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Authors: Pixie Moon

Megan's Alien (4 page)

BOOK: Megan's Alien
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~ Megan ~




As we walk my mind spins with knowledge. Hilam and Riflan are brothers. I wonder if Klimen and Rylem are as well. They do have similar bone structures.

The second we are back in our rooms Hilam heads to his lab without saying a word. The look on his handsome face is one of pure focus. On the trip here he must have slipped back into work mode. I feel a little sad for him.

Then again, since he’s trapped on a spacecraft working all the time that may not be a bad thing. But, since his friends want him to learn to relax I have to wonder if he’s this way even when he’s on his home planet.

As he sinks deeper into his job I start cleaning up. Once the place is picked up and straightened I gather our clothes and take them in a cloth sack to the laundry room.

After I start the machine I look down the corridor. Not a being is in sight. I’m a little surprised by how my vocabulary is changing. On Earth, I would never have had a thought like that. Now I full well know other beings exist. I shiver as I think of my last two owners. Some are not so nice and caring.

The thought of Hilam has my stomach fluttering and my blood beating heavily through my veins. No other male has ever gotten this kind of reaction from me. Not even my one and only boyfriend, Will.

My heart aches a little at the remembrance of him going out to gather food and never coming back. I looked for him for days. I know he’s probably dead, but I like to think that he fell, hit his head, lost his memory, and was saved by some nice people who have made him a part of their family. Since my parents died of a fever when I was fifteen I can’t make up a happy story for them.

With effort, I push the past to a dark corner of my mind. This spacecraft is where I am right now so this is where I need to mentally be. I look down the corridor again. Seeing nobody along it, I bravely step out of the laundry room.

Since I don’t know how long it will take for our clothes to be clean, I decide to go check out that cooking device Hilam was telling me about. This one can make food that sounded a lot like bread as well as anything else you can bake.

Feeling daring, I sniff through the spices Hilam showed me. Next I look over some things that remind me of flour and powdered things like milk, eggs, and
surprise me
food items. Deep down I know this could turn into a massive disaster.

Putting on my brave panties, I find a bowl and mix a few ingredients and then add enough water to have a dough. I put the dough in a pan that was secured to the cooking device and then start the cooker up.

While my first attempt at using the machine is under way I head back to the laundry room and find that our clothes are clean and dry. I hurriedly take the laundry to our quarters. Hilam is still deep in his work. Too deep to even notice that I’ve come back. This makes me a little sad and a little glad.

While he’s busy I get to go back and play with the cooking device. When I enter the kitchen my heart drops and then starts jumping wildly in my chest. A new male is in the dining area eating a meal. His eyes are locked on me. I take a step back but he’s on me in a flash. He presses me against the wall and sniffs my hair and neck. My heart stops jumping and freezes as I wait to see if he’s going to hurt me.

“You must be Hilam’s little human. I don’t smell his seed in your skin yet. The poor guy never knew how to play.” He sniffs me again. “I bet you can change him after just one round of sex. Your smell and soft curves have to be driving him nuts. Be ready because after he gets his cock in you he’s going to want to keep it in you forever. Human females have tighter wetter pussies than dagrinian females. He is sure to go crazy once he’s had a taste of you. Be good to him and he’ll be very good to you.” After one more dramatic sniff, he turns and walks away from me.

My heart is still frozen in place as I watch him clear his mess. Whew, he just wanted to check me out. Nothing more, nothing less. My gaze stays trained on him. I can’t help but wonder if he was telling me the truth when he said human pussy is better than dagrinian pussy. All this talk of sex between me and Hilam has my body heating up. Although this new dagrinian smells good, his scent isn’t the same as Hilam’s.

As the male heads for the door, I call out, “What’s your name?”

He stops and smiles as he looks me over. When his pretty light blue eyes lock with mine, he answers, “Drandok Mobe. I’ll be seeing you around, little human.”

My shoulders drop when Drandok leaves the room. With each encounter I live through, I’m more sure than ever that these dagrinians are good beings. Yes, there are some good aliens out there.

I hope Hallie was sold to a nice alien. My heart hurts for her. She is too nice to be with vicious animals. In my mind she is alive and very happy with an alien family that loves her.

Now that I’m feeling better, I inhale the aromatic air and go check on my creation. After pulling it from the cooking device, I set it on the black counter and look it over. It doesn’t look bad. I let it cool for a few minutes and then use one of the eating utensils to cut a piece out.

The texture is a little too dry but that doesn’t stop me from tasting it. Humph. It’s not bad but it needs to be a lot better. I’ll have to try a different combination of measurements and ingredients. I’m a touch sad about not getting it right the first time, but realistically, the odds were against me.

