Little Bird (The Tangled Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Little Bird (The Tangled Series)
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“It’s a territorial thing, Savannah. I want to come inside you to mark you as mine. I’ve thought about that since almost the beginning. But now, knowing I’ll be the first who’s ever done it, the only one who ever will, that’s hard to resist. You might have been with Douchebag for five years but once I come inside you, you’ll belong to me in a way you never belonged to him. You have never and you will never belong to anyone else the way you belong to me.” Lee looked at her intently, his voice fierce as he finished, and Savannah couldn’t help but shiver.

“So, basically you’re the dog and I’m the fire hydrant. Got it.” Savannah arched a brow at him, trying to ignore the way her stomach had fluttered.

“Wanting to come inside you is at least marginally more civilized than pissing on a fire hydrant.” Lee laughed and leaned forward, kissing the tip of her nose. “Why don’t you go grab the phone and we’ll call Mike. We need to fill him in on our meeting with Cara last night and I could use the distraction right now.”

Chapter Eleven

avannah was seated at the bar talking with Slut while Lee and Geoff stood a few feet away laughing together about something. Now that she’d had some time to just sit and get to know the other girl without the men listening to every word, she discovered she really liked her. They’d gone to the restroom together a bit ago and in those few moments of privacy, Slut had confided her real name was Mindy, although that name shouldn’t be used in the club, and they’d exchanged phone numbers. With her new friend at her side and Lee’s watchful eye on her from only a short distance away, she found she was not nearly as nervous or anxious as she had been the previous night on their first visit and she was having a good time.

“Hello, Little Bird!”

At the sound of Paul’s cheerful voice behind her, Savannah turned and looked over her shoulder a moment before he engulfed her in an exuberant hug. “Hello, Paul.”

Paul held her close just long enough to whisper, “Mistress says hello, but she thought it best not to be seen socializing with you two.”

As she released their hug Savannah whispered back, “Tell your Mistress to fuck off. I might have talked him into doing this, but she’s still a bitch.”

Paul looked absolutely stunned by Savannah’s comment and she had to suppress a giggle, wishing she could be a fly on the wall when Paul delivered her message. Before Paul could pull himself together enough to respond, Mindy intervened.

“So what’s on tap for you tonight? I think your Mistress neglected you last night.” Mindy grinned at him, playfully tugging his sleeve.

Paul, obviously relieved to have been rescued from having to answer Savannah, pressed his lips together in a sly smile. “I have no idea what she’s planning but she’s been telling me all afternoon how good it’s going to be. What about you, Little Bird?”

Savannah blushed, unsure how to answer because not only did she not know what Lee was going to do, but she also didn’t even know what the possibilities were. That was especially true since they still hadn’t had sex since the whole condom debacle. Fortunately, Geoff and Lee joined their little group then, interrupting their discussion.

Geoff grinned, grabbing Mindy’s wrist and pulling her to him. “This seems like trouble, three little subs huddling together giggling and whispering. What are y’all plotting?”

Paul fidgeted, obviously intimidated by Geoff, although Savannah wasn’t sure if that was because Geoff was a strong Dom or because he was the owner of the club. “I was just saying hello to the ladies, Sir.” He turned to Savannah, placing a brotherly kiss on her cheek. “I should be going. Mistress will be looking for me.”

Savannah patted his back and smiled at him. “Have a good night, Paul.”

When she turned back to look at Lee, she was surprised to find him glowering at her. Apparently he didn’t like the friendly kiss Paul had given her.

“Come on, Savannah. Time to play.” Lee bent and picked up the gym bag at his feet, throwing it over his shoulder before extending one hand toward her.

Savannah smiled nervously as she slid off the bar stool and took a step toward him, teetering on the new stilettos he’d bought her. She felt Mindy’s hand on her back as she heard the girl call after her, “Have fun!”

Lee’s fingers crushed Savannah’s wrist as he pulled her across the floor after him. When they reached an open space Lee dropped the bag and turned to face her. “Take your top off.”

As Savannah slipped off the vinyl halter-top they’d picked out together that afternoon she watched him rummage around in the bag on the floor. She was still anxious about getting naked in front of all these people, but she knew if she didn’t follow his directions he’d just take it off her himself. He was apparently allowing her to keep her skirt on which was some comfort. Besides, so far he’d never done anything she hadn’t liked, and liked a lot, so that went a long way in ensuring her further co-operation.

