Love's Tender Bond [Bonding Camp 6] (Siren Publishing Menage and More) (7 page)

BOOK: Love's Tender Bond [Bonding Camp 6] (Siren Publishing Menage and More)
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“I will do my best to tell you how I feel truthfully, even if it scares me,” she said, molding herself to him, their bodies slick and wet. “Will you do the same for me? Let me know you?”

A smile spread slowly over his lips. “I’ve never been completely open to anyone before but this time, I think I’ll tempt fate and see where this leads. I have a distinct feeling what you and I have together is going to be very, very intimate and also loving. So, yes, Missy Blue, I’m inviting you into my heart.”

Chapter Eight


Missy was walking on air.

She and Sam held hands, wrapped in robes, as they crossed the compound in the moonlit darkness to the building that housed the playroom. It felt good to have her fingers entwined with his, felt right. Though she was twenty-seven years old, Sam made her feel ten years younger. The promise of a new relationship with him was enlightening, scary, and so exciting she was vibrating inside.

How she was going to react during a bonding session with Justice and Lauren included in the mix was another thing. Missy had been involved in bonding sessions before but never with Sam. She was nervous and was trying desperately not to let it get the better of her. She didn’t want to do anything to effect the connection they had made, which was growing into something very pleasurable and possibly long-lasting.

The low lights along the pathway gave off a soft yellow glow, and the crickets were singing a lively tune. The night was warm but not uncomfortably so. For all reasons, Missy felt this night was perfect. Hopefully nothing would go wrong once they began their session.

Sam held the door to the building open for her and they walked together down the hall to the playroom. They called it the playroom because they all considered it a room only for indulging their every desire.

Justice and Lauren were lounging together on the large couch along the back wall. The long, red couch was new, recently added so people could relax during breaks in the bonding action. The room was lit strategically, highlighting certain areas where pieces of apparatus were positioned. Most of the pieces had to do with some sort of bondage. The members of the firm felt that if a prospective associate allowed themselves to release all of their inhibition by giving up control to others, they could bond in a way that was basal and deep. New associates were given the option of not participating but that usually led to not making it into the courtroom to argue cases with the three main partners. Cane, Moss and White were well known for being a formidable force in the courtroom and the assistants they chose to accompany them in the courtroom and help prepare cases had to be close and familiar, ones who had shared their most intimate desires. The partners thought bonding with their team made them perform as a well-oiled machine. And it worked. They hadn’t lost a case that Missy could remember.

“Rodgers, Missy, how are you two?” Justice asked, rising from the couch. He, too, was dressed in a robe, a black silk one that matched Lauren’s who sat smiling from the couch.

“We’re fine,” Sam said, slipping his arm around Missy’s waist and leading her further into the room. “We just didn’t expect anyone tonight. I hope we didn’t keep you waiting too long.”

Missy still wondered about the reason behind everyone at the compound calling Sam “Rodgers.” He had sort of explained it, but it was still strange to her. She was the only one who called him Sam. When she thought about it, the fact she called him Sam and no one else did actually made it feel more intimate. She had to admit, she sort of liked that.

“We haven’t been here long.” Lauren crossed her long legs, causing her robe to slide open to show how impossibly long her legs did look. “Missy, you look wonderful. Have you done something different with your hair?”

Missy reached up to touch her hair. That couldn’t be it. “I’m just wearing it down for once.”

Lauren narrowed her eyes and gave her a wry smile. “Well, if it’s not your hair, maybe it’s something else that’s making you seem to glow.” Her gaze moved from Missy to Sam, her smile widening.

Sam cleared his throat. “It’s great to have you two here. What do you have in mind, by the way?”

Justice rubbed his hands together, his hazel eyes sparkling. “How about we take these two women and hang them from the chains while we have our way with them?”

Sam turned to Missy. “Hmm, sounds interesting. Missy?”

Looking into the clear blue of his eyes, something stirred deep inside her. “I’ll follow your lead,” she said, her pussy already trembling with the thought of being restrained again by Sam.

“Shall we begin then?” Justice clapped his hands.

