Read Maxie (Triple X) Online

Authors: Kimberly Dean

Maxie (Triple X) (20 page)

BOOK: Maxie (Triple X)
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Yes she did.

She wanted him. She’d wanted him for months, and right now she had an overwhelming need to feel close to someone.

“As big as that bed is, Beauty, I don’t think I can just sleep beside you tonight.”

The elephant grew, taking up more of the air in the room.

“I don’t mean to be a tease, Zac.” Her toes curled into the fitted sheet beneath her. “You’ve been such a good sport about everything.”

He didn’t move an inch, but his sprawl on the chair changed. It wasn’t so casual anymore. “You think I’m being a good sport?”

“Aren’t you?”

He ran a hand across his jaw. From as far away as she sat, she could see the muscle in his temple working. “Are you telling me I’m on the downstairs couch?”

“No,” she blurted. She didn’t know what she was saying. She liked him so much. She wanted to get closer, but all that bravado and self-assurance had left her. There was no
whoop whoop
inside her. “I…I held the thought like you told me, but I—”

He was out of the chair before she could finish, and she scrambled up to her knees. She knelt on the bed with her hands stretched out to hold him off. “I can’t take the lead. I know you want me to, but I just can’t.”

He slowed down, watching her carefully. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, Maxie. I’m not going to force you. I don’t expect payment for services rendered, but I thought that after the way you touched me at Park Art that things were moving in the same direction for us.”

Touched and kissed and rubbed up against.

Oh God. Her blush got hotter. That wasn’t the issue at all. She wanted him. Hadn’t he been able to tell? She let out a sound of frustration. “I’m no good at this.”

“No good?” He planted his hands on his hips. “Baby, I’ve been hard for most of the day.”

She dropped her gaze. “But that was this afternoon before Mrs. Shimwell told her story and then you had to leave.”

She considered the room. The sun had set long ago, but it was somehow starker with only her bed lamp lighting the room. With the bed and the pillows, the moment of impulse wasn’t there like it had been this afternoon. Kissing him then had seemed natural. Here, every move would be so deliberate, so daunting. She wrapped her hands together. She looked at him forlornly, and once again a change came over him.

“Beauty.” His shoulders relaxed, and the hardness about him disappeared. He was just as big and male, but the vibes in the room changed. Became charged. He began unbuttoning his shirt as he closed the distance to the bed.

Maxie’s gaze was drawn to his chest. He stood in front of her, his uniform shirt hanging open as he slid his fingers into her hair and rubbed his thumb across her cheekbone. “Shy Maxie is back.”

She squeezed her eyes shut, even as her fingers ached. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” He leaned close and whispered into her ear. “This side of you turns me on just as much.”

He kissed her, and she trembled. “So I don’t have to—”

He chuckled. “I’ll take it from here, but if you feel so inspired…” He kissed her harder. Longer. His tongue swept deep, and he nipped at her lower lip. “Feel free to go with it.”

He covered her hand with his, and she was surprised to find that she’d reached for him. His chest was bare under her fingertips, warm and muscled. Her fingers flexed. He felt as good as he looked. Her pinky brushed over his nipple, and a grunt sounded in the back of his throat.

“Come here.” His voice was a rasp as his arms wrapped around her.

The pressure Maxie was feeling gave way to pleasure as he hauled her close. His hands fisted in her nightie, and it pulled high against the back of her thighs. She closed her eyes as she kissed him. His skin felt hot against hers wherever they touched, but she wanted more.

Their fronts sealed together as the kiss became hotter and sexier. Cool air brushed against her thighs as he lifted her nightie higher, but heat swamped her when his hands cupped her bottom. With a tug, he swiveled her hips towards him.

She sucked in a ragged breath. He

“Uh-uh,” he grunted as he kissed the line of her jaw. “No thinking.”

She clung to him when he swept her up into his arms. He walked away from the bed, and she clutched him in surprise. “What are you doing?”

