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Authors: Chelsea Dorsette

Legally Tied (5 page)

BOOK: Legally Tied
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As Nick sat poring ove
r the interview with Rebecca, the police report of the crime scene, and the arrest record of Neal Johnson, who was in jail once again, he knew how easily eyewitness accounts can get thrown out of court because they’re often times considered not reliable. He also knew the defense attorney on the case was going to play this card to the fullest and try to fluster Rebecca until she would no longer be certain of who she saw. Nick was just going to have to wait for the forensic evidence to come back to see if they could actually prove it was Neal Johnson who killed Joe Lawson.

Nick’s parents had been very good friends with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson and Nick had known him
since he was very young. That made this case even more upsetting because the Lawsons had always been very nice to Nick growing up. If forensics could uncover any evidence that proved Neal Johnson had murdered Mr. Lawson, Nick was going to nail him to the cross with everything he had. It was such a senseless tragedy and it broke Nick’s heart when he thought about the horrible, painful way in which Mr. Lawson died. The last thing Nick thought to himself before shutting down his computer for the night was that he wasn’t going to rest until he prosecuted the murderer to the fullest extent of the law.




As Lyndsay walked up the front path to the party with Jodi, she couldn’t recall the last time she had been to one. Ever since she was hired at Deacon’s Nest, she worked most of the time. She and Jodi often did fun things together but they had not actually gone to a party together before. Although Lyndsay was a bit nervous about meeting new people, she was also a little excited to have a cocktail or two and people watch. When they walked inside, Lyndsay could see there was a pretty good crowd. Upon seeing them, Carolyn, the host of the party, immediately came up and said hello. After being introduced to Lyndsay, Carolyn pointed out the buffet table and the bar. Heaping up their plates with delicious looking finger food, Jodi and Lyndsay proceeded to the bar and each poured a glass of wine. By the looks of the buffet table and bar, it appeared that many of the party goers had been here for a while. Loud laughter reverberated around the room and someone turned up the music. At about the same time, the lights in the room dimmed. Not thinking anything of it, Lyndsay chatted casually with Jodi and finished her food.

“Come on
,” Jodi directed. “Let’s walk around the house and see what’s going on.” Lyndsay looked quizzically at her friend, wondering what there was to see going on outside of this main floor where the party was happening. Grabbing Lyndsay’s free hand, Jodi lowered her voice and said, “Hold onto your hat!”

was now completely baffled
. Hold onto her hat? For what?
Taking a larger sip of her wine, Lyndsay dutifully followed Jodi down a hallway off the main area of the house.

As they approached the first bedroom on the right,
Lyndsay heard what she thought was a smacking sound, followed by a man’s voice urging in a coaching tone, “That’s it, baby. Take all of it. Take all of that cock.”

Just as
Lyndsay was about to turn back, Jodi grabbed her hand one more time and said, “It’s okay to watch what’s going on. Come and look with me.”

In a split second,
Lyndsay’s mind was going in a million directions not knowing what the hell they were going to be seeing. Because the door was wide open, she figured Jodi knew what she was doing. Allowing Jodi to pull her into the doorway, a hot flush reddened her face. One man was naked, sitting on the side of the bed with his feet on the floor. A very full figured naked woman was bending over his lap, sucking his cock. Behind her