Lick & Devour (Monster Novelette) (6 page)

BOOK: Lick & Devour (Monster Novelette)
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Eden frowned, guilt washing over her. “She had plans…”


were our plan. She’s known about this for the past two weeks. I’m sure she planned accordingly.”


“Two weeks?” she asked incredulously. “I had no idea!”


Dominic chuckled. “Then she played her part perfectly.”


The conversation veered off, tapering to comfortable silence that had Eden drifting dreamily, only to come awake with a jolt when Dominic inquired about work.


"Work?" She blinked, wondering why she was suddenly so nervous, but then the name Ethan Blake flashed in her mind and she was given a reason.

She didn't know why she was so hesitant to mention what happened to Dominic. It wasn't like she did anything wrong. In fact she'd been more disgusted by Ethan Blake's come-on than anything. But still...she knew she should say something. Out of respect for their delicate relationship.


"Work is fine," She began. "Uh, Dom?"




"Women flirt with you all the time, right?"


There was a monetary lapse. "Yes..?" It was a slow response and Eden didn't fail in hearing the slight infliction in his voice as if to ask whether it was a trick question or a trap.


"And I'm sure some have even been bold enough to ask you to sleep with them...?"


She felt him tense beneath her, his arm around her tightening a bit. Eden could practically feel the frown she knew was now etched between his dark brows. She didn't expect him to sit up or pull her from his side the very next second, but he did exactly that in a swift move that drew a small gasp from her.


He grasped her upper arms and made sure she met his gaze, "I would never cheat on you," he said with conviction.


Eden leaned in to touch her forehead to his with a smile. "I know you wouldn't. And I'd never be unfaithful to you either." She sighed. "I had a client, well he wasn't really my client, but that's beside the point. He came on to me yesterday and it made me really uncomfortable."


"Are you ok? Did he try anything?" For moment a shadowed look flitted across his face. It was intense and frightening, but gone before Eden could make sense of it.


"Yeah," she uttered with a frown of her own. "Yeah, I'm okay and no he didn't try anything. He just wanted me to sleep with him. Kennedy wants me to continue working with him until I close on this deal..."






"Either you tell her you're no longer available to close this deal or I will. Either way you're not spending another goddamn second alone with that man."


"This isn’t how this works." Eden pulled away from him but remained close reaching up instead to frame his face in her hands. "I love that you want to protect me. I love how you take charge sometimes and make decisions for me. But this isn't one of those times. You don't get to make decisions for me when it comes to work, Dom. You're my fiercest protector and I love you for that, but you don't get to browbeat me into doing what you want just because you think you can." She looked into the depths of his gaze and found his soul reflecting back at her. Tracing his bottom lip with her thumb, Eden whispered,
It doesn't work that way, my love." Ever so gently her mouth found his, her tongue moving past her lips to seduce his to play. Dominic responded with hungry fervor drawing her onto his lap to deepen the kiss.

"I hate that you won't let me help you," he murmured roughly against her swollen lips.


"I know, but I can do this on my own."


He stared at her for a long moment, in the silence there was nothing but the sound of their quiet breathing. Eden stared back, her head tilting slightly to the side in an attempt to figure out what was happening beneath his poker face, but unfortunately found no hint of what he was thinking. "One of the things I've always admired most about you is your ability to take care of yourself, so as much as I wish to lend a hand, I will grudgingly defer to your better judgment and not interfere."


Eden smiled, knowing how hard it was for him to admit that. "If it gets out of hand I promise you'll be the first one Irun to."

"I'll hold you to that." He kissed her again. Slow and tender, but never lacking in heat. "I have a gift."


Eden perked up. "Really? What is it?"


Setting her down on their mattress, Dominic jumped out of bed, magnificently naked and gorgeous as hell. His sculpted, dimpled butt cheeks was the stuff of dreams. "It's more for me than you..." he said upon his return, holding a small rectangular black box with a red satin ribbon tied around it.


