Read Love and War Online

Authors: Jackie Chanel

Love and War (5 page)

BOOK: Love and War
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“Don’t be a jerk,” Caprice frowned. She put her elbows on the center console and kissed Rocco on the cheek. “You’re not the boss of me.”

Before he backed out of Nico’s driveway, Rocco put his arms around Caprice and pulled her close. She closed her eyes and parted her lips, waiting on him to kiss her. It had been way too long.

Rocco’s kiss was quick and disappointing. Caprice only allowed it because she knew that better things were coming when they got back to Rocco’s.

There was one thing she had to do first.

“Had a meeting with my dad yesterday,” she announced. “You know what happened to Nico, right?”

“That little scuffle?
That was
,” Rocco laughed. “You worry too much.”

“Regardless, my Dad wants Aries and the Black Diamond Mafia out of the picture.”

“All of them?” Rocco scoffed.

Caprice nodded her head. “Just Aries. Cut off the head and the body will fall, right?”

“Nico hasn’t said anything to me. You know the plan, don’t cha?”

Caprice nodded. “I am the plan.”

“Fuck!” Rocco shouted. Caprice jumped in her seat. She expected Rocco to be upset, but she had to do her part. Eventually he would have to understand.

“It is what it is, babe,” Caprice replied. “Shouldn’t take too long. I just need to find out who his new supplier is, and then find out what he plans to do about us. From what I know about Aries, he wants to be on top and...”

“And that means taking the Bonatelli family down. Last time I checked, you’re a Bonatelli.”

“He doesn’t know that. When I meet him, he’ll know me as Caprice Burke. NYU student, part-time model, and way out of his league. I’ll have that boy wrapped around my finger in no time.”

Rocco pulled the SUV into the
Apartments and parked in the garage. He didn’t say anything to Caprice until they were safely inside his place.

Caprice started flipping through dozens of take-out menus before deciding on pizza. Rocco never asked her to cook for him. She knew that his previous girlfriends had been typical Italian girls who had the recipes for sauce and pasta seared into their brains. She wanted to cook for Rocco. She even had Maria teach her how to make perfect cannelloni from scratch. She wanted to prove to Rocco that she was more than a pretty face. She wanted to show him that she could take care of him, but he wouldn’t let her. Caprice was certain that he thought she was too prissy to get her hands dirty in the kitchen or too selfish to do for him the same things that Maria did for Nico.

“I’m assuming from your silence that you aren’t cool with the plan.”

“Don’t really have a choice, do I?
Questioning the Boss is above my pay grade.”

Caprice handed the pizza menu to Rocco. “Dinner’s on me.”

“No, it’s not,” Rocco said. “I can pay for dinner. Do you have to chop my balls off every chance you get, or is that part of your charm?

“That’s not what I meant.”


“You’re really pissed off about me working with my brother?”

Rocco sat next to Caprice on his leather sofa. No matter how hard he tried, he could not wipe the look of contempt from his face.

“Am I not supposed to be pissed off that you’re deliberately going to be with another man?
Am I not supposed to take that as a slap in the face?
Especially since that man is the same asshole I’ve been
’ with for two years?”

“But it’s the job,” Caprice argued. “I don’t want Aries.”

“But you’ll fuck him if you have to.”

Rocco’s words sucked the oxygen out of the room. Caprice felt sick to her stomach. She hadn’t given sleeping with Aries much thought. Until Rocco brought it up, she was confident that she’d be able to use her charm and intellect to get what she wanted out of the gang leader. She certainly didn’t want to spread her legs and let Aries have what belonged to Rocco. Deep down in her heart, she knew she would do whatever she had to do in order to protect the family name.

“It’s not going to come down to that,” Caprice said. “I'll be in and out in a couple months. I don’t give it up that damn fast anyway. You know that.”

“Yeah right,” was Rocco’s grave reply. “I remember what you said in the car about not waiting on me.”

