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Authors: Kate Stewart

Loving the White Liar (7 page)

BOOK: Loving the White Liar
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I walked into my bedroom that night, grabbed my laptop, and looked up the location of the travel agency versus the address of the building of the architect as I weighed the pros and cons of each job. Money was a concern, but in the end, I took Jayden’s advice and was attempting to do “what made me happy.” It wasn’t long before I went with my gut. Being a flight attendant had always been on my list of possible career choices. Becoming a travel agent was the next best thing. I was off in the morning— Monday being our slowest day at the diner—and decided to make the call first thing to request an interview. I thought of Jayden, as I had the last twelve hours, and wondered if he was thinking of me. I knew our date went well, I didn’t wonder if he’d call. I just wondered if he had any sort of game to play or none at all. I didn’t want to over analyze, but I liked him.

Jayden: I’ve been thinking about you all day, fishnipple.

I gave it a minute or two before I replied.

Me: Is that nickname really going to stick? I mean, it doesn’t even roll off the tongue naturally.

Jayden: I disagree. Your nipple rolled off my tongue quite naturally.

Both me and my sex moaned in agreement.

Jayden: Sorry. Too much?

Me: No, I was thinking of something clever to say but I’m too tired. I’m going for the agency job. Wish me luck.

Jayden: I would but it’s already yours. Dinner tomorrow, my place?

I smiled as I answered.

Me: Can you cook?

Jayden: Bring dessert. Seven.

Me: :)



set my alarm and woke up the next morning to call the agency. As promised by Jayden, Adam welcomed my call and we set up an interview for noon that day. Adam was kind, but explained to me quickly that I would be working under his wife, Marcy. After a brief but thorough interview with the two of them, I was set to start the following Monday after I worked my two week notice at the diner. I was more excited than I had been in years. The pay was decent—more than I was making now—and there was the added bonus of fringe benefits such as travel discounts, which appealed to me more than anything. I started making a mental list of the places I wanted to go and quickly filled the passenger seat on the imaginary plane with the blue-eyed man who filled my thoughts. During the drive, I felt nothing but gratitude as thoughts of Jayden crossed my mind.

In my kitchen, I prepared a strawberry rhubarb pie from scratch and spent the rest of my day waxing, buffing, and polishing every surface of my body. I wasn’t sure if tonight would be
night, but I was going prepared with no reservation. I didn’t want Jayden to think I was easy, and so far between my big “O” in his lap and my topless escapade at the pool, I probably wasn’t making a good impression of being a good girl. But with him, the attraction was undeniable. I’d decided to let him take the lead, and in all truth, he already had. Because if at any time on our first date he’d attempted to take off my clothes, I would have easily let him. And the truth was, I didn’t know him well at all.

At five after seven, I knocked on the door in my prettiest sundress, made-from-scratch pie in hand. He opened the door and drank me in one sweeping movement, making me instantly hot.

“You’re late, but the pie smells good, so you’re forgiven.” He took the burden from my hand as I followed him in.

Once the pie was on the counter he turned to me. “Thirsty?” I took in his bare feet, long athletic shorts, black wife-beater and was suddenly parched. He dressed super casual for our date and I appreciated every detail.


“Beer? Tea? Water?”

“Tea,” I said, following him into his kitchen. His place was spotless, in a way that didn’t seem possible. I looked around and then at him. “You have a roommate, right?”

“Yeah, and it won’t last much longer. This is my place. I’m just letting him crash in between girlfriends. I’m not really the kind of guy who can handle a roommate.”

“I see. It’s so clean, I’m scared to put my purse down.”

He gave me a soft look over his shoulder. “I want you to feel at home.”

I dropped my purse on the floor to spite him then chuckled when he picked it up, handing me my tea. His lips brushed mine while he passed me to set it on the couch before resuming his work in the kitchen.

“Can I help?” I’d never really had a guy cook for me and was impressed so far. I swore I’d never again date an only child, but Jayden seemed the opposite of the mama’s boys I was used to. It seemed his mother taught him independence, how to keep a clean house, and cook. I was already applauding her with a standing ovation. My smile deepened when Jayden pulled a cut lemon wedge from a bowl in the fridge and dropped it in my tea.

“No, I’ve got this. Go have a seat. You can change the channel.” I made my way to the couch and took a look around, noticing he had simple taste. His furniture was absolutely stunning, and I knew he had made the coffee table and bookshelves. Looking toward the table on my right, I saw a beautifully carved, small wooden box. Picking it up, I studied it and realized Jayden had probably made it, as well. The wood was beautiful, deep red, and the carefully etched design in the trim made it apparent he’d spent several hours working on it.

“Pulling out all the stops with the cooking, huh?” I asked as I set the box down.

“I like my food better than half the shit in this city,” he called from the kitchen.

“Setting a high bar there, aren’t you?” I smirked into my tea, not giving a damn what was on TV. The Jayden show was ten times more entertaining. There was no way a man was this good and unattached. In a way that frightened me, so I just kept talking.

“What are we having?”

When he didn’t answer, I asked again.

He stopped what he was doing and poked his head out of the kitchen. “Sorry?”

“What are we having?”

“Oh, chicken casserole. My mom’s recipe. I didn’t even think to ask you if you like broccoli.”

“I do.” The minute I told him so his shoulders visibly relaxed. He seemed nervous and I found it adorable. He looked so gorgeous in his element, his rugged and cut features and perfectly toned arms accentuated by his stance. And of course the spatula in his hand was the best part. In that moment, I felt lucky to be with him. It was a good feeling, one that I hadn’t experience in far too long.

“You didn’t have to do this, you know.”

