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Authors: Allyson Young

Madness (7 page)

BOOK: Madness
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Cameron stared down at the beautiful woman kneeling at his feet, her head slightly bowed, her eyes properly lowered in submission.

Why he felt that her position was less than reflective of her true state of mind he couldn’t say, but he was suspicious. Olivia was clearly a novice at blowjobs, but by God she had made his scalp sweat and his legs tremble with his orgasm. He should be punishing her for not letting him pull out so she wouldn’t have had to swallow that first time, but the experience in itself called for forgiveness. He willed strength back into his legs and reached down to help her to her feet.

He kissed her with all the pent-up feelings in his chest and her response thrilled him. She opened her mouth and kissed him back with fervor and the combined taste of them burst on his taste buds.

Cameron knew at that moment that this thing between them was truly big, had been confirmed. He wanted to embrace it, just as he was embracing Olivia, embrace it and explore it and her for the rest of his life. Now, all he had to do was convince Olivia.

“C’mon, honey, I’ll bathe you so that you can rest awhile.”

“What do you mean?” Olivia stuttered. “Bathe me? Rest awhile?”

“I take care of what is mine, Olivia, and we are far from finished,” he answered implacably. “Now come with me.” He made sure the water temperature was perfect before he stood Olivia under the pounding spray, taking up a position behind her to carefully remove the improvised plug. He then lathered her from head to toe, shampooing her hair, rinsing it, and adding conditioner. After her initial protest, Olivia stood docilely under his ministrations, although he hadn’t missed how she had stiffened when he asserted that she was his. The only sounds she made were little moans as he carefully soaped her pussy and used the lubrication to tantalize her clit


and anus, followed by the swirl of the cloth over her reddened, tender nipples. His cock filled and swelled as he anticipated burying himself deep in her tight channel. She had been so tight against his fingers that he knew how hard it was going to be to work his way deep, right up against her cervix. He couldn’t wait, but he would, because once Olivia had a few hours of sleep, he was going to torment her to the very edge of ecstasy before he fucked her to their mutual orgasm. He didn’t have a lot of time to convince her that she needed this and would want it forever. With him. He quickly washed himself and rinsed off before turning the water off and wrapping Olivia up in a large towel. He swept her up and carried her to the bed, ignoring the water dripping from his body, and tucked her between the sheets. He kissed her forehead and watched as she drifted off, comforted and relaxed. He readied the room for later, and then turned off the lights, finally climbing into bed to spoon against Olivia’s back.


Chapter Five

Cameron pulled back from Olivia’s writhing form and surveyed her with bone-deep satisfaction. She was begging now, pleading with him for release and he was going to give it to her. His cock was begging, too, and his balls ached. It was time.

He had woken Olivia with slow licks up the underside of her breasts and over her nipples. When she arched into him, he pulled the sheet and towel aside and felt between her legs. She was getting wet, and he was pleased at how she responded to him, even as she awoke.

He liked morning sex a lot, liked rolling on top of a woman and powering into her without taking a lot of time to prepare her, because she was still wet from the night before or just from his touch.

Cameron knew it was selfish, but he consoled his conscience with the fact that he more than made up for it at other times. Olivia was meeting all of his hopes and dreams. He wasn’t so crass to say she met his dream woman criteria, for it made things sound too clinical.

“Roll onto your belly, Olivia,” he had ordered, and had run a hand over her buttocks even as he pushed a pillow under her to elevate her gorgeous ass. She spread her legs without being told, beginning to anticipate what he wanted. The room service bar had given up several sample bottles, and the contents of the one that fit the bill shimmered golden under the bedside lamps as he covered it in lube and pushed it up into Olivia’s ass, the puckered opening stretching to accommodate it more easily. He had pulled it out and pushed it back in several times, watching Olivia push back for it, her anus showing pink as it winked closed then stretched again. He fairly salivated to fuck her there.





“I am going to administer your punishment now, Olivia, for stealing that orgasm earlier. You will count out the strokes. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” Olivia stuttered. He watched her buttocks clench in anticipation and decided to ramp things up.

