Read Lords of the Hill: BBW Werewolf Erotica (Smut-Shorties Book 3) Online

Authors: Mina Carter

Tags: #Paranormal Romantic Erotica

Lords of the Hill: BBW Werewolf Erotica (Smut-Shorties Book 3) (2 page)

BOOK: Lords of the Hill: BBW Werewolf Erotica (Smut-Shorties Book 3)
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“Yes, I’m sorry.” Another thought occurred to her and her eyes widened. Shit. Perhaps they were members of the family… In which case, was she trespassing? She dropped the camera onto the neck strap, and backed up a step toward the doorway behind her. “I’m very sorry if I’m trespassing. There weren’t any signs…”

"Don’t need them." A deep, male voice rumbled by her ear, making her jump. The second guy had circled around behind her. "Everyone knows that this is our land. And what we do to trespassers."

She should be scared. She was alone with two big men she didn't know, cornered in a derelict manor with no hope of help if she needed it. She wasn’t scared. There was something about them. They wouldn’t hurt her. It didn’t matter that there was no one around to hear her scream.

Depended on her reasons for screaming, the little voice in the back of her head commented. She had to agree with it. There were a few scenarios with these two she could see herself cutting loose like that. Then reality intruded, brought her down to earth. She sighed. Not going to happen.

He reached out and lifted a loose curl from her shoulder. She froze but not in fear. His expression as he rolled the stands of her hair between his fingers as if it were fine silk or gold thread fascinated her. As did his scent, wrapping her in its coils like a siren's melody. It wasn't the normal cologne scent. Woodsy and wild, it reminded her of the moors after the rain. And sex.

She frowned. Why would his scent make her think of sex? Oh God, she hadn't had sex for so long she'd turned into a damn nymphomaniac. She leaned away, trying to pull her hair from his grasp without him realizing. His gaze flicked up to hers and she froze. He had amber eyes. The eyes of a wolf.

Shit. She was on Langdon land… Those old stories couldn’t be true, could they?

“No,” he chided, wrapping the lock around a strong finger and capturing her. “You’re not going anywhere.”

A soft breath across the back of her neck made her freeze. The blonde guy was behind her, so close that the heat of his body warmed her back. Caught between two hot men. How many times had this fantasy dominated her dreams? Heat blasted through her body, even though this couldn’t be going where her sex-deprived brain thought it was. No doubt they were about to have her arrested or something.

The warm lips pressing against the side of her neck made that possibility less than likely.

“You’re ours.” Blondie rumbled, his voice far lower than it had been. It rasped with a wildness that struck a chord deep inside her. She turned her head. The eyes that had been blue were deep amber, verging on gold.

“Now, hold on, let’s slow this train down.” She suggested, putting her hand out onto the bare chest of the man who held her hair captive, then mentally kicked herself. Really? She had two hot guys trying to pull her into their arms and she was trying to call a time out on it? What was
with her? Still, her mouth was operating without the intervention of her brain. Or her ovaries. “I mean… I don’t even know your names.”

“I’m Verne, this is Darrick. Problem solved.” The dark-haired one moved her hand to the side, fingers twined with hers so he could move in. Her breath escaped her in a gasp as he yanked her up against his hard chest.

A thrill shot through her, from her aching pussy outward through her whole body. The heat and need in his eyes pressed buttons deep inside her she didn’t know she had. A sudden urge to tilt her head to the side and expose her neck to him overwhelmed her and before she knew it, she’d moved. He growled, the sound between scary as hell and pleased, and then his lips were on her throat.

Her moan of pleasure broke free this time, loud and proud in surrounding silence. He worked his way up to the soft spot behind her ear and her legs weakened beneath her.

“We got you, love,” the one behind her, Darrick, murmured, his strong arms wrapping around her to pull her back against him. Something long and thick pressed against her ass. Oh my word, was that his cock… It was a damn flagpole in his pants.

She bit her lip, then moaned again, arching her back when Verne’s hand closed over her breast under her jacket. He’d undone the buttons without her noticing. Clever wolf.

“You like that, huh? Being touched by the two of us,” Darrick murmured, his hands not idle either. He pulled her jacket open, and yanked her top away from her waistband, his fingertips flirting with the soft skin. She tried to bat them away with her free hand, self-conscious of her rounded belly, but he caught her wrist. Pinned between the two of them, unable to defend herself.

