Man of the Month (Willowdale Romance Novel) (23 page)

BOOK: Man of the Month (Willowdale Romance Novel)
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After Kate, Tonya, and Becca changed into matching pink bridesmaids dresses in the ladies’ bathroom, they helped Kate into her wedding gown.

“You guys knew all about this?” Her fingers were shaking as she smoothed her hands over the silky fabric. The dress fit her perfectly.

The two women nodded in unison.

“And you were certain I’d say yes?”

They nodded again.

She planted her hands on her hips and tried to be mad. “And you let me fret about whether or not he wanted to be with me?”

“To be fair, we only found out about this a week ago. Any longer, and we would’ve cracked, I’m sure of it,” Tonya said. “I think that’s why Brad waited so long to tell us.”

Kate stepped back to look at her. “That dress was made for you. Come on, let’s get you married!”

Someone had changed Danny into a tiny baby tux. Brad held him under an arch of balloons at the far end of the banquet hall.

Tommy held his arm out for her. “Can I walk you down the aisle, Jeanne?”

She pressed her hand over her heart, her eyes stinging. “I’m sure my daddy would be proud to have you do so.”

They walked toward Brad, and her eyes were so teary she could barely make out the faces of all their friends lined up to watch them. Tommy slipped his arm out of hers and kissed her cheek. Brad adjusted the baby in one arm and reached for Jeanne’s hand with the other.

He beamed at her and whispered, “You look beautiful. I knew you were a princess when I snuck that kiss in kindergarten.”

She choked back a sob.

The ceremony was quick, and she barely registered what was said until those magical words left her lips: “I do.”

The crowd clapped and cheered for several minutes—and Brad’s kiss lasted nearly as long. Then Tonya scooped up the baby, and Brad and Jeanne were dancing their first dance.

“Now this was unexpected,” Jeanne said, still trying to convince herself this wasn’t all just a dream.

Brad shook his head. “For you, it was unexpected. But I got to do all the planning.”

“Guess we are a perfect pair.”

He pulled her closer to him. “No. Not a pair. There’s three of us now. And that’s perfect.”

She sniffed. “It is.”

They hadn’t quite finished their first dance, when Tara O’Hara bustled over. “Fine. I’ll give you two a second chance. I want you to cater my wedding.”

“You set a date?” Jeanne asked.

“No. I broke things off. But when I find the next right guy, I’ll give you guys a call.”

“You do that,” Brad said.

Jeanne did a double take as Sam walked up. “Congratulations, guys.”

“Thanks,” Jeanne said, shaking his hand, glancing at Brad. “Lots of single ladies here. Could be your lucky night.”

Sam crossed his fingers and walked away—right into Tara O’Hara.

“Hey, wanna dance?” Tara asked.

Sam turned around and waggled his eyebrows at Jeanne.

“He’ll never have to buy scratch offs again,” Jeanne laughed. “What is he doing here, anyway?”

“I needed to invite him as a thanks for making me look extra good in comparison.” Brad cupped her cheek with one hand. “I don’t deserve you.”

Shaking her head, Jeanne said, “Don’t make me get out the potato peeler.”

He laughed, then Dolly came over with celebratory hugs for them both. “Oh, shoot. You two are making me cry off my mascara.” She dabbed her eyes with a tissue. “This is the happiest day in Willowdale in years. Imagine, one of the Larsen boys marrying a Clark girl. What a happy ending to a sad story.”

Jeanne leaned into Brad. “It sure is.”

And soon enough a line of people was waiting to tell them both it was about damn time they got together.

“For two people lacking in the family department, there’s sure a lot of love here tonight,” Jeanne told Brad as they started dancing again.

“Guess we’ve had a family all along—all the folks here in Willowdale.” He squeezed her hand.

Jeanne’s heart was fuller than she could ever remember.

“Then how about a little champagne to celebrate, Mrs. Larsen?”

She tugged his lapel. “I’m a lightweight, and you know it. Plus I can’t drink, not while I’m breastfeeding.”

A grin slowly spread across his face. “Then how about another resolution?”

She raised an eyebrow. “It’s a little late for a New Year’s resolution. And your last one was a bust.”

“A Valentine’s resolution. To make every day as wonderful as this one.”

Sighing, she kissed him then she brought her mouth to his ear. “It will be even more wonderful later tonight. Our six-week wait is up.”

He looked confused for a moment then his eyes brightened. “So we could get started on another baby?”

She stopped dancing. “Are you serious? We haven’t even talked about that
 . . .
I just assumed you wouldn’t want
 . . .

Brad quieted her with a kiss. “It’s too soon, I know that, but I can’t wait to see our family grow someday.” Then he picked her up and twirled her around. “Never thought I’d say that.”

“Never thought I could have that,” Jeanne said, melting into his arms.

(Please continue reading for more information about Lisa Scott)


Thanks to the team at Bell Bridge Books for letting me bring the town and characters of Willowdale to life. To my editor, Pat Van Wie, for making such sure Jeanne is as strong as she should be, and to my beta readers, Kim Wehner and Aileen Nalen, for reading the early clunker drafts. And thanks to my hubby and kiddos for understanding sometimes mama needs to stay behind so she can write!

About Lisa Scott

Lisa Scott has wanted to be an author since getting her first creative writing assignment in second grade. But first, she worked as a TV news reporter and anchor for nearly two decades in Bangor, Maine, Rochester, New York and Buffalo, New York. She now enjoys making up stories instead of sticking to the facts. She’s a voice artist in upstate New York, where she lives with her husband, two kids, two cats, a dog, and a pond full of koi fish. Like on her on Facebook at Read Lisa Scott, and sign up for her newsletter to find out about her latest releases at

BOOK: Man of the Month (Willowdale Romance Novel)
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