Read Lethal Affair Online

Authors: Noelle Hart

Tags: #romantic suspense, #murder and romance, #romance adult contemporary, #suspense and romance, #suspense crime thriller, #murder and suspense, #suspense action romance, #love and suspense, #romantic suspense best seller, #stalker suspense

Lethal Affair (8 page)

BOOK: Lethal Affair
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Reality is, we barely know
each other. Even he knew that when he said he wanted to marry
. We
need time to see if it's even feasible.”

Okay, then let me ask you
this: do you love him? What's your gut feeling about

Kylie chewed on her lower lip. “To be
honest, I think he has the potential to be a good family man, and
the sex thing, we could work on it. But none of this means anything
right now. For all I know he'll hightail it out of my life once he
finds out.”

Tell him. If he runs, then
you'll be one step closer to knowing what to do. And Kylie, I want
you to know that if he leaves you in a cloud of dust, I'll stand by
you. You can count on me.”

Kylie let out a long breath. “Thanks.
That means a lot.” She ran a hand over her flat belly. “Hey you in
there, what do you think?”

Jolene took up her fork again and
marveled at how Kylie had neatly sidestepped her question as to
whether or not she loved Drew.




Will and Lyle jogged along oceanfront
Dallas Road, went as far as the Breakwater, then headed back. Dawn
was sending out tentative fingers of light on the eastern horizon,
promising to behave and give them yet another warm summer day.
Wouldn't be long now and the days would turn much

They paused to gulp water from their

So what's up with you and
Jolene?” inquired Will.

Jesus, Will. Don't ambush
me that way.”

Don't think there was one
person at the barbeque last week who didn't notice your little
tryst in the greenhouse.”

We were just

Will snorted. “Yeah. And I'm your
favorite martian.”

I needed to apologize for
sicking Kim on her as trainer. He can be overly direct at

I heard you were pretty
direct with her yourself. Little birdie told me the two of you
heated up that kitchen without turning on a single

Besides being direct, Kim's
got a big mouth.”

You're dancing around my
question. I asked you what was up.”

What do you care anyway?
It's my business who...”

Not if it interferes with
the diner. I need Jolene happy, cheerful, like she's always been.
It's good for customer relations. Lately I've seen her moping, and
that sends a bad vibe to our clientele.”

Lyle stared at choppy waves slapping
at the rocky shoreline. “I have to admit I'm stumped. As far as
she's concerned I can't seem to keep my thoughts in order. I want
her, there's no question. But she's not the type to be happy with a
few rolls in the hay and then pretend we're just

Should I be sending her out
to the new location in Langford after all?”

That earned him a frown. “Don't know
yet.” Lyle ran a big hand over his face. “Never thought I'd see
this day but here it is. I think I'm in love with her, Will. And we
haven't even slept together yet.”

Love isn't always about
sex. But it helps if that part works too.”

Thank you Dr.

Anytime. Now let's get
going. Still got to pick up that load of strawberries out on Old
Valley Road.”

Lyle kept quiet. Picking up food
orders was Jimmy's job, but here was the main man himself going to
the effort. Didn't Jolene's roommate work out there? He hadn't
missed how Will's eyes had followed her every move throughout the
barbeque gathering.

Maybe he wasn't the only one




Kylie's morning was busy. The automated
watering system had sprung a leak and she and her crew had to water
by hand until repairs could be made. It was mindless but muscle
straining work, hauling the heavy hoses and climbing ladders to
reach the hanging plants overhead, squatting down to douse the
bottom layers as well.

Her team had just left for their
morning break when, with a start, she spotted Drew waving at her
from the back door of the gift center. He'd never been here before
and inexplicably it annoyed her that he was here now.

She met him halfway. He was wearing a
suit and tie and shiny leather shoes, and since her apron was wet
and smeared with dirt he carefully leaned in for a quick buzz on
the cheek.

You wanted to see

Well yes, but not here.
What I have to tell you is personal. Can we meet later this
afternoon? I would have told you that if you'd called

Your message sounded so
succinct. I got worried. Is something wrong?”

Maybe Jolene had hit the nail on the
head when she'd named insecurity as his so-called flaw.

Please Drew. Let's do this
later. I really need to get back to work.”

A line formed at the bridge of his
nose. “I can't work if I have something troubling me. Your message
was troubling. Especially since you've been avoiding me since we
slept together.”

I've had things on my

He looked genuinely hurt. “Are you
breaking up with me? I know it was kinda rushed but, it wasn't any
good for you at all?”

A loaded question that
deserved a truthful answer. “For me it started really well and then
fell short of the target. I realize that's something we could
improve on, but the truth is, I didn't want to make the same
mistake we made that night over again.”
Not that it would make a difference now.


We didn't use

He chewed on it for a bit. “Is there
something I should know about your health?”

A reasonable assumption, but
out in left field. “I don't have any diseases,” she said testily,
“but now that we're on the subject, I should be asking you the same
thing. Let me cut to the chase. I'm pregnant.”
And I'm not sure I can trust you.

He jolted with the slap of the words,
then stared blindly into space while his mind processed. It didn't
take long. When he faced her, his eyes were brilliant with
excitement. “We'll get married.”

