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Authors: Natalie Dae

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Master M (6 page)

BOOK: Master M
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was what I wanted, the pair of us like this, the cruelties of the world shut out. We were safe. Felix was safe.

“I won’t let anyone take me from you,” he said. “Don’t worry about that.”

I nodded, hoping he sensed the movement, but decided not to say anything. Something inside told me he’d taken a risk bringing me here to his home for a fuck, a cellar where the mullioned windows high above us could be peered through by people walking past.

“There is no risk, so long as you’re with me, Esther.”

I accepted that, but a voice whispered that when I wasn’t with him I needed to be careful. I didn’t understand it, but the idea of hidden dangers wouldn’t go away. I shivered, and Felix stood, whipping me over to a makeshift bed on the floor and covering me with a feather-filled quilt.

“Sleep,” he said. “Then I’ll take you home just before dawn.”

I closed my eyes, knowing I might not be lucid enough on the journey. He usually swept me home so fast it could have been the time it took for a human to blink.

As sleep approached, he massaged my wrists, the scent of his salve as familiar as his cologne. He slid the vibrator out of me, kissed my mouth with featherlight pecks then whispered, “The next time you see me will be tomorrow night in Paradise. Sleep, darling Esther. Sleep.”




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About the Author



Natalie Dae is a multi-published author in three pen names writing several genres. She lives with her husband, children, and three cats in an English village. She writes full time and is also a cover artist and blog designer. In another life she was an editor. Her other pen names are Sarah Masters and Charley Oweson.


[email protected]


Natalie loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at




Also by Natalie Dae


Lincoln’s Woman

A Gentleman’s Harlot

Shadow and Darkness


Fantasies Explored: Think Kink

Fantasies Explored: Thinking Kinkier

Fantasies Explored: Kinky Thinking

Marshall Cottage: Master Zum

Marshall Cottage: Master Red

Marshall Cottage: Master Connor

Marshall Cottage: Master Stephen

Marshall Cottage: Master Dan

Stiff Upper Lip: Minute Maid

Bound to the Billionaire: Waiting for Him

What’s her Secret?: The Submissive’s Secret


With Lily Harlem


That Filthy Book


With Sam Crescent


Shades of Grey

Forced Assassin

Rude Awakening





Totally Bound Publishing




BOOK: Master M
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