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Authors: Getting Rowdy

Lori Foster (21 page)

BOOK: Lori Foster
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The lights flickered a few more times but stayed on. Rowdy had flashlights near the bar, and of course emergency lights were installed. Still, Avery was very glad to call it a night.

When the last customer was gone and Rowdy had locked up, she knew she had to confront him. It was now or never.

Coat on, nervousness chewing her up inside, Avery found him in his office. Ridiculously formal, she tapped on the door before stepping in.

Because he stood off to the side, she didn’t realize that Cannon was there, too, until she entered.

Rowdy glanced at her as he pulled on his own jacket. “Do me a favor, Cannon, and see her out to her car, okay?”

Avery froze.

Looking uneasy, Cannon pulled on his knit hat and shrugged. “Sure, I can do that.”

Get a backbone, Avery.
She stepped forward. “Rowdy...”

He tossed the keys to Cannon. “Lock up on your way out.”

Avery couldn’t believe it when he went right past her and out the back door. She stood there, staring at the door, willing Rowdy to change his mind, to come back in and apologize. To say they needed to talk.

Even to argue with her.

He didn’t.

Slowly, she turned to Cannon.

He looked down at the floor, then up at the ceiling. He cleared his throat. Twice. “You ready to go, honey?”

A refreshing surge of anger boiled through her. For such a long time now, Rowdy had chased her hot and heavy. He claimed to want her. Bad. But now, over a big misunderstanding, he intended to just blow her off?

Hell, no.

She did not easily get in bed with men. After Fisher, well, she wasn’t sure if she’d ever again trust a man enough to want him. But she wanted Rowdy, and by God, she would have him.

Tonight—as he had promised.

“I’m ready all right. You can bet I’m ready. More than ready.” She went to the back door, slammed it and closed all the locks. “Let’s go.”

Cannon rubbed his mouth. “Are we talking about the same thing?”

“No, we’re not.” She grabbed his arm and dragged him to the front of the bar with her. “Come on. If I wait, I might lose my nerve, but I want to do this.”


She nodded. “I’ve been celibate too damn long. I
to do this.”

“Uh, Avery...” He bumped into a chair, stepped around it and tried to free his arm.

She held on. With what she had planned, she needed to steal some of his strength. “I have to go out through the front.”

“Maybe we should talk a little.”

“Not now.”

“You know, Rowdy won’t be happy about this. I mean, I just got hired on and he doesn’t strike me as the type to share, so...”

Realizing what he thought, Avery cast him a look. “Get real, Cannon. You know I’m hung up on Rowdy.”

He wasn’t at all discomforted by the conversation. “I figured, yeah. But generally speaking, if a woman starts locking doors and leading me off, it’s to—”

“Not this time.” She wanted Rowdy Yates. Period. And one way or another, she’d have him.

Cannon grinned. “Know what? I’m equally bummed and relieved.”

If that was his idea of flirting, he’d wasted it on her. “You wouldn’t do that.”

“I’d be tempted...” When she frowned up at him, his smile warmed. “But no, I wouldn’t.”

She shook her head and unlocked the front door. The rain pounded down, washing over the street, bending the few straggly trees that disrupted the brick and concrete landscape.

Cannon stepped just outside the door. “I don’t suppose you have an umbrella?”

“No.” She stared at Rowdy’s apartment and saw the lights come on. If she stared hard enough, she could see a few shadows moving past his big front windows.

“Want me to bring your car up here to you, then?” Even from where he stood under the overhang, he got soaked. Wind blew in from every angle.

“I don’t need my car.”


“I’m going to Rowdy’s apartment.”

“But not by car?”

“It’s across the street.” She pointed. “Right there.” So close...but given how Rowdy had all but looked through her, it felt very far away.

Cannon followed her gaze and nodded. “Ah. Makes sense, I guess.”

“What does that mean?”

As he locked up, securing the bar, he said, “I’ve seen him go in the building. I thought maybe...never mind.”

“That he had a woman there? Given his proclivity for sleeping around, it’s a logical assumption.” Accepting the keys from him, Avery dropped them in her pocket, then turned up her collar. A useless effort that she knew wouldn’t do her a bit of good.

Cannon eyed her, then started to take off his coat. “Why don’t you put this over your head so—”

She held up a hand to forestall him. “I won’t melt.” As she said it, the rain lightened up a little, providing a small break in the storm.

“Now or never.”