His access unfettered now, Darrick dipped strong fingers under her waistband and groaned. “Such soft skin. Pretty. Is it all like this?”

She gasped as Verne nipped the fleshy part of her earlobe, sending thrills shooting through her. Arousal and need swirled through her body, making her pussy ache. Liquid heat slipped from her, dampening her panties. The swift intake of breath from both men let her know they’d picked up the scent of her arousal and her cheeks burnt.

“Oh yeah,” Verne rasped, strong fingers beneath her chin to turn her head so she had to look at him. “She likes this. She likes this a lot.”

Chapter Three


, she liked it. It was all her Christmas and birthday wishes come true in one go with a huge dollop of sex-deprived fantasy. She still couldn’t believe it was happening. Mind you, it was possible, probable even, that she’d slipped while photographing the manor and hit her head on a rock. Yes, that had to be it. She was lying unconscious somewhere in the dark, and her mind had created this fantasy to keep her occupied until help arrived.

That decided, she relaxed into their hold, looking up at Verne. This was a dream, so she might as well enjoy it. He smiled, the expression softening the harsh, dark features of his face as he leaned in to kiss her.

She’d been expecting a hard kiss. Dominant. Demanding. Instead his lips touched hers in the softest brush. A caress so soft she chased him to get more of it. He smiled, lips curving against hers and gave her what she wanted. Hand in her nape he held her head still and plundered her lips.

She gasped as he dominated the kiss, parting her lips and driving his tongue into her mouth to tangle with hers. Unlike past boyfriends who’d used their tongues like a weapon, stabbing deep, or worse still, swirling the damn thing around until she felt like she was on a spin cycle, Verne teased and caressed. Tempted her to join the erotic dance with him.

Darrick wasn’t idle. His lips whispered over the side of her neck and his hand grew bolder. With a deft move, he popped the buttons on her jeans one by one. She’d lost weight, so the denim was a little large and slid from her hips as soon as the tension holding them up was released. He rumbled his approval close to her ear while his teeth scraped her skin, making her moan.

Darrick’s large hand followed her jeans, found the lacy edge of her panties and stopped to trace along it. Her pussy ached, tendrils of need spiraling out through her limbs. Her clit pulsed, just begging for his touch. She rocked her hips against his hand, trying to get him to where she needed him.

He nipped her neck again in response, and she almost went into meltdown there and then. She needed this, needed them. Needed more. Her back arched and her head dropped back on Darrick’s shoulder. He held her with ease, his strength thrilling her. His fingertips slid under the satin of her panties at the same time Verne shoved her t-shirt up over her bust.

“Fucking hell… Those are pretty,” he groaned, his hands on her tits.

She whimpered at the dual assault. It took Verne less than a second to slide his fingers in the cups of her bra and tuck them away under the curve of her breasts. Her nipples popped free from their confinement. Already hardening in the cool night air, they ached for Verne’s touch. She arched her back a little more, but he needed no encouragement.

A low groan rumbled through his chest and he bent his head. His tongue flicked over the beaded nub at the same time Darrick slipped his hand between her legs and stroked a finger between her wet folds.

“Ahhhh…” she moaned, trying to arch and rock at the same time to get more of the delicious sensations the two men afforded her. Her body was a battleground of delights and it was a battle she was both winning and losing. Winning because each flick of Verne’s tongue over her nipples, and each stroke of Darrick’s fingers along her pussy lips, sent the tension in her core higher. Losing because with each moment she came closer to unravelling.

“So hot and wet,” Darrick panted by her ear, his cock pressed against her back. She twisted her wrist to break his grip and slipped her hand between them to cup his hard length. He groaned, his fingers sliding upward to rub over her clit. She hissed between her teeth, rubbing herself against him. She rode his hand as sparks of pleasure fizzled in her veins. The rough skin against her sensitive flesh… She shivered. Amazing.

“That’s it. Ride it…” he moved, dipping his knees to shove two fingers deep into her soaked pussy. This time they both groaned, the sound loud in the darkness.

“Fuck, you’re tight.” He pulled his fingers back, then pushed in again, finger fucking her as Verne feasted on her breasts. He pushed the twin mounds together and flicked his tongue between her nipples, before turning to one and nipping lightly. With each small pain she gasped more, liquid heat bathing Darrick’s fingers.