“If you clench, Olivia, I will wet your buttocks and add strokes. I can keep that process up a very long time. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said again, and her buttocks relaxed.

Cameron pressed a kiss on both of them and tapped the end of the bottle, smiling when Olivia gasped. He picked up the child’s Ping-Pong paddle and ran in across Olivia’s silky skin, dipping the end in her cleft. The realization that something other than his hand was going to spank her showed in Olivia’s sudden flinch. He smiled again and began. The first two blows were met with sudden loud intakes of air on her part, although she didn’t clench much. Cameron blew across her reddening skin and reminded her to count.

“One, two!” she nearly shouted.

By the time Cameron reached twelve strokes from the paddle, Olivia was moaning and lifting up into the blows while writhing against the pillow.

“Do not come, Olivia,” he crooned. “If you get yourself off, I will stake you out and bring you to the edge over and over but will not release you. Your clit will be so swollen and tender that it will hurt to cover it for days.”

“Please, Cameron. Please, Sir.”

He rubbed her red bottom and spread the heat, jostling the bottle as he did so. She moaned and whimpered.

“Three more, honey. Brace yourself.”

Cameron spread her legs further apart and brought the paddle up between her legs to smack her pussy three times in succession. Olivia shrieked and came. Cameron grinned and then wiped it from his face.

She would know she had sealed her fate and accept what was to come next, once she came down from her orgasm. He tossed the paddle and


pulled her up to rest her back against his chest, his mouth unerringly finding that sweet spot on her neck, sucking and branding her as she leaned into him. He slipped his hands down to knead her breasts, and she whimpered.

He helped her from bed and took her to use the bathroom and freshen up. When she emerged, looking wild and beautiful with her hair a cloud around her face, her lips swollen from biting them, she allowed him to push her down gently to the blanket on the carpet where the ropes waited. She had tensed but said nothing.

“I’m going to restrain you, Olivia,” he informed her. “You will be helpless and unable to stop anything I choose to do to you for your pleasure. You have your safe word.”

Cameron could smell her arousal as her pussy gushed and dampened the inside of her thighs. Having her choice taken away and the ability to protect herself removed had made Olivia hot and aroused. Cameron reminded himself to use the seduction of words, expressions, and suggestions more frequently with her. She responded so nicely. He tied her ankles off to the feet of the bed and then her wrists to the legs of the heavy armoire. When he was finished, she was stretched and tied before him like some pagan sacrifice, her breasts raised for his touch, her nipples already beading and thrusting, her pussy spread and exposed. He yearned to push into her mouth again, to have that same experience as earlier, but there were other things to do. He started by sucking her sensitive nipples into his mouth, elongating them into little points. He quickly reached for the pins that had secured Olivia’s hair at dinner and clamped her nipples with them. She had bowed up from the floor as much as the ropes would allow and sobbed through the pain, but her golden eyes were glazed with passion and signaled to him that the pleasure/pain had transferred straight to her clit. He held a remaining pin up for her to see, spread it apart, and then ran its plastic-coated feet down between her breasts, over her belly, around her navel, and then stopped right at the top of her slit.





He lowered his head to her apex and with his tongue teased her pleasure button right out of its surrounding flesh. When he had it standing up, alert and pulsing, he sucked it through the end of the hairpin, effectively compressing the little bundle of nerves to both delay and heighten Olivia’s orgasm. She shrieked and panted, thrashing her head from side to side and her lips parted as she took in a breath. Cameron knew she was about to say her safe word and lunged up to kiss her senseless. When he took his mouth from hers, he knew that the worst of the erotic pain at her breasts and pussy had become quite tolerable. He blessed his experience, because Olivia was benefiting from it.

“Are you all right, Olivia?”

She moaned in reply, and Cameron waited for a clearer response, watching her eyes open and try to focus. Olivia had slipped away far sooner than he could have believed, and he once again blessed his luck. Their encounter was fated, their connection like a drug. “Yes, Sir.”

