Lucas: The Hunter Brothers Series (41 page)

BOOK: Lucas: The Hunter Brothers Series
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thinks I should get myself tubbed up because you’re so genetically perfect,” I
said as he frowned at me and I couldn’t stop the grin from spreading broadly
across my face, surprised when Lucas’s did the same. I’d assumed that would be
the last thing that he wanted.

wouldn’t be the end of the world, Jess. If you can’t live with the worst
outcome, then it means the risk is usually too great to take. The worst outcome
in this case would be workable,” he said seriously as I gazed at him in
complete shock. Was he saying what I thought he was?

want a baby with me?” I frowned as he rolled his eyes.

not right now, but the thought isn’t altogether unappealing,” he smiled as I
just continued to stare. As far as I was concerned I hadn’t even opened the
door to letting him into my life completely yet, and he was talking fucking

take your damn pill,” he winked as I wondered if this might be his way of
ensuring I never forgot, in which case it had worked.

get a shower and then I’ll run you home,” he smiled as I suddenly realised I
had no idea of the time, looking outside at the darkening London skyline and
realising I’d been here almost the entire day.

you” I smiled as he nodded, picking me up and carrying me through to the
bathroom, planting me on the floor as I removed the robe. He smacked my arse
playfully and ushered me into the shower, following me inside before closing
the door on the enormous glass cubicle.

me, sub,” he demanded as I gazed up at him. The transformation had been
immediate. He never ceased to amaze me and I grabbed the soft cloth, covering every
inch of his glorious body and worshipping him as he had worshipped me. I smiled
gently as the warm water lapped over me, knowing with all certainty that today
had been exactly what I needed.



woke feeling bright, invigorated and energised, fresh and alert as though in
some way I’d been cleansed. It was the only way I could describe it. The
anxiety that had plagued me for days had all but lifted as I woke Dexter, got
him ready for school and made his breakfast.

look happy,” Chas smiled as I smiled back.

excited for the party tonight,” I said, laughing gently at the expression of
unease that washed across her face.

“Mrs Jones said we can watch the film about
the talking dogs. Lucas gave it to me and I told her about it,” Dex said
excitedly as I glanced across at my sister.

don’t mind staying here with him, Jess.” She raised her eyebrows questioningly
as I shook my head.

Chas, I’d really like your support tonight. I feel comfortable with him next
door. Mrs Jones will look after him. I trust her,” I said as she sighed with
relief, walking over to give me a hug.

so glad things are getting back to normal,” she whispered, gripping me tight.
I’d fill her in on the reasons why, when Dex was out of earshot.

just nipping to get dressed. I’ll take him today, Chas. I’m not going into the
office. I’m going straight to the club to get prepped and ensure everything is
set up ready for tonight. Get some bacon on and we’ll have a chat when I get
back,” I smiled as she grinned broadly.

I sleeping there?” Dex asked as I nodded, pushing back the instant anxiety
before it could form in my mind, dressing quickly and heading for school,
determined not to take the opportunity to interrogate his teachers again.

kissed him goodbye, explaining that Chas would pick him up and I’d see him in
the morning, watching him proudly as he ran inside and grateful that the
abduction hadn’t appeared to leave a lasting impression on him. He turned and
waved before disappearing into the classroom. I walked back to the apartment,
my stomach growling loudly at the familiar smell of crispy bacon as Chas placed
two sandwiches and a pot of tea on the table and I poured two cups.

seem happier,” she said as I smiled, filling her in on Lucas’s discussion with
Sid and the private investigator, and she wasn’t nearly as shocked as I had

expected him to do something like that. You know how men like Lucas are,” she
shrugged, smiling at my disbelieving face.

starting to realise,” I said as she laughed.

one seriously alpha male and Charlie’s just the same,” she said as a knowing
smile tickled her mouth, changing the subject before I had the chance to press
her any further.

you all set for tonight?” she asked and there was one thing I needed to say
before I left for the club.

and please don’t embarrass me, Chas. Keep your judgements in check and your
opinions to yourself. This is a client and a friend of Lucas. Don’t go around
insulting people or questioning them about their sexuality,” I said seriously
as she laughed.

do my best,” she quipped, rolling her eyes and putting the plates in the sink
as I got up and left, pulling together everything I needed. I’d be getting
ready at the club tonight.

