Read LoveBetrayed Online

Authors: Samantha Kane

LoveBetrayed (5 page)

BOOK: LoveBetrayed
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Chapter Nine


“Harder.” Harry whispered, his lips touching the edge of
Daniel’s ear. He felt him shiver at the contact. He groaned as Daniel pulled
harder on his cock and he bit Daniel’s earlobe, making Daniel cry out softly.

They were barely out of sight of the camp. Daniel had lured
him out into the dark and then pushed him against the side of a wagon. Daniel
had both their cocks in his hand, and Harry thrust hard into his fist just to
feel the rub of cock on cock. It was a new thing, and Harry loved it. He’d
loved everything he and Daniel had done together. There was something about
this, however, that seemed almost more intimate than fucking. Face-to-face like
this, being able to kiss and hold and caress Daniel as their most intimate
parts were rubbing along one another.
Harry groaned again just
from the pleasure his thoughts were giving him, not to mention Daniel’s
talented hand.

He kissed Daniel, wanting his mouth, his taste, as he felt
his climax building. They enjoyed messy kisses, he and Daniel. There was
nothing sweet or tender in the way they devoured one another, and yet Harry
recognized that Daniel was telling him something with his abandonment to their
kisses. There was more here than fucking. More than an escape from the war around
them. He cared. And as selfish as it was, Harry was glad. Because he was in
love with Daniel. It was impossible, it was foolish, but it was real and heavy
in his heart.

Daniel made that little sound in the back of his throat that
meant he was close. Harry loved that sound because it meant he could come, too.
And he was so, so ready. “Yes,” he whispered against Daniel’s lips. “Do it.”

Daniel surprised him by breaking out of his embrace and
taking several steps back. He continued to pull on his own prick and Harry’s
twitched in appreciation at the sight. He reached down to take care of himself,
but Daniel stopped him with a raised hand. “No,” he growled. “Just me.”

Harry’s cock throbbed in protest. Daniel was irresistible
standing there showing off for Harry. He pulled up his shirt and waistcoat so
Harry could see it better in the wan moonlight. He loved the sight of it.
Daniel’s cock was thick and heavy and his slit peeked out each time he pulled
his fist back. Harry actually ached to be filled by it.

Daniel came then, throwing his head back and visibly
shuddering as a stream of cum shot out and then ran down over Daniel’s fist.
Harry felt his cock jerk at the sight and a warm drop of cum, a precursor to
his climax, escaped, burning pleasantly as it rolled down his exposed shaft.
“Christ,” he whispered. “You’re going to make me come just looking at you.”

Daniel’s laugh was quiet and shaky. Then he surprised Harry
again by going to his knees in front of him. He gripped Harry’s cock in the
hand still covered by his own semen and Harry cried out at the thrill that shot
straight to his bollocks at the wet grasp. Then Daniel sucked his prick down
into his throat and Harry’s eyes crossed. “Goddamn, yes,” he whispered. He
grabbed Daniel’s head, buried his hands in Daniel’s soft, thick curls, and he
fucked that hot, greedy mouth sucking on him.

Daniel moaned on his cock and Harry gasped, increasing his
pace. He knew Daniel could take it. Daniel grabbed his thigh with his free hand
and shuffled closer on his knees, sucking so hard his cheeks hollowed. Harry
was panting and roughly fucking his mouth and the sound of Daniel working him
joined his rapid breaths to make a music that was as erotic as it was base and
forbidden. Harry slid one hand around to the back of Daniel’s head and he
yanked him forward, shoving his cock down Daniel’s throat as he came. Daniel
swallowed him and Harry felt a satisfied, possessive pride amid his pleasure
that Daniel would go down on his knees for him.

When it was over he let go of Daniel and closed his eyes as
he tried to catch his breath. His legs felt weak and wobbly and he wondered if
he’d embarrass himself by collapsing at Daniel’s feet. Daniel climbed his legs,
using his hands on Harry’s thighs to gain purchase as he stood up. Then he
pressed full against Harry, bare cock to bare cock and kissed him roughly.
Harry smiled against his mouth at the taste of his cum on Daniel’s lips. He’d
never wanted to own anyone the way he wanted to own Daniel. To walk down the
street with a possessive hand on his back, daring the world to condemn them. He
wanted to kiss him in the middle of Bond Street just like this. He sucked
Daniel’s tongue and pressed his open mouth against Daniel’s, forcing his mouth
open wider so he could take Harry’s rough caress. Daniel moaned, as Harry’d
known he would.