After cleaning the pan and bowl, I start a new batch. Once it’s ready I put it in the cooker and cross my fingers.

I’d love to get this alien food preparing thing down. A somewhat crazy part of me wants to take care of Hilam. Something about that big guy makes me long to make him happy.

While I have time I head down the corridor to our quarters. When I enter he doesn’t even look to see who came in. A frown is marring his handsome face. I walk to the doorway and watch him fiddle with the wires of some dark gray device. There are parts all over his lab counter.

I’m relieved that electronics is his chosen scientific endeavor. No body probing machines or body parts for him. The more I know about him the more I’m drawn to him. Except for his uber-serious and rude sides, of course.

With him buried so deeply in work that he can’t even acknowledge that I’m around, I decide to go back and check on my latest creation.



~ Megan ~




The corridor is once again clear so I hurry down it and into the kitchen. Damn. This batch doesn’t smell as good as the last one. I go over and pull it out of the device.

Oh, shit!

There is a scary looking bubble coming from the center. When I set the pan on the counter the bubble whooshes up and down a few times. When it stops I breathe a sigh of relief. I nearly jump out of my skin when it starts whooshing again.


I hope I didn’t just create a new species—one that eats humans. Or dagrinians. If it eats all of the dagrinians nobody will be left to fly the spacecraft. Fuck. I need to go get one of those warriors so he can kill this thing before it gains full strength.

As panic rises in my chest, I turn to go find help.

Laughter coming from the doorway has my gaze zeroing in on yet another massive male I haven’t met yet. I don’t know what is so funny.

This is serious shit. I have to get through to this guy. “Stop laughing. You’re about to be eaten by this creature I accidentally made. Can you kill it before it takes over the ship?”

Booming laughter comes from him this time. I frown at him and scan him for a weapon I can use.

With tears brightening his dark blue diamond eyes, he walks over and points at one of the powders I used. “Did you use this?”

“Yes.” I don’t like the laughter that is still dancing in his unique eyes.

He reaches into one of the cabinets and pulls out a gel like substance and squirts some on my continuously whooshing creature. I watch in stunned amazement as the creature rises up once more and then the scary bubble sinks down into the pan.

I look up at my new friend. “Will it come back to life?” You never know about these things.

Laughter once again rumbles from him. After he’s under control, he answers, “No, little human, it’s dead.” Once again he laughs.

I’m starting to dislike my new friend. I think I’ll put our friendship on hold.

“You are adorable. Hilam is lucky to have you.” He suddenly grabs me up and squishes me to him.

I squirm as he sniffs my neck. He makes a disgusted sound as he puts me back on me feet. “Hilam obviously has no knowledge of the gift he has in his care.” A twinkle enters his eyes. “It’s going to be fun watching his transformation.”

That doesn’t sound good. “What kind of transformation?”

“The best kind of all—from serious scientist to living being,” he answers.

I was right. Hilam is a workaholic. This guy could be giving me more credit than I deserve though. I don’t know if I will have any influence on Hilam’s life at all. So far it doesn’t look like I will. That makes me a little sad.

His gaze turns to all the items I have pulled out.

To my surprise, he gives me a quick lesson on what to use and how much to use. No more alien growing for me.

When he turns to get something to eat, I say, “I’m Megan Blaker. What’s your name?” He’s back to being my friend so I figure I should know his name.

“Zefrom Ramte,” he answers and then turns to the replicator and gets some food.

I watch the big guy for a moment and then get busy cleaning up so I can start over. Since Zefrom is so nice, I don’t worry about the six and half foot tall alien being in the kitchen/dining room with me.

I’m so focused on my latest creation that I barely notice when Zefrom leaves. It’s not until I put the dough in the cooking device that I realize it was rude of me to totally ignore the male that had taught me how to really use the ingredients. Without his help I was doomed to creating more than one whooshing monster.

A vision of Hilam sitting in his lab totally absorbed in his work leaps to the forefront of my mind. Now I know how it feels to sink into a project so deeply that nothing else matters. Yes, I can now relate to him.

While this batch is cooking I head down the corridor and into our quarters. I smile when he doesn’t even notice that I’ve entered his domain. This guy has it bad. But after the way I sank into my cooking and didn’t even look at Zefrom, I can’t judge Hilam at all.

Deciding to go back and check on my latest try at cooking on a spaceship, I leave Hilam’s quarters and head down the silver corridor. Halfway down the corridor a male steps from the connecting corridor that I was told to stay out of. He looks me over and smiles.

In a flash of movement he approaches me and presses me up against the wall. Like the others, he smells good, but not as good as Hilam. I struggle and he laughs as he sniffs my neck.

