Maddy Collated: The Complete Trilogy (3 page)

BOOK: Maddy Collated: The Complete Trilogy
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She looked down at the two
men beside her, but the sudden movement caused her to lose her balance and she swayed.

Almost instantly they were both standing next to her, propping her up with strong, warm hands.
allowed herself to sag into them. “I have work tomorrow,” she burbled through the panic. “You guys are rich, you can do whatever you want, but I have work.”

“No, you don't,” she heard Sam say. “I temporarily fired you.”

His words barely registered. The pounding of the music and the lights disoriented her and she staggered into Chet, who put his arm around her shoulders, bracing her.

“Maybe we should get out of here,” he said, his voice like dark chocolate poured into her ear, and
felt herself nodding.

Yeah, I have to get up early.”
Shit, shit, shit!

She swayed on her feet, but somehow Chet and Sam guided her out of the club and into the night. The cool air and the sudden quiet helped sober her up and
was able to take a deep breath and get her bearings.

“God,” she said. “I'm sorry. Shit. I completely forgot it wasn't a Friday. I have to finish a presentation for my boss for tomorrow...”

“Is that why you were working late?” Sam asked as Chet led them toward their waiting limo.

“Yeah,” she said. “It kind of got dumped on me at the last minute. I just... sort of forgot about it.”

The limo driver came around and opened the door. Sam put a hand on her back and guided her through. Once inside,
collapsed on one of the long seats that lined the sides and sighed. Sam settled in next to her and Chet arranged himself opposite them.

“What's your address?” he asked
. “I'll send a car to pick you up tomorrow whenever you want to get to the office.”

found the gesture sweet. She told him her address and he relayed it to the driver. Gently the limo started up, and they purred down the street.

Once she was inside the limo again,
discovered she was completely drained. When she'd first entered the limo at the beginning of the night she had been too excited and animated, explaining to Chet and Sam all her theories about marketing and the female sector, to really appreciate the luxury around her. The conversation had been lively and animated and had continued, wandering away from them constantly. In fact, they'd talked all night, and her throat was now sore and hoarse.

Now that she was truly and utterly exhausted,
couldn't help but notice the delicious leather seats and the fine wood paneling. The only thing that bugged her was the light. “Could we shut those lights off?” she asked. “I'm going to have a huge headache and I'd rather not get a head start on it.”

Chet laughed, but leaned over and fiddled with the controls. The lights dimmed and went out.

“Ugh. Thank god,” she said. She slumped back in her seat. “I could sleep for a year.”

“Sleep is for the dead,” Sam said. “I should hire you back as my assistant and then you'll be allowed to sleep on my office couch whenever you want. I wouldn't dump any last-minute presentations on you, either.”

“Oh, promises, promises,”
told him. Her eyelids were heavy. “Man, I'm tired. If I slump over and start drooling on you, just roll me out the door.”

“Wouldn't that be painful?” Chet asked her. His voice seemed loud in the quiet of the limo, and it scraped over her ears in a way that was almost too much for her frayed nerves.

“Not as painful as paying back the money to buy Sam a new suit,” she said. “I don't even know how much that suit is worth. It intimidates me.”

“Two thousand dollars,” Sam told her.

Her brows shot up. “Are you serious? Never mind, you should roll
out the door. Jesus.
Two thousand dollars.
Do you know how much cheesecake that could buy?”

To her surprise, Sam laughed and slipped an arm around her. It felt nice.
had been in this position before: handsome guy and big girl meet, talk, become friends. She knew it couldn't go further, not with men like Sam and Chet, but it was nice to have someone hold her after a long night anyway. She wouldn't fantasize. She would just be happy with what she had.”

“Thanks for the wild night, you guys,” she said. She stifled a yawn. “I haven't been out with anyone in ages.”

Sam sounded genuinely shocked. “You're the life of the party.”

She smiled vaguely in the dark. “Yeah, and that's a big responsibility,” she said. “Everyone's good time is all on me.” She laughed, though it was a pale, exhausted sound. “That must be what surgeons feel like. One wrong move and it's all over.”

Chet chuckled quietly, and
leaned back and closed her eyes. The rocking of the limo felt
, and Sam's warm arm comforted her.

Her head nodded.

The limo hit a bump and
jerked awake to find
leaning against Sam's chest. “Oh!” she gasped and drew back. “I'm so sorry.”

“You actually sound like you mean that,” Sam said.

In the dark,
couldn't tell if he was serious or not. “Uh, why wouldn't I?” she asked him. “I mean
I can't afford to buy you a new suit. I'd have to sell my car.
Two cars.
I'd have to clone my car and sell it twice.”

He didn't laugh at her joke. Instead, his hand left her shoulder and drifted up. For a moment she was confused, and then she felt his fingers running through her hair.

The air between them grew thick and she swallowed.

It's just your imagination,
she thought.

Gently, Sam's blunt fingernails scratched against her scalp, and her skin dissolved into shivers. “You're not really like other women,” he murmured.

smiled, but she was tired and she didn't feel like playing games. “You must be
drunk, because I'm like a
of other girls.”

He shook his head. “No,” he said. “You really aren't.”

The limo bumped and they jostled together. Her hands came up, gripping his coat, her breasts pressing into his hard chest. In the dim light of the back seat, his brown eyes bored into hers, and the scent of sweat and aftershave filled her head. She was half-lying on top of him. Years of shame bubbled to the surface. She must be crushing him.

