Read Love Life & Circumstance Online

Authors: V. L. Moon,J. T. Cheyanne

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance

Love Life & Circumstance (10 page)

BOOK: Love Life & Circumstance
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Even after the orgasm, Elijah’s cock lay thick and meaty against his thigh. Large veins ran up the impressive length to the mushroom shaped slightly darker tinged head. Seth forced his eyes away and focused on the heavy sac nestled against Elijah’s thighs. Hairless and smooth, the area was easy to clean. Seth imagined the big man contorted to shave the area, the ample cock and balls caught in his big hands. He barely curtailed his whimper and bit down hard on the inside of his cheek. He had to get a fucking grip before he molested the man in his sleep. Shoving to his feet, he flicked the towel over the rather large wet spot and slid back onto the bed. He lay on his back, head turned in Elijah’s direction.

“Seth.” He’d just closed his eyes when his name jerked them open again. Elijah rolled onto his side, one arm reaching out, searching. When his hand landed on Seth’s hip, Elijah scooped him up easily and settled him against his broad chest. With his back flush against Eli’s chest and his ass cradled in the curve of the larger man’s groin, Seth found himself once again surrounded by Elijah. He drifted off to sleep deliberately ignoring the clanging danger signals going off in his brain.

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Tension radiated through Elijah’s body. The heat was unbearably smothering, and it didn’t help any that the tie he wore threatened to cut of what little air there was. Sweat trickled down his back, and Elijah drew in a ragged gasp of hot humid air as he fought back against the tide of angry, grief-stricken tears stinging his eyes. The monotone voices of the people at the graveside all sounded the same, dull, lifeless and full of nothing good to say. Elijah blanked them out as best he could and kept his eyes firmly fixated on the flower adorned casket as it was lowered into the ground.

The day was blistering hot, but even the crazy Southern heat didn’t stop the chill from crawling up his spine. A strong hang hand at his back rubbed incessantly over the hard knots of tension. “Ya holding up great, Eli, not long to go now. Once this group has moved away, I’ll drive ya back home, ok?” Rhett’s hand moved in slow caressing circles, and Elijah wished like hell the hand belonged to Seth.

“No, you carry on, Rhett. I’m gunna hang back for a bit, try and clear my head.” Elijah let his words carry so that the rest of the mourners knew their place. Even after Elijah declared his father’s burial a family affair, they’d still taken it upon themselves to turn up and bid their final farewells. He should have been mad, but Elijah just felt deflated. When he’d woken up in Seth’s bed that morning, Seth had already left. A note propped on the counter told him Seth had called a cab to take him to pick up his truck. Maybe it had been for the best, but Elijah sure as hell would’ve liked to have seen him before having to leave.

“Well, as long you’re sure. Just call me if you need me bud.” Rhett gave his shoulder a squeeze, and Elijah thanked him first before taking the offered hands as the other guests took their leave. When Mrs. Lafayette smothered him in her arms, the old Cajun woman took her chance to speak.

“I done gone and laid a spread in ya daddy’s house, so don’t you be high-taleing that ass off anywhere soon Elijah John Deacon. Or you’ll be sorry now, ya hear.” She spoke sternly, but her eyes held the same mischievous glint they always had when she’d winked at him in church.

“Thank you ma’am, Pastor Deacon, would have been mighty thankful. I’ll try to pop back, but I ain’t stayin’ long. Hope’s still in the hospital, and she needs me now more than these good folks. I’m sure ya’ll understand.” Elijah tried to keep his voice from breaking but failed miserably. Mrs. Lafayette reached up to cup Elijah’s face and smiled warmly, tears brimming in her big brown eyes.

“Don’t you be worrin’ none about getting back, go see that angel of yours, I’ll be keeping ya’ll in my prayers, Elijah. He does listen, even on our darkest days.” With her bit said, Mrs. Lafayette stepped away and shooed the last guests over to the cars.

The cemetery’s peaceful calm soon settled back into place. With everyone gone, Elijah let the weight of the event bear down on him. His shoulders shook from the force of his anger and grief as he stood looking down into the hole in the ground. Beside his daddy’s grave was the one which held his mama, God bless her soul.

The thought of her in the ground brought another round of sobs as he knelt beside the graves and dropped two single white roses into the open grave. “At least you’re both together now. I hope it brings you some peace. I wish you could have met Hope, mama, you’d have loved her for sure.” Elijah didn’t address his father again, but he did lower his head and recite a prayer for the loss of his mama as a low rumble of thunder shook through the sky.