These guys are unbelievable. How many sniff tests do I have to go through? Deep down I know things could be a lot worse so I let him get his fill of my scent. When he continues longer than necessary, I break. “Are you done yet?”

Shit. I probably shouldn’t have said that but these guys are starting to get on my nerves. I just want to please Hilam. To do that I need to learn to cook. He chuckles and releases me.

“You must be cranky because Hilam hasn’t taken care of you yet. I’m guessing that he will soon enough.” His pretty eyes rake over me. “Oh, yes. Soon he will be spreading those thighs and making both of you extremely happy.”

The thought of Hilam spreading my thighs has the pulse between my legs racing. Changing the subject, I say, “I’m Megan Blaker. What’s your name?” Please give me your name and don’t talk about sex anymore.

He chuckles as though he can read my mind. “I’m Rivlok Mobe.” A gleam enters his pretty diamond shaped irises. “I look forward to seeing more of you.”

He must be Drandok’s brother. Both brothers are sexual deviants. At my huff, he chuckles and walks off.

I’m going to have to get used to these sexually open beings. The thought of being with Hilam in front of them is not as much of a turn off as it should be. As long as they don’t all want to share me, I’m strangely okay with it. The achy need pulsing through my sex has me thinking that I’m more sex crazed than I realized. And a little wilder than I thought. I may fit in better with the dagrinians than I did with the humans.

To pull my wild thoughts away from sex, I head to the kitchen and check on my latest try at cooking.

The kitchen is filled with a heavenly scent. Looks like Zefrom may have known what he was talking about. Fear of an all-out orgy is the only thing keeping me from finding the big guy and kissing him.

The renewed pounding of my clit has me cursing myself for thinking about any and all kinds of sex. These guys are rubbing off on me. Next thing you know, I’ll be pushing Hilam up against the wall and rubbing myself all over him.

Stop thinking about sex
, I reprimand myself since nobody on this craft is going to.

I blow out a breath and remove my latest attempt from the cooking device. Ah, this time it looks great. Slightly rounded and lightly browned. Just like the bread on Earth. I wait a few minutes and then cut a piece. My taste buds dance with joy when a rich spicy flavor washes over them. This is better than bread on Earth. Mmm, the texture is great. Not doughy and not dry.

I’m doing a happy dance when I see movement from the corner of my eye. I look up to see Hilam’s startled face. Did he forget about me? There is no way I can let this go. The only guy I want on the spacecraft is the only one not pressing me up against a wall and sniffing my neck.

I can’t help myself, I glare at him. “You forgot about me,” I openly accuse.

His cheeks grow darker purple. It doesn’t hurt his looks but it does show how guilty he is. “I…I didn’t forget about you. I just got lost in my work and was surprised to see you here.” He guiltily tugs at the neck of his shirt as he looks around. His eyes widen when he sees the bread I made. “Did you learn to use the Otho device?”

Otho device. At least I know what it’s called now. “Yes, I did. No thanks to you since you forgot about me.”

Pain pierces my chest when I realize that he must not be as into me as I am into him. “Forget I said anything.” That should be easy for this asshole. An alien asshole. That’s what he is.

He walks over and frowns down at me. “I didn’t forget you. I just got busy. You understand that, right?”

Sadly, I can. I had certainly been able to forget Zefrom was in the room with me earlier. Plus, in half-ass defense of him, I have to admit that I’ve only been with him for a short amount of time.

His work is important. That’s something else I can’t ignore. It’s way more important than me. This sucks. I want to be important to him. Augh, I hate how he makes me feel.

I look up to see that he’s still waiting for my answer. I blow out a sad breath. “I understand.”

His frown doesn’t go away. “Why do you still look sad?”

A gruff voice comes from the doorway making me jump. “Because she needs a good fucking. Humans need to be a part of a group. They need to feel accepted. She won’t be happy until you leave your scent on her.”

I look toward the door and see Drandok. The talk of sex with Hilam has heat pooling in my sex and juices dampening my inner thighs. Hilam groans causing me to look up. His eyes are brighter than normal and his nostrils are flared.

I lick my suddenly dry lips. He groans again and grabs my wrist. “I thinks it’s time for me to make us both happy.”

I squeak when he turns and quickly guides me passed a grinning Drandok and into the corridor. If I wasn’t so ridiculously drawn to Hilam I’d be protesting. But, the more I breathe in his delicious scent the more I want to be taken by him. By the time we make it to his quarters I’m panting and it’s not from the brisk walk. I need my alien to fuck me—to be one with me.

BOOK: Megan's Alien
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