Lee stood in front of her holding a rope. “Give me your hands.”

When Savannah extended her arms toward him, he tied her wrists together carefully, pulling and testing the rope as he secured her hands. When he finished, she stood there, her arms tied in front of her, her breasts pushing between her arms. Lee stood looking at her for a moment and she fidgeted nervously under his intense stare. When he stepped close, her breasts rubbing against his chest, he lifted her hands over her head. Looking up, her eyes following her arms, Savannah realized there was a rope hanging from the ceiling beam above her, a hook on its end. Lee looped the rope between her wrists over the hook, securing her arms over her head and stepped behind her.

Savannah tried to turn her head to look over her shoulder at him but he whispered against her ear. “Look straight ahead.”

As she turned her head forward again, Lee tied a blindfold over her eyes. Her breath quickened with her rising panic. She had no idea what was happening around her and she suddenly felt very alone. When Lee’s hands gripped her ankle, she sighed with relief, his calloused fingers reminding her he was there with her as he fastened a cuff around her ankle. Savannah gasped when he pushed her legs apart until they were spread shoulder width and then secured a cuff on her other ankle. When Lee’s hands left her again, she tried to bring her feet back together and realized with alarm there was something attached between the cuffs, a bar maybe, holding her legs spread wide.

A moment later, his hands were at her breasts and she felt her nipples pull as he attached something heavy to her piercings. She pushed her breasts forward, but he was gone and only the persistent tug of the weight on her piercings remained. She moaned and writhed, testing the rope over her head, the perpetual ache in her nipples driving her mad.

Behind her again, Lee’s hands ran along her sides and over her hips. She felt his lips nuzzle her ear before he whispered, “Last night when you called me Master, you thought you were so clever and funny. But that’s what you’re going to call me when we’re here and if you use my name, you’ll be punished.”

Savannah cried out loudly as she felt a sharp crack against her ass. It wasn’t his hand, and it felt different, sharper than his belt had. Maybe the crop again, but she couldn’t be certain through the muffling effect of her skirt. Still, whatever it was it had left her bottom stinging. The rush of wet arousal between her legs didn’t even surprise her anymore. She’d gotten used to the fact that this turned her on, even if she didn’t really understand why.

He laughed quietly, and then she felt a pull on the rope over her head. He was pulling her up on her tiptoes. Lee secured the rope to something, leaving her arms stretched over her head, her breasts heaving as she tried to maintain her balance. Behind her, his hands moved over her body, his lips and rough beard on her back. When his hands settled at her hips he pulled her against him. Through their clothes, his hard-on pressed against her bottom.

“Little Bird, can you hear me?” Lee’s voice was hoarse against her ear and she nodded her head. “Say it. I need to know you’re listening.”

She gasped, panting for breath. “Yes, Master. I hear you.”

He smiled as his lips pressed against her neck. “That’s good, sweetheart. Now listen very carefully. If you get in trouble all you have to do is say red and it will all stop. Do you understand?” She nodded again and he said, “What’s the word, Savannah. What can you say to make it all stop?”

She sighed, trembling against him, laughing a little at the absurdity of the situation. “Red, Master.”

“Good girl.” He stroked her hip as he continued, “If something is wrong, if you need to stop for any reason, you use that word and it will all be over immediately and I promise I won’t be angry or upset with you. But if you ever use that word and you don’t mean it, if you ever use it as a joke, I’ll beat you until you beg me to stop and then I’ll beat you some more. Your safety is very important to me and it’s critical we both take that word very seriously so we can be confident we won’t have an accident. Do you understand?”

Savannah felt giddy, every nerve on fire, her muscles quivering from the way the rope above her head stretched and pulled her body. For a brief moment she thought about pointing out the incongruity of his threat to beat her if she didn’t take her own safety seriously enough, but she decided he probably wouldn’t appreciate the humor in that so she simply said, “Yes, Master.”

“That’s my girl. You’re doing a great job, sweetheart.”

Savannah’s heart swelled with pleasure. She knew he was pleased with her and she felt surprisingly happy and proud.

As they stood there together Savannah lost track of time and it didn’t even matter. All she was aware of anymore was her own aching body, Lee’s chest at her back, and his hands on her breasts, her hips, her stomach. He touched her everywhere and she reveled in it.

“You should see all the people looking at you, Little Bird. You’ve drawn quite a crowd, hanging here showing your tits off for all the world to see.” Lee’s voice was gruff at her ear as his hands continued to stroke and caress her body.