Not a question, but a statement.
Stunned, she gauged his sincerity. “Isn't that a little impulsive?
Getting married should be about you and me. As an obligation it
will never work. I'm not holding you responsible if you want to

It's not like that. It's
what I've wanted all along. This is just speeding things up, that's
all. Wow. A baby.” Heedless of his shirt, he crushed her to his
chest. “I'm thrilled!” He held her back and met her gaze. “I want
this kid. I know I can be a good Dad. I'm ready for this, Kylie. I
won't screw it up.”

I want you, I'll be a good husband
I want this kid.
A sinking feeling in her gut had her mind reeling. She gave
him a way out. “I wouldn't keep you from seeing the kid, if that's
what you're worried about.”

He looked crestfallen. “The kid should
have us both, together. It's the right thing to do.”

Kids can have the benefit
of two parents without them being married, Drew. I want to marry
for love. Neither of us seems to know if we're there

His eyes dimmed, hardened. “You're
spoiling this.”

Marriage is a serious step.
A lifelong commitment. I should talk to my parents first, maybe
meet yours. And you should sleep on it, ask yourself in the morning
if this is still what you want.”

A muscle worked in his jaw but he
shook his head in agreement. “I understand.” A nervous laugh
trickled out. “Like you said, it's a big step. For both of

When he walked away, Kylie realized
that love, if it was present, should have already made itself




Climbing out of his late model Jeep,
Will strode toward the rear of the Big Red Barn where Valley Farms
doled out crates of newly harvested fruits and vegetables to their
walk-in wholesale customers. Inside he was greeted by workers who
asked if Jimmy was sick today. When he asked where he could find
Kylie Lambert, a few pairs of eyebrows were raised but no one
questioned the nature of his business with her.

It wasn't business he was thinking
about. She'd gotten under his skin. True, they hadn't had much
opportunity to speak after their first conversation at the
barbeque, but he was going to remedy that right now.

He found her next to a barrel of
pungent soil, examining it with gloved hands. The sun was in her
eyes when she looked up.

Recognizing him, Kylie's stomach
erupted with butterflies. She placed one calming hand on her belly
while shielding her eyes with the other.

Will Delaney. What are you
doing here?”

Picking up strawberries.
Thought I'd come over and say hello.”

Oh. Well, hello.” She
peeled off a glove and held out her hand, which he took. “Nice to
see you again.” The butterflies in her belly stepped up their
little disco dance and she marveled that he had that effect on her.
Drew's appearance had spawned annoyance. Not a single butterfly had
come to life. It worried some, but she'd think about that

You never did take that
look at my greenhouse. I could use some advice. My tomato plants
are battling depression. Can you help?”

Sure,” tongue in cheek,
“and seeing as you're Jolene's boss I won't even charge

He chuckled. She seriously had no
inkling of his ulterior motive. He'd have to remedy that. No point
in playing games.

I'd really like you to
nurse-maid my little gardening venture, Lord knows I'm no green
giant. But what I'd really love is to take you out for dinner.
Tonight, if possible.”

The butterflies did an all out tango.
“Are you hitting on me?”

He scuffed his boot in the dirt. Damn
it all, if he wasn't nervous. “I'm a little out of practice. Been a
while since I've asked a woman out. I'd like the chance to get to
know you better, that's all.”

She stared at the incredibly
compelling man silhouetted by the harsh sun and had to ask herself,
would she go out with him if she wasn't pregnant with another man's
child? The answer came fast and hard, a resounding, yes! Her
circumstances however preempted the possibility of a date with Will

She'd let him down easy. “Not big on
dating right now, but how about I swing by your house on Sunday
afternoon and take a peek at those tomato plants?”

It was something. Watching her as she
pulled her glove back on and resumed her work, the set of her
shoulders and long, lean stance was fit and all female. Her light
hair and dark lashes were a stark contrast that appealed to his
senses and tugged at his libido. She might be blowing him off date
wise but he'd take her offer of a little visit on Sunday as a sign
that she wasn't opposed to spending time in his company.

Sounds good. See you around
one o'clock?”

Make it two. Sunday's my
day to laze around the house.” Not to mention her standing morning
brunch date with her parents.

As he walked away Kylie leaned on her
shovel and observed the way his long strides held a bemused swagger
that intrigued rather than annoyed. The butterflies had finally
bedded down and she realized this was just pure sexual tension,
nothing more. A physical reaction to an attractive male. It
bothered her that Drew hadn't elicited the same response from her
just now.

Nonetheless her pregnancy was real and
it wouldn't be fair to Will to lead him on. She'd go see his
greenhouse on Sunday and let him know in no uncertain terms that
while she could attend to his plants' needs, she could not attend
to his.




The Moon property with its charming
country house was located in the rural area of Metchosin and made
quite an impact on visitors as they arrived via a long canopied
lane of poplars.

New tires intact, Kylie parked her SUV
to one side amongst a tangle of other vehicles. It was the twins'
birthday celebration, and Kim and Carrie Moon were putting on the
Ritz, kiddy style.

Balloons pointed the way around the
side of the house to the back yard. Over thirty kids of assorted
ages under ten ran and squealed and laughed and played. A large
portable pool had been set up and the older kids were splashing
around under the eagle eyes of hovering parents. The smell of
steamed hot dogs permeated the air.

Carrie came their way looking
harassed, flustered and happy.

Make yourselves at home
ladies. There's a table with adult beverages and food,” she said.
“Help yourselves.”

Jolene stopped Carrie before she could
run off. “How 'bout we help you instead. Where do you need

Kim's working the
tail-on-the-donkey but the clown's late. I think he might have
gotten lost.”

BOOK: Lethal Affair
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