Fat blobs of rain fell to the dry scorched earth, breaking Elijah from his reverie. At first, he didn’t hear the soft fall of footsteps sweeping through the grass. He’d thought he was alone. But then, Rhett never could take no for a God damn answer. “I thought I told you to leave me be, Devereux.” Elijah swung around on his heels ready to bust his old friend’s chops, and came face to face with Seth. A rush of warmth spread straight to his dick and Elijah whispered a curse.

“I didn’t want to make things awkward so I waited until everyone left. Bethie’s buried back yonder, and I thought I’d see if you’re ok.” Seth said, stopping a few steps away. God, it was good to hear his voice. Deep, with its own unique and seductive drawl, it did things to parts of Eli’s anatomy that he wanted to get used to. He’d lived his whole life hiding his sexuality, but there was something about Seth that drew Elijah in like a magnet. It wasn’t the grief they shared or Hope; he’d felt something inside him wake up that first night when Seth had turned up on his porch. It had only been two days ago, but Elijah felt like he’d changed just by being in the presence of the mild mannered man. And, as Seth reached out to tentatively touch Elijah’s hand, his body recognized the effect of such an innocent, simple gesture. It stirred to life, painfully tenting the crotch of Elijah’s dress pants. He cleared his throat feeling hot, embarrassed and horny as fuck.

“Lord strike me down for saying this here, but damn, you look good.”
Seth was beautiful, sexy as sin itself and hot as hell
. Dressed in a crisp white shirt that accentuated the deep tan of his face, throat and chest, exposed by the two undone buttons, and a simple pair of black slacks, he looked almost edible. Elijah looked down to where the third button of his shirt lay half undone and quirked his brow. Not caring where they were, he reached up; keeping his eyes locked onto the widened stare of Seth’s huge brown eyes, and popped it undone to expose another inch or so of bronzed lightly furred chest. He let his fingers drift under the smooth linen and teased the small nub of flesh that peaked beneath his touch.

“Eli…I…oh Lord,” Seth moaned as he moved into Elijah’s touch. His lips parted in such an inviting way Elijah had to restrain himself from throwing him onto the soft wet grass and devouring his mouth.

Hungry for a taste, Elijah took Seth by the hand and led him through to the back of the cemetery where his car sat parked under the shade of an old weeping willow tree. They were both soaked to the skin as the rain drenched through their clothes, but Eli didn’t care. All he wanted was to taste Seth, explore the full lips and sweet seductive allure of his beautiful warm mouth and bury himself in the man’s flawlessly perfect skin.

Hidden by the curtain of the willow’s tendril like branches, Elijah shrugged out of the restrictive jacket he wore and tore free of his tie. He backed Seth up until his ass collided against the grill of Elijah’s Charger. Easily, he lifted him, sitting Seth on the hood and tearing open what was left of the buttons on his shirt. Warm rain snaked over Seth’s chest and pooled briefly along the ridges of his abs. The vision of all that exposed wet flesh drew a growl of needful intent from Elijah; one he couldn’t hold back. He wanted Seth, craved him and wouldn’t rest until Seth Jacobs agreed to belong to him.

Sweet summer rain ran down Elijah’s throat, coated with Seth’s own delectable flavor. The taste of him erupted in sweet decadence on Eli’s tongue as it danced over the hard grooves of abdominal muscle to trace that wickedly tempting trail of hair down from Seth’s navel. He taunted Seth, dipping the tip of his tongue into his belly button and swirling around in the small pool of rain water. Seth moaned breathlessly and lay back on the hood of Elijah’s car, legs spread wide, chest bared to the soft fall of precipitation filtering through the tree branches.

The picture of this man spread out before him was unlike anything Elijah had ever dreamed of or imagined.  His heart swelled in his chest. Seth was the personification of male beauty. Lean, well sculptured, hard in all the right places and with that mouth so lush, and hair and eyes like pools of melted chocolate, Elijah felt like the luckiest son of a bitch alive on God’s earth. He gripped Seth’s hips and drew the man down lower so that his balls lay nestled against the prominent swell of Elijah’s hard cock. Rolling his hips, Elijah ground himself against Seth who levered himself up to reach down and unfasten the straining zipper of Elijah’s fly.