Harry broke their kiss to nuzzle Daniel’s neck. He loved the
way he smelled right after they were intimate. “What brought this about? Where
have you been the last two days?” he asked against the rough skin just under
Daniel’s chin. He hadn’t shaved today. Why?

“More intelligence gathering,” he murmured. “I just missed
you while I was gone, is all.”

“Don’t do that,” Harry said, standing tall to look Daniel in
the eye. “Don’t dismiss me. If you’re upset about something, tell me. I didn’t
flinch when you told me about LaRoche, did I? I know you have a dark side,
Daniel. I’ve seen it. I can take it.”

“I don’t want it to touch you,” Daniel said, moving away and
straightening his clothes. “You are my escape from that.”

“Escape?” Harry asked, a chill racing down his spine. “Is
that all I am? Just an escape?” He shoved his shirt into his pants. “A
convenient prick? I thought I was more. Foolish me.” The hypocrisy of his words
wasn’t lost on him, but he’d given up caring about what was right or wrong. It
meant nothing next to his feelings for Daniel.

“Dammit, Harry,” Daniel bit out. “You are everything.” He
gestured around them. “This place is unreal.” He changed his motion to gesture
between the two of them. “This is real.”

“Am I interrupting?”

Daniel jerked around to face the threat, but Harry wrapped
his arms around him and yanked him back against his chest before he could pull
out a weapon. He’d recognized the voice as that Tarrant fellow who’d been
following him about. “Yes,” he answered rudely. He glared over Daniel’s
shoulder at the smaller man. He tightened his hold on Daniel, making it clear
they were intimate. He wasn’t sure why he did it. To prove he wasn’t ashamed,
he supposed, and to mark his territory. And maybe because their argument had
frightened him. He shouldn’t push. Daniel would use it to pull away, and he
couldn’t stand that.

“Harry,” Daniel ground out quietly. He was stiff in Harry’s
arms, and Harry could feel his hand still inside his jacket, still going for a
weapon, probably his knife. He needn’t have bothered. Harry could tell Tarrant
did not have violence on his mind.

“Hush,” he told Daniel quietly. To his surprise, Daniel

“Sorry,” Tarrant said, and he sounded amused. “I waited
until you were done.”

Daniel glared at Tarrant from Harry’s arms. “You bastard.
You watched us?”

Tarrant nodded, unashamed. “Yes. It’s not the first time.
It’s been very educational. Do you suppose if I got my own young lieutenant,
Steinberg, that I’d feel better? It seems to have done wonders for you.”

“If you’re anything like Daniel, I’m sure there’s a
lieutenant or two around here who would be glad to oblige,” Harry offered,
squeezing Daniel a little tighter to keep him from angrily replying.

Tarrant laughed and Daniel gave a little start, his eyes
widening. Harry got the impression Tarrant didn’t do that often. “I shall try
to be more like him, then.” He turned his back to them. “Come on.”

Harry let Daniel go and winked at him to soothe his ruffled
feathers. He nodded at Tarrant with a question on his face and Daniel shrugged
as he looked at Tarrant’s back in bewilderment. “You really shouldn’t turn your
back on us,” Daniel said. “It’s not very smart.”

Tarrant shrugged just as Daniel had a moment ago. “Ashbury
won’t let you kill me,” he said practically. “He’s not as jaded as you and I.
Honor still means something to him. Are you coming?” He looked at them over his

“I think honor still means something to both of you, as
well,” Harry replied. “At least I hope so.” He felt like the worst hypocrite.
Did honor mean anything to him anymore if it came between him and Daniel? He
was afraid of the answer to that question and so avoided it.

“Tarrant does not speak for me,” Daniel assured him. “I have
honor when it is warranted.”

Tarrant laughed again. “I don’t think you’re allowed to turn
it on and off when it suits you,” he told Daniel, looking forward again. “Honor
is one of those pesky things you’re supposed to have all the time.”

“How inconvenient,” Daniel said, frowning. “I take it back.”

Harry changed the subject. “What do you want, Tarrant?” he
asked. “Is it James again?”

“No, actually, it’s your commanding officer, Ashbury. He’s
looking for you. I sent him in the wrong direction and came to get you.”

Harry quickly donned his shako and tried to brush the
wrinkles from his uniform. “Damn me, why didn’t you say so? Randal will have my
hide if he sees me like this.”