you later and good luck, Jess,” she called out as I knocked on the door of her
room, putting her phone down hastily as I wondered what the hell she was up to.
If I could hazard a guess it would probably be Charlie.

you later. I’ve put Dex’s things on his bed,” I smiled, closing the door and
heading for the club, hoping that all my hard work and organisation would be
worth it, and the event would be everything I’d promised Zac.

was it, my first official event as the main partner of Evangelista and Hunter.

party was in full swing, the glow of the candelabras adding to the dark ambience
as bright shards of orange light shot forward from the mouths of the fire
eaters to the audible, delighted gasps of the assembled crowd.

guests hadn’t disappointed with the most eclectic range of costumes I had ever
seen, like an entertainment in itself, wondering just how some of them had
managed it. From fully clothed to barely there, every aspect of the wild and
wonderful was on display as a tall, slim brunette brushed past me, naked aside
from the tassels on her nipples and I gasped loudly as I caught sight of her

had silver metal rings pierced into her flesh, twelve in total,
on each side, set about an inch apart, vertically down
either side. Woven through them was a soft pink ribbon, the same colour as the
material that covered her nipples, threaded diagonally like a corset of skin.
It was tied in a small bow at the bottom and I had never seen anything like it.
It looked like it must have hurt, but then a lot of things did in this place,
and I was learning from experience that it didn’t necessarily mean it wasn’t

caught Chas’s long stare as she noticed it too and I could tell she was trying
to suck in her grimace as her eyes locked with mine and she laughed, shaking
her head.

serve the drinks,” I mouthed mutely as she laughed, weaving her way through the
appreciative crowd and I spotted Lily. She resembled Victorian aristocracy with
a dark twist, reflecting the theme of the party perfectly. My gaze wandered
further, finding Zac who raised his glass to me, accompanied by a broad smile
as I raised mine back. He was happy and I was awash with relief, looking for
Lucas and hoping he’d arrive soon.

breezed past me, smiling and handing out the canapés as I glanced at her outfit.
Chas had done me proud. They were all dressed in black leather or tuxedos;
individual outfits that they were comfortable with and they blended in
perfectly. The only thing to set them apart as staff, the purple ribbon chokers
around their necks, fitted with a dangling silver ‘E’ for Elite. It had been
Zac’s idea, so none of them would be approached if they didn’t want to be, keen
for them to feel as comfortable as possible.

had vetted them carefully and it amused me that some of them had decided not to
wear the choker at all. You never really knew what went on in people’s heads I
laughed inwardly, smiling at Patrick who waved across the room, looking like he
was enjoying every minute of it. He looked lovely in his tux, his purple tie
and silver ‘E’ pin reflecting his position and he was certainly a hit with the
ladies. They were smiling and flirting mercilessly, and no doubt wishing he was
a Dom. His eyes were bugging out of his head as he saw a rather large woman heading
in his direction, with the most enormous breasts stuffed into a tiny corset. He
smiled broadly, offering her a glass of champagne and trying to keep his eyes
trained on her face, but failing miserably.

fire eaters were in full swing now as I glanced to the corner and saw that the
dancers were getting ready to take their positions in the huge birdcages we’d
suspended overhead. They were almost unnoticeable in the darkness, but as soon
as the display of fire was over, laser lights would wash over them as they
performed their sensual routines above the heads of the waiting crowds. After
that we’d serve the food and my part would be almost done, waiting for the
guests to make their own entertainment, or listen to the haunting tunes of the
artist we’d hired to provide the background music.

was a great find and a contact of Patrick, suiting the entire ambience to a tee.
I was pleased with the overall results, moving across to three gentlemen who
were beckoning me over, wondering if they needed something.

knew instinctively they were Dominants. They had that air about them and all
were dressed in sharp suits and handsome, particularly the one standing in the
middle of the trio who was the first to speak. “I haven’t seen you here
before,” he smiled as I scanned the room, not sure what the protocol was when
talking to another Dom. The other submissives were with their partners, and the
last thing I wanted to do was embarrass Lucas or break an unwritten rule. I
looked up at him and smiled, deciding that being polite was my best and only
option here.

