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Authors: Avery Aster

Love, Lex

BOOK: Love, Lex
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Love, Lex
(The Undergrad Years #1) by Avery Aster


This summer, I’d planned to celebrate my eighteenth birthday
in Europe with my fellow Manhattanites—Taddy Brill, Blake Morgan, and Vive
Farnworth—until I caught my boyfriend screwing my mother. According to the
police report, this vomit-inducing incident happened around the same time I’d
supposedly blown-up my mother’s penthouse. Like I’m walking around Soho with a
stick of dynamite in my Louis Vuitton purse—not! Now, my besties and I are in


Officer Ford Gotti, the Harley-wheelin’ biker cop who
arrested us, keeps sticking his perfectly-sculpted nose into my case. His inked
body is jacked like a superhero, and he says I can trust him. He wants me to
fess up. I won’t. Not again. Why should I? My friends and I had a previous
stint in juvie that nearly destroyed us. I gotta protect them and keep my mouth
shut. Right?


—Lex Easton, women’s studies major, motorcycle enthusiast,
and virgin.


The Undergrad Years
is a New Adult contemporary
miniseries about first loves, independence, and everlasting friendships.


Reader warning: Contains mature content intended for readers
17 and up


Swag and reader contests can be found on Avery’s blog at:

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Love, Lex
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using the hashtags #UndergradYears #NewAdult



Praise for Avery Aster…


“Hilariously clever, Love, Lex is New Adult at its

—S&M’s Book Obsessions

“Never did I think I could love an author as much as Avery
Aster. The Manhattanites are obscenely fabulous.”

—Book Boyfriend

“The most original series I've ever read. The Manhattanites
is expertly crafted like diving into a soap opera.”

—Miss Construed

“A throwback to Judith Krantz, Avery’s writing is salacious
glitz, drama and glamour.”

—Talk Supe

“I took a cold shower after reading Unscrupulous.” 

—Books Are Love

“Avery's voice is fresh and witty. Something not found in the

—Same Book, Different Review

“Plotted like Jackie Collins, the bitches are super-bitches
but underneath their tough exterior is a good heart.” 

—I Love Romantic Fiction 

“Sex and the City on steroids but younger and sexier, Avery
Aster equates to fun romance.”

—Ever After Romance 

“The Manhattanites live an extravagant lifestyle. I want to
be a part of it.” 

—Blissful Books 

“The shock value is high and hot flash-inducing. Trust me,
I've suffered a few.” 

—Ripe For Reader












Love, Lex

2014 Avery Aster

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York, New York 10021



Belle Aurora


Contemporary romance today comes in many subgenres. New
adult and coming-of-age tales may speak of angst and darkness while others are
sweet, light, and fluffy. Avery Aster’s new series
The Undergrad Years
touches on a theme near and dear to my heart—panty-melting wittiness!

When I wrote Tina Tomic and her cast of pals in my novel
I let “quirky” lead the way in my storytelling. Tina and Nik’s romance was
packed with suspense, hot sex, and, from what fans have told me, many
laugh-out-loud moments. Giving readers humor is one of the greatest gifts for
me as a writer because when the funny works, it sparkles.

From the insanely quotable dialogue and outrageously
hilarious, larger than life characters,
Love, Lex
is a modern OMFG drama
featuring a heroine who you’ll make your best friend forever, or as Lex Easton
would say, your BFF. I know she’s already my book bestie. Enjoy!



My books are escapism in the purest form. They are romantic,
snarky, and a lil’ cray-cray. The dialogue is written based on how the
characters talk. Events mentioned in this story took place in 2002 and are a
figment of my imagination. Have fun!




Alexandra “Lex” Easton:
(17) Motorcycle enthusiast and
daughter to famed rockers Eddie & Birdie Easton, Lex intends to party the
week away in Paris, France by giving her boyfriend, Kelle Sterling Dolley her

Tabitha Adelaide “Taddy Brill” Brillford:
Emancipated from her parents, Taddy is Lex’s best friend forever and lives with
Vive at her apartment on the Upper East Side.

Blake Morgan:
(17) Prada fanatic and ‘out’ of the
closet since the day puberty struck, Blake is the clique’s gay bestie. He’s
also very close to Lex’s mother, Birdie.

Viveca “Vive” Farnworth:
(18) Lhaso Apso lover and
heiress to Farnworth Firewater Liquor Company, Vive is a party girl who met
Lex, Taddy and Blake while in boarding school.

Officer Ford Alessandro-Vollero-Gotti:
(21) NYPD
motor-cop Ford is inked, jacked like a super hero and eager to make Lex tell
the truth about her wrongdoings.

Birdie Easton:
(39) Lex’s pill-popping, addicted
mother, she suffers from sexual compulsive disorder, is an ‘80’s Playmate and
heavy metal icon.

Kelle Sterling Dolley:
(18) Lex’s high school
sweetheart who’s promised Lex they’d make love just as soon as she lost a
little bit of weight.


BOOK: Love, Lex
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