Taking her arm and standing close, Cannon said, “You might want to keep in mind that Rowdy was fighting himself more than you today.”

“You think?”

“I’d bet on it.”

Avery stared at him in amazement. “Wow, so you not only know everything about running a bar, but you’re a trained fighter and a relationship expert, too?”

He gave her a philosophical look. “I’m a guy, so I know how guys think. That’s as expert as it gets.”

“Are you in a serious relationship?”

He did a double take over that question. “As you just said, I have a full plate. No real time for a relationship.”

But Avery would bet he didn’t skimp on female company. Men. In so many ways, they were all alike. Luckily, when it came to being considerate, hardworking and protective, Cannon and Rowdy had a lot of similarities.

“Thank you, Cannon, for everything.” She marched out from under the covering of the overhang.

Cannon kept pace with her.

“You can go on home.” Her feet splashed through puddles in the road.

“I’ll make sure you get in first.”

Yup, very protective. The area looked so damned dark, she could only be grateful for his vigilance. “All right, thanks.”

Though the rain had slowed, they were both drenched in the short time it took them to reach the front door to the building. Avery drew a deep breath, opened the door and turned to Cannon. “Now, if only Rowdy lets me in...” The wind whipped up again, throwing her jacket open.

He glanced down at her chest, then away. “He’ll let you in. Trust me.” He took the door from her to keep the wind from ripping it away. “Go on, then.”

Avery glanced down at her chest, too. Oops. The rain had penetrated her jacket and her shirt. It clung to her skin, outlining...everything. Added to that, her jeans were soaked to midthigh, her hair sodden.

Slowly she smiled. Being drenched just might work to her advantage. “Wish me luck, okay?”

“I think Rowdy’s the one that needs it, but sure, good luck to you.” He flicked the end of her nose. “Go easy on him.”

With a little more confidence, Avery turned and trotted up the steps. Her heart beat wildly—with worry, with hope, but mostly with anticipation.

Tonight she would have Rowdy Yates. At the moment, nothing else mattered.

* * *

, Rowdy peeled off his damp clothes and changed into dry jeans. He couldn’t look at the bed. When he did, he saw Avery there, that beautiful red hair of hers spread out around her face, the way she smiled and how she teased, her delicate aroma and how comforting it had been to hold her while they slept.

No matter that his mind had decided he wouldn’t touch her, his body still craved sexual satisfaction.

But only with Avery. Right now, no other woman would do.

Hell, he’d had so many offers tonight, one of them from two women looking for a three way, that he could easily have spent the night working off tension the good old-fashioned way.

Instead, he planned to read. Since buying the bar, he’d studied up on small enterprise solutions. He didn’t have much in the way of an education, but he had enough street smarts to know it required knowledge as well as hard work to make a business survive.

And above all else, he was a survivor.

Barefoot, he went into the kitchen and opened a beer, then found the book on the shelf. Whenever he did a lot of reading, he needed glasses. Nothing prescription, just readers he’d bought at the drugstore. Carrying the beer, the book and the reading glasses, he went to his couch and dropped down.

Leaning back didn’t hurt that much, not with the thick bandages in place. They needed to be changed, but he couldn’t do it himself. Tomorrow he’d get Pepper to take the wrappings off, and he’d leave them off.

He took a big drink of the beer, opened his book and...thought of Avery. No matter how he tried, he couldn’t keep her out of his head.

Or his heart.

He’d left her with Cannon.

Demons chased around his brain, making him imagine all sorts of scenarios guaranteed to keep him awake through the long night.

Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back and willed himself not to care.


When the knock sounded on his door, he lifted his head, a scowl already in place. The last thing he wanted to deal with was another pushy woman. The neighbors were nice enough, but they watched for him to come in, and then they found a reason to pester him.

He wasn’t in the mood to be gracious tonight.

Shoving the glasses to the top of his head and setting his book aside, Rowdy left the couch, went up the few short steps and opened the door.

Like a sucker punch to the gut, the sight of Avery standing there, soaked to the skin, shivering, that stubborn chin of hers lifted, sucked his breath away.

“Can I come in?”

His gaze tracked over her, from the long sodden ropes of her hair, to her open jacket and the way her shirt clung to her breasts, to her dripping jeans. Already a puddle had formed around her.

He braced himself against her impact. “You should have gone home.”

She lifted her chin another inch. “You promised me sex.”

Jesus, he hadn’t expected that, hadn’t thought she’d be this brazen, this bold He breathed a little harder, and felt his dick stir.

