Read Love at Stake Online

Authors: Victoria Davies

Tags: #dating service, #vampire, #matchmaker, #challenge, #paranormal

Love at Stake (4 page)

BOOK: Love at Stake
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“Sorry, gorgeous,” she whispered. “You’re not going to find a home in my closet.”

Shame. The dress was a piece of art.

Lucian called her name. After a last look at the gown of her dreams, she turned back to her vampire.

And promptly forgot how to breathe.

Dressed in black from head to toe, he wore a suit that fit him like a custom-made glove. He looked modern, sophisticated. Her gaze ran over him and she added dangerous to the list. Lucian was not a man one would want to cross. He would smile one moment and bury you the next.

The most handsome man she’d ever met moved toward her. He walked with a grace she’d never be able to emulate. Next to him, she felt like an ugly duckling.

“Did you get everything you needed?” she asked. It took a few tries to get the words out.

“Yes. The clothes will be delivered tomorrow. However, I thought I’d take this outfit now.”

“Good call.”

He smiled his Cheshire cat grin. “Will I win a compliment from you this time?”

“You have to know how stunning you look.”

Moving quicker than she could track, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her up against his chest. “Perhaps. But it is gratifying to see such an awed look on your beautiful face.”

She laughed lightly, trying to ignore how her body leaped in awareness just to be near him. “Look in the mirror, Mr. Redgrave. I’m not the beautiful one.”

“Then you don’t see what I do.”

Abbey stilled, looking up into his blue eyes. Did he really think she was beautiful? The hopeful wish was cut short when she remembered who he was meeting tomorrow. This was her last night to play Cinderella before he was taken away by his own kind.

Last night,
she thought, her gaze dropping to his lips. Couldn’t she risk a taste of paradise before it was gone? No one had to know.

Lucian lowered his head, his mouth brushing against her earlobe. “If you keep looking at me like that, we will scandalize the nice people at Armani.”

She blushed, becoming aware of the stares being cast their way. No doubt they wondered what such a dashing man was doing cradling someone like her.

“Sorry,” she muttered, twisting free from his hold.

He dropped a brief kiss against her shoulder. “Never apologize for desire.”

The look he gave her was scorching. She stepped away, wanting to fan her cheeks.

Lucian made a few last requests to the Armani team before ushering her out the door. Standing on the sidewalk, Abbey eyed his new look. The modern, sexy Lucian was a hell of a lot more tempting than the staid, old-world Lucian. And she knew the lucky supernaturals paired with him would think the same.

Lucian seemed completely at ease with his transformation, and she supposed when one had lived for centuries, reinvention was nothing new.

Mentally she shook herself. No matter what century he fit into, he was off-limits to her. And with his purchases made, their time together was coming to an end. He’d found everything he needed. There was no reason to play his personal shopper anymore.

“Well,” she said, shifting awkwardly, “I’m glad this evening was such a success. I’ll leave you to the rest of your night. Remember, you have a date tomorrow night at Celeste’s.”

“You mean to leave me?”

She hesitated, realizing that was the last thing she wanted to do.

His fingers twined through hers, pulling her closer. “Come, Abbey. Spend some time with me. You can give me pointers on modern first dates.”

As if this man needed any tips on seduction. She almost snorted at the idea. Still, the desire to stay was tantalizing.

she thought. Not to mention a top client. She was not jeopardizing her job for a man with fangs.

“We provide a pdf with dating advice for first-time users,” she said. “I’ll send you a copy.”

“I prefer the personal touch.” His blue gaze fell to her mouth.

Abbey bit her lip, watching as his eyes darkened. “It’s late.”

“Not to me.”

“You don’t have to be at work bright and early tomorrow.”

That wicked grin curved his lips again. “I won’t keep you out too long.”

Giving in to her urge to play a little, she stepped closer. Their mouths were a breath apart, much like the way he’d teased her all night.

“The reason you want me to stay had better have something to do with Fated Match and improving your dating chances. Does it?”

“No.” The word was whispered against her lips. “But I promise I won’t leave you with any regrets.”

Tempting. Surprisingly tempting. “Just one problem,” she whispered.

“What?” His lips were a breath away from hers.

“I don’t do the dead.”

He jerked back as if she’d pushed him and Abbey bit back her grin. She stepped out of his arms and smoothed a hand down her dress.

“Please be in my office an hour before your date tomorrow so we can run through the protocol. I’ll have dinner arranged and a car waiting.”