Savannah made a distressed sound, but her body gave her away, her ass bucking back against Lee.

Lee chuckled against her ear, amused by her response. “I like letting them all look at you. Letting them admire how beautiful you are and how sexy you look right now. I like knowing my sweet Little Bird will probably be starring in quite a few fantasies later tonight. Of course, they’ll get them all wrong because they don’t know the noises you make or the way you move or the way you react to a man’s touch but they’ll be thinking about you anyway. They’ll jerk themselves off thinking of you, thinking of my woman. Maybe it’s just my ego, maybe I just like to brag, but I like knowing these other men want what belongs to me.”

Savannah moaned huskily, pushing back against him. She smiled when Lee’s lips brushed across her temple, a tender reassuring gesture.

“She is a lovely little thing.”

Savannah started, surprised by the interruption of a strange voice. She had to bite back an amused giggle at the irritated grunt that came from Lee.

“Thank you.” Lee sounded pissy and annoyed and she could just imagine the look on his face. He was probably glaring at the intruder, his lips pressed together in an angry frown, his nostrils flaring a little as he tried to remain polite. She could feel his body behind her vibrating with tension.

Savannah’s stomach fluttered with affectionate warmth. She liked that despite his irritation Lee had thanked the intruder, as if a compliment to her were a compliment to him. Well, she supposed that was exactly how Lee thought of it since he was so possessive.

The man laughed and she could feel his breath against her skin. He was standing so close. No wonder Lee was pissy.

“There are so many endless possibilities, the things a man could do with a girl like that. I wonder if you’d loan her to me for an hour or two so I could try a few of them.”

The man had barely finished talking when Lee spoke, his tone biting and aggressive. “No.”

Savannah felt a new rush of confidence and contentment when she heard Lee’s answer. She’d known he would say no, of course, but it was the way he’d said it, so fiercely protective, that made her so happy. It didn’t matter how close the man stood or what he said. She knew Lee would keep her safe.

Lee watched with narrowed eyes as Senator Charlie Hartwell stood before Savannah, devouring her with his eyes.

“I understand your hesitation. She is delightful and I would be reluctant to share her if she were mine. But I can assure you she would come to no harm in my care.”

Well, this was a development Lee hadn’t expected. He’d thought they’d play a little to pass the time and now they’d caught the attention of the Senator. Fucking fantastic. He scanned the room around them looking for George and Harry but he didn’t see them anywhere. He did notice Cara and Paul were both nearby and poor Paul’s face was filled with anxiety.

Turning back to the Senator, Lee gave him a hard stare and simply repeated his one word answer. “No.”

“You young bucks, so possessive and unwilling to share the best toys.” Hartwell rocked back on his heels, chuckling with amusement.

“It’s been awhile since I’ve been called a young buck.” Lee smirked as he slid one arm around Savannah’s waist, pulling her protectively to his chest. “But anyway, I missed kindergarten that day.”

The Senator guffawed, genuinely amused by Lee’s quip. “Perhaps a trade then? I have several lady friends here at the club who would be more than happy to entertain you for a few minutes while I introduced myself to her. You could have any of them, all of them, in exchange for giving me a few minutes alone with the girl.”

Lee laughed, an arrogant smile curving his lips. “I could have any of them, all of them, in exchange for nothing if I wanted them. You may have trouble finding women but I don’t.”

Lee glanced down when Savannah snorted angrily. She scowled intently under the blindfold and chewed her bottom lip. He almost laughed; she looked so pissed off.

“I’m sure you don’t. Although it seems she’s not fond of being reminded she’s just one in what I’m sure is a long list of many.” Hartwell chuckled and paused for a moment, thoughtful. “I know you think I’m rude for pressing the issue when you’ve already made your feelings quite clear but you see, I’m not used to being told no and I don’t particularly like it.”

“I can appreciate that. I don’t take that word well either. But I don’t particularly care. This sweet cock sucking mouth is mine.” Lee’s fingers brushed over her lips, and as he continued, he touched each part of her body as he described it. “These nimble little fingers are mine. These perfect tits are mine. This gorgeous flat stomach is mine. These strong shapely legs which squeeze me so tight when she wraps them around my waist, those are mine, too. This delicious round ass is mine. And this here, between her legs, that’s most definitely mine. Every inch of her belongs to me and I’m not sharing so much as her elbow with you.”

BOOK: Little Bird (The Tangled Series)
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