Read Master Class Online

Authors: Cassandra Carr

Tags: #Contemporary, #BDSM, #Erotic Romance

Master Class (4 page)

BOOK: Master Class
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He tilted her head up. “Open your eyes.” She did and blinked a few times. “Would you like to pull your pants up? I don’t want you to trip.” He focused on a spot just over her shoulder and waited for her answer.

“Would you like me to cover up, sir?”

His gaze snapped back to meet hers. There seemed to be a little bit of hurt in the depths of her eyes, but she blinked again, and it was gone. “I’d prefer you naked,” he said with a growl.

* * * *

Lisette’s pussy contracted around nothing, and she had to physically fight the urge to drop to her knees and offer her complete submission to this man, despite how foolish it would be to do so. She hardly knew him.

Holy shit. This guy has
the elusive persona I’ve been looking for. And he’s still a new Dom. Once he gets really comfortable in the role, what will he be like? I want to be there to find out.

Without a word, she stripped out of what little clothing she had and handed everything to him. Ryan stuffed the small pile into his bag and motioned ahead of him.

“After you.”

She suspected he’d let her go first so he could check out what his spanking had done to her ass, but she didn’t mind, even putting a little extra sway in her hips as she walked. A hand wrapped around her upper arm, but not hard enough to bruise.

“Keep moving that ass like that, and I’ll think you want more. I’d be very tempted to give it to you.”

Her breath left her in an audible
. Luckily they made it to the couch he’d indicated, and the Dom already there tossed a cushion on the floor in front of the other end. She sank onto it, briefly wincing when her spanked ass came into contact with her heels. Then she remembered Ryan telling her not to kneel and quickly shifted. The Cheshire cat grin on Ryan’s face showed he hadn’t missed a thing.

Yeah, I wasn’t wrong about him. He’s a natural, and I want to be there as he explores. But how do I convince him to see me again?

Ryan procured two bottles of water from a passing sub and, after handing one to her, watched as she took a long drink. Seemingly satisfied, he indicated his friends.

“This is Jack and his submissive, Callie.” He turned to Jack. “What are other subs supposed to call you?”

Jack’s lips twitched, but he readily answered, “Sir is fine.”

Lisette sent a brief smile to Callie. She looked like someone who would be a good friend. How Lisette knew that, she wasn’t sure, but she’d had good luck with intuition so far tonight, so why stop trusting her gut now?

“This,” Ryan continued, pushing his hand into her hair, “is Lisette.”

“I’ve seen you around, though not for a while,” Jack remarked.

She nodded but said nothing, not willing to let her mistake with Master Taz ruin the evening.

“So I take it you have some experience.”

He didn’t seem bothered by being looked in the eye, so Lisette held his gaze. “Yes, sir.”

Jack nodded. “Good. I’m sure Ryan explained he’s new to the lifestyle.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And that doesn’t bother you?”

Ryan jumped in before Lisette could answer. “Would you quit interrogating the poor girl? We just got out of a scene.”

The other man winced. “Of course. That was totally thoughtless of me. I apologize. I just tend to be very protective of my friends.”

“No problem, sir. I admire that in a person,” Lisette answered and saw Callie fighting a smile out of the corner of her eye. Not willing to out the other submissive in case her Dom hadn’t seen her mocking expression, she continued. “I offered to help Ryan out.”


Jack sounded skeptical, and Lisette rushed to explain. “Nothing like topping from the bottom, sir. More like offering suggestions while we’re talking about a scene, since there may be some areas or items he’s not familiar with.”

Ryan tapped her on the shoulder. “Drink your water.”

She tipped the bottle back, and he made no secret of the fact that he was watching as his gaze ran up and down her body before returning to hers.

Jack stood and helped Callie to her feet. “I think we’re going to get out of here before things get too crazy.” He turned to Lisette. “It was lovely to meet you, and I hope to see you again.”

“Thank you, sir. It was a pleasure to meet both you and Callie.”

They left, and Lisette turned to face Ryan. “What now, sir?”

“You give me your phone number, and we figure out when we can play again.”

He grinned, and she couldn’t help but smile. Jack seemed like a pretty serious guy, but Ryan had a sense of humor. She appreciated that in a Dom.