“I know,” was all he said before disappearing back into the kitchen where he completely ignored me the entire time he prepared our meal. I sat wondering what in the world I’d done to earn the silent treatment when he emerged minutes later with two piping hot plates and silverware wrapped napkins. I grabbed my plate, thanking him, and he smiled. “Do you mind if we eat at the couch?”

“Not at all,” I replied as the aroma of the casserole wafted up, making my mouth water.

Suddenly I was at ease after twenty odd minutes of silence. He grabbed the remote and turned the TV up. “I need the noise.”

Puzzled from his statement, I took a sip of tea. “Why?”

“I just feel more comfortable with it. I also need it when I sleep.”

“Yeah, I can’t sleep without a fan on.” He chuckled at my statement, which puzzled me further. Deciding not to dwell on it, I instead dug into his casserole, which looked amazing and was the perfect consistency.

One bite had my eyes widening. “Holy shit! What’s in this?”

“Gold,” Jayden agreed as he took a huge mouth full. “My mother is the best cook ever.”

“I may have to disagree in my mother’s defense, but seriously this is ...” I mumbled as I inhaled another savory bit. “This is amazing.”

“I know.” He winked, watching with pride as I inhaled it bite by bite.

I asked for seconds, feeling like a complete pig, and not really giving too much of a damn when I took another bite of the casserole. He watched me eat, which was both flattering and uncomfortable. I leaned back minutes later, belly full, thanking him as he took my plate.

“I’ll do the dishes,” I said, standing.

“No you won’t,” he corrected. Another few minutes of silence brought Jayden back to me with fresh tea. “Coffee? Pie?” he asked. I shook my head with a firm no and he set a steaming mug on the table in front of us.

“You are on your own with that pie.” I patted my full belly and thanked him then sat up when a realization struck me. “Oh, I forgot. Yes, I totally got the agency job! I love Adam and Marcy. They are amazing! Thank you so much for setting that up for me.”

He smiled and pulled me to him on the couch. “You’ll be good for them.”

“I hope so.” I leaned into him, my head on his chest as he grabbed the remote and turned to me.

“You have two choices.”

“Always two choices with you,” I smiled.

“We can bond on the surface, criticizing shit reality TV or,” he said with a grin, “we can start a serious relationship with Netflix, which technically would keep us glued to each other until it’s over. No cheating, it’s a commitment.” He smiled down at me and promptly added, “Tell me, baby, you think you are ready for that kind of commitment?”

His eyes shone with curiosity and I stared at the beautiful indent in his chin. “Sure,” I chuckled as he locked his eyes onto mine. He brushed his lips against mine and when he pulled away I felt the draw, my instinctive need for him. It was electric, tangible, and felt amazing. Butterflies began to circulate as he slid his hand up and down my arm, warming me. Affectionate and attentive, this man had my full attention.


He shuffled through the Netflix menu and after few minutes of debate, we finally settled on
House of Cards
. The hours began to fly by as we took turns speculating the plot and for some odd reason we laughed every time Kevin Spacey faced the screen to perform direct commentary to the audience. Together, we both found it hilarious, even though the series was suspenseful and dramatic. Something about it set us off as we laughed hard, sharing our odd sense of humor. We also both delighted in the fact that the evil politician was from Gaffney, South Carolina, which was only about thirty minutes away from where we lived. We were even more amused as we realized that one of the plot points of an episode was the fact that the Gaffney water tower was causing highway accidents due to the fact that it looked like a giant vagina but was supposed to have resembled a peach. The tower was easily seen for miles from the highway and apparently was a cause for concern.

“It totally looks like a puss,” I agreed as I looked on.

“It does. Let’s go see it together when the series is over.”

“Totally, we’ll make a day of it. I mean, that is the day our relationship ends.” Jayden looked at me with sudden concern, then it dawned on him I was referring to our Netflix commitment.

“Nah, we’ll just find something else.” I turned to him as he held me tighter.

“Sounds good to me.”

And that’s when I knew that we had indirectly decided to start something. I was bursting inside with hope as we continued to get more and more wrapped up in the story unfolding.

“Netflix is crack,” I noted after our fifth episode. His arm still around me, he began to feather his fingers through my hair in a soothing motion. Reveling in the feel, I made slow circles on his chest with my fingertips.

Jayden would look down at me from time to time and I could see the heat building in his eyes. I was almost disheartened when I realized the hour and told him I should go so he could get some sleep for work the next day.

“I had fun,” I told him at the door.

“Me, too,” he said softly as he leaned in and I braced myself for a kiss. His answer was only a whisper of his lips and I found myself entirely deflated as he pulled away.

“Do I still fit the criteria, Jayden?” I asked curiously, revealing a hint of insecurity.

“God, that was rude of me. I sometimes say shit I don’t mean. I have a problem with my filter. I mean, it’s the truth, but with you sometimes I overshare. It can make me seem kind of like an asshole.”

“I happen to like it that you’re so honest.”

“Give it time,” he said with a look of dread. I wanted to depart on a good note, so I changed the subject.

“It’s cool. I was just wondering why the other night I was practically half naked in your truck and tonight you gave me a good bye kiss I would expect from my ninety-year-old grandmother.”

He burst into laughter then pulled me into his arms. After a few minutes of simply holding me at his door, he whispered into my temple, “I like you, that’s why.”

“I’ll take it,” I whispered back, pulling away to look up at him. “I like you, too.” And that’s when he captured my mouth, fulfilling my need for his touch. He kissed me long, hard, and thoroughly, letting me know that a kiss had been just as much on his mind as it had been on mine. My panties soaked and my mind on all things Jayden, I stood, hoping for an invitation he delivered.

BOOK: Loving the White Liar
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