Lucian watched her with hooded eyes.

“If you have any questions or concerns during the day, you have my number.”

“All right,” he purred. “I can play by your rules.”

Heat spiraled through her as his gaze dropped over her body, scrutinizing her with blatant intention. He didn’t touch her, yet she felt as if he’d stripped away her clothing and left her exposed.

“Just be warned, Abbey. Vampires like games, but when we play, we play for keeps.” His sensual perusal finally came back to her face, his eyes flickering to hers. “And I always win.”

Of that she had no doubt. Lucian, for all his fangs, would be one hard man to resist.

But resist she would. And if Lucian thought the outcome of their relationship would be anything but professional, then he was in for disappointment. She was more than a match for any bloodsucker.

Chapter Four

“We might need to hire extra help,” Chloe said, marching into the office with her arms full of files.

Abbey glanced up at her entrance. Her office wasn’t very large—after all, she didn’t normally see clients alone. This space was devoted to admin work and paper pushing, but at least it boasted a tiny window, along with a filing cabinet and a desk with two chairs. Chloe dropped down into the seat opposite Abbey and let the white files spill across the surface of the desk.

“Can’t you use some of your magical hocus-pocus to sort through all these?” Abbey asked.

The witch grinned. “Nope. We need to do this the old-fashioned way.”

“Vivian should be doing this,” Abbey grumbled, reaching for a dossier.

“Oh, she is,” Chloe said cheerfully. “Jessie’s in there helping. I ducked and ran as soon as I could.”

“She’s still in a mood, huh?”

“Stress.” Chloe shrugged. “I’m safer in here.”

“True enough.”

Vivian had been less than pleased to have Abbey supervising Lucian’s makeover the night before. The woman had come to work ready to slay anything that got in her way. It was one of the reasons Abbey was doing her best to keep out of sight. No need to draw more attention to herself than she already had.

Together they looked down at the thirty or so files littering Abbey’s desk and sighed. This was only today’s batch of interested parties hoping to meet Lucian. While the computer was trained to set up certain matches through an algorithm, Vivian had insisted they do this job by hand. Nothing could go wrong when it came to Lucian.

“Glory demon?” Chloe asked, leafing through a file. “Good match rating and she’s a looker.”

“And vain as a peacock. You know how glory demons are. And what happens if she passes a mirror at dinner? It’d be a thirty-minute fight to drag her away from her own reflection. Lucian would go batty if we set up that pairing.”

“All right, I’ll put her in the ‘no’ pile.” She tossed the file on the floor and reached for another.

Abbey cycled through the dossiers far more quickly. Within minutes, half of her share of folders was on the floor and she’d only perched one file by her computer.

Chloe frowned at the pile. “Being rather picky, aren’t you?”

“We only have a month. Every match has to be perfect.”

“And you know what’s perfect for him?”

Abbey’s fingers stilled on her most recent files. “I’ll run them by Vivian.”

“To hell with that, dish now. How do you know the most powerful vamp in the city this well so quickly?”

“I don’t,” she tried to protest. “I just know how to match people. He’s old-fashioned, which eliminates most of the brainless nymphs who have a hard time staying clothed in public. He likes order, which knocks out the chaos demons. Plus he’s a blood drinker, which means those without living veins need not apply. Thus no phantoms, ghouls, or zombies.” She shrugged. “It’s not hard.”

Chloe reached for the first file on Abbey’s reject pile and flipped it open. “Marion the harpy. What’s wrong with her?”

“Marion has no sense of humor. Lucian needs someone who’s not so serious to open him up at bit.”

The silence was damning.

“I’m good at my job,” Abbey defended. She couldn’t help it if paying attention to Lucian was easy work.

“Apparently. Have you slept with him yet?”

Abbey dropped her latest dossier as if it burned her. “No!”

“Mind if I do?”

The thought of Lucian and the bubbly brunette turned her stomach but she forced herself to shake her head. “But you only have a 19 percent rating,” she said. “I checked for you.”

Chloe laughed. “Darling, sometimes love has nothing to do with it. I’m not interested in forever. Right now is good enough for me.”

Abbey chewed her lip, wishing she shared the same philosophy.

“Speaking of which, have you replied to that sexy werewolf?”

A real grin lit Abbey’s face. “Not yet. I’ve been…hesitating.” The wolf’s e-mail had come in before she’d been sent off to meet Lucian. Since then, the vampire had taken up more of her thoughts than she was willing to admit. Flirting with him made it rather difficult to think of anyone else.

