Read Losing Control Online

Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Shifter

Losing Control (6 page)

BOOK: Losing Control
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“I’ll want to meet again before you get too far in.
How about on Friday?”
Kyle suggested. He would have wanted to meet with the artist anyway but this way it would guarantee him a chance to see her again soon.
he spoke with Shawn.

“Um… Friday would be okay I guess,” she agreed.

“Perfect. I have some meetings in the morning but how about we meet before we go home for the day?” Kyle pressed. Hopefully he and Shawn could work things to where
would be going home with them for the weekend.

“That’s fine,” she murmured.

, then I have to say, it is a pleasure to meet you,” Kyle told her as he leant forward in his chair.


“Yes,” she agreed automatically, without thought of her words. Damn, even to her own ears her voice sounded breathless. She had to get it together. How unprofessional she was acting.

Still sitting across from her, Kyle smiled. Her pussy clenched in reaction, releasing even more liquid. She’d been wet since she’d first run into Kyle. The man was just mouth-watering. Add Shawn, and her hormones were going crazy. It was all she could do not to jump on one or the other. It was the parking lot all over again.

Of course she knew about the wolves that worked in the building. It was one of the reasons she had landed such a highly sought-after job. Her grandfather had been a wolf shifter so she had experience with the paranormal. Since over half of the employees were shifters, they’d been relieved to find someone who already knew about them.
Less chance of someone else finding out their biggest secret.

However in the months that she’d been with the company, she had met many of the shifter employees and never had she reacted so strongly to anyone.
Never in her life.
Now both times she’d seen the two men she’d reacted strongly.

She briefly thought about what she’d learned about the mating of the wolves. She’d asked one of her fellow co-workers when she’d kept seeing groups of people making out during break time. Her encounter with Shawn had given her even more reason to try to figure out what she felt.

Her friend Leslie had explained that the wolf shifters mated for life. The bond the mates experienced helped make their reactions strong to one another so they could last. Leslie had told her that once a shifter met their mates, there was no use in fighting it. The desire was so strong, it didn’t matter who was around. Their entire beings were concentrated on their mates.

But she wasn’t a shifter so she shouldn’t feel this way. Plus it was obvious Shawn and Kyle
together. She’d seen them together twice now. Even when they weren’t touching, the feelings they had for each other were evident to even the most casual observer. Where exactly would she fit in?

She shook her thoughts away and realised both men were watching her closely.

She blushed again. “Um… did you say something?”

Both men chuckled. It was Kyle that answered. “I asked where you were from.”

“Oh I moved here from
several months ago.”

, huh?”
He scratched his chin and
wanted to feel those strong fingers brush over her body. She pressed her legs together.

“I have several friends in southern
. Never been there myself,” he commented.

“It’s nice but my family moved to this area several years ago. I was glad to get a job close to them,” she admitted. She didn’t know why she felt the need to talk so personally with two men she didn’t know. But it just felt right. She chanced a glance at Shawn and saw he was just as interested as Kyle.

Noticing he had her attention, he smiled. Her nipples, which had already hardened, seem to swell even more. “So family is important to you?” he questioned.

Locked in his stare, she nodded. “Yes.”

He stood and leant closer. “That’s good.
Very good.
Family is very important to us. Both Kyle and I are extremely close to our families.”

“Good,” she responded lamely. Jeez what was her problem! She couldn’t seem to think when he got close.

He bit at the bottom of his lip and she almost moaned out loud. “I can’t wait to get to know you better,” he told her boldly.

“Yeah,” she agreed.

Shawn walked up and stood beside Kyle. “
,” he breathed out her name.

Her entire body trembled. “Yes?”

“We’ll see you soon,” he said with a wink. Then they were gone, Shawn leading Kyle away. She stood there for several minutes, panting. Oh God, she needed to find Leslie and get all the information she could on those two. She picked up her phone and dialled her friend’s extension.

