Read Magically Delicious Online

Authors: Caitlin Ricci

Tags: #gay paranormal St Pat's Day erotic romance

Magically Delicious

BOOK: Magically Delicious
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A Silver Publishing Book


Magically Delicious

Copyright © 2013 by Caitlin Ricci

E-book ISBN: 9781614957782


First E-book Publication: March 2013


Cover design by Reese Dante

Editor: Jamie D. Rose

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Magically Delicious

Luke carefully planted the last of the carrot seeds in the patch behind the little Irish cottage. He wiped his hands on his jeans and was about to stand up when the shine of metal caught his attention. Picking it up, he was surprised that it appeared to be a small metal coin, though not one that he'd ever seen before. He walked back to the house with his head down, his attention focused on the little treasure.

The gold object glinted at Luke as he bent over the small bathroom sink and began to work the dirt loose with his fingers. Since Luke was the only one of his roommates that used the garden, it was almost like the coin had been waiting for him. He liked to think that at least.

"Hey mate, gonna be a min?" his roommate asked him, sticking his head inside the bathroom door. "Ah… whatcha got there?"

Luke blushed and ducked his head. Of his four roommates, Vic was the most obviously Irish of the bunch. And his accent always did things to Luke. He shifted against the pedestal sink, trying to hide his evidence from the other man as he came fully into the cramped bathroom with him. "Something I found out by the garden," Luke told him, holding it up to the light so the other man could see it as well. It was a strange sort of coin, well worn but without any indication of a country.

"Leprechaun," Vic declared, taking a step back so as not to touch the object. "Better put it back. They can get pretty mean when their treasures go missing."

Luke laughed and shook his head. "Yeah, right. Another one of your 'silly little American' tricks?"

But Vic wasn't laughing as he stepped back out of the bathroom. "No mate. You're in Ireland now. We don't laugh about the wee people. Best return it afore they notice."

Luke watched him go with a breathy sigh. Damn. He had to get that shit under control if he was going to continue living in what amounted to an Irish frat house. He finished washing the coin in the cold water until it shined. There was dirt under his nails that would need a good scrubbing but there wasn't much he could do about it as another roommate yelled out that it was time for lights out. He'd have laughed and blown the guy off, but they all had classes in the morning and he wasn't about to oversleep—again. He'd learned the hard way that Irish professors actually gave a damn about students interrupting their class by coming in late—unlike his professors back in Montana.

He entered his small bedroom, a luxury since it was private, and dropped the coin on the well-worn nightstand next to his mattress. He slipped out of his jeans, preferring to sleep naked, as he crawled between the sheets and pulled the thick comforter up to his ears. He wasn't tired but he tried to force himself to go to sleep. He tried counting sheep, as there were plenty of them on all sides of the little cottage. It was Ireland after all, but they'd been moved down the hill by the farmer who owned the land. After a while longer of tossing and turning, he managed to drift into an uneasy sleep.

* * * *

Arn stepped onto the plane called Earth amidst a roll of thunder and a splash of rain. His kilt was sopping wet as he stomped over the uneven ground and around jutted outcroppings of rocks toward the little cottage down the hill. His coin had been found, the last of his pot that had been strewn across the green countryside more than a century before. And his blood pulsed with the need to get it back. He knew without question which of the darkened rooms held his coin and getting through the unlocked window was only a slight hindrance with his bulky muscles. He could have easily just gone through the stone walls, but the coin, it called to him to such an extent that he could think of little else and he didn't want to risk getting stuck in the wall if he lost his concentration.

The floorboards creaked as he walked across the room and went to his treasure. He reached for it, but the gold slipped through his fingers like water so he only hit the small table underneath. Very well then, Arn thought with a mental shake. He'd try it another way if the coin refused to come with him on good terms. He slipped off his thin white shirt. It did little good to keep him warm since it was soaking anyway, and he tried to pick it up with the material instead. Again the object refused.

"Hey…" a sleepy voice called from the side of the bed. "Thasss my coin…"

Arn let out an irritated breath. So that was it. The young man had claimed the treasure and now he'd have to convince the small human to give it back to him. A lot of stupid rules, if you asked him.