She jerked her head toward his bag. “Do you have a pen and paper in that bag o’ tricks?”

“No, actually, I don’t. But if you’re a good girl, I might have a treat for you.”

Is he trying to kill me? Fuck, I want him
. She smiled.
Yeah, I want him to fuck me.

Ryan continued. “I guess you’d better go ask the bartender for paper and pen, then. I’ll wait here.” Leaning back, he plopped his ankle on his opposite knee, a lazy smile playing over his features.

Lisette rose. “Yes, sir.” He probably thought she would be uncomfortable walking through the club naked, but she’d been submissive long enough and at the club often enough that it didn’t bother her. He was her master for the night, and if he wanted to enjoy her body, it was her duty to allow him to.

She was waiting for the bartender when she felt fingertips run up her back from her ass to her neck. Glancing behind her, Lisette stiffened when she didn’t recognize the man.

“Aren’t you a pretty thing?” he remarked with a leer.

Lisette saw a blur, and then Ryan was standing next to her, his arm possessively around her shoulders.


The man looked from Lisette to Ryan, and Lisette watched as Ryan merely raised an eyebrow at the interloper. Before she knew what she was doing, her body moved. She leaned into Ryan, who plunged his hand into her hair, pulling her head back. He smashed his lips into hers, and Lisette gave herself fully to him, opening without a beat of hesitation when the tip of his tongue ran over her lips. By the time he let her up for air, the other man was long gone.


Ryan chuckled. “Yeah. Um, I just wanted it clear you were with me.”

“Pretty sure that’s clear now, sir.” He laughed. “Anyway…” She faced the bar once more, and he moved in behind her. Where had all the oxygen in the room gone? Lisette could feel his hard cock making itself at home between her ass cheeks, and couldn’t help but push back a little.

“You little tease. If you don’t stop doing stuff like that, you might find out how much of a Dom I can be.” He took her earlobe into his mouth, pulling at it with his teeth. “I’ve never had intercourse up against a bar, and I’ll admit, I’ve never had anal sex, but if you don’t behave…”

Ryan left the “threat” hanging, and again Lisette found her knees buckling. If he hadn’t been crowding her into the bar, they surely would’ve given out by now. The bartender came over, and after a brief conversation with Ryan, slid a pen and cocktail napkin to him before saluting and moving down the bar to serve another customer.

Ryan put his arms around her, very effectively caging her in. She indicated the small square. “Do you want to rip the napkin in half so you can write your information down too?”

Nibbling on her neck, he murmured, “No. I want your number and your e-mail address. I’ll contact you.”

“Spoken like a true Dom.”

She began to write her information on the napkin and gasped when, instead of fabric rubbing against her ass, she felt nothing between them but his erection.

“Keep writing.”

“Not much more to write.”

“Then draw pictures. I’m going to put on a condom and fuck you.”

“O-okay.” Soon two fingers slid into her folds from behind.

“Someone’s soaked. Stand on the rail and spread your legs.”

The only thing she could force out of her mouth was nonsense, but Ryan didn’t seem to mind. Soon his fingers were replaced by something thicker, longer, and a hell of a lot harder. She’d had his cock in her mouth just a short time ago, but it was still a revelation when he filled her pussy to the hilt. Dropping her head back on his shoulder, Lisette moaned.

He shrugged her off. “I told you to do something. You stop doing it, I stop too. If you want to come, I’d better see some pretty pictures.”

Cruel, cruel man. But I freaking love it.

With a groan she picked up the pen and began to draw smiley faces as slowly as possible. Ryan pulled out, and she felt a sharp sting on her hip as he landed a hard spank.

“Okay, okay.” After a beat, she hastened to add, “Sir.”

With a dark chuckle, he slammed into her again. “I think I like this public sex thing.”

Ryan thrusted a few times, and Lisette moaned as he figured out the angle to hit her G-spot.

“You like it too?”

“Feels good, sir.”

“Just good?”

The head of his cock rubbed over her G-spot again. Lisette groaned and pushed back. “Soooo good. Great. Stupendous.”

“Stupendous?” Ryan sped up. “Nice.”

He bit down on her shoulder, and her pussy responded.

“Yeah, that’s what I want.”



“Yes, sir. Oh, fuck yes, sir. Fuck me. Please.”