Avery stepped in. “I’m here to collect.”

What the hell did she think? That she could manipulate him with sex? Backing up from her, he said, “No.” Then he turned his back and went down the steps, putting some distance between himself and temptation.

Going to his couch, he sat down and, pretending he wasn’t coiled tight and on the verge of asking her to stay, he put his glasses back on and picked up his book.

As the seconds passed, he pretended to read and Avery held silent. He wouldn’t look at her again.

“I’m freezing, Rowdy.”

He heard the chattering of her teeth, and he clenched his muscles to fight the compelling need to comfort her. He glanced at her over the glasses but said nothing.

“My jeans are completely soaked.”

He didn’t mean to, but he said, “Take them off.” Then his heart started jumping, and he breathed deeper, waiting to see what she’d do.

It felt like a lifetime that they stared at each other before Avery turned, closed the door and locked it.


boner straining his jeans, Rowdy watched her strip off her insubstantial jacket. She needed a coat, damn it. Something warmer, weatherproof...
It wasn’t his concern.

Avery hung it over the rail at the landing, then bent to remove her shoes and socks. She placed them beneath the jacket. Barefoot, her bottom lip caught in her teeth, she straightened and turned toward him.

Rowdy couldn’t help it. Lured by an unspoken promise, enthralled by possibilities, he sat forward. When her small, trembling hands went to the waistband of her jeans, he sucked in his breath and held it.

She opened the snap, pulled down the zipper and worked to get the wet denim down her slender legs. She stepped out and straightened, wearing no more than a clinging T-shirt and tiny beige panties.

Rowdy set the glasses aside, but he didn’t leave the couch.

Holding the jeans in front of her, she asked, “Could I use your dryer?”

He wanted to see her walking across the room, wanted to see her ass in that little bit of material she called underwear. He worked his jaw, then muttered, “Help yourself.”

She held the railing on the steps, walking carefully, shaking all over. Icy rivulets of rainwater dripped down her narrow back, tracking over the curve of her ass and soaking into her panties; her small bare feet made no sound on the cold floor. In the kitchen, she opened the stack dryer and bent to put the jeans inside.

Biting off a groan, Rowdy stiffened—all over. Apparently he could be manipulated with sex, after all.


He stood, but stayed by the couch, a safe distance from her dangerous appeal.

She pulled the shirt away from her body. “This is wet, too.”

There went the last piece of his imagined control. Grinding lust roughened his voice when he whispered, “Take it off.”

After the briefest hesitation, Avery nodded, caught the hem and peeled it up and over her head.

He’d fucked his way through a miserable upbringing, using sex to counter the ravages of poverty and abuse. He used it still to rid his mind of plaguing memories. But now, with Avery, the need that consumed him had nothing to do with any of that—and everything to do with her.

She half turned toward him, her eyes big with both uncertainty and resolve, her slender body bare except for a bra and panties that left little to the imagination.

His jeans felt too restrictive, and without looking away from her, he readjusted himself.

When he made no move toward her, she drew in a shuddering breath, blinked back tears and turned to put the shirt in the dryer with her jeans. Arms around herself, shoulders hunched and knees together, she gave him a defiant stare.

Yeah, he was a goner.

Only Avery could muster up that particular attitude while standing naked and vulnerable, cold and wet.

More than a little predatory, Rowdy stalked toward her, taut from head to toe. He stopped right in front of her, close enough to breathe in the scent of her wet skin and hair, mixed with the sweeter perfume of her excitement.

Her hair hung over her shoulders, partially hiding her breasts from him. With an exaggerated lack of haste, his movements methodical, he used both hands to move her hair back so he could see her nipples.

Her bra was as wet as the T-shirt had been, made of the same material as her miniscule panties. She shivered, her skin prickling and her nipples drawn tight.

With the back of one knuckle, he teased over her right breast.

Her breath caught. “Rowdy?”

“It’s wet.” He dropped his hand, his gaze clashing with hers. Very softly, he ordered, “Take it off.”

When she reached behind herself for the clasp, he cupped both breasts, teasing her stiffened nipples with his thumbs. She paused.

“Go on,” Rowdy told her.

Fumbling, breathing faster, she tried to hurry, and finally the bra loosened. He stripped it down her arms and tossed it into the dryer, then went back to toying with her nipples.

“I...I need to change your bandages, too, while I’m here.”