“What I’m about to do has nothing to do with you and me. I know you’re afraid of what my brother and father are going to say-”

“Do,” Rocco interrupted. “We should be afraid of what your father and brother are going to do. I’ve been a part of this life since I was a kid. I’ve seen Domani and my dad ice men over a $100 gambling debt. What the fuck do you think he’s going to do to me when he finds out that I’ve been giving his daughter the pipe?”

“He’ll be fine as long as he knows this is real and not some casual fuck in a seedy hotel in the Bronx. If Domani finds out,” she continued, “before I’m ready to tell him that we’re in a real relationship, we’re both screwed. If you don’t love me, that’s fine. Just don’t pretend. Don’t waste my time.”

Rocco and Caprice had been playing the same cat and mouse game for nearly six months. Rocco knew his feelings for Caprice were very real and very strong. She had a way of taking his mind off the shit storm that was his life. It sounded cliché in his head, but the truth was, Rocco
was a
man. Like his father and his grandfather before him, he was an enforcer...a killer.

He felt just as comfortable with his finger on the trigger of his Desert Eagle or his hand wrapped around his Louisville Slugger as he did with his arm around Caprice watching her favorite chick flick. Yeah, he loved her, but he had no say in matters her father authorized. Caprice was about to become exactly what he was and that changed everything.

She had a job to do and he would not interfere.

Caprice gazed at Rocco while he absently flipped through the hundreds of channels that Time Warner had to offer. She took the remote control out his hand and straddled his denim covered his thighs.

“Is this our last night together?” she asked.

“Depends,” Rocco replied.

Caprice slid her hands under Rocco’s t-shirt and ran them over his
. “Then we better make it a night to remember.”

Rocco’s large hand clasped the back of Caprice’s neck as he pressed his lips firmly against hers. She inhaled deeply, taking in his manly scent that made her tingle all over. When he parted her lips with his tongue, she clasped her hands around his neck and moaned. She started to grind and roll her hips against him until she could feel the bulge in his pants harden beneath her. This was the part that she liked.

He was angry and frustrated with her, but he still wanted her. Caprice loved that she had that affect on Rocco; that she could break down his hard exterior so easily when she presented herself to him, when she allowed him to take what she wanted him to have.

Caprice eased her lips away from Rocco’s and tilted her head back so he could have easy access to her spot. She shivered as Rocco’s tongue grazed up and down her neck and flicked her earlobe. With her eyes closed, she blindly fiddled with his belt until it was unbuckled and unfastened his jeans. Rocco lifted himself off the sofa just enough for Caprice to slide his jeans and boxers to his ankles.

Sitting on the sofa, half naked, Rocco didn’t appear vulnerable. The fiery passion in his eyes could put the fear of God in anyone who looked his way. The entire Black Diamond Mafia gang could storm his apartment and Rocco wouldn’t flinch. He’d ice them all, with his pants around his ankles. That lack of fear was what attracted Caprice to him in the first place and kept her attention on him. No matter what happened with Aries, she would always find a way to get back to Rocco.

“Take off your shorts,” Rocco commanded and Caprice did as she was told, revealing her black cotton thong. After six months of sleeping with Rocco, she knew exactly what turned him on, and it wasn’t the thousands of
dollars worth
of La
lingerie in her underwear drawer.

Rocco pulled her back to him and pushed her thong aside. He ran his finger up and down her slit until she began to pant breathlessly. She was soaking wet as he slid a finger inside of her, spreading her just a little. The first time Rocco had fingered Caprice, he was surprised that she was so tight. He was even more surprised that she was a virgin.

Caprice wasn’t waiting on marriage, like her mother had suggested. She was waiting on the right guy, and most guys bored her. She’d never been interested in the boys at her private high school. The boys at NYU were average, even though they all thought that they weren’t. Then Rocco came along and changed everything.

From the first day she, Rocco, and Nico worked out together at the boxing gym, Caprice had been trying to get Rocco’s attention. Six months ago, she succeeded. There wasn’t anything she would not do for Rocco, including losing her virginity in the bathroom of a club after trying X for the first time. It was the only time that Rocco had ever given her drugs. He promised it would be the last.