Robes thrown randomly on the couch, Sam and Justice lowered the chains from the ceiling. They were used quite often during bonding sessions, secured to the ceiling above with large hooks that could withstand the strain if someone lost their footing and had to be supported by the chains themselves.

Once that was done, the men opened the closet that contained most of the bondage gear and returned to the two women, each man holding a padded set of handcuffs. Missy stood facing Sam, watching him as he snapped the handcuffs shut around her wrists then raised her hands to hook them to the chain above. Justice did the same with Lauren, securing her to a separate chain, one so close that Missy and Lauren would be facing each other, almost touching.

The men disappeared, leaving the two women waiting. Lauren stood a good six inches taller than Missy, her long blonde hair trailing down over her chest to just beneath her breasts. Missy looked up into Lauren’s blue eyes, remembering her role in Lauren’s bonding. She had enjoyed massaging Lauren’s smooth skin and the heat it had generated. Crystal White, another partner in the firm, had taken the lead in the bonding, and the three women had spent a wonderful hour together. Missy usually liked to watch, act the voyeur, and she wasn’t inclined to have sexual relations with women, but Lauren was the sort of impressive woman that when she was in a state of arousal, anyone would be hard pressed to keep their hands off.

“You really do look like something has happened to you, Missy,” Lauren said softly. “Something has changed about you and it looks like it was for the better. Not that you didn’t look wonderful before…” The chains rattled above as Lauren shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

Missy chuckled. “Oh, I didn’t take that wrong, don’t worry. I have to admit, my life seems to be taking a different turn right now and I’m loving it.”

Lauren leaned toward her. “Keep up what you’re doing. Whatever it is, you are looking more beautiful than ever,” she whispered against Missy’s ear.

The feel of Lauren’s warm breath so near her ear sent heat through Missy that coiled in her belly. She wondered if Lauren was coming on to her. She found out seconds later when Lauren moved from her ear to brush her lips over Missy’s cheek. “Lovely,” Lauren mouthed against her skin.

Missy shuddered, her nipples tightening.

The two men returned. “You didn’t start without us, did you?” Justice asked lightly, moving behind Lauren and kissing her shoulder. “This looks like it may turn into something very interesting.” He met Missy’s gaze and winked.

Sam pressed against her back, his hands coming around to her front to cup her breasts. He tweaked her pebbled nipples, sending sparks to the back of her tongue. “I think they have started without us from the condition of these gorgeous tits of Missy’s. She’s already turned on.”

“Does that bother you, Sam?” Missy asked, her gaze settling on Lauren’s eyes.

“Not in the least.” He pressed against her back harder, his cock sliding into the crevice between the cheeks of her ass. “What about you, Justice?”

“Are you kidding? I love seeing two women enjoy each other. You like that once in a while, don’t you, my love?”

“Yes,” Lauren said, her voice low. “Yes, I do.”

“Well, then,” Sam said, sliding one hand from Missy’s breast to her lower abdomen. “Why don’t you women do whatever comes naturally?”

Missy felt Sam’s foot nudge her right ankle. She knew the signal and spread her legs wider. He took her by the hips with both hands and after bending his knees a bit, he slid his cock inside her already wet pussy. She caught her bottom lip with her teeth, her eyes not leaving Lauren’s as she felt his shaft stretch her cunt, its heat searing her insides.

Justice did the same to Lauren, the other woman’s lips parting when he rammed into her. The chains holding them rattled above. “You’re not close enough,” Justice said over Lauren’s shoulder. He pressed her forward, until her body was fully against Missy’s. “There. That’s better.”

Lauren gazed down into Missy’s eyes, running her tongue over her full lower lip. Missy fought back a moan as Sam began to fuck her from behind, slow and easy and very, very deeply. Her pussy creamed, her juices wetting the insides of her thighs. The scent of sex wafted up to her, coiling around the four of them as the heat between them began to build.

