Read Lynx Loving Online

Authors: S. K. Yule

Tags: #shifter romance, #erotic romance, #shapeshifter

Lynx Loving (13 page)

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He pulled her hand from between them and held it to the mattress before easing inside her. Bending his head, he nipped then licked one nipple before doing the same to the other.

“I believe I can convey my intentions without words, too,” he murmured, before thrusting his hips.

She moaned. “Yes. Yes you can. I love you.”

“I love you too, sugar. Forever.”


he quiet ceremony they held for Landon’s mother was beautiful. Krista and Brady stood behind Landon, Nyssa, Thomas, Dylan, and Garrett as they each scooped some of the ashes from the urn.

When the sun began to sink into the horizon, all five of them released the ashes into the air. The soft breeze carried them over the rocky ledge toward the thick woods and stream below.

Krista sniffed, and Brady took her hand.

“Are you truly happy, sister?”

“I am,” she whispered.

“Then you have my blessing,” Brady said.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she hugged her brother. “Thank you. I love you, and our new family, even the ones who are sometimes a pain in the butt.” She eyed Landon’s other brothers.

Brady smiled. “It is nice to have more family.”

“I’m glad you’re happy too. You deserve it. You’ve done so much for me, have given up so much. Thank you.”

“I didn’t give up anything. I love you, and I would do anything for you.”

“I know that, but don’t deny to me that you sacrificed your own happiness at times, especially in the beginning.” She shushed him when he started to talk. “No. Just accept this from me, okay? Thank you.”

After a few silent moments, he inclined his head.

When the ashes had fully dissipated, Landon walked toward Krista and held his hand out to her. She accepted it without hesitation and smiled when Brady did the same to Nyssa. Together, as a family, they returned home. While the occasion had been sad, it marked a new beginning for them all.

A happy beginning with endless possibilities...

* * * *

ater that night, Dylan sat in the big living area watching his family. The laughter filled the room on a continuous basis, and he was glad to be a part of it. It had been a long time since he’d really felt like he was part of a family.

He and his brothers had stuck together after his mother’s death for the most part, but their bond had been fractured. He’d made a stupid mistake where Nyssa was concerned, but he’d paid for it now, and he’d never betray any of his family again—even due to good intentions.

That’s not entirely true now, is it?
Anger shot through him. He was mad at himself for feeling the way he did. He shouldn’t be jealous of his own brother, but fuck if he could help it. Every time he looked at Landon and Krista together, he longed for a woman like her. She was beautiful, intelligent, and loved his brother more than anything.

And he had no doubt that Landon would give his life for her
He wasn’t callous or such an asshole that he’d come on to Krista or anything like that, he just wished he’d been the lucky bastard that had ended up with her.

Now that they’d properly lain their mother to rest, he supposed he had to have something else to feel guilty over. Why not let that be jealousy over his own damn brother’s happiness? He was pathetic.

He made his rounds and hugged Nyssa and congratulated Landon and Krista on their new engagement before putting on his coat and heading outside. Letting his cat run always cleared his head and emotions, and the cold night was perfect for it.

Brady had given him, Landon, Garrett, and Thomas permission to build houses on his property if they so wished, and he’d taken him up on the offer. Several miles away, stood a clearing where he planned to start building a log cabin. It would take several months, as he planned to cut the trees by hand and do everything himself. If he hadn’t had to do his little stint in Sanctuary with the lycan, he’d have had it half done by now.

Shrugging out of his clothes, he shifted and began running through the dark woods.
It was my own damn fault
. Besides, it really hadn’t been as bad as he thought it would be or as he made it out to be to the others. He’d met some good people and learned how to control his rash emotions. He wouldn’t necessarily call himself a hothead, just more of someone who ran with what he felt instead of thinking things over first.

As he came into the clearing, the full moon cast an ethereal glow over the spot his cabin would one day set. A rustling from the bushes to his left caught his attention. Probably a deer or other animal. Then he froze as a keening cry rose in the air.

What the fuck?
He eased closer. The scent of a woman tickled his nose, and his protective instincts kicked into high gear. Just as he reached the bushes, a figure cloaked in a dark coat and hood rose from behind the foliage with a drawn bow. Protective instincts quickly switched to survival instincts, and he leaped to the left with the intention of fleeing for cover, but before he reached safety, an arrow pierced his left hip, embedding deep into the muscle.

His leg gave out, but he gained his footing. The game had just changed. Now he had no choice but to take out the enemy before he got another shot in, not to mention whoever this person was, was on Brady’s property, and a threat to his nearby family and possibly the woman he had scented moments before.

Dylan twisted his body, and used every ounce of muscle to spring toward his attacker. As the shooter drew another arrow out and placed it across the bow, he crashed into his chest, knocking him to the ground and the weapon from his hand. Dylan clamped his jaws over the shooter’s throat.

The predator in him had no qualms about crushing the shooter’s windpipe, but the human in him paused.

“Do it now, you worthless son of a bitch.”

The raspy voice surprised him. Female. The game had just changed again. The woman he scented was not being pursued, she was the enemy.


The End

About the Author


. K. Yule’s love for reading started in high school, and finally inspired her to try her hand at writing. Once an outlet was discovered for an over-active, and at times overwhelming, imagination a passion for creating stories for others to enjoy was born.

You will most often find S. K. Yule tapping away on her laptop in her farmhouse located in a tiny Midwestern town with a population of one hundred and fifty. She lives with her real-life hero, her husband, and plans to have the happily ever ending with him that she so often writes about.

Her spoiled rotten children consist of three yorkies, Potter, Stimpy, & Georgia, one miniature schnauzer, Jada, and a loveable half min pin/sheltie mix, Reese.

S. K. Yule’s previously published works include:

Darkest Hours
, Darkest Book I

Darkest Desires
, Darkest Book II

Darkest Intentions
, Darkest Book III

Darkest Risings,
Darkest Book IV

Lycan Lover

Lycan Lust

Lycan It

Lycan Heat

Lycan Vengeance

Lycan Christmas

Lycan Contempt

Lycan Redemption

Demon Scorned

Jericho’s Revenge

Breaking the Cowboy

Three Lovers for Lucy

Second Chances

Melandra’s Men

Paranormals Anonymous

Lynx on the Run

S. K. Yule loves to hear from readers and other authors/writers. You can find more information about her and contact information at:

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