Luzo: Reign of a Mafia Don (24 page)

BOOK: Luzo: Reign of a Mafia Don
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“Just hurry up, ‘cause I got my own itch I need scratched!”

Alfonzo flipped his cousin the bird then entered the building. A building he owned and bought with clean money. The cash he made from the enterprise with his cousin was divvied between stocks and foreign investments. He didn’t want the dirty shit mingling with the profits he made from his legit real estate business. The IRS and law enforcement were quick to freeze assets derived from criminal activity, so he covered his bases by keeping his company’s books clean and laundering the dirty stuff.

He stood outside Antonia’s apartment door and tapped three times and she answered, clad in a scanty silk negligee as if she’d known he’d eventually come. “Hey papi.” She cooed then wrapped her arms around his neck to kiss him hungrily.

“Damn, Antonia slow down chica!” He moved inside the apartment kicking the door shut as she fumbled with his belt buckle. She guided him to the sofa purring in his ear how much she missed him. It sounded good, everything he needed to hear but words he found hard to believe. Antonia was crafty, she understood ways in getting what she wanted but she underestimated him. They were supposed to have an understanding. This was strictly platonic. It meant a working business relationship and he’d made it clear. He got something; she got something and that’s the gist of their relationship. The romantic shit in her head, she’d better forget about, because for him, commitment didn’t exist.

She moved at a feverish pace, until his trousers fell to the floor around his ankles and his manhood stood at attention. She scoot her bottom seductively across the sofa seat in a sweeping motion and spread her thighs, “I mizzed you…you miz me, tambien?”

Alfonzo stepped out of his jeans, “Si, linda…yes!”

Antonia pointed a finger at his crotch, “Yo se…I know.”

He straddled her and lifted her legs around his waist as he knelt on the edge of the leather sofa then he stopped at a pivotal moment when decisions are made in haste and working relationships sour. Damn, I almost got caught up!

He reached to the floor and removed a prophylactic from his pocket. Always –always use a condom was the advice he received from his uncle many years ago when he didn’t understand what the hell Uncle Al was talking about. He might not have understood the importance as a child, but as a man he recognized the words of wisdom were a life-saver. There were scandalous chicks, diseased chicks, lying chicks and downright careless chicks. They’d drag your ass to family court claiming you’re a daddy or have you gasping for breath after contracting some super STD that caused your dick to pee fire!

Condoms, I don them. That’s my motto!

Vibrant red nails raked his back as he put on the condom then yanked his shirt over his head the moment he was done. She planted hot kisses on his hairless chest, “Ummmm,” then fingers circled his sheathed hard flesh to guide it between her moist interior. Her back arched to accept his swollen dick and her legs clamped around his waist pulling him forward, gravity sending him deeper than he wanted to venture. “Ooooh papi,” she purred and tightened her thigh muscles in response to his slow gyrations.

The sensual rhythmic action caused the tension to ebb from his body as they rocked back and forth in unison. He hoisted her buttocks off the sofa, pumping feverishly like a man trying to silence a tortured soul. His eyes closed attempting to connect…to feel an emotion…a bonding, anything. Yet, his soul was barren. Being inside her only elicited a minor pleasure.

She caressed his hair and the display of tenderness made him wish he could return the affection but he couldn’t and refrained from lying. He refrained from empty gestures. He didn’t love the chica. Basically, he felt...nothing. It’s sex, not love! Antonia was a transient distraction, a woman he kept around for convenience. He
never lied to women. Antonia was no exception. She accepted his lukewarm affections, but he noticed in her eyes hope that one day his feelings might change. She was unaware he did not love her…could not love her simply because love toppled the strongest of men. It made them docile, weak, open to unnecessary pain and left them scarred when the ardor cooled. He was young, but he’d been with many women and his feelings hadn’t changed. Except for one and she burned him and after that he said fuck it, love that is, for some people it’s just a game. They lie, cheat and lie again. The hurt wasn’t worth it. Besides, the way he was going, he’d wind up in jail or dead, unless he got out of this life and this city.

No, he could never love her…he simply wanted comfort. The rotation of her hips elicited an equal fervor, except his were thunderous explosions of frustration as a result of a shitty day.

Despite his aversion to a committed relationship there were no complaints from women concerning his sexual prowess. In fact, they accepted his terms of a platonic relationship in exchange for carnal pleasure and of course, kind favors. He was caught up in his head, until she suddenly pant, “No mas, no more...papi,” and he exploded in release and then came back down to earth.

Antonia slumped against the pillows with a satisfied smile, “Stay, I make something to eat.”

“Can’t…I’m working.”