"I'll give you a bargain for it," Arn whispered, crouching down next to the man's head so as not to wake the others he could hear snoring in nearby rooms.

The man's eyes, brown as a deep ale, slowly opened and he yawned. "Wow. Vivid dream." He seemed to be coming more awake as he struggled to sit up in the narrow bed. The sheets fell around his hips and Arn's gaze caught on a part of the man's anatomy that he was glad to see waking up as well.

The man was leaner than he usually liked in his lovers and he had a strange accent that he'd never heard in these lands before. But his lips were well shaped and his pale skin looked soft. And it had been a good fortnight since he'd last taken a man to his bed. Arn brushed his knuckles over the pale expanse of the man's stomach and watched, fascinated as the muscles rippled in the wake of his touch.

"What'll you ask for?" Arn asked him. "In exchange for me coin?"

The man slowly shook his head as if he couldn't quite understand what was being said. He reached for the lamp beside his bed but Arn stopped him with a steady hand on his wrist. He could see well enough in the darkness and the man needn't be frightened by the emerald glow of his eyes or the rune tattoos covering his skin.


Arn nodded and chanced running the pad of his thumb over the man's nipple, drawing a gasp from him. "Yes, this is a dream." The longer he could convince him he was having a dream, the better off they would both be. Not many humans took well to having strangers visit them in the night.

"But it's my coin." Though the man was clearly affected by Arn's light touches, his head still seemed rather clear. An unfortunate problem. It would have been much easier if the man had melted instantly, like most of Arn's lovers chose to.

Arn gnashed his teeth. The coin must be given willingly. He couldn't just knock the man out and take it as he wished. "A bargain, then."

"Whatever I want?" The man's voice sounded hopeful.

Arn nodded before he realized the man probably couldn't see much detail in the thin stream of moonlight coming from his open window. "Yes. Anything." There were limitations, of course. There always were. But Arn somehow doubted that this young man wanted anyone to die or be brought back from the grave. "And then you give me the coin."

The man smiled and lay back down, getting comfortable back under his heavy blankets as he closed his eyes. "Make love to me."

Arn stilled, surprised—and yet, not quite. Sure, he'd wanted the man to say something along those lines. But usually when humans bargained with sex, they were crass with their requests. This one—his words were whispered as if he couldn't quite believe he had said them.

"I… sorry…" the man said from beside him, worry tingeing his thoughts, even in his dream.

Arn silenced him with a gentle kiss. He could do this, willingly and happily. It'd been so long since he'd made love to someone instead of the quick trysts the others had taken to lately. The man's mouth moved easily under his as Arn reached between them and undid his kilt. He kicked off his shoes before the kilt even hit the ground.

"Luke… my name's Luke," the man whispered as Arn moved his lips to the man's neck and began gently sucking his soft skin as Luke's arms came around his wide shoulders.

Arn hesitated for only a moment before whispering, "And I am Arn." He didn't know why he'd given the man his name. He'd never done so in the past. But somehow, with this man it felt right. Arn moved slowly down the man's body, touching and stroking as he licked his pale skin.

"Your hair's curly," Luke said, as his fingers tangled in the man's thick hair.

"It's also red," Arn said, as he pulled the warmth of his mouth from Luke's hip.

Luke chuckled. "A Ginger. I've always had a thing for guys with red hair. And your accent…" He swallowed thickly.

Arn shrugged. His accent was the same as anyone in the Fae realm, at least those that came from the old country. Luke's laugh stopped abruptly as Arn moved his lips over the swollen head of Luke's cock. "Wonderful dream," Luke sighed. Arn watched the man close his eyes. A wide grin played over his face. Arn loved how responsive his human lover was as Luke gasped each time Arn's tongue moved over his cock.

Luke moaned loudly. "Your mouth feels amazing," he said as he fisted one hand in the sheet next to his hip and the other on Arn's shoulder. Arn was surprised the man hadn't tried to put his hands on his head and take control like most of the others. They hadn't succeeded since Arn never willingly gave up control, but it was nice that this man hadn't even tried.