When Seth’s hand reached in and fisted the girth of Elijah’s cock, Eli’s hips jerked back and sprung free the full length of his swollen hot length. Its tip glistened and leaked a steady stream of precum that Seth teased over the slit with the pad of his thumb. The simplest of actions, but it had Elijah gasping for air between moans.

“More. Fuck, Seth, yes…feels so darn good…” Seth slid fluidly from the hood of the car and lowered himself deliberately onto the bumper. He held Eli’s gaze, refusing to look away or close his eyes as he slowly sucked the pulsating length of thickly veined flesh deep into his mouth. His throat closed tightly around the broad helmeted head and he moaned. Ecstasy swam like fire through Eli’s veins; his cock twitched and pulsed in the back of Seth’s tight throat.

“Fuck…fuck…Seth, ohhh, yeah suck me…hard.” Elijah threw back his head and fisted his hands through the strands of Seth’s hair. Seth gripped Eli’s hips and began a torturous suck and roll routine that had Elijah struggling to hold back the threat of an early climax. Seth worked his cock, taking it deeper and squeezing out the head on release, only to lave at the tip before swallowing him whole again. Trembling under Seth’s assault, Elijah pistoned into that warm, delicious mouth like a man possessed.

“Seth…Seth…fuck. Really good…argh…” Elijah’s eyes went wide as his balls tightened up. He looked down at his wet glistening cock driving in and out of Seth’s gorgeous mouth. The sight of it undid him. Elijah’s legs threatened to give out as a guttural groan tore from his lips. “I’m…ohhh Goddd… gunna come.”

Seth’s eyes stared straight back at Elijah as he sucked him in hard and deep and closed his throat around Eli’s tip. The world around him became a blur of euphoria as he gripped Seth tight against the base of his shaft and spilled stream after stream of warm come into his throat. Seth took all he could give and milked Eli dry, refusing to release him until he was sucked clean. Seth smiled up at him and kissed the spent head before tucking it away and rising to his feet. Elijah tried to stammer out a few incoherent words before grabbing a hold of Seth and kissing him thoroughly. He devoured the man’s mouth like he’d never been fed and relished the taste of himself on Seth’s moist lips.

They were both left breathless by the heat of the kiss. Elijah held Seth as though he were an anchor in a turbulent storm. The hardness of the man’s body felt so good pressed against his own. Seth fit against him perfectly, like the missing piece of a puzzle that Elijah desperately needed to complete the void that had always been a part of his life. How could he explain it? He’d only known Seth a few meager days, but Elijah knew without any question or doubt that Seth meant more to him than anything else…except Hope.

The faint sound of voices drifted through the leaves and Elijah felt Seth tense in his arms. The man was obviously worried about the opinion of others, and rightly so. They’d both worked hard to be where they were, and the small mindedness that came with being in the South meant that they’d never be accepted unconditionally. The discrimination irked Elijah, and he gently pulled free of Seth and refastened what buttons were left on his shirt.

“I don’t want to go back to the house. I was thinking maybe I’d go see our little Hope. Do you wanna come with me?” Elijah searched Seth’s face, hoping he’d say yes. When the man reached up and laid a single chaste kiss against Eli’s lips, he thought his heart would melt.

“I need to get changed into some fresh clothes, why don’t you pick me up? That way you have to bring me back home. Maybe we could make a night of it...dinner, a few drinks and maybe you could return the favor?” Seth cocked his brow and gave Elijah a wicked smile that teased more than his imagination. Beneath the grin, Elijah saw the same loneliness that plagued him. There was no way he could turn Seth down.

“I have one small, but very important errand to run first. Give me thirty minutes, and I’ll blow the horn. I can’t wait to see Hope, and it just makes it better for her that we do this together. She needs us; both of us.” Elijah returned the kiss, and then made his way to the driver’s side of his car. He watched, feeling like a love struck school boy as Seth walked back through the cemetery and disappeared behind the tombstones. He hadn’t realized he’d been holding his breath as Seth left until he exhaled heavily. God what was going on in his head? Elijah shook himself out of his lust crazed stupor and shifted the truck into reverse with a smile on his face.

 His one quick errand involved a quick stop at the drug store where he stocked up on a variety of ribbed, plain and flavored condoms all in extra-large, as well as, a couple of bottles of lube in different fruit flavors and a huge pink teddy bear sporting the slogan “Our little girl” across its belly.  Elijah just loved the pink and white fluffy toy. It took up the passenger seat of his car and Eli couldn’t contain his grin.

BOOK: Love Life & Circumstance
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