Bouncing with excitement, Eden eagerly took the box when he handed it to her. Impervious of her own nudity, she tucked her legs beneath her buttocks and set the box in front of her. She looked up. "You really shouldn't have..." she said with a nervous swipe of her tongue across her bottom lip.


"Open it." He encouraged with a grin.


Eden took in a deep breath before lowering her gaze back to the box. She reached for the ribbon. One gentle tug unfurled the pretty bow on top of it. Pulling it away and setting it aside, she traced her fingers over the embossed cursive lettering across the top. The word
was written in Ruby red.


"Pearls, in French." He supplied.


"Pearls...." she repeated in wonder. Eden was accustomed of getting jewelry from him. Even when they're marriage had been nothing more than emotionless sex. He'd always showered her with the finest. But this felt different somehow. "You bought me... pearls?"


He chuckled. "Why don't you open the box and see."


Giving into her curiosity, Eden finally pulled the lid up. She'd imagined a pearl necklace or even a bracelet resting on a bed of velvet as was customary of most jewelry boxes. But then it quickly dawned on her as she parted the black tissue paper that concealed the box's true contents that this wasn't a jewelry box at all.

It was a lingerie box.


With wide eyes Eden picked up the powder white lace thong pillowed within the tissue paper and gasped softly at the thick strand of obsidian pearls fastened to it. She moved the box aside and splayed the thong out in front of her.


Eden stared at it in wonder.


It was unquestionably the loveliest piece of lingerie she'd ever seen. Her fingertips whispered along the strand of pearls forming a U that ran from the front of the lace panties to the back. The design was insanely erotic, the placement of the pearls undoubtedly meant to stimulate a woman's clitoris when worn. A fresh surge of arousal flooded through Eden, as she thought of the prospects. Her perverted mind conjuring wild, sex filled images that set her lush caramel skin ablaze, a warm flush covering every inch of her naked body.


The unexpected touch of his hand cupping her jaw produced a jolt that went straight to her damp, swollen pussy. "Look at me, pet."


Through the veil of thick, sooty lashes Eden's eyes found his and felt their smoldering impact like a sweet violation.


Leaning down he whispered, "I want to kiss your lips," his potent lust fanned her parted lips.
. She thought. The balm of his mouth would temper the fire liquefying
her core. Her eyes automatically fell shut, her head tilting up a bit to receive his kiss.


It never came.


She opened her eyes to find his burnished stare. A hint of a smirk playing at the corners of his sinfully wicked mouth.


"Not these," his roughened thumb skated along her top lip before sliding down to tease the bottom one. "The ones between your thighs. I want you to wear these pearls and sit on my face, Eden, so that I can press my lips to your clit, slip my tongue down your pussy and slowly suck on your sweetness until you coat my tongue with your juices."


Completely and utterly floored, Eden was at a loss for words. All she knew was how badly she ached for him, how his words nearly shoved her into orgasm just now.


"Will you do that for me, pet?" How was that even a question? How could he not know how desperate she was for him? How ready she was to let him dine on her? She'd sell her own soul just to have a taste of everything he just said he'd do. Luckily it wouldn't come to that.


"Yes." It was an emphatic, breathless response that couldn't come out quick enough.


"Good Lord," Eden murmured under her breath the second she slid off the bed and slipped on the lacy garment. Those two whispered words were followed quickly by a silent "Oh," as the pearls slid into place. The soft, delicate lace melted into her skin but the pearls were the true star of the show. There was no ignoring them. They rubbed purposely against her clit, any subtle movement...even just breathing made Eden aware of every single pearl. The sensation of having the strands riding the V of her pussy lips, curving up her between her ass cheeks was pure sin.


"Bend over and touch your toes." Came his silken command from his position on the bed. "Show me how you wear your pearls." He'd taken a seat behind her, silently watching her while barely keeping restraints on his flagrant desire for her.