With each thrust of the men, the two women were pressed against each other. Lauren’s breasts slid slickly over Missy’s skin, both of them dewed with sweat from the power of the men’s passion. Missy tilted her chin up, parting her lips slightly. Lauren lowered her head, running her tongue over Missy’s mouth. Missy closed her eyes and moaned, “Mmm.”

Lauren caught her moan, covering Missy’s mouth with her warm, full lips. Missy opened to her, inviting her inside the wetness of her mouth. They pressed together as their kiss deepened and Lauren groaned into Missy’s mouth. Soft sighs and low moans filled her ears. The men increased their pace, Sam fucking her like a freight train from behind. Lauren hungrily devoured her mouth, soft little mews coming from her as Justice did the same, fucking Lauren as he groaned loudly. Heat, sweat, the rattle of the chains filled Missy’s mind as she let her body take over and take in the pleasure she was receiving from man and woman.

“Oh God, I’m coming,” Lauren said, her voice rasping as she pulled back from Missy’s mouth, throwing her head back. “Oh God, Justice!”

Missy was close to exploding herself, her cunt a steaming furnace, her juices running down the insides of her legs. When Lauren arched back against Justice, her body shuddering with her release, Missy took the opportunity to taste Lauren’s full breasts. She closed her mouth over one hard, little nipple and sucked, her mouth working Lauren’s luscious flesh. It was good, so good, and Lauren jerked with every flick of her tongue, pressing her breast against Missy’s hungry mouth. It was too much, Missy’s body and mind overloading.

The orgasm slammed into her, and her back arched. Lauren’s nipple pulled from her mouth with a loud “pop” as Sam bit down on Missy’s shoulder, shooting his hot seed into her pussy as it milked him.

Missy’s heart skipped a beat and she gulped in a ragged breath, her body rocking with such a pure, intense release she thought she might pass out. Her pussy clenched, encircling Sam’s cock and pulsing around it. The orgasm seemed to last forever, and it was long minutes before Missy’s body finally slowed its reaction to the sensual escapades she had just been involved in.

Sam slid from inside her, his warm, moist breath wafting over her shoulder. “Damn, woman, that must have been some orgasm.” He kissed the side of her head just above her ear. “I thought that tight cunt of yours was going to squeeze my dick right off.”

Missy grinned, still breathing hard. She caught Lauren’s gaze. Lauren was grinning, too.

This was turning out to be a very life-changing night, one that was promising to give Missy more pleasure than she’d ever experienced in the span of just a few hours. She wondered what was next on the agenda. She couldn’t wait to see what Sam cooked up the next time they came together to bond. Whatever it was, she was ready for it.

Chapter Nine


The four of them spent the rest of the night, well into the next morning, experimenting with some of the equipment in the playroom. Missy had never had so many orgasms in one night and by the time they were all exhausted from the activities, she knew she would pay for it later today in sore muscles and possibly some bruises. When she left the playroom in the bright light of morning, it was hand in hand with Sam and she’d never been happier in her life.

That had been two nights ago, and though she had ached from all the activity, Missy was now back to normal. Humming to herself, she folded the towels she had just gathered from the dryer in the laundry room of Solitude, the spa she felt so at home in.

“Missy? Are you here?” Lauren’s voice came from the massage room.

Missy quickly stacked the towels on the shelf and headed for the massage room. “Lauren,” she said, entering to find the other woman leaning against the massage table. “What can I do for you this morning?”

Lauren turned toward her. “I know I should have called first, but is it possible to get a massage?” She rubbed at her left shoulder. “Our activities the other night sure put me through my paces. I’ve still got some stiffness in my shoulders from hanging from those chains.”

Missy smiled at her. “I know what you mean.” She patted the massage table. “Go ahead and get undressed and hop up here. Maybe I can give you some relief.”

“Oh, thank you,” she replied, moving to the changing room at the left side of the table. She didn’t bother to close the door while she undressed. “I sure had a good time the other night. Justice did, too. I’ve been wanting to thank you.” She pulled her blouse over her head, revealing the fact she wore no bra.

BOOK: Love's Tender Bond [Bonding Camp 6] (Siren Publishing Menage and More)
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