Cameron licked and kissed every inch of Olivia that he could reach, avoiding her breasts and sex. By the time he got to her nipples she was alternately begging and threatening him, but he took his time, gently laving the clamped tips and blowing cool air across them before releasing them. She screamed at him and fought the ropes when he kissed down her body and explored her pussy in minute detail. He spread her dripping folds with his thumbs and nuzzled and licked every crevice while lapping at the juices that poured from her.

He stroked her perineum with his tongue, using ghostlike touches until her thighs shook with stress, and then turned his attention to her opening. He pushed two fingers inside and curled up to find her G-spot, feeling her clamp and clench on the digits. He could feel the bottle in her anus and reached to fuck her with it while he stroked his fingers in her vagina in tandem. She moaned with the double penetration, but her face was wet with tears of frustration, and he knew he couldn’t make her wait much longer. It was time. He pulled


out of her pussy and brought his cupped palm down on Olivia’s exposed clit twice, hard, and then shoved his cock into her weeping opening, bemoaning, if for a split second, the thin layer of latex that was between them. Olivia’s echoing shrieks as he punished her clit spurred him on, and he pulled back then pushed forward with ever-increasing power to his thrusts until he was lodged in her as deep as he could go. He leaned down to rest his forehead against hers, and their gazes locked. He rolled and ground his hips, creating friction against her G-spot and rubbing the base of his cock against her clit.

Olivia began to shake, and he slipped his hand between them to pop off the pin from her engorged nub.

“Come for me!” he commanded.

She shattered around him, milking him, straining to take him with her. Cameron managed to free her nipples and let himself release when she came again, hard on the heels of the first orgasm, although without the same intensity. His temples throbbed with the force of his climax, and his heart threatened to beat out of his chest. Olivia’s body went limp beneath him and he moved to take some of his weight from her, pressing a kiss on her open mouth as he did so. Her eyes fluttered open and looked deep into his again. He read something in hers that made him flinch before her lashes veiled her thoughts. Cameron reached to free her, wondering why his gut told him releasing her was a bad idea. But her wrists and ankles were red and chafed, and he needed to take care of her, just as soon as he could breathe normally again.



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Olivia once again stood docilely in the shower while he removed the bottle from her anus and cleansed her body, but there was a tenseness about her that warned him. He cared for her tenderly, murmuring praise and encouragement as he did so, but she did not fully relax.


“What’s going on, honey?” he finally asked, although reluctant to distract from the past hours of pleasure.

Olivia shrugged. “I’m tired and sore, Cameron.” He used his Dom look and tone on her. “There’s something going on with you, Olivia. I won’t let you hide from me.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about, Cameron. I need to sleep. I have a full day tomorrow and I don’t do business well when I’m tired. If you recall, I need a new security-system provider.” Cameron recognized the dig for what it was. She was trying to put him in his place, and he was too tired to spank her ass. He tried verbal communication instead. He wrapped her in a towel and held her by her shoulders. “I’ll do your system, Olivia. You know that.”

“Actually, Cameron, I fired you if you recall. I don’t work with people I, uh, have sex with, so that means you aren’t hired back on.”

“Okay, Olivia. But I’ll check the work. I want you to be safe.” Olivia pulled from his grasp and walked away from him. She spoke over her shoulder. “Thanks, but it’ll be fine.” Cameron stood alone in the bathroom, dripping on the mat, and pondered. She was pulling that “queen of England” act again and he was going to tan her bottom for it later. That they were both exhausted and needed to rest, he knew. But Olivia was withdrawing from him and he didn’t like it, nor did he understand. He now knew her intimately, far more intimately than her husband ever had, but she held secrets. He needed to puzzle them out, because with his desire for her temporarily sated, he was getting a very different picture of Olivia. She had told him many things with her body, given him some hints, and they were going to talk, so that once he had the answers, he could better meet her needs. He ran a towel over his body and went in search of his sub.

BOOK: Madness
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