Mastered by the CEO (Mastered By #4) (2 page)

BOOK: Mastered by the CEO (Mastered By #4)
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King Taylor stood in the doorway leading to a hall which she assumed lead to the bathroom. And probably a bedroom.

She rose to her feet, her stomach clenching.

God, if King was the one who’d bought Brenier Electronics, then she might as well walk out the door right now. He was never going to keep her on. Not after their history.

“You know Ms. Clark?” Mr. Baird asked in surprise.

“Yes,” King said as he strolled into the room. “She used to work for me.”

Baird’s gaze flickered to her, his bravado fading. Clearly, he didn’t know whether to be worried or not. If she was in King’s favor, he must worry that she would use her influence to make it worse for him.

He had nothing to worry about there.

“Baird, we have a lot to do. I suggest you get back to your management team and start things in motion. In the meantime, Ms. Clark and I will have a chat.”

“Of course, sir,” Mr. Baird blustered as he stood up and gathered his notes, then tucked them into his briefcase.

Rachel stood frozen as the man hurried across the suite and out the door.

Mr. King walked toward her and she felt heat wash through her. His broad shoulders and trim waist still filled out a designer suit magnificently. His dark glossy waves of hair, full and thick, framed his handsome face, accentuating his charcoal eyes that always intimidated her. Even when they’d slept together. Theirs had been a tumultuous affair, his blatant masculinity overwhelming her.

Not that he’d ever exerted any pressure on her. It was more like she’d practically thrown herself at him. It had been after a late dinner meeting, where they’d consumed a lot of wine and he’d been a gentleman, insisting he see her home. But as soon as he’d stood up to walk her to the door, fearing she’d lose the opportunity, she’d kissed him, made brave by the alcohol in her system.

He had let her down gently that night, later telling her he wouldn’t have taken advantage of her in that state. But the following Friday, he’d called her into his office at the end of the day and talked frankly to her. Telling her he wanted her every bit as much as she wanted him. And that had been the start of their clandestine office romance, both of them agreeing to keep their relationship a secret.

Now as he walked toward her, she couldn’t help but remember how it had felt to be in his arms. To feel his lips on hers, demanding, taking everything she was willing to give.

And his naked body against hers as they made love. She tried to push away the memory of how big his cock was, how good it felt sliding into her depths. Of how excruciatingly electrifying his lovemaking was, giving her the most spectacular orgasms she’d ever experienced.

And now he was walking toward her. Her body, recognizing him, flared to life, every cell quivering with need.

Was he going to touch her? Goose bumps danced along her skin.

Take her in his arms?

Kiss her?

But he walked past her and continued to the bar. He opened the ice bucket and placed ice into two glasses.

“Drink?” he asked as he poured himself some scotch.

“No, thank you.”

He poured water from a small bottle into the second glass and handed it to her, then walked back across the suite. “Join me.” He settled on one of the couches.

She sat on the couch across from him, clutching the icy glass in her hand.

He sipped his drink and his gaze locked on her. Then he frowned.

“Your head is bleeding.”

She swiped her hand over the band aid and felt moisture. It wasn’t bad, only a small smear on her fingertips.

“Yes, I was in a car accident this morning.” She shoved her hand in her jacket pocket in search of a tissue, but no luck.

“An accident? Then what the hell are you doing here?”

Her eyes widened. “I was under the impression I didn’t have a choice.”

“Rachel, you were hurt in a car accident. No one expects you to carry on as usual.”

“Mr. Baird does. Especially today.”

He stood up and moved to her side, pulling a handkerchief from his own pocket. He dabbed at her forehead.

“Did you have someone look at this?”

“My assistant looked at it when I got to the office.”

“I meant a medical professional.”

She didn’t like him being so close. Didn’t like reeling from the affect of his masculine presence.

“You look a bit woozy,” he said, concern lacing his eyes. “Let me get you to a doctor. You might have a concussion.”

She straightened her back, forcing herself not to lean away from him.

“No, I’m fine,” she insisted.

His expression was doubtful. “We need to have a discussion about what’s happening with the merger, but I’m not going to do it with you in this state.”

“I’m not in any kind of state, I—”

“Hush, I’m not going to argue with you.” He pressed his hand to her back and guided her to her feet. The feel of his fingers against her sent her totally off balance. He slid his arm around her waist and led her to the door.

She felt like an idiot. She could walk on her own. And she certainly didn’t need Mr. King Taylor, multi-billionaire and new owner of the company she worked for babysitting her by taking her to the hospital.

The elevator doors opened and he guided her inside.

“If Mr. Baird finds out I didn’t finish the meeting with you—”

“Don’t worry about Baird.”

His arm was still around her waist, and his body was too close for comfort.

She frowned. “You don’t have to see me downstairs.”

“I’m not just seeing you down, I’m taking you to the hospital.”

The doors opened.

“I can take a cab to the hospital,” she insisted as he walked her across the busy lobby. “You don’t need to come with me.”

“I’m not going to abandon you to a cab in your condition.”

A woman passing by turned around, her gaze dropping to Rachel’s stomach. God, the woman must think she was pregnant.

“I’m not in any condition,” Rachel growled between grated teeth.

“Stop fighting me. You know you’ll lose.”

She sighed, knowing he was right. So she allowed him to whisk her to the hospital in his private car, the driver dropping them at the emergency entrance. When King tried to get her to sit in a wheelchair at the entrance, she flatly refused.

