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Authors: Gillian Shields

Lucy and the Magic Crystal (5 page)

BOOK: Lucy and the Magic Crystal
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Above the sea, the sun was sinking down in a fiery glow. As Lucy and her friends swooped over the reef, the gleaming towers and turrets of Queen Neptuna's palace shone below them in the crystal-clear water.

With a sudden swirl of their tails, the mermaids stopped in front of the arching mother-of-pearl gates, which led into the palace courtyard. All six of them knocked eagerly and called out, “Let us in! Tell Queen Neptuna that the Sisters of the Sea have returned.”

The gates were flung open. A guard with a bronze helmet and a long spear blew a conch shell like a royal trumpet. Merfolk with worried faces darted forward from all sides of the courtyard.

“We've made it,” called Sophie, “we've come home.”

Surprised cries broke out around them. “The young ones are here! Have they got the crystals? How long is left before sunset?”

“Where is Queen Neptuna?” asked Holly urgently.

On the far side of the underwater garden, the guard opened a tall, carved door and Queen Neptuna herself swam out to greet them.

“We have been worried about you, my dear young ones,” she exclaimed. “I am so glad that you are safe.”

“We have done as you asked, Your Majesty,” said Misty quickly. “We have brought you the new crystals.”

A huge shout of relief burst out from the anxious Merfolk gathered all around.

“What great news you bring,” proclaimed the Queen, in her rich, clear voice. “Quickly, everyone, come to the Crystal Throne. The sun is nearly setting!”

Everyone swam eagerly after the Queen into the great hall at the heart of the magnificent palace. In the center of the glittering chamber, there stood the ancient throne, made of silver and pearls. Around its edge were the six sparkling crystals that gave power to the Merfolk.

But these old, dying crystals no longer sparkled. They barely gleamed with the faintest of lights. In a few minutes they would fade forever. The Merfolk gathered around and watched nervously, hardly bearing to look. At any moment the old crystals might flicker out, and Mantora would triumph. All Coral Kingdom's hopes rested on the young mermaids, returned at last from their long journey.

Queen Neptuna swiftly curled her silver
tail and sat on the Throne. Her long golden hair flowed over her shoulders and reached down to her waist.

“You have been faithful Crystal Keepers,” she said to the young mermaids. “You must place the new crystals in the Throne.”

“You go first, Scarlett,” whispered Misty. “You deserve it.”

Scarlett gave Misty a quick smile and glided toward the Throne. She held her crystal in the palm of her hand.

“The first crystal is to protect the fish and the sea creatures,” said Scarlett. Then she touched one of the old crystals with her new one. All the Merfolk gasped. Scarlett's crystal flew out of her hand. The old and new crystals spun around together,
shooting radiant sparks everywhere. Then there was a blinding flash of light. When the Merfolk looked again, there was no sign of the old, fading crystal. In its place, sealed firmly in the silver Throne, was Scarlett's crystal. It shone with brilliant new life.

“Now you must all do the same,” urged Queen Neptuna. One by one, the other mermaids touched the old crystals with the new ones.

“The second crystal is to protect the whales and dolphins,” said Sophie.

“The third crystal is to protect the seabirds,” said Ellie.

“The fourth crystal is to protect the sea plants,” said Holly.

“The fifth crystal is to protect the Merfolk who care for them all,” said Misty.

The Queen bowed her head graciously to each mermaid in turn, as their new crystals locked themselves by magic into her Throne. Then she looked at Lucy. “And you, little one,” she said. “What have you brought?”

Lucy held out her pure, gleaming crystal.

“The sixth crystal is to protect the humans who come to the sea,” she said softly. She gently rippled her green tail and reached forward to set the last crystal next to the others. But as she did so, a ghastly voice rang out: “I COMMAND YOU TO STOP!”

Every head turned to see who was making the terrible disturbance, then the Merfolk's frightened whispers echoed around the underwater chamber.

It was Mantora, and she had one last cruel trick to play on the mermaids.

Chapter Six

The Sisters of the Sea hovered bravely around Queen Neptuna's Throne like a guard of honor. They were finally about to see their great enemy face-to-face.

Mantora swam through the petrified Merfolk, until she hovered insolently in front of the Queen. A long tattered cloak streamed from her shoulders. With a quick flourish, her dark veil was thrown back,
revealing a face that had once been beautiful, but was now twisted by malice and spite.

“So, you miserable little mermaids have arrived home,” she snarled. “But I have brought you a surprise!”

A livid green sea serpent slithered out from under her billowing cloak. Lucy darted forward with a cry: “Jack!” The boy's limp body was entwined in the sea monster's clinging coils. His eyes were closed and his face was deathly pale. The life was slowly draining out of him.

“So, you recognize your dear human friend.” Mantora sneered at Lucy. “I have a bargain for you, my pretty one. Give me that magic crystal in your hand and I will release the boy. Then you can return him to his family—but Coral Kingdom will be mine!”

Lucy's brain reeled. How could she make such a choice? If she gave the crystal to Mantora, the evil reign of Storm Kingdom would begin. But if she refused to do as Mantora commanded, Jack's young life
would end. Lucy looked helplessly at Queen Neptuna for guidance. But the Mermaid Queen remained motionless on the Throne, silent like a statue, her eyes fixed on her wicked sister. Yet just as Lucy started to despair, Neptuna's clear voice seemed to echo in her head: “Strength and courage, Lucy. Believe in the magic!”

The young mermaid looked down at the crystal that she was still clasping in her hand. Deep in the heart of it, a green fire seemed to burn. Lucy didn't feel shy or nervous anymore. Without thinking, she lifted her crystal and thrust it into Mantora's eyes. A great flame of light burst from the glittering stone.

“Aaayeee!” screeched Mantora, clutching her dazzled eyes. “You have blinded me!”

BOOK: Lucy and the Magic Crystal
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