“I’m hot and I’m sweaty.” He turned so she wouldn’t hit her head and crossed the threshold into the bathroom. Nuzzling her neck, he set her on her feet and turned on the shower.

Maxie’s entire body felt aflame.
Oh damn.

He braced his hands against the wall on either side of her head. “Have I ever told you how much I like you wet?”

She squirmed as he leaned over her. He was so big, so male and so incredibly sexy. Half out of his uniform with his blond hair tousled…

“This would look incredible under the water.” He slipped a finger beneath the strap of her nightie and plucked it like a guitar string. The snap made her inhale sharply, but that just pressed her breast into his palm when he cupped her intimately. “All see-through and clingy.”

The bandeau bodice felt thin and insubstantial. His heat surrounded her, yet the filmy material kept his touch from her. Maxie bit her lip when her nipple beaded up, nudging at his palm. Oh God, she didn’t think she could take that kind of teasing. She began pushing at his uniform, trying to get it off. “Not again. Please. No clothes this time.”

He rolled his shoulders to help her get rid of his uniform. “You’re right. This time we should get naked.”

He got the khaki shirt off one shoulder, but it snagged on his other elbow. Maxie grabbed the shirt and almost ripped it off. Her mouth went dry at the sight of him. She’d been stealing glances at him forever. She liked him in that uniform, but she liked him out of it even better.

She didn’t know where to touch first.

Surging off the wall, she pressed her lips to his chest and stroked her hands up and down his sides.

“Whoa, Beauty.” He caught at her nightie. “You’re not the only one who gets to have fun.”

The loose material lifted easily, but the bandeau was snug across her breasts. Zac swore when it didn’t pull off easily. He slid his hands underneath, cupping her breasts as he tried to work the gown off. Maxie groaned. Skin. Finally.

Crossing her arms, she tugged at the garment. It turned loose, and her breasts popped out. She raised the white silk over her head but let out a surprised squeak when heat and wetness surrounded her nipple.

She froze, blinded, as Zac sucked her breast.

Arousal poured through her, arching her body into his. He wrapped his arms around her as his head bent low. The tug of his mouth was strong. With every suck, a pang resonated deep in her belly. The knot cinched tighter, growing hotter. The white nightie slipped from her fingers as she let her head fall back.

Threading her fingers through his hair, she held him to her. Her fingers tightened responsively when he licked at her and sucked strongly. The bite was just…
. Lifting one leg, she slid her knee against his thigh. It felt so good. Her pussy ached, and her skin was sensitive everywhere.


He turned loose, only to give his attention to her other breast. He nuzzled it with his nose and kissed the underside. “You are so beautiful.”

Maxie held him to her, loving the sensation of his hard chest and the rasp of the whiskers on his cheek. Her breasts felt full and hot. She wanted this. She wanted him. She pecked kisses across his shoulder and wrapped her leg higher around his hips.

They rolled towards her, and she moaned when his erection pushed between her legs, right where she needed it the most. She rubbed helplessly.

“God. Damn.” He ground against her hard, pumping twice before pulling away. “Hold that thought too.”

Maxie let out a cry of distress and tried to keep the contact, but then he was tugging at her panties. Her hands were jerky as she reached for his zipper. Yes. Clothes off. She was so turned on she could think of nothing else but getting close to him, feeling him inside her.

Grasping the waistband of his pants, she pushed them down. The room was getting warm and humid as the shower sprayed nonstop. She swiveled her hips as he stripped her bare, his hands big and hot and male. They fought with the clothes until they dropped to the floor, and the two of them stood together, naked and aroused.

Zac said nothing, simply grabbed her about the waist and hauled her into the shower. Maxie gasped, clutching at him as he pressed her to the slick wall. The kisses he gave her were rougher, more explicit. She squirmed against him and felt his erection pressing at her belly. He was thick and long.

His hand tangled in her hair. Water was falling all around them, trailing over sensitive skin and splashing onto exposed flesh. Maxie shivered. The water was too hot, then too cold. Either way, it was shocking.