Caprice eased off Rocco’s thick finger and positioned her opening over his dick. She slid down his pole and rotated her hips. When she threw her head back and groaned at the sensation of being filled completely, Rocco firmly grabbed her ass. He leaned back against the sofa while Caprice bounced on his dick.

Rocco turned off the television and grinned at Caprice. She opened her eyes and returned the smile, only hers was full of arrogance and satisfaction. With the television off, the only sounds in the apartment was skin smacking against skin, their heavy breathing, and loud moans.

Caprice used every muscle in her legs and hips to fuck her man hard and fast. Rocco gripped her tightly as she bucked wildly. One of his thumbs rubbed her clit. She tightened and clenched around him until he leaned forward and whispered the command she’d been waiting for.

“Cum for me. Now.”

Caprice felt like he was speaking directly to every nerve ending in her body as they jumped to life. Waves of sensation flooded her body. Every muscle she had tightened as they squeezed the pleasure from her body. She was so overwhelmed by her own orgasm that she barely noticed Rocco pumping furiously inside her until he stiffened and pulled out of her. His dick began to throb and squirt hot spurts of cum on her thighs. Caprice hopped off of him and frowned at the thick semen running down her thigh.

“I’m on the pill, you know. You don’t have to do that.”

“I know,” Rocco sneered. “Payback is a bitch.”

What did I do?”

“Figure it out,” Rocco said with a smirk. “Go shower. I’ll order dinner. I gotta get you home soon.”

“Caprice smiled. “Yeah right. Don’t try to rush me out of here. I’m spending the night.”

Rocco frowned. “You can’t.”

“I can and I am,” Caprice stated. “Maria will cover for me. If this is our last night together, we gotta make it a night to remember, right?”

Rocco watched Caprice turn and walk down the hall to the bathroom. Arguing with her was useless. She was stubborn, like every member of the Bonatelli family that he had ever met. Still, he couldn’t help but love everything about her. If Aries and the Black Diamond Mafia didn’t kill her, he was going to speak to the Boss. He would ask her father for her hand, even if Domani wacked him for it. She was worth it.

Chapter Four

Caprice pulled her Lexus in front of her friend Keisha’s house and leaned on the horn. She hadn’t spent much time in Queens, but she knew that she had to get used to it. She had a six month lease on a two bedroom apartment and no time to waste. She needed to meet Aries and get the job done. She wanted to get back to her old life as soon as possible. Her old life didn’t include hanging out with girls like Keisha.

Keisha was a basic bitch and utterly obsessed with finding a dude who drove a Range Rover and wore diamonds like 2Chainz. Like all basic bitches, she was perfectly happy going down to Canal Street and spending her student loan money on knockoff bags and shoes to impress the members of Black Diamond Mafia.

Caprice didn’t have the heart to tell the girl that anybody with a decent eye could spot a knockoff in a heartbeat. Besides, if things went according to Caprice’s plan, the guys she wanted to get with would be broke in a few months. The only reason Caprice forced herself to become close friends with the girl was because Aries was her cousin. Keisha served a purpose.

“Why you look so Plain Jane?” Keisha grumbled when she got in the car. “You know Aries is gonna be at the cookout, right? Shit, he’s the one who throws this thing every year.”

Caprice looked down at her jeans and tank top. Keisha was too stupid to realize that Caprice’s pants cost more than the last three outfits she’d worn to the club. Hell, Caprice had paid more for her custom Swarovski crystal jeweled case for her iPhone than Keisha had spent on the outfit she was currently wearing. Caprice couldn’t help but wonder how Keisha maintained a 3.8 GPA at NYU.

“I told you I wanted to meet Aries privately,” Caprice replied testily instead of saying what she really wanted to say. “Why are we going to a Black Diamond cookout with a million people around?

BOOK: Love and War
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