Read Loving An Airborne Ranger Online

Authors: Susan Leigh Carlton

Loving An Airborne Ranger (3 page)

BOOK: Loving An Airborne Ranger
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She put Kyle down and he chased happily after Gunner.  “Come on into the kitchen,” she said. 
“We’re having chops so I have to put them on the stove.  You can have a chair and watch the chops cook or watch TV until it’s ready.  It’ll be about ten minutes.”

“Why don’t I pour a glass of wine and sit and watch?”

“That works for me.”

Lisa served up dinner.  She put Kyle in his high chair and gave him some food to play with, most of which he dropped on the floor to Gunner’s delight.

“This is beautiful, Lisa and delicious.  I don’t know how long since I’ve had a meal that didn’t come off the grill or out of a box.  This is really awesome.”

“Why thank you sir.”  The food was consumed mostly in silence except for occasional laughter at Kyle and Gunner.  When they finished, Lisa rinsed the dishes and loaded them in the dishwasher.  Want to go in the family room?” she asked.

Chuck followed her into the family room.  At eight thirty, she excused herself to put Kyle to bed.  She returned to the family room where Chuck was sitting in an arm chair.  He quickly stood until she was seated and sat back down.

Conversation ran the gamut of their mutual interest.  Chuck asked, “Is your mother still after you to move home?”

“Every time she calls.  So is my sister.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know.  I have up to a year I can stay in base housing and before that time is up, I have to decide.  Do I buy, rent or crawl meekly home?”

“Damn!”  His face colored, embarrassed at his language.  I’m sorry, Lisa.  I’m not used to watching my language.  I do apologize.”

“I’m glad you’re comfortable enough to think of me as one of the guys.”

“Oh, I don’t think of you as one of the guys,” he blurted out.  Both of them blushed at this remark. 

He glanced at his watch.  It was already ten o’clock.  “I had better go.  I have an early call tomorrow.  We have a drop at 0800.”

Lisa knew he meant a parachute drop.  They both stood and walked to the door.  Lisa offered her cheek, but Chuck cupped her chin in his massive
, calloused hand and with a very tender touch, turned her head and kissed her on the soft, yielding lips.  She heard herself moan slightly, and stood on her tiptoes, put her arms around his neck and returned the kiss.  Then in a lower voice, she said, “You’d better go.”

“Thank you for a lovely evening, Lisa.  It was a wonderful meal
but the company was better.  I thoroughly enjoyed the company.”

“I did too,” she said and to herself,
“The kiss too.”
  “Good night, Chuck, and be careful tomorrow.”

“Oh, I will.  I’ll remember my chute and make sure it’s on right side up.  Good night.”  He turned and took the short walk home.

Lisa closed the door and leaned against it. 
“What am I doing here?  He’s Army and a Ranger at that.  That’s as bad as being a pilot.  I don’t want to do this.  I can’t do this to Matt.”
  The little voice inside said, “You do.  You can.  You enjoyed the kiss and you know it.”

  I miss you Matt.  I wish you were here.”
she said and turned off the porch and entryway light and went to get ready for bed.


Chapter 5


Lisa went to Post Housing to get the details of the time frame she had to work with.  Next, she met a realtor to discuss the various neighborhoods in and around Clarksville and Hopkinsville as well as other neighborhoods.  According to Post Housing she had just outside four months in which to make up her mind.   Which way would she swing, back to Texas where her mother lived and or stay here?

With everyone she knew
here in the Army, there was really no one to whom she could turn for guidance that wasn’t biased.  A passing thought reminded her about the guidance offered by the Spouses of the Night Stalkers.  There were a few in the organization in, or had been in the same situation.  She decided to contact them.

She went to the home of one of the members where several wives had congregated.  After explaining her dilemma, one of them spoke up.  “If I were in your shoes, I would move back where I would have the love and support of my family.” 