He handled checking her in, filling out the paperwork, asking her questions when needed. Then they sat in the busy waiting room together. The women around them eyed her handsome companion, who clearly stood out in the crowd.

She was called in quickly and thank heavens they didn’t allow him to follow her in. A woman came into the examination room and introduced herself as Doctor Kregg. After she shone a light in Rachel’s eyes, asked a lot of questions, and checked her out thoroughly, including tending to the cut on her forehead, Dr. Kregg led her to an office. She sat down behind the desk and gestured for Rachel to sit in one of the chairs across from her.

A moment later, a nurse brought King in. Doctor Kregg stood up. She might be a doctor, but Rachel could see the feminine interest in her eyes as she gazed at King.

“Hello, I’m Doctor Kregg. You’re the one who brought in Ms. Clark?”

“Yes.” He shook the doctor’s hand. “I’m King Taylor.”

“Pleased to meet you.”

In fact, she seemed absolutely delighted.

But King’s gaze turned to Rachel as he sat down beside her, assessing, then back to the doctor.

“Is Rachel okay?”

Doctor Kregg had sat down again and resumed her business-like attitude.

“She might have a mild concussion—nothing to worry about—but I would suggest someone stay with her for the next day or so and keep an eye on her. There are a few things to watch for.” She slid a sheet of paper across the desk to him.

He scanned the page quickly, then turned it over and read the other side.

“Thank you, Doctor Kregg. I’ll make sure she’s taken care of.”

“Good.” She stood up again. “Bring her back if you have any concerns.”

Rachel was a little perturbed that everyone was talking as if she wasn’t even there, but she was also thrown off by the fact the doctor actually said she might have a concussion. That her brain might have been smooshed against her skull in a bruising blow.

The thought made her feel a little nauseous.

“Rachel, are you okay?”

At King’s sharp voice, she realized her eyelids had fluttered closed.

“Yes, I’m just…” She blinked, not quite sure what she’d been going to say.

He tucked his arm under her elbow and drew her to her feet, then slid his arm around her waist.

“Come on. I’m going to get you home.”

She’d felt perfectly fine before. Well, maybe a bit lightheaded during the morning in the office, and she’d had trouble figuring out what to say to people, but she’d put that down to the stressful situation. But maybe she did have a concussion.

She didn’t protest as King helped her to the doors, then guided her to the car waiting at the entrance. As they drove, she settled back in the comfy leather seat and let her eyes close.

“Rachel. Wake up.”

Her eyelids snapped open. King leaned in close, staring into her eyes.

“Do you know who I am?”

“What? Yes, of course. You’re King.”

“And what’s your name.”

She frowned. “Why are you asking—?”

“Just humor me, okay?”

Of course, he was checking that her brain wasn’t shutting down.

“I’m Rachel Clark and I live at…” she glanced out the window as the car stopped in front of the Concord Hotel. “Hey, this isn’t my townhouse.”

“Of course not. First of all, you didn’t give me your address before you fell asleep. And second, I’m not going to leave you on your own. Doctor Kregg said you need someone to keep an eye on you.”

“So you’re taking me up to your room?”

“I can’t think of a better solution.”

He guided her through the lobby again and up to his suite. She knew she should protest, but the truth was that she didn’t want to be left alone, and she didn’t have anyone she knew who could come and stay with her on short notice.

The double doors of his suite loomed ahead.

She couldn’t believe she was going to spend the night with Mr. Taylor. Even when they’d been having their affair, they’d only spent the night together once, when they were on a business trip together. Usually, they’d had sex on the couch in his office. Or his desk. Or the credenza. Or even against the wall.

God, she’d loved it when he’d taken her against the wall. It had been so passionate and raw.

His arm tightened around her waist and she realized she’d swayed, probably because she’d gotten a bit dizzy thinking about it. Or was it the concussion?

He opened the door and closed it behind them, then swept her up in his arms.

“What are you doing?” she asked as her arms went around his neck.

“I’m making sure you don’t fall and hit your head again.” He settled her on the sofa. “I’ll order some food. You must be hungry.”

She frowned. “This is very strange for me. You just bought the company I work for. You’re my boss’ boss’ boss.” There were definitely more layers of management in there. Like a shooting star, his success had carried him to the higher echelons. “But here you are babysitting me.”

“I’m more than just the man who bought your company. You and I have history.”

“I know but even then… when we were together… you were my boss. You never would have taken me home and looked out for me like this.”

“You don’t know that.”

The solemn look in his charcoal eyes set her wondering. Could he have wanted more back then? Had she been the one putting out the distance vibe?

He walked to the dining area and dialed room service, then after he’d placed the order, he filled a glass and placed it in front of her. It was a tumbler full of ice and amber liquid.

“I don’t really want a drink, thanks.”

“It’s just apple juice. Don’t worry, I’m not going to offer you liquor in your condition.”

“Not even a little wine with dinner?”

He smiled and sat across from her. “Not even.”

She sipped the juice. He seemed in a good mood.

“So you met with the executive today and Mr. Baird set up a special appointment for you to meet with me. May I ask what—?”

“No, you may not.”


“I’m not going to start a conversation about work. It’s important not to stress you.”

Her head had started to ache anew.

“But not knowing what will happen is a big stress. If you just tell me…”

But the dark cloud shadowing his expression stopped her in her tracks. She was getting the distinct impressions that when he did talk to her about it, it was not going be good news.

“Mr. Taylor, I know that as your employee you considered me headstrong and a little difficult, but—”

BOOK: Mastered by the CEO (Mastered By #4)
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