“Was that Shawn King and Kyle Moore leaving your office?” her friend asked as a greeting.

“Oh yeah,”
said with a giggle.

“Oh my God!
Grab your stuff, we’re going for a drink,” Leslie exclaimed.

“I need it,”

“Oh, I am so jealous!” Leslie said with a laugh.

didn’t know how to respond to that. “Let’s go get that drink. You’ve got a lot more to tell me.”


Chapter Seven




Kyle let Shawn open the door to Shawn’s SUV and he climbed in as he continued to fight his body’s needs. He wanted to talk to Shawn, but he was so hard and wanting that it was almost too hard to concentrate on his questions.

Shawn climbed into the driver’s side and slammed the door shut.

Then, in the blink of an eye, Kyle was pulled across the space separating them as Shawn’s mouth landed roughly on his.

yes, that
was what he needed.
The pressure of Shawn’s body against his.
The strength of the tongue in his mouth, demanding compliance.

Kyle relaxed against his mate and let Shawn have complete control.

“Please Shawn,” he begged when the other man broke the kiss to trail his tongue down Kyle’s neck.

He felt Shawn’s fingers at the clasp of his slacks. It wouldn’t take much. Just a touch of his mate’s hand and he would come.

Kyle’s pants were opened and Shawn strong hand gripped his cock. Kyle knelt up on the seat and pulled his pants down his hips, exposing his dripping shaft to the cool interior of the vehicle.

He hissed when Shawn, with perfect precision, pumped his prick.

,” he choked out.

Shawn’s sure hand tightened around the base of his cock for just a moment before he started to stroke Kyle faster.

“Give it to me,” Shawn ordered.

Kyle threw his head back and yelled as his cock erupted, spraying Shawn’s hand and the inside of the SUV with his spunk.

Dazed, Kyle watched as Shawn licked the seed off his fingers and hand. Kyle’s cock twitched at the sight.

He reached over and cupped Shawn’s crotch surprised to find it wet. “I came when you did,” Shawn told him with no embarrassment.

God his man was wonderful. “I love you,” he murmured instead, falling into Shawn’s arms. The console between them was uncomfortable but Kyle didn’t care. He needed to touch.

“I love you Kyle,” Shawn whispered. Kyle lifted his head until their eyes locked. He could see the truth for himself. Kyle swallowed hard trying to control his own emotions.

When he was in better control, he smiled. “You still have a lot of explaining to do.”

Shawn chuckled and the atmosphere in the car relaxed around them. “That I do,” his mate agreed.


* * * *


For two days all Kyle could think about was having both Shawn and
at the same time. Every night since he’d met
, he dreamed of the three of them and would wake up rock hard. Luckily, Shawn was there every morning to take care of him.

Kyle had packed a weekend bag to stay at Shawn’s condo. Then, other than getting more clothes, he just hadn’t returned to his apartment.

Somehow he’d moved in and Kyle wasn’t even sure how it had happened. But he didn’t question the fact that Shawn had somehow planned it.
. Just thinking about his male mate made his cock jerk.

Shawn was confident that they could bring
into their relationship. He listened to all of Kyle’s worries and said all the right things to calm Kyle down. If it wasn’t for Shawn, Kyle was certain he would have gone crazy.

He’d understood Shawn’s reasoning for not telling Kyle about
, even if he didn’t agree with it. Kyle hated the thought that Shawn had felt he couldn’t talk to his mate. That was something they would have to work on. Maybe
would be able to help. Shawn was a handful and having their third would complete them all.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Shawn interrupted.

Kyle looked up from his desk and into the face of the man he loved. “Thinking about you,” he admitted.

Shawn stalked inside the room. “Good thoughts, I hope.”

“The best.”
Kyle tilted his head back and received a deep kiss from Shawn. Just as he reached for the other man, Shawn backed away.

“As much as I would like to take you over your desk…again, we have a meeting to get to,” Shawn reminded him.