Eden felt like the embodiment of sex. Especially armed with the knowledge of how badly Dominic wanted her. It emboldened her, made her feel like a goddess and a nympho all at once. The potency of his hunger obliterated all hints of coyness in her body. With only the thought of driving him further off the edge and have him lose that little bit of control he still maintained. Eden turned her back to him, widening her stance so that when she bent slowly at the waist he was able to see every glistening inch of her pussy, she knew she'd accomplished her goal when she heard him curse. With a secret smile pulling at her lips, Eden moved her hips from side to side, the effect jiggled her ass just how he liked it. She believed she had the upper hand in her game of seduction and while she silently patted herself on the back for having the foresight to get a bikini wax earlier in the week, she was taken completely by surprise when she felt Dominic's arm wrap around her waist before he hauled her to bed.

"Enough teasing," he growled, claiming her mouth with a branding kiss that consumed her soul. "I want you on my face, now." He gave her little choice as he flipped her on top of him with a swiftness that took Eden's breath away. He helped her move up his torso until she stood straddling his face on her knees. Any hint of the seductress from minutes ago disappeared leaving behind a woman too caught up in her lover's raw sexual hunger. Eden's breath hitched, her heart galloping in her chest when he framed her hips with his large hands, moving around to grab her ass. She had no choice but to reach out for their headboard to keep herself steady, her palms lying flat against it for support as he dove in. He started with that promised kiss. A shockingly erotic brush of his warm lips against the pearl that sat right on top of her clit. Eden gave a shuddering breath, goosebumps pebbled her skin as her breasts became full and her nipples tightened.


He knew her pussy, he owned her pussy because Dominic had tattooed his name on it with both his dick and tongue a very long time ago. Engaging every last one of his five senses, he touched his nose to the drenched folds on her tender flesh and inhaled deeply. Her fragrance watered his tongue, it torpedoed through his bloodstream and heightened that primal hunger to devour everything about her. She was the first and last meal placed before a starving man, but Dominic would not simply eat her to slake his burning hunger, he wanted to savor this, wanted to revel in her pleasure and coat his tongue with her orgasms.


Running his hands across the curves on her plump ass cheeks, he gave a gentle tug on the pearls and Eden gasped. Torment came in the form of his finger parting her folds to run down the length of the wet pearls, a hot puff of breath over her swollen clit had her hips bucking. He moved the pearls gently back and forth so it rubbed sensually between her lips, while his tongue lapped her, alternating between flicks against her swollen clit to broad strokes down her slit. He nibbled on her, taking the pearls and her hot flesh between his teeth and nipped, only to sooth it seconds later with his lips and tongue. Breathlessly begging him not to stop, one of her hands remained against the headboard while the other threaded through his thick hair, needing him inside her drenched, pulsing flesh. Eden’s hips moved as she danced on his face, grinding and gyrating to a rhythm that only grew more erratic the faster he fucked her with his tongue. Her legs quivered around of his head from the building pressure, but he kept her still by locking his arms around her thighs. It was too much. Felt too damn good.


The intensity of pleasure rocked Eden. It raced through her, lighting and detonating every cell in her body and still it could not be contained. It shook her frame and leaked from her pores, dripped from the heart of her center and spilling
directly into the hot, unforgiving mouth poised at her core. He drank greedily from her, licking and sucking at her flowing juices like he needed it to quench his soul.

He didn't let her catch her breath, didn't let her come down from the sheer ecstasy of her release before he was on her again. He maneuvered himself out from beneath her with ease and flipped her onto her back. Tugging her hips forward, he spread her legs to slide the glistening pearls to one side of the lips he’d just ravished and with one short, swift drive of his hips, Dominic sank into her volcanic heat.


Eden moaned long and deep. A dark, primal sound of intense gratification as she reveled in sensations, her eyes drifting shut as his dick filled her, stretched her, and moved with perfect precision inside her core. Imprisoned beneath his weight, she clamped her legs tight around his body so that her thighs bracketed his hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers burying themselves in the thickness of his hair as she dragged him down for a kiss. The stroke of his tongue, the sensual bite of his teeth as he nipped at her bottom lip and the slow, tantalizing way he sucked on it to soothe the bite only intensified the moment.

BOOK: Lick & Devour (Monster Novelette)
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