Read Married to the Bad Boy Online

Authors: Letty Scott

Married to the Bad Boy (14 page)

BOOK: Married to the Bad Boy
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I woke up the next morning to Brandon angrily shaking me awake. “Kami, wake up,” he said as I opened my eyes to the sunlight. I looked up at him to see anger etched on his face. After last night, I thought everything would be okay, that he’d be happy. I had finally let down my walls and expressed my true feeling for him only to wake up to his temper.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, pulling out of his hold and taking the sheets with me to cover myself up. Was he second guessing this marriage now that he finally had me in bed? Then the thought of everything he told me last night was just a lie, that he really didn’t love me, flashed through my mind.

When he sat up and pulled me to him, I knew those suspicions were just my mind playing tricks on me. Though I was willing to let Brandon in and tell him how I felt for him, I was still scared of what he was really thinking and how he truly felt for me.

“It was Jasmine, wasn’t it?” He demanded to know as I pulled away and looked up into his fuming eyes. I tried to play dumb and clueless about what he was talking about. I didn’t really want to spend my honeymoon fighting about what Jasmine did at the beginning of our relationship. All of that was in the past now.

I watched as his eyebrows came together as if he was trying to figure out what game I was playing. "It was her, Jasmine, the reason you got hurt in the bathroom that day at school?”

I hung my head low, knowing it was time to finally let out the truth of the matter. I didn’t want something like this come between us. “Yes.”

He gripped my shoulders and shook me slightly till I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "Why didn't you tell me the truth back then?"

“Brandon, she told me you were with her before coming in there. I knew from rumors at school you two had a thing so I believed her. I didn’t tell you it was her because I didn’t want you to think I was some jealous person trying to control you. I had told you back then that if you wanted to sleep with other girls, it was fine. I felt that if I said something, it would be me taking it all back,” I explained as the tears fell down and he pulled me closer to him. 

"I would have never thought that. I had told you and my father that morning I would be faithful and I have been.” He reassured me as he rubbed my back to calm me down. “I just wished you would have trusted me and told me the truth. Then maybe I could have handled it after it happened. Now it looks like I’ll have to wait till we get home to make a few phone calls.”

“No, Brandon, let it go. It’s in the past. Just let it go,” I said into his chest as the last few tears fell. "All that matters is that we're here, together." I looked up and saw him smiling down at me, making me blush. I looked down at his bare chest and my hand came up to caress his abs. I didn’t want to talk about Jasmine anymore, because I had other things in mind.

I lifted my head and gave him a soft kiss, showing him that I was done with this conversation. When he wrapped his arms around my neck and pushed me down the bed, I figured he had caught on to what I wanted to do. It didn’t take long before we became safely connected as one once again.


















It was late in the day and I was lying on one of the lawn chairs, soaking up the last of the afternoon’s sunshine.  On the beach surrounding me, I could see others, families and couples alike, that were out and relishing the soft waves that splashed on the shore.  The warmth from the day’s sun and the coolness of the water was an enjoyable combination. 

Breathing in the salty air, almost tasting the tang of the ocean, I found myself thinking about how amazing last night was. Everything about it had been so perfect and it had felt right, not rushed. With each touch and movement he made, I could feel the love he felt for me. However, now in the harsh light of the day, I was still frightened of the feelings we had both confessed to each other.  Considering my past, I found myself waiting for the other shoe to drop, for something horrible to happen given how happy and content I was.

 This morning found us awake and ready for another round of passionate lovemaking, or as Brandon referred to it, rolling between the sheets.  Afterwards, as I was taking a shower, I jumped in surprise when he opened the door and joined me. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what happened next and I learned that my husband possessed some major skills.  He seemed to enjoy being with me just as much as I did, and we couldn’t keep our hands off each other.

 Somewhere in the midst of our honeymoon activities, we decided to go down the beach and see what else the area had to offer in the way of entertainment.  I wasn’t sure how but we managed to get into our swimsuits that thankfully his mother had packed for us.  She had thought of everything we needed for this trip. Once we were suited up, we went to eat breakfast.  With the way Brandon was looking at me in my suit, I was surprised he let us go down to eat.  He did, however, took advantage and whispered a few things in my ear that had me blushing despite what took place the night before.

 After a few rather deep (and heated) kisses, we finally made our way down  and decided after eating that we would walk down to the beach in search of something fun to do.  As we approached the wooden stairs that would lead us down to the sand, we saw people flying kites and thought it might be fun to try.

 We tried flying a kite, but it was harder than we thought. Even with both of us running up and down the wet sandy beach, we still had problems getting the brightly colored kite up in the air.  I gave up sooner than Brandon did as he was more stubborn, but soon he too came over and plopped down onto the sand.  Quietly recuperating from the exercise, we sat and watched the waves roll in.