The others, for the most part agreed.  Then she told them about Dime Box.  “Dime Box is a wide place in the road.  Population of the entire county is probably less than 5,000.  It’s 44 miles to College Station and just over 100 miles to Houston.”

“I think I would still go back to where my family is.”

“Me too,” was the opinion voiced by the others. 

You seem to be doing pretty well, but this is a critical time in your life and that of your son.  There are still going to be some rough spots and no one can help you like family.  I would try to help, as these other ladies would but there’s no substitute for mom.  If you had been a service wife for a longer period of time, you would have friends near here or any other base, but family trumps all.  The caveat would be how you and your family get along.”

* * *

Sitting on the patio watching Kyle and Gunner splashing in the pool, she heard a rapping on the fence.  She looked up and Chuck’s head was above fence level.  “Hi, neighbor.  Can I come over and talk?”

“Sure, come on over.”

Lisa went to the gate invited him into the backyard.  “Can I get you anything?” 

“No, I’m fine; I want to apologize for last night.  I was out of line.  I’m not Chasin.”

She giggled at the memory of Chuck walking Chasin to his car flashed through her mind.  “You did nothing out of line.”

“I’m glad we’re okay.  Your friendship is important to me.”

“And, yours is to us.  Kyle likes you too.  Another subject.  I met with some of the Night Stalker wives and explained my dilemma about moving.  All four of the wives said they would move back to family for the support.  Their point was the personnel here will change as tours end and new people come and go.  Family is always there.  I hadn’t looked at it that way.  They have a point.”

A look of regret crossed his face.  “So you’re going to move back to Texas?”

“I really haven’t decided.  I have to think of what’s best for both Kyle and me.”

“Could I offer something for your consideration?”

“Sure.  What are you thinking?”

“If you’re unsure, as your year ends, then rent somewhere until you are sure.  You could always move.  If you buy, you’re somewhat stuck.  Besides, I don’t want to see you leave.”

Lisa started laughing, and a puzzled look came across Chucks face.  “I’m not laughing at you.  Look at them.”  Gunner was in the pool with Kyle, with the water going everywhere.  With a relieved look, he started to laugh also.

“Okay, now that’s out of the way, let me stick my foot in my mouth again.  How would you feel about seeing a show with me in Nashville some time?  You must be tired of being confined to Campbell all of the time.”

“That sounds like fun.  I’ve always wanted to see the Grand Old Opry.  Just give me a little notice so I can get a baby sitter.” 

“I’ll see what’s coming up and see about getting tickets.  Would any Saturday be okay as long as you get advance notice?”

“I’ll have to check my crowded social schedule first.”  She walked with him to the gate.  As he went out, he leaned over and pecked her on the cheek.  She smiled and closed the gate. 
“What did I just get myself into?” she wondered.


hapter 6


They had selected a perfect day.  You could see forever.  It was not uncomfortably warm on the day chosen to go to Nashville.  Lisa had provided the sitter with her and Chuck’s cell phone numbers, Kyle’s bedtime and the doctor’s numbers.

This was be the perfect occasion for her to wear the filmy new dress she had gotten at the Post Exchange.  She was a perfect size two so no alterations were needed.  She also picked the perfect bag and shoes for accessories.

When she came back into the family room, Chuck was at the door.  She opened it.  His jaw dropped.  “You are absolutely stunning.  Why am I just noticing?”

“How do you like my dress?  I’ve never worn it before.”

“It is beautiful, and so are you.  I’ll be the most envied man at the Opry tonight.”

“My, how you do run on.
  I haven’t heard such compliments in a long time.  I thank you.  I’m glad you like it.”

They left the Fort and headed down I24 for Nashville.  Chuck had planned the timing to allow for dinner at the Old Hickory Steakhouse at Gaylord’s Opryland Resort.  They enjoyed a leisurely dinner and then went on to the show, which began at 7:30.

