, just for a little bit? No one had to know, and she felt needy and empty, aching for something she knew better than to allow herself.

She licked her lips. “Don’t stop.”

He didn’t ask twice. “I’m going to move down your body, licking my way over that sexy little dip in your stomach.” Her hand moved down, almost of its own accord, stopping just below her belly button. “Spread your legs, baby. You remember how good it felt when I touched you there. It’s going to be my mouth next time. I want the taste of you on my tongue.”

Oh God
. She spread her wetness around, her body already trembling. His breathing was harsh in her ear. “I’m stroking myself right now, thinking about how good your pussy is going to taste. Circle your clit for me, just how you like it.”

She obeyed, moaning a little. It felt different than when she normally touched herself, hotter. Garrett cursed. “Fuck, baby. I want to feel you come on my face. Slip a finger inside yourself. Tell me how wet you are.”

Another moan slipped free as she did what he demanded. She stroked herself twice before she realized she hadn’t answered his question. “I’m so wet.”

“And needy. I can hear it in your voice.”

It wasn’t a question, but she answered anyway. “Yes.”

“I want you so much, I’m not even going to make you beg for it. I’m going to fill you up with my cock until you can’t think about anything but how good it feels. Do you want that?”

She circled her clit again, harder this time, desire so thick through her body that she could barely breathe past it. He shouldn’t be able to do this to her with only his voice.

“You’re close, aren’t you, baby? You’re hovering right there on the edge, just waiting for me to push you over.”

The pressure in her core built with each word coming out of his mouth. “

“I’m going to let you come, just this once. But understand this, you don’t come again until it’s around my cock.”

She could barely string two words together, but she wasn’t out of her mind enough to let that go without a response. She couldn’t let his command stand. This was a one-time thing. It had to be. “And if I do?”

He actually
. “If you do, Ridley, then I’m going to punish you.” He hissed out a breath. “Come for me, baby. Finger that tight pussy and come for me.”

At his command, her orgasm rolled through her, ripping a breathless shriek from her mouth. Her body spasmed and her world went dark and everything disappeared but the sound of Garrett finishing on his end of the phone.

She blinked, trying to relearn how to breathe, and it struck her that she wasn’t the only one affected. He seemed to be having some issues walking away this time, which wasn’t the best sign in the world. Nor was the fact that she hadn’t fought him all that hard before she was touching herself and moaning like she’d never get enough of this. Ridley moved her hand away from between her legs and forced herself not to clench her thighs together to ride out the last little feel good sensations.

Was he really planning on tracking her down to follow through on his promises?

Oh God, what did I just do?

He cut in, “That was good, baby, but it barely scratched my itch. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at six.”

Then he was gone, leaving her only the dial tone as company. Ridley clicked off the call with shaking hands. That had definitely been a mistake of epic proportions. She could try to avoid the man, but some things never changed. When Garrett set his mind on something, he was like a terrier with a bone. Worse, he fully expected her to be here, waiting for him like a good little pet now that he’d decided to give her a smidgen of attention.

Fat freaking chance.

“Ridley, what the hell are you doing?” Sara hurried over and grabbed the scissors out of her hand. “You look like you’re about to take a finger off. I’ve been calling your name for like five minutes.”

Ridley blinked. Holy crap, she’d been working on the blue for the last hour. She dropped her head into her hands. “I’m sorry. I’m distracted today.” Distracted with pleasure still humming through her body after that phone call with Garrett. Or maybe it was the orgasm before she left Serve that had her so out of sorts. Between the two sessions, she’d gotten more action than she’d seen in six months.

Orgasms that had come from Sara’s brother—the

If that thought wasn’t enough to depress her, the fact a part of her really wanted to meet him tonight certainly was. “I’m a mess.”

“Sounds like man problems.” Sara crossed her arms over her chest. “I take it your mysterious date that we’re not talking about didn’t go as well as you’d hoped?”

“You have no idea.” It was bad enough that Garrett had hijacked her initial seduction of Will, intentional or not, but now he seemed intent on being a damn dog in a manger. He didn’t want to keep her, but he obviously didn’t want her with anyone else, either. She finally registered the grin on Sara’s face. “What?”

“When were you going to tell me that you tried to seduce my freaking brother?”

She should have known Sara would find out. The woman was a bloodhound when it came to picking up scraps of information and putting them together into a whole picture. It was part of what made her such an asset as part of her uncle’s team of fixers. She collected favors the way some women collected jewelry, because one day that might make a difference in a client’s case. The sheer scope of it was baffling to Ridley, but Sara loved it.


That’s right. She’d asked a question. “I thought you might try to stop me.”

“I’ll admit, there was some eyebrow raising going on when I found out, but you are both grown adults, so I guess to each his own—no matter how traumatizing I find it.” She walked over and tugged on a scrap of blue fabric hanging off the mannequin. “So how’d it go?”

“You know Murphy’s Law?”

“Honey, I live by Murphy’s Law. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.”

“Yeah, it went like that.” It was on the tip of her tongue to spill the whole sordid tale, but that meant admitting she’d lost her head over the same man who’d broken her heart years ago. Garrett. Not Will.

Sara was still watching her too closely. “You know, I never would have pegged you for holding a flame for Will. He’s so…not Garrett.”

“Believe me, I know. That’s part of the attraction.” Though she had a hard time thinking about Will like
with her mind still all wrapped up in his twin. Garrett turned her on more than any man she’d encountered up to this point. But there was one truth she knew for a fact.

He wasn’t for her.

“I mean, there’s nothing wrong with dabbling with a Mr. Right-Now while you bide your time waiting for Mr. Right. But there
that rule about shitting where you eat.”

As much as she didn’t want to get into what really happened the other night with Sara, it was obvious the little blonde knew something. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be asking all the leading questions. “Okay,
. The truth is that I accidentally sort of hooked up with Garrett instead of Will.” Twice. No, no, the phone sex didn’t count. She refused to count it.

“I knew it!” Sara danced in a circle, nearly taking out a rack filled with pieces for Fashion Week.

“Seriously, do you have spies in Serve? Listening devices scattered around the rooms?” She wouldn’t put it past her friend.

“No way. Jonah would kill me.”

Of course she was on a first-name basis with the owner. Ridley motioned. “Well?”

“I ran into a little trouble that night and had to call Will to come pick me up—which is right around the time he would have been walking into that room with you.”

She jerked back. “Tell me you didn’t do that on purpose.” It would be just like Sara to think she could play God with the people around her.

“Trust me, getting cornered by a pissed-off security guard who basically mugged me to get my information was
part of my plan.” She wandered over to the sewing machine and eyed the stack of fabric Ridley had set aside to put the finishing touches on. “How’d it go?”

“I don’t really want to talk about it.”

Sara zeroed in on her. “Are you okay? I know things haven’t been kosher with you and Garrett in a long time. He didn’t…”

“I’m fine.” Except for the fact she’d indulged in some seriously non-kosher phone sex with him last night. She dropped her head into her hands. “What is wrong with me? I should hate him.”

“Want to talk about it over coffee?”

“I don’t think I want to talk about it at all. Not yet.” Not until she managed to get her insane impulses where he was concerned under control.

BOOK: Mistaken by Fate
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