Now here I was, waiting for Brandon.  He had run off alone, telling me to stay put and not move from this spot.  I assumed that he went to find something for us to do that was a little less exerting than kite flying. With nothing else to do, I sat there and watched the people around me.  I smiled as some of the kids started playing energetically in the water.  Every once in a while, they’d stop and laugh after one of them had gotten under during their splash wars.

“Well, don’t you look sexy in that swimsuit,” I heard a male voice call out to me. Startled, I turned my head and saw the guy from the airplane, walking toward me, dragging a beach chair behind him. He was wearing only a pair of swimming trunks which showed a well-defined built that most women find extremely attractive. Though I was a different case since I still prefer Brandon’s leaner, muscular build and I found this guy’s repulsive.  

 I rolled my eyes, annoyed. “What do you want?” I glanced around and saw that the girl that was with him at the airport was nowhere to be seen.  “Where’s your girlfriend?”

 “Girlfriend?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

 I fought the urge to roll my eyes again and settled for shrugging.  “Yeah, girlfriend.  You know, that girl you were with yesterday?” I replied. “You couldn’t have forgotten her that quickly. It’s only been a day.” I might have laid the sarcasm on a little thick, but after the way she acted on the plane, I hoped to never see her again.

 He snorted, settling himself next to me in his chair. “She’s not my girlfriend. Why? Jealous?”

 I shot him a look of irritation.  “I’m married, remember?  I have no reason to be jealous.”

 “Yeah, I forgot about your wonderful, doting husband,” he said, derision evident in his voice, causing my temper to flare up even higher than it already was.  “Where is lover boy right now, hmm?” 

You could practically hear the smug smirk in his voice. It was a struggle, but I was able to keep myself from smacking the shit out of him.

“He’s off looking for something for us to do.” I glared at the lewd look the guy gave me. I could tell what he was thinking and I wasn’t about to go down that road. “You know what, why don’t you go find someone else to bug?  I really don’t like you all that much.”

“So hateful and angry. What did I do to you to make you dislike me so much?” he asked, with false hurt in his voice.  I might be innocent in some ways, but I am far from stupid. I could see what kind of game he was playing and I wasn’t in the mood to play.

 “Nothing, really. I just don’t like the whole overblown ego thing you have going on.” I waved my hand a little, emphasizing my point. “You really should leave before my husband gets back.  I’d prefer to spend my honeymoon with him, not in jail.” I raised an eyebrow.

 He pretended to think about it for a moment. “No, I think I’ll stay right here.  It is a public beach, after all.  Besides, I’m curious to see what the little shithead is gonna do if he saw me here sitting next to you, ” he said, with a malicious glee in his voice.

 A sense of foreboding fell over me like a wet blanket.  The smells and sounds that I had just been enjoying were now flat and lifeless.  I wanted to move, to find Brandon, but I had no idea where he was.  Plus, he had told me to stay where I was.  Trying hard to hide the trepidation I now felt, I looked daggers at the guy.  “Whatever.  Don’t talk to me anymore.”  I was proud of the calm voice that I managed to use.

He obviously took the hint; he didn’t speak to me again.

To say that I was getting anxious would be an understatement.  Why this guy wouldn’t leave, even after I was so rude to him, was a mystery. I was a heartbeat away from getting up and leaving despite Brandon’s request when I heard his voice boom across the beach. 

 He was striding quickly toward me, the girl from the plane trying to hang on to his arm sexily.  All the while, he kept trying to shake her off like one would to a pesky fly. “What part of ‘I have a wife’ do you not understand?” he was saying, his voice rising with his anger.  “I’m not interested. Never have been, never will be. Take a hint and leave me the hell alone, bitch!”

The instant Brandon saw the guy sitting next to me, he started running up to us. He pulled the guy up by his throat and pushed him to the girl who was still trying to follow Brandon, causing her to fall to the sand.  “Didn’t I tell you to stay the hell away from my wife?” he snarled.

The airplane guy walked up to Brandon and just smiled. “I thought that was only while we were in the plane, but I’m sure if she gave me a chance, she’d enjoy my company a lot more than yours.”

Brandon finally snapped and tackled the guy to the ground. Brandon landed on top of him and started punching him in the face till the guy moved and caused Brandon to fall to the ground. As they rolled in the sand, they would try to fight off one another, but I was never really able to see who had the upper hand.