“She’s so ready for this, Verne. Move down…” Darrick nuzzled under her ear. This time she didn’t even try to stay upright, sagging in his arms and letting him take her weight. Verne kissed each of her nipples as though in a brief goodbye, then slid to his knees. His stubble brushed against her belly when he trailed a line of soft kisses, making her shiver.

Darrick pulled his fingers out of her pussy and she whimpered in distress. She needed him back there, needed him, or Verne, to fill her more than she needed air to breathe or the ground to stand on.

“Shhh,” Verne muttered against her stomach and placed a kiss on her skin before hooking fingers in her panties. She shucked a breath in as they divested her of jeans and panties, then sneakers and socks in one go, leaving her naked from the waist.

“You smell delicious.” Verne’s words were hot puffs of air against her pussy as he lifted and parted her legs to loop them over his broad shoulders. His tongue snaked out and swept along her wet nether lips. She cried out, the sound strangled.

He growled, grabbed her hips in a tight grip and licked again, from slit all the way up to her clit in one long sweep. A low moan broke from her throat, echoed by a second one when Darrick, supporting her upper body, reached around and cupped her breasts. He pressed them together, capturing a nipple to roll between thumb and forefinger. Then, in a move they had to have practiced, he pinched gently just as Verne sucked on her clit.

Hard pleasure rolled through her, tightening into a knot behind her clit. Her pussy clenched, the yearning to be filled stealing her breath. She didn’t hold back the soft moans and whimpers tumbling from her lips. She’d never been so turned on before, so aroused. So hot and wet. For them, both of them.

“How’s that, love?” Darrick tweaked her nipples again, sending sparks cascading through her veins. “You like this? The two of us touching you?”

She managed a nod in reply, unable to utter a word that wasn’t a moan or whimper.

Verne’s hands cupped her ass, tilting her hips for better access. They held her between them, a plaything for their pleasure. She wouldn’t argue with that, not when Verne swept his tongue down and circled the dripping entrance to her cunt. With no warning, he stabbed the nubile organ deep. Tongue-fucked her with a growl that vibrated against her clit.

Oh god, that was...
She arched with a cry, riding his face.

“That’s it, love.” Darrick’s voice was a silken temptation. “Come for us… Let Verne taste your release and we’ll both fuck you. You want that? Being fucked by two alpha wolves?”

She tried a nod, but it was no good. Darrick’s crude words had broken the dam of her control. She couldn’t hold it back anymore and pleasure washed over her in a torrent. Her mouth opened in a soundless cry, her hips rocking. Verne didn’t let up though, licking and sucking her clit even as she shattered apart in their arms.

“Fuck… She smells fantastic.” Darrick’s lips were hot on her neck. She turned her head, seeking his mouth. Where Verne had been soft at first, Darrick wasn’t. His kiss was hard and demanding. Exactly what she needed. She kissed him back, lips and tongues entwining in a torrid embrace.

Verne pulled away, handling her as though she weighed nothing. Hands under her ass, he still supported her as he stood. “She tastes even better,” he said, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.

He reached out, and ran his free hand down her curves. Somewhere between kneeling and standing, he’d released his cock and the thick, wide head brushed against her. She bit her lip as her clit ached, her pussy clenching hard. She needed him to push forward, to fill her to the hilt but the heat in his amber gaze held her captive.

He dipped his knees, hand between them to fit the head of his cock against her. Then he paused, his eyes seeking hers. Like he was asking permission.

“Yes, yes… Get on with it,” she panted, trying to push forward. The thick head of his cock pressed into her, parting the delicate tissues. The world stopped, time paused as her body stretched around him.

He grunted, head dropped forward, and a shudder racked his body. Tension held him rigid, apart from his fingers which dug into her hips. Slowly, he eased forward. Not an all-out, balls-to-the-wall thrust to get inside her as she’d expected. Instead, he pushed in a little, then drew back, then pushed further. A see-saw motion that worked his cock deeper inside her little by little.

She gasped, her body wracked with sensation. Her kiss with Darrick trailed off as she tried to process the tight, almost painful stretch as Verne impaled her on his thick shaft inch by slow inch. She sucked a hard breath in, then let it out, and nodded when he looked up at her, amber eyes half-hidden by his long dark hair full of concern.

BOOK: Lords of the Hill: BBW Werewolf Erotica (Smut-Shorties Book 3)
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