Kyle pouted. He didn’t want to go to a meeting. He was horny.

“Come now, I promise to take care of you as soon as we get out,” Shawn told him with a grin.

Kyle sighed heavily but stood.

That caused Shawn to chuckle. “Come, babe. I have a feeling this meeting is going to be highly exciting.”

Kyle loved the twinkle that came into his mate’s eyes. It meant Shawn had something good planned. Kyle loved being on the receiving end of Shawn’s attention.

Kyle grabbed the three thick manila envelopes his secretary had given him earlier and motioned to the door with his head. “Well then, we wouldn’t want to be late.”

Shawn gave him a quick peck on the lips. “No we don’t.”

They left his office and made their way to the boardroom. This was just an informal meeting to go over several accounts.

“Why exactly is security attending the meeting?” Kyle asked. While Shawn had attended several meetings, he didn’t always.

“One of the accounts we’re going over is the new contract with the military,” Shawn explained.

Well then that made sense. Since the company had won the government contract, security around the building had heightened. He knew Shawn had been working hard on getting a secure area set up. Kyle wasn’t one hundred percent sure what the entire contract entailed but he knew it was important. There were so many different divisions throughout the
he knew he might not ever find out.

He was okay with that. With Shawn by his side and
within sight, he had almost everything he ever wanted.


arrived at the Wednesday night meeting a couple of minutes before it was supposed to start. The largest meeting room was more than halfway filled.

She greeted the others, some she knew,
she didn’t, before taking a seat at the end of the table next to Leslie.

“Hey,” her friend stage-whispered a greeting.

“Hey back,”
said as she sat down.

“Haven’t seen the two hotties come in yet,” Leslie commented slyly.

“Shut up!”
exclaimed looking around. What if Shawn and Kyle had heard Leslie? Thankfully she didn’t see them in the room. “You better behave,” she warned the other woman.

“Or what?”
Leslie teased.

“Remember your birthday,”

“You wouldn’t,” Leslie begged.

“I might,”
said simply.

Leslie huffed out a breath and leant back in her chair crossing her arms over her chest.
bit her lip and followed suit. Then she bumped her arm against Leslie’s. She saw her friend’s lips twitch. Then Leslie bumped her back.

They both burst out laughing.

had turned her head to whisper into Leslie’s ear when Shawn and Kyle walked in. Her breath caught and her body reacted instantly.

Leslie must have seen something on her face. Her friend giggled and waved to the two men. Both men grinned and waved back.

“Oh my God!”
sunk down in her chair. “I can’t believe you just did that. What are we, in fifth grade

Her friend’s laughter was the only response.


Shawn enjoyed
reaction to him and Kyle. As soon as she had spotted them, her scent had changed. Oh yeah, she wanted them.

The amusement from her friend showed that she’d been talking about them also. Leslie was a good friend of Mac’s sister. Shawn had grown up with her always around. The young shifter was a little outrageous but had one of the best hearts of anyone he’d ever met.

It seemed
had great taste in friends. He already knew she had great taste in men.

Without being told, Kyle took one of the seats directly in front of her. Shawn sat beside him.
was still slouched in her chair, refusing to look at them.

Shawn knew she eventually wouldn’t be able to resist. And he was right. Minutes after Mac, Trevor, and Annabelle walked in and the meeting started,
peeked up and looked at him from under her lashes.

He smiled and winked. His heart fluttered when she smiled back. With deliberate movement, he leaned towards her while putting his arm casually on the back of Kyle’s chair.

Her eyes widened and followed his actions. Slowly he ran his thumb over Kyle’s neck. Kyle looked over at him a question in his eyes. Shawn gave him his most innocent face.

Kyle shook his head, obviously not buying it for a second, but turned his attention back to Trevor who was in the middle of talking about… Well, Shawn wasn’t sure what he was talking about. It didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was the woman across the table from him.
The woman that would complete them.

BOOK: Losing Control
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