 The whole time I kept screaming for them to stop, but the airplane girl just stood there laughing. I didn’t see how any of this was funny, given that my husband was now bleeding caused by the asshole she was here with.  The more she laughed, the angrier I got and just as I was about to go and punch her in the face, hotel security arrived and broke up the fight.

I ran over to Brandon and saw he had a busted lip and it looked like he had a bruise starting to swell up on his jaw. At least the other guy looked worse.  Still, I frowned as I inspected him, upset that this happened.

“Brandon?” I said softly. “Are you okay?”

 He studied me for a moment before wrapping me up in his arms.  Giving me a kiss on the top of my head, I heard him tell me in a quiet voice that he was all right.  I snuggled into his arms, wrapping mine around his waist while we stood there hearing them talk about how fighting was prohibited here and that next time we would be escorted out. After that, they let us leave with a warning. 

Our arms wrapped around each other, we turned and began walking in the direction that we had originally came from.  We were silent, each lost in our own thoughts and content with the quietness of the moment.

We kept walking until we reached a shack that advertised that they rented out Jet Skis and scuba gear. I looked at Brandon with an eyebrow raised. He said, “There’s this island just a little ways away from here and has this lagoon and a cave that I thought you’d like to go check out. They said that the lagoon is great for swimming, perfect for newlyweds.” At that he paused and winked at me, causing me to blush.  “But the only way to the island is either by boat or Jet Ski.  They said it’s easier with Jet Skis.”  He looked at me, waiting to hear my answer to his idea.

I smiled and nodded. “OK.  But...there’s only one Jet Ski.  Where’s mine?” I asked, walking over to the one floating in the water next to the small dock.  I could see that there were two bright orange life jackets draped over the seats.

“We’re riding together,” he said, pulling me into a hug.  He snuggled his face against the side of my neck and nipped me where the neck and shoulder met, my knees feeling weak at that sensation.  Grinning, he lightly kissed me.  “I don’t want to take a chance of you hurting yourself out there. You’ve never been on one of these, have you, baby?”  I shook my head no.  He nodded.  “I thought so.  I just want to make sure you’re safe. Plus, I know I’m going to enjoy the feeling of you holding on to me for dear life as we race through the water.” 

I pulled away, laughing, and started toward the dock.  I turned and gestured to the Jet Ski and then continued over, leaning down to grab one of the life jackets.  Putting the jacket on, I considered the Jet Ski in front of me.

“Well then, if you’re driving it there, then I get to drive it back and you have to hold onto me,” I said, giving him a wink.

“Deal,” he agreed, putting on his jacket and jumping onto the Jet Ski.  I got on behind him, following his movements.  He started up the engine and soon we were off, racing through the water and splashing into the waves. At first it was a bit terrifying, the way that the Jet Ski would drop suddenly, but after a short time, I felt the exhilaration of freedom as the wind whipped my hair. The sun shone down brightly and I found myself starting to laugh with excitement.

Soon the water became calmer as we neared the small island that he had found out about. As we got to the shore, I couldn’t believe the beauty of the location.  Lush green plants with bright flowers everywhere made for a sight that had to be seen to be believed.  As we pulled up to the dock, I tried to take it all in.  Brandon turned off the Jet Ski, we took off the jackets and placed them back onto the seats and then started walking, looking for the lagoon while holding hands.

It didn’t take long for us to find it.  The lagoon was at the bottom of a small drop off where we were standing, but if we walked around the short cliff, we could reach the beach area. The water was a deep crystal blue, so clear you could see the bottom of the swimming area.  On the other side, you could see the opening of the cave they had told Brandon about. We had just taken the long way around.

“Wow!  This is beautiful,” I murmured.

“It’s not as nearly as beautiful as you, though,” he said, pulling me to him and bringing his lips down to kiss me. The kiss was soft and sweet and made me feel all the love he had for me, but as he lifted my shirt, we heard another voice.

“Oh, look who we have here, Haley.” It was that male voice again.  We broke apart in shock to see that airplane guy once again.  Our gaze then went from him to the clingy girl that was with him.  Feeling Brandon tensed next to me, I sighed.  Did these guys have a death wish or something?

“It looks like we found the lovey-dovey couple we were sent for, Maddox,” she told him, smugness in her voice, pissing me off. “See, sir, I told you we could lure them into your trap.”

With that said, a man stepped up in between the two, as well as several other men now coming into view.  I gasped and Brandon’s rigid form radiated fury when we saw that they all held automatic rifles to us.  They stepped from behind rocks, trees and from behind the man.  I didn’t know if I should be impressed that they thought we were that big of a risk, if I should be terrified of the situation or if I should be pissed that they were interrupting my honeymoon! 

BOOK: Married to the Bad Boy
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