“Maybe later.” He liked that catch in her voice, how sensitive her nipples were and how quickly she reacted to his touch. He touched the waistband of her panties. “Let’s see if I can get these wet, too.”

She put hands against his chest. “Rowdy, wait.”

Stepping back again, he crossed his arms and tried to prepare himself for whatever she had to say. He’d known, of course, that she hadn’t just come for sex. Avery wasn’t made that way. She had enough pride for three men and enough backbone to stand up to bad temper.

But he’d hoped that maybe, just maybe, she’d come because she...cared.

Hardening his heart, he waited without comment.

Shivering again, Avery stared up at him, her blue eyes pleading. “I...I need to tell you two things.”

He was as ready as he could be. Eyeing her breasts, he said, “You have my attention.”

She shook her head. “No, not yet.” Her tongue licked over her bottom lip, and she stroked his chest suggestively. “After.”

He straightened. Maybe he’d underestimated her intent after all. Stepping closer, he slid his hand over her waist. Her skin was chilled, damp, and he wanted to warm her. He wanted to protect her. Make love to her.

Cherish her.

But he couldn’t. Not yet.

Eyes narrowed, he asked, “You want sex?”

“God, Rowdy, you know I do.” She tried to burrow closer. “But I have a few conditions.”

His lust didn’t cool, but his heart turned to ice. “I don’t think so, babe. You don’t get
” He looked her over, so petite but shapely, so fucking sexy. He made himself say the words: “It’s all or nothing.”

She nodded, but said, “It’s just that I...” Her voice trailed off.

“You just what? Want to manipulate me?” Never would he let that happen, not even for Avery. “You have an agenda, honey? Is that it?”

Sadness weighed down her shoulders, but that damned determination remained in spades. “I want to

What a laugh. “From who? You?” So far, she’d been by far the biggest danger he’d ever faced.

“No.” She licked her lips again, leaving them damp, sharpening his urge to feel that soft mouth on his, on his body. “You don’t know everything about me.”

“No kidding.” The way she’d used him had blindsided him because he’d thought her above that type of shit. He’d thought her genuine and caring and honest.

“I...I’ll tell you, but you have to promise me you won’t change your mind.”

More demands? “About what?”

“Wanting me, this.” She gestured helplessly. “Having sex.”

And there was the biggest joke of all. “I’m not about to turn down easy sex.” He couldn’t. He needed her too much. “If you stay,” he said by way of an answer, “you’ll definitely be under me.”

She slowly inhaled, then said the unexpected. “I left my old life behind because someone...someone tried to hurt me.”

Ice ran through his blood. In a voice so faint he barely heard it himself, he whispered, “How?”

She rushed through the explanation, her hands open on his chest, sort of clinging. “I was almost raped.”

He took that one on the chin, staggered by the rage that exploded. He would easily kill anyone who dared—

Rowdy. It didn’t happen.” She petted him, soothing, ripe with concern. “But I
to leave. No one really believed me when I told them.”

Leveled, Rowdy searched her face and knew without a single doubt that she was telling him the truth. Everything he’d just been thinking faded behind the red mist of rage. “I believe you.” Avery might’ve thrown him for a few loops, but she wouldn’t make up something like that.

She wilted against him, tears of gratitude hanging on her lashes. “Thank you.”

He rubbed her upper arms. “Give me a name.”

“I don’t want you involved.” He opened his mouth, but she said, “No, Rowdy! I mean it. It’s not your problem.”

“Like hell.”

She went on as if he hadn’t spoken. “But that’s why I wanted you there with me when I went back home. That’s why I bragged about your ability.”

Stunned, he said, “Your folks didn’t believe you? That’s who you meant?” Son of a bitch. And here he’d been thinking they were such nice people. It didn’t matter if he told Pepper he’d been attacked by an alien. She would believe him and back him up, no questions asked.
was family.

And here he’d been sort of envying Avery....

She touched his collarbone, then his shoulder. “They know him. He’s a reputable man, by all appearances a very good person. They thought I was exaggerating. And he had a story all ready about how we’d argued, how I’d overreacted.”

Hearing the hurt she still carried amplified his fury. Through his teeth, his muscles knotting, Rowdy asked, “Fisher?”

Those damn tears swam in her eyes again. “I don’t want you to do anything, Rowdy. That’s what I’m trying to tell you.”

“You’ll see him again.” Her mother’s medical condition dictated that she’d be around the bastard because he had a feeling Fisher would take every opportunity to close in on her.