Daniel made an odd face. “I doubt it.” His tone implied some
knowledge that Harry was not privy to.

“What does that mean?” he asked, curious as to what Daniel
might know.

“Nothing,” he said. “What do you suppose he wants?”

It infuriated Harry when Daniel avoided answering his
questions. He shrugged, hiding his irritation. “Nothing probably. He most
likely wants to go over tomorrow’s duty list or something. Or inspect my
sword.” He wagged his brows at Tarrant who laughed again.

“Stop doing that,” Daniel told Tarrant with a frown. “It’s
macabre. You never laugh.”

“I’m trying new things,” Tarrant said. “These young
lieutenants are a jolly lot.”

“We are jolly,” Harry agreed and Daniel rolled his eyes.
“But we prefer the dark and deadly type.”

“Really?” Tarrant asked with an intrigued look. “I can do

“Yes, we know,” Daniel said sarcastically. Harry just laughed
and went in search of Captain Randal.


Tarrant was practically chattering like a magpie as he
accompanied Daniel back to camp. Which meant he was speaking in actual
sentences and had said more than four or five words. For someone who wasn’t
much of a talker this was akin to a miracle.

“There’s one.” They’d stopped just within the tree line,
hidden from sight of the camp, and Tarrant pointed across the clearing.

“There’s one what?” Daniel asked in irritation. He couldn’t
stop wondering what Randal wanted with Harry. He had a feeling something was
wrong. He should find Simon. Simon had a preternatural sense about things like
that. He’d know if they ought to strap themselves down for imminent disaster.

“A lieutenant.” Tarrant sounded very pleased with himself.

“What lieutenant?” Daniel asked, his patience wearing thin.

“Just a lieutenant. His name is Maron. I’ve been meeting
quite a few of them.”

Daniel stared first at Maron and then at Tarrant in dawning
horror. “You just picked one randomly? As if he was a debutant at a ball?”

Tarrant scoffed. “Of course not. I’ve simply been…mingling.
Isn’t that what it’s called? I’ve been meeting people.” He tipped his head to
the side as he observed the camp. “It’s been a shock to the system, I must tell

Daniel grinned at the understatement.

“The truth, is, Steinberg, they’re just like us. They have
no bloody clue what’s going on, and they’re desperate to make a connection with
another human being. And it’s left me wondering if I’m the one they ought to be
connecting with. I mean, we both know I’m half shy of full sanity at this

This was the longest speech Daniel had ever heard from
Tarrant and so he felt his response needed to be the right one. “Sometimes we
can’t control the connection,” he said slowly, thinking about him and Harry.
Had it really been only a little less than two months since that first fateful
night in the woods? It seemed a lifetime ago. “Whatever draws us to someone…”
he paused, not sure how to phrase it. “It simply is,” he said lamely, feeling
as if he’d failed this taciturn, broken man beside him who was reaching out so
awkwardly for help. He tried again. “We don’t always know what’s best for us,
or for someone else. What we think will be the ruin of us may be our

“Is that how you feel about Ashbury? As if he’s your
salvation?” Tarrant sounded tired and disappointed. “I don’t want to be saved,
Steinberg. I just want to forget.”

You make me forget.
James’ words from the other day
rang in his head. Is that all they required now? If someone made you forget
what you’d done, what you’d seen…is that all they needed? Wanted? What had
become of them here?

“The forgetting,” he whispered. “Yes, that’s part of it.”

“James has called me off.” Tarrant still wasn’t looking at
Daniel. “He said the lieutenant is not to be bothered. Very stern about it,
actually. Not sure what’s going on in his head. That makes me nervous.”

“Don’t be,” Daniel said, glad they’d changed the subject. “I
talked with James. All is well.” His instincts said that was a lie.

“He’ll be a while.” Daniel gave Tarrant a confused look.
“Ashbury,” he explained. “They march tomorrow for Almeida.”

Daniel had trouble breathing for a moment. “Almeida?”

“Yes, Almeida,” Tarrant said, with an amused slant to his
mouth. “You know, the last stronghold held by the French in Portugal? We blew
up the castle last year when we supposedly took the city? And yet,
incomprehensively, we are even now besieging it again.” He shrugged. “You knew
the French were on the move to relieve Almeida. This shouldn’t come as a

“No, it’s not a shock.” Daniel had managed to get his
reaction under control. “I just wasn’t informed.”

BOOK: LoveBetrayed
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