She started to pull away. “I'm sorry—” she began, and then he was kissing her.

For a second she was too stunned to do anything. Then instinct took over and she was parting her lips, her eyes slipping closed. His tongue stroked against hers and she whimpered into his mouth as his arms slid around her, his hands roaming over her body in a restless, hungry rhythm.

His lips broke from hers, tracing a voracious path down her throat, lingering over her pulse. “
,” he mumbled, and she felt her body respond to his ardent whisper.

She wanted him. She wanted him so badly she couldn't even think. Her mind was a red-hot blur of need and desire, and her hands curled into fists on his lapels as he ran his hands over her luscious ass. Without warning he scooped her into his lap until she was straddling him, her skirt hiked up over her hips.

“Sam...” she gasped as he dug his fingers in and lifted his hips to meet hers. His bulging erection pressed intimately against her pussy, and a wave of dizziness rose up and overtook her.

Undeniable proof that this was not a prank.
She wanted him, and he wanted her back.

The knowledge ignited her. As though she had been set free,
brought her hands up and fastened them in his hair, pulling his head back for another ravenous kiss. He groaned and ground against her as he fumbled with the waistband of her nylons. Impatient,
unseated herself and knelt between his legs, though pulling away from him was almost too much to bear. Kicking off her bright red heels—the only nod toward individuality she allowed herself in the corporate dungeon—she ran her fingers over the bulge in his pants. His hips shifted, pushing his erection against her hand. She cupped the shaft and gave it an experimental rub.

His back arched. “Jesus,” he gasped. “Where did you learn that?”

“Sex school, where else?” she said. She rubbed him again, reveling in the way his hips thrust against her palm, a restless, almost uncontrolled gesture, and she slid her panties and nylons down over her hips, working them off with one hand as she unzipped his pants with the other. Slipping a finger inside, she found his shaft straining against silk boxers. She began to explore, leaving her panties and nylons in a heap with her shoes. Her wet pussy ached to be filled, but she pressed her thighs together and wriggled as she stroked Sam's cock in a teasing caress.

“More,” he growled, and she obliged, unbuttoning his pants. Leaning forward, she pressed her lips to his cock through the silk of his underwear, and he thrust into her face.

“That's not polite,”
teased. Opening her mouth, she tilted her head and ran her teeth over his shaft, nipping him through the silk covering it.

The limo went over a bump and Sam whimpered. Reaching down, he gathered her up and brought her to straddle him once more.
kept her distance, not wanting to go too quickly, but she felt his hand fumbling between her legs, freeing his erection. He bent his head to her breasts and his questing mouth found first one nipple and then the other. Lightly, he nibbled, and
arched her back, moaning with need, empty and wanton.

“Now that is just not fair.”

eyes flew open.
How could she have forgotten him? Here she was, making out with his best friend as if he wasn't even there. And that just wasn't right.

She turned and glanced over her shoulder at him.

He stared back at her with a heated, hooded gaze. One hand was pressed against his mouth as he watched his best friend prepare to fuck her, and his eyes were hard and bright with need in the dimness.

gave him a smile. The alcohol she had consumed warmed her veins, made her thoughts fuzzy, and Sam's mouth on her breast, teasing and tasting through her shirt and bra, drove her wild, obliterating any sense of modesty from her mind.

plenty of me to go around,” she said. “Unless you don't like tits and ass, that is.”

“Chet likes ass. I like tits,” Sam said, reaching up and pulling her back to him. His tongue flickered over her ear, sending her flying.

She struggled to form words, her tongue heavy in her mouth. “Then between the two of you there might be one whole man,” she said at last.

“That sounds like a challenge,” Sam replied, and in one swift movement he pressed her exposed pussy to his hot erection, and then there was nothing but him.

couldn't help but whimper as her clit slid over the soft head of his cock, the shaft slotted snugly against her slippery entrance. He was big, bigger than any man she'd ever been with, and his hot, hard body felt amazing against her. Snaking her hands beneath his coat, she pulled it from his shoulders and raked her fingernails over the hard muscles of his arms through his fine cotton shirt. His mouth found her pulse and sucked the soft skin into his mouth, biting lightly.

shivered and moaned. She needed him inside her. She needed him to plumb her depths and drag pleasure from her body. “Fuck me,” she groaned. “For god's sake,
fuck me.”

Sam didn't need any other prompting. Lifting her hips up, he maneuvered her until the tip of his erection was parting her slick folds. Slowly, he pushed her down, and
felt her body loosen and open to him in a long, slow slide.

Pleasure shuddered through her at his invasion, and she thought she would never feel anything so wonderful again. Her whole body tensed and quivered around him, and she clung to him as he pushed forward until at last he was fully seated inside her. She felt every inch of him. She thought she could taste him in her mouth.

Then he pulled back very slightly, and pushed deeper.

cried as Sam's cock scraped against her slick inner walls, filling her up. His hands gripped her ass, clinging to her as though they were afloat in the sea and she was the only thing keeping him from drowning. She clung back and rotated her hips, taking him in as far as she could, and he moaned as her body swallowed him up.

“You feel so good,” he whispered hoarsely in her ear.
“So soft.”
The fabric of his trousers slid erotically over the insides of her thighs, and she knew her juices were going to ruin his two-thousand dollar suit.

BOOK: Maddy Collated: The Complete Trilogy
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