“Yes, but now I know to be more careful. Now I know to avoid being alone with him.”

Using his thumb, he brushed a tear from her cheek. “He’s a threat, honey, and threats are best dealt with head-on.”

“I don’t want to be another burden!”

Crazy Avery. It wouldn’t hurt her to show some faith. “Trust me, babe, dealing with Fisher won’t be a hardship.” He already looked forward to it.

“He’s not what you think. He’s not a dumb thug like Darrell. He has power and resources and—”

“He’s scum, and I’ve met every kind there is.” He thought that would reassure her, but she threw her arms around his neck, her trim little body up flush against his. Her skin was still chilly. He needed to get her wrapped up and warm. “Avery...”

She tucked her face in by his chest. “The other thing I wanted to tell you?”

There was more? He sighed while stroking her back. “Let’s hear it.”

Her breath came faster. The seconds ticked by while Rowdy resisted the urge to palm her behind, to kiss her.

Very slowly, Avery disengaged. She kept her hands on his shoulders but tipped her face back so she could see him. She looked devastated, worried and full of remorse, and that worried him.

He’d kill Fisher, he decided. He’d rip him apart. He’d—

Avery put her small hand to his jaw. “I love you.”

* * *

the safe side, Cannon hung around for a few minutes. If Rowdy proved to be more bullheaded than he imagined, he didn’t want Avery out in the storm alone.

He was already soaked, so what did a little more rain matter?

After twenty minutes, though, he decided it was safe to leave. He realized he was grinning, but what the hell? It was kind of funny to see a guy like Rowdy Yates struggling over an itty-bitty thing like Avery Mullins. As a couple, they amused him a lot.

They also made him grateful that he wasn’t caught in that damned emotional trap.

Women were all well and good. Hell, he adored women. Respected them, too. But he had a lot of plans that had nothing to do with getting involved in a relationship.

He spent his mornings working out and training. Before getting hired on at the bar, he’d used the rest of his free time playing vigilante, clearing out some of the scum from his neighborhood. It really pissed him off that so many areas had gone downhill, run by lowlifes and losers who wanted to blame everyone but themselves for not stepping up.

After meeting Rowdy and taking his measure, he’d decided a bar would be a good place to get the lowdown on criminal activity. So far, he was right.

What he hadn’t expected was Rowdy’s own little mystery, with strangers hanging around, Avery getting upsetting phone calls and a whole wealth of drama to go along with the cryptic happenings.

He’d help where he could, of course. With any luck, Rowdy would settle things with Avery tonight. But even if he did, Cannon still planned to stick around, to stay alert and to be available—if needed.

* * *

breath as Rowdy stood there, staring at her in stark surprise.
Please, please, please don’t tell me to leave.

Eyes darkening, he stared at her so long and hard that she thought about running.

She held her breath, so hopeful it hurt.

And then he scooped her up and his mouth was on hers as he strode to the bed. Avery held on, thrilled that he wasn’t sending her away but fearful of him hurting his back.

As he lowered her to the bed, coming down on top of her, she freed her mouth to say, “Rowdy—”

Ruthlessly he kissed her again, his hands holding her head, his tongue exploring her mouth as he kneed her legs apart.

Giving up, she kissed him back and carefully wound her legs around his thighs.

His mouth left hers to put a hot, openmouthed kiss to her throat, her shoulder. He bit her lightly, making her tingle all over, then licked the spot, there and lower, down to her nipple.

When he sucked her in, she arched her back on a wave of red-hot pleasure.

He groaned, switched to the other breast and teased, licking her, tugging gently with his teeth, suckling softly.

She squirmed under the carnal onslaught. “Rowdy, take off your jeans.”

Without answering, he slid farther down, leaving a damp trail of kisses along her ribs, over her belly, her hip bone. He nuzzled against her, breathing deeply, groaning again.

Avery lay there, letting him do as he pleased, loving it all.

Loving him.

He sat up and hooked his hands in her panties, dragging them down and off. His chest labored as he lightly touched his fingers to her sex. “So pretty.” He looked up at her breasts, reached a hand there to cuddle her while still touching between her legs.

It was so intimate, so personal, she turned her face away. But that wouldn’t do, not when she so enjoyed looking at Rowdy. He was waiting for her to look at him, and as soon as she did, he parted her, his fingers exploring.

BOOK: Lori Foster
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