Her eyes followed him, hoping he’d stay. Antonia believed he’d come to love her eventually if she played her cards right. She did not seek to cover herself, modesty belonged to the self-conscious. She wanted Alfonzo to view her nakedness and crave it until he could not be without her. These were her fantasies, ones not shared by the man of her dreams. Alfonzo was the whole package, fine, smart, loaded and with a rock hard body which made women want to touch. What she didn’t plan on, was falling in love so quickly. He disappeared into the bathroom with his clothes and the sound of urination emanated from the bathroom followed by the toilet flushing. Soon running water was heard before he returned to the small living-room fully clothed.

“I can’t give you what you want Antonia,” he said in Spanish, “anytime this isn’t working out for you then let me know.” He took a wad of Grant’s and Franklin’s from his wallet and placed them in her hand. “Hang with your girls or buy something nice, chica.” He tried not to sound like a john because Antonia deserved better. Yes, her reputation as a jealous gold-digger might be well founded but beneath the shallow exterior was a woman who wanted a meaningful relationship. He couldn’t give her that; instead he gave money and things to soften the rejection. She sighed; folded the money in her hands and frowned. She wished he’d reconsider just this once; instead he bent and kissed her then turned to leave. She watched him go hoping one day he’d realize exactly what he was passing up.












“Goddamn, you need a shower!” Domingo exclaimed as Alfonzo settled in the passenger seat of the SUV.

“Shut the fuck-up and drive. I’m tired!”

“Yo, don’t take shit out on me because your ass don’t want to stay long enough to bathe. I don’t understand you cuz, why not just stay over?”

“The minute I do, it’ll become an expectation. I’ll handle my business and you take care of yours primo.” Alfonzo rolled down the window as the SUV rolled away from the eight story building. “I’m flying out to Puerto Rico, I need to get outta’ here and chill.”

“I hear that.”

The serenity of the island’s clear ocean and soft sand beckoned. Alfonzo’s property in San Juan possessed a panoramic view of the Atlantic Ocean that soothed his restless soul. There were too many things on his mind and he needed somewhere secluded to kick back and contemplate the future.

Domingo noticed the change in Alfonzo during the past few days. He was taking shit out on everybody. The dude was itching for combat at the slightest provocation, which isn’t good considering his history. Alfonzo got crazy in a fight, he’d wild-out on a motherfucker and they never got up!

“What’s up with you man –putas stressing you?”

Alfonzo settled against the plush leather interior and exhaled, “Yo no se, I’ve been getting bad vibes…tu sabe?”

“Not really, “Domingo said as his eyes followed a girl waiting at the crosswalk once they came to a stoplight, “Ooooh mami.”

Alfonzo pulled down his cap, totally disinterested in anything but a nap. He tried to catch some Z’s while the SUV cruised along Malcolm X Boulevard with its music pumping. Tomorrow he’d call Uncle Al for advice on a few things. It’s been a while since they chilled or had a real man-to man talk. His uncle was the only dude in his life who talked sense. He thought about Uncle Al’s phone call the other day, asking him to come down to City Hall. At first he thought Tio got himself in trouble, until he stepped through the doors of the courthouse and saw him standing there sharp as hell with this gorgeous woman at his side, and then it became obvious. His uncle was getting married by the Justice of the Peace, sneaky bastard. The woman Darlene was nice from the short time he spent in their company. Uncle Al swore him to secrecy before he took off.

“Listen, don’t tell anybody, yet. We’re going to have a huge celebration and invite the entire family over. Right now, we just want to keep things quiet, tú sabe?”

“Sí, entiendo. Congrats man. I’m happy for you.” He said.

That was a week ago, and he hadn’t spoken to his uncle since. It was time he broke up their honeymoon and became acquainted with his uncle’s new family.

Finally, Domingo reached the crib, “Te veo mas tarde!” Alfonzo said drowsily as he stepped out.

“Call me manana and get a fuckin’ bath!” Domingo replied.

“Shut up!” Alfonzo retorted then strolled past his Mercedes Benz SL600 Roadster and scanned it for any damages. It remained undisturbed in front of the brownstone. Nobody messed with his shit; they were too afraid. He jogged up the steps to the newly renovated home he purchased for a bargain during the market crash. The property owner was in foreclosure and the bank was selling it for a steal. The property values in this exclusive neighborhood close to the university were well over a mil. He grinned, and to think he got it for half. Upon completion of the renovation, it‘s value increased exponentially. With the equity alone he could purchase two or three more houses in this distressed market with ease.

Real estate turned-out to be a very lucrative business, that’s if you know what you’re doing.














BOOK: Luzo: Reign of a Mafia Don
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