His short laugh tickled her ear. “Do you want to come, girl? Do you think you deserve to?”

“Your choice, sir,” she managed to bite out with difficulty.

“If you want to, touch yourself.”

Her lungs seized. Sure, she was submissive, and sure, his cock was buried inside her, fucking her hard right there against the bar, but the thought that she’d be rubbing herself to orgasm was just too much for her addled brain to process. “Please.”

“Do it yourself, or you don’t come.”

His thrusts sped up again, becoming less controlled, and Lisette moved her hand down to furiously work her clit.

Ryan sucked in a breath. “That’s my girl. Work it. Come for me.”

That was all it took. She clamped down on his dick and took him with her, biting the inside of her cheek so she wouldn’t scream. He grunted as he emptied himself into the condom and then collapsed against her, gathering her flush against him.

“Wow again, sir.”

Ryan grabbed a pile of napkins and took care of the condom as she leaned heavily against the mahogany bar and waited for him to return. When he did, he grabbed the napkin with her information and doodles on it and, with a grin, put it in his bag. He pulled out her clothes.

“I suppose you’ll need to get dressed to go home.” Then his expression changed. “Are you okay to drive? Are you supposed to drive? Should I take you home?”

She reached out and stroked her hand over his cheek, finding she loved doing that. “I’m fine, sir. But thank you for the concern. I hope I hear from you soon.”

With one last, hard kiss he let her go, giving her a quick slap to the ass, but she couldn’t say another word as her throat seized. Lisette had known this man for only a few short hours, but she felt she’d left a little piece of her heart with him.

Chapter Three

The next morning, Ryan got a phone call from Jack.

“Did you get your submissive’s contact information?”

“She’s not my submissive,” Ryan reminded him.

“True, but my question stands.”

“Yeah, why?”

“A good Dominant always checks in with the submissive the day after a scene.”

“Oh yeah. Okay. Shit, I knew that. I was going to do the ‘wait three days and call’ thing, but that’s not proper protocol—”

“Protocol’s a whole different beast, man.”

“Yeah, yeah. So much terminology. In some ways, it seems silly.”

“The formalness of BDSM is one of the things that sets it apart.”

“Sure, but do I really need to use all the lingo?”

“You can do whatever you want, but one thing I’ll warn you about. Submissives often expect a Dominant to sound and speak a specific way, and if you don’t do that, sometimes they get confused and frustrated.”

“What do you mean?”

“Like how most of us call our subs ‘girl’ or some moniker other than their given name. It reinforces the relationship of Dominant and submissive.”

“Whatever you say.”

“Anyway, I just wanted to call to make sure everything went well after we left and to tell you to call her.”

“Everything went great,” Ryan told him, a smile pulling at his face as he remembered how much fun he’d had and how free he’d felt. Finally.

“Anything interesting happen?”

Ryan barked out a laugh. “You’re worse than a girl.”

“So that means something did.”

“Well,” Ryan said, hedging as he tried to decide how much to tell his friend. Then he shook his head at his own foolishness. It wasn’t like anything that had happened at the club last night had been a secret. There had been hundreds of people around them at all times. “We talked a little, and then I sent her up to the bar to get something to write her number on. I had to rescue her from some jerk, but after that I, um, kind of caged her in there and fucked her.”

“Right up against the bar?”


“You’re lucky ours is a private club. Just so you know, they don’t usually allow stuff like that in the common areas at public clubs.” Jack chuckled. “I knew you were cut out for this.”

His friend made it sound like he was talking to a favored student. Ryan rolled his eyes even though Jack obviously couldn’t see him. “Thanks, bud. I’ll see you tomorrow. Lunch?”

“You got it.”

He decided to call Lisette immediately, since he had a large stack of papers to grade. Oftentimes when he was grading, he lost track of time, and if, God forbid, she wasn’t okay today, he needed to take care of the problem as soon as possible.

After pulling the napkin with her number out of his toy bag, he dialed the phone.

“Hey, it’s Ryan.”


He couldn’t help but grin. “What does ‘huh’ mean?”

Lisette laughed. “Sorry, I’m not really firing on all cylinders yet. I haven’t been able to hook up my caffeine IV.”

“An addict, are you?”

BOOK: Master Class
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