Sir, I don’t usually frequent the public areas,” I said as he smiled, raking
his gaze across my body before our eyes locked briefly and I glanced at the
“Delightful,” he said as the
other two nodded.

you looking for a Dominant?” he asked as I shook my head quickly. I assumed
they’d know I was with Lucas and was keen to put them straight.

Sir, I’m with Mr Hunter,” I said as he held my gaze, smiling broadly and
resting his hand on my arm.

he said, as I stood there wondering what that meant when a familiar warmth
crept across me and a strong firm arm wrapped its way around my waist. I
gasped, unable to wipe the huge smile from my face as I turned to see those
incredible eyes blazing down at me. It faded as soon as I saw his expression.

wonderful, Lucas, let me know when you tire of her,” the tall man in the middle
said as I felt Lucas tense and grip me tighter still.

us,” he said as the man released his hand from my arm and Lucas dragged me from
the room so quickly I was almost running just to keep up. I was desperate to
know what the hell was wrong with him as he shoved the door to our room open. My
heart was in my mouth as he stood there just glowering down at me.

party was going well, Zac was happy and I had never seen Lucas behave this way.
It was even worse than the morning of the New York trip, anger radiating from
him in an intense heat that was undeniable and I couldn’t wait a second longer.

to speak, Sir,” I said, smiling up at him as he nodded curtly, his dangerous glare
sucked the breath from my lungs. What the hell had I done?

jaw was ticking in a barely concealed fury as I gazed up at him. “Please tell
me what the matter is, Sir,” I said as he turned away, running furious fingers
through his hair, before facing me again as his eyes blazed with rage and I
began to tremble. This was unfamiliar territory and I didn’t know what to do.
Even when I’d pushed him to his very limits he had never reacted like this.
Lucas could always keep it together.

don’t expect to walk in and find you allowing another Dominant to put his hands
all over you,” he said in a cold voice that sent an icy chill to my very soul.

didn’t, Sir,” I protested quickly, swallowing hard as I gazed up at him.

what do you call
,” he sneered
mockingly, my puzzled frown betraying my utter confusion as he shook his head.
I’d done nothing wrong, at least I didn’t think so, but Lucas had clearly seen
something he didn’t like and I knew I had to justify myself.

gentleman called me over, said he hadn’t seen me before and asked if I was
looking for a Dom. I told him immediately that I was with you. Then he said
‘good’ and made that vile comment about you tiring of me. Shouldn’t I speak to
anyone unless we’re together, Lucas? I don’t understand what I did wrong.”

The panic was evident in my voice as he sighed
deeply. “I hope I haven’t embarrassed you,” I said, looking up at him as he
turned his back on me.

isn’t you. I should have collared you,” he said in a short-tempered voice,
betraying his fury. “Kneel” he ordered as I followed his curt command and I
could hear him walking around the room, opening drawers before he walked behind
me, cursing as I stared at the floor and my heart was pounding. I had no idea
what he was about to do.

brushed the hair from my neck as I felt the leather at my throat, closing
around my neck and tightening as my breathing sped up, feeling him fasten the
buckle at the back. He walked around the front, judging the space as he ran his
finger under the length of the collar.

that comfortable?” he asked and it was all I could do not to laugh.

exactly,” I said, still gazing at the floor, unused to the feeling.

you choking?” he asked firmly as I shook my head. “Then it’s comfortable.” I
was taken aback with the venom in his voice as he attached a long leather strap
to the metal ring on the front and I couldn’t help but stare up at him in
bemusement, confusion and horror.

the hell was I supposed to run a party like this?

on your mind, Jess?” he asked, his voice still laced with an uncharacteristic
annoyance, and I knew he didn’t want a truthful answer. Everything about him
right now conveyed that he wasn’t in any mood to be messed with. If I wasn’t
very careful, I could wind up being punished, and God knows what that would
consist of. If I had one question I was going with the most pressing one.

happens if I need the bathroom, Sir?” I asked as he smirked.

come with you,” he said as my face fell. “What now?” he snapped as I gazed up
at him again. He was losing his patience with me as I wondered again why the
hell he was being so vile.

need to pee,” I said almost apologetically as he tugged the leash, leading me
across to the en-suite as I stood by the toilet waiting for him to at least
turn away.

BOOK: Lucas: The Hunter Brothers Series
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