“Hurry,” she begged.

He hitched her up, and she circled her legs around him. The position left her open and vulnerable. She caressed his chest as he backed her up against the shower wall. His body was a thing of wonder to her. She loved the tapestry of muscles, the layers of bone and sinew. His breath was warm against her neck, and she boldly caressed lower and lower. When she finally wrapped her fingers around his erection, his forehead dropped against her breastbone.

She kissed his temple and stroked him down below. He was pulsing in her hand, impossibly thick, his skin incredibly silky. “Mmm, I like you wet too.”

She lifted herself, and they both shuddered when the tip of his cock brushed her sensitive flesh. She rubbed it front to back and back to front until it bumped against her clit.

Sensation swarmed her. She couldn’t take it anymore. Rocking forward, she positioned him at her opening. His hips jerked when he settled into the soft notch, and he penetrated her.

She groaned with pleasure, and he shoved in another inch.

“Fuck. Wait.” He yanked out abruptly. “Just a second.”

She was confused when he set her on her feet. Was he stopping? Why? That hand of inhibition that hadn’t even been allowed in the room suddenly wrapped around her heart. It squeezed viciously, and she huddled back against the wall, unsure of what to do or what to say. But Zac’s attention wasn’t on her. He’d turned away from her, and she felt achingly bereft. She pressed her hands against the wall at her sides, fingers clenched into fists. The shower door banged open, and he bent over, reaching for his pants.

“Oh,” she said weakly when he took something out of a pocket.

She blushed impossibly hotter. The strip unfolded, revealing what had to be an economy-sized pack of condoms.

He made quick work of the first one, tearing off a square and ripping it open with his teeth. Maxie watched, incredibly hot and bothered, as he unrolled the latex sheath over his rigid shaft. She felt shy but aroused. Embarrassed but engrossed.

When he touched her, she felt stiff and uncoordinated.

He looked at her, water from the shower streaming over his face and trailing off his chin. His eyes narrowed at her expression. Catching the shower nozzle, he deliberately directed it at her.

She gasped as water splashed over her bare body. The slap of it was shocking, and she wiped her face and sucked in air.

The oxygen stuck in her lungs when he caught her by the waist. He lifted her as easily as if she were a feather, putting her right back where she’d been. He pushed himself between her legs until they were spread wide, and she caught at his shoulders for balance. His cock pressed against her opening again, but this time there was no hesitancy.

He watched her face as he thrust into her, hard and deep.

“Oh!” Her body bowed as water streamed over her and heat burned inside her. “Oh God!”

He began to pump, and her thighs shifted against his hips. She pulled them higher, locking her ankles at the back of his waist. He felt huge burrowing inside her, spreading her and filling her.

But the way he

Maxie came a bit undone. Her body clenched, and she pointed her toes convulsively. “Zac,” she moaned.

“Maxie,” he rasped in her ear.

The water made their skin slick as they moved together. It stung against sensitive flesh, drenching their hair and gliding down their legs. For Maxie, it was freeing. Being with him this way, so open and sexual, solidified something inside her, something that had been unsure and afraid.

She kissed him and raked her fingers over his skin. She wrapped herself around him as his thrusts became more intense. The rhythm was jagged and rushed, but she needed it that way. She needed him.

He lifted her a bit higher, and she rolled her head against the wall. Her breasts were jouncing with every thrust, and he was pressing right against her clit. She couldn’t stand it anymore. With her hands biting into his butt and her hair clinging to his shoulders, she came. She dove into the sensation headfirst without taking a breath. It left her dizzy and thrilled and totally wrung out. By the time it was over, she sagged against him like a rag doll.

He shagged her almost desperately, still straining towards his own peak. Eager to help him, she slid her hand down to where they were connected. When her fingertips brushed against his balls, he jerked like she’d just pulled a string.

BOOK: Maxie (Triple X)
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