"I want to taste you too," Luke pleaded softly. Arn looked up, surprised and a bit enchanted at this man's boldness. He slid his mouth off the man's cock and smiled at the pop it made as it fell from his lips to land softly on Luke's belly. Luke let out a mew of disappointment but quickly stopped as Arn moved to his side. He had a moment of indecision and uncertainty as he tried to figure out the best way to align his body with Luke's before he moved his hands to the smaller man's hips and pulled him down the bed. It gave him enough room to move above him, placing a thickly muscled thigh on either side of Luke's head. Arn smiled down at him as Luke began licking the underside of his cock, eagerly trying to get the stiff member into his mouth.

"Patience, Luke," he teased him, as he rocked against the man's lips. He groaned loudly and brought them both out of their misery when he slid his cock into Luke's waiting mouth. Instantly those soft lips sealed around his shaft, eagerly taking him as deeply as he could. Arn let his head fall back, moaning softly as he gave in to the feel of the man's warm mouth below him. This human felt so good, better than any Fae he'd had in recent memory, which was quite a few years.

Luke faltered and Arn looked down to see the man's hands slowly sliding over his own cock. Arn frowned—that just wouldn't do. He chose the rhythm, letting Luke relax under him, batted his hands away, and slowly took the man's hard length against his tongue. The man's moans increased under him as Arn went back to savoring Luke's cock.

Arn had only seen humans engage in this act a few times but had never thought of doing it himself. He now wondered why he had waited so long as he felt Luke's warm mouth encase his hard cock, sucking him with each quick thrust. The man below him writhed with need when Arn licked and sucked his length, stroking Luke's head with his tongue as his fingers circled the base of the young man's cock.

He wouldn't be long now and Arn wanted to be right there with him when his climax took. He knew of no greater pleasure than that of sharing that moment with his lover. He'd have to hurry to catch up. Luckily, though he was inexperienced, Luke had a good mouth and the man's soft moans of pleasure were quickly stroking Arn closer to the edge. He held back for a moment, pressing his fingers into Luke's hips to steady him as he kept his mouth still on the head of Luke's cock until he felt the first wave of pleasure crash against him. He thrust freely into Luke's mouth as he pulled and sucked on Luke's cock, timing it perfectly until he felt Luke buck against him and warmth flooded his mouth, at just the same moment as his own climax hit and he released against Luke's tongue.

Arn stayed there for a moment, licking the other man clean and letting Luke do the same until he felt him let go and rest his head back against the bed with a satisfied sigh. He moved slowly, his strength gone as he stretched languidly alongside his human lover.

"Best dream ever," Luke whispered into the darkness.

Arn laughed. He tended to agree. "And my coin?"

He half wished the man would add some other requirement, more time, another night- anything. Just so long as they could stay together a little longer. But he heard the plop of gold against the mattress next to him and knew the man had kept his word. "St. Patty's is today," Luke said with a smile.

Arn forced himself to his feet and had to hold back a snicker. The man had taken a leprechaun to his bed on the most famous of Irish holidays. Too bad he thought it was all just a dream. It was better for them both, though. Humans didn't often do well with knowledge of the Fae. Still though, he couldn't resist the soft kiss he placed on the man's lips just before he got dressed.

"Sleep well, Luke," he whispered. "And thank ye for me coin."

There was a small noise of agreement as Luke slipped back into a deep sleep. Arn hesitated again at the window before he shook his head at his stupidity and went back through into the night air. He was just a human. Foolishness would come from seeing him again. He'd have no reason to visit this cottage in the future. Or any cottage, anywhere, for that matter. Not now that the last of his coins was found.

He paused, turning back to the darkness of the room. But the coin didn't
to be found. With a grin and a laugh he pushed the window open just a crack and slid the coin through. It landed on a large bag full of books. There. Luke would find it in the morning and Arn could come claim the coin from him again another night.

With that merry little thought, he danced his way back up the hill to the place where the veil between the worlds was thinnest. "Goodbye for tonight, little Luke. I will be seeing you again soon." He whispered his promise into the clean night air before stepping back through to his plane, feeling lighter than he had in years.

Heavy staves came down in front of him, blocking his way further into the tunnels the moment he stepped foot in the Fae realm. "Let me through," he snapped at the two guards. They were mere puppets, beings created with twisted decaying vines and infused with life through magic. The unnaturalness of them made his skin crawl.

BOOK: Magically Delicious
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