Chuck had selected good seats, center stage.  The lights dimmed and the show began.  The evening featured Vince Gill, along with other performers.  There were drop-in unannounced performers.  During the performance, Lisa’s hand found Chuck’s and there it stayed for the balance of the performance.  After the show, they stopped for coffee and headed back home.  Chuck was an excellent but not reckless driver.  There as a moon and am abundance of stars.  The traffic was minimal and they arrived home around 0100 hours. 

The baby sitter had her own transportation and after Lisa paid her, the two were left alone, although a sleeping Kyle and Gunner were in another room.

“Would you like some coffee?”

Chuck answered, “Coffee would be nice.”

Lisa filled the carafe, put the grounds in the basket and started the process.  While she waited for it to brew, she went back to check on Kyle.  He was curled up in his crib, and Gunner was asleep on the floor beside the crib.

Returning to the kitchen, she called out, “Black?”

“Black is good.”

She poured the steaming coffee into two mugs and put some cookies on the tray and carried it into the family room.  She placed the tray on the coffee table and sat on the couch.  Chuck came over and took his mug and sat beside her,
without touching her.  Lisa took a sip of her steaming coffee, and then set it on the table.  She looked up at Chuck and smiled.  He put his coffee down and slid over and took her into his arms.  She stiffened, still unused to coping with the closeness of a man, however handsome, and Chuck was handsome by any woman’s standards.  

She looked at his tanned face and yielded to
an urge from within.  She wanted to be kissed, so she tilted her face up and looked into his brown eyes. He held back briefly, then tightened his arms around her and kissed her.  Arms around his neck, she pulled him down and they kissed again.  Her lips parted allowing his tongue entry.  The kiss deepened until finally they came up for a breath.

“Wow,” she said.
  Goosebumps popped up on her arms and a sudden feeling of moisture in her panties and a growing warmth in the core of her being. 

“Wow, indeed,” he responded.

Arms still wrapped around each other, she kissed him again, her tongue probing, tasting the Colgate, searching and feeling.  They parted, “I think I need to sit in the chair” she declared in a husky voice filled with emotion. 

She retrieved her coffee and took another sip.  Chuck started to say something, but she interrupted him and said “If you apologize, I’ll dump this coffee in your lap.”  He didn’t apologize.  He just sat there looking at her.  “I don’t think I like where this is headed.  I mean, I don’t want to get involved with a soldier.”

“Well, I am a soldier, that’s for sure.  Lisa, you know I respect you and care for you a lot.  I’m not looking for a roll in the hay.  This is serious to me.  I don’t know how else to express it.  If you care enough, my being a soldier won’t stand in the way.  Would you at least hold off on moving to Texas until we see where this is going?”

“Chuck, I think you’d better go.  I’m afraid, really afraid, and I simply can’t take the chance of having this happen again. 
I don’t mean to hurt you.  Thank you for a perfect evening.  I will never forget it but please go.”  Her eyes were filled with tears.  “I’m really sorry Chuck.  I really am.”

“Aren’t you going to give us a chance?”

“I can’t.  I just can’t set myself up for another experience such as I had when Matt died.  I can’t and I won’t.”

She went to the door with him, and touched him briefly on the shoulder.  “Good night, Chuck.”

“Good night, Lisa.  I’ll call you.”

“Please don’t.”

Tears pouring down her cheeks, she went into the bathroom, took off the dress Chuck had liked so much, returned to the sink and began scrubbing her face.  She looked at herself in the mirror.  Her eyes were puffy and red. 
“What am I going to do?” she asked herself.  What did I just do?”.

Chuck did as she requested.  He didn’t call.  After she didn’t see him for several days, she became concerned and called one of Matt’s old friends and asked him about Chuck.

“Chuck’s team is on a mission right now.  I don’t have any idea when they’ll be back.  Why do you ask?”

“He’s my next door neighbour and I haven’t seen him around in about a week and was curious.  He usually asks us to pick up his mail and keep an eye on his house but he didn’t, so I was worried.”

BOOK: Loving An Airborne Ranger
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