“Let me see his details.”

Abbey hit a few buttons and brought up the werewolf’s profile. A handsome man smiled from the screen. He wasn’t as striking as Lucian, but lovely in his own right. Auburn hair curled around his ears, almost brushing against his shoulders. Clear amber eyes stared out at her from the photograph. He was clean-shaven and classically handsome with his high cheekbones and a strong jaw. Still out of her league, but not as dramatically so as Lucian.

“Christian Kae,” Chloe said, scanning the information. “Cute. What’s your rating?”

“Ninety-six percent.”

The witch blinked. “What?”

“I know.” Abbey looked at the computer and couldn’t help smiling. She’d never had such a high rating with anyone. Hell, matches that high were rare for any species and yet she, the ordinary human, had come up with one. When she’d first seen her score with Christian, she’d barely believed it. Surely a computer glitch was a better explanation than a true pairing that high.

“He’s gorgeous and you’re practically perfect for each other? What the hell is wrong with you?”

“I’m human, for one thing.” There was a reason she didn’t date in the supernatural world. Most members she met from that world looked down on her.

Chloe snorted. “If he contacted you first, I highly doubt Christian will care. Humans date supernaturals sometimes.”

Abbey’s lips twisted. They did have a few mortal members, but their romances rarely ended well.

“My life span is a bit of an issue if things go well, don’t you think?” she said, minimizing Christian’s profile.

“Only if you want it to be,” Chloe pointed out. “Most of the species we represent can change their mates. Even if you fall for someone who can’t, just get bitten by a were. Look at your mom. Accidents happen.”

Yes, they did. But Abbey didn’t want to give up her nice human world. Working with supernaturals was one thing. Becoming one was another.

“At least reply to his e-mail,” her friend suggested. “No one is asking for a lifetime commitment.”

But with a 96 percent pairing, it wasn’t an unreasonable assumption.

“I’ll think about it,” she said.

Grabbing a file, she flipped it open to find a smiling griffin. Scanning the file proved that all the woman’s details checked out against Lucian’s preferences. The lucky member made it through to round two. Dropping the dossier in her “keep” pile, Abbey thought about the e-mail from the werewolf. Lucian was looking for the love of his life—why shouldn’t she? A few incredible kisses didn’t mean she owed the vampire any more than he owed her.

“All right,” she said, startling Chloe. “I’ll ask if Christian wants to get a drink.” At the very least, a date would help her get out of her current rut.

A knowing smile curved Chloe’s lips. “Good girl.”

The rest of the day flew by as Abbey and her colleagues scrambled to set up Lucian’s next five dates. They’d found amazing candidates, and none of the women had turned down the chance to meet the famous vampire.

The vampire due to arrive any minute.

Abbey glanced at the clock again. He was late.

Not that she was particularly looking forward to facing Lucian after what had transpired the evening before. She smiled wryly, knowing the thought was not strictly true. Part of her feared the encounter, and a deeper part jumped up and down at the thought of seeing Lucian again. Dueling with him was definitely not boring.

That was, if he ever showed up.

She kicked off on her eleventh rotation on her swivel chair. They’d agreed to meet before his date tonight so she could brief him about the woman he was seeing, but at this rate, she’d have to deliver him straight to the restaurant and let him fend for himself.

The office spun before her eyes as she slowly came to a stop. The dossier on her desk contained all the information Lucian needed to make a perfect first impression. Not that the man needed much help in that department. Still, it was all part and parcel of the Fated Match package.

“Round twelve,” she muttered, pushing off from the desk. She was just swinging back around when a knock sounded on her door.

“Client to see you,” Chloe said with a wink. Lucian stepped past her and suddenly the room felt very small.

“Thanks, Chloe,” Abbey said, her throat feeling tight.

Lucian crossed the office and dropped into the waiting chair.

“My apologies. Melissa required my attention.”

Not a word about last night. No heated glances. Fine. She could play it cool as well. Tapping the file in front of her, she said, “I have a succubus in here who does too.”

His eyes lit with an interest Abbey tried to ignore. “Really?”

“Tonight you are meeting Janine Scott at Celeste’s,” she said as she handed the file over. “She’s a succubus from the Davish tribe and very popular among our members. Your match rating was a respectable 93 percent.”

He flipped open the dossier, pausing at the photograph of the beautiful blonde. Abbey gritted her teeth and told herself she was prepared for this. She’d known last night was her one chance to enjoy his attention before he met women from his own world. There was no way a human could compete with the dates he had lined up this week. Especially not a mortal with more curves than all five women combined.

“Her interests are dancing, adventure sports, and, of course, sex. Janine hates mushrooms so make sure you don’t order them. Her sexual feeding schedule usually falls on a five-day rotation but if you pursue things with her, you’ll have to come to an agreement that works with both your schedules. She’s a corporate attorney so timing might be an issue.”

“Fine,” he said, tossing the file back onto the desk.

No hesitation, no denial that a feeding schedule wouldn’t be needed because he had no intention of sleeping with the sex demon. She clenched her fists under the table. “Have you prepared a gift?”

Lucian arched a brow. “Gift?”

“It’s customary among Fated Match’s clients. It shows you’re approaching the encounter in good faith with hopes of pursuing a relationship.”

The vampire looked less than impressed. “Do men give you gifts on a first date?”

She laughed at the notion. “No, but I’m not part of the supernatural world. Here, let’s see what I have on hand.” Abbey pulled open her bottom desk drawer before sorting through the small pink boxes within.

“No,” she muttered, looking inside one. “Not quite right.”

Lucian peered over the desk edge. “You are well stocked.”

“Most of our clients prefer to buy their welcome gifts through us. We stock suitable items for every species.”

“There are options?”

“Of course,” she said absently as she continued to search. “Silver, for example, is fantastic for a witch but deadly for a werewolf or vampire. Honey is a lovely gift for a dryad but an insult for a harpy. The list goes on. Ah, this should do it.”

She held out a pink box. Lucian accepted it gingerly before removing the lid.

“Succubi have a love for all things sparkly. That bracelet will do just the trick.”

He eyed the glittery piece of jewelry before shrugging and pocketing the box.

“If you prefer, I can arrange for gifts beforehand and you’ll be charged a flat fee to your account.”

“Good,” he said, waving the details away. “Take care of it however you feel best.”

She nodded, wondering at his cavalier attitude. He’d promised to take his trial weeks seriously. If he didn’t uphold his end of the bargain, then they had a problem.

“Do you have any questions about Janine before we leave?”

“Hates mushrooms, loves sparkle, has a thing for adrenaline. I’m all set.”

She frowned. “All right. Let’s head to the restaurant.”

Grabbing her purse, she switched off her computer for the night before following Lucian from her office.

Fated Match had a very strict policy for first dates. Each pair would be introduced by a relationship rep to help ease any initial tension. After that, she had the night off. A night destined to be filled with wondering how Lucian fared on his date and what exactly he was doing with the lovely succubus.

Waving good-bye to Chloe, she led Lucian from the building. A company car waited for them in front of the agency and Abbey slid into the backseat. She skimmed the dossier as Lucian folded his long form into the car. With a nod to the driver, they took off.

“Succubi are most active at night, like you,” she said, focusing on the facts of the date. “Janine can function during the day without any ill effects but she will tire easily.”


“Did I mention she donates her time at a children’s charity?” she continued, ignoring him. “It’s one Saturday evening a month but still, admirable.”


“She’s a talented rider and has several horses boarded outside the city. Your property in Connecticut would be an excellent topic of conversation.”

He didn’t call her name again. Instead he reached out and tugged her closer on the seat.

“Stop that,” she scolded, trying to scoot away.

“You’re so serious tonight,” he said, his eyes flashing in the dim light like a cat’s. “A kiss would loosen you up, don’t you think?”

Her gaze dropped to his lips, giving him the reaction he’d no doubt been desiring.

“No,” she said, pushing him away. “You are about to go on a date. You cannot arrive with another woman’s lipstick smeared on your lips.”

Lucian didn’t even look abashed. “I have to touch you,” he said, his fingers tracing circles on the back of her hand. “You were so distant with your files and your gifts. I want my Abbey back.”

“I’m not your Abbey.”

“You could be.” The offer was a sensuous purr.

She rolled her eyes, knowing capitulation to this man would kill his interest in her faster than anything else she could do.

Abbey straightened the file on her lap and avoided his gaze. “We need to keep our relationship professional. It’s highly likely you will find the love of your life in the next few weeks. How would she like it if you were carrying on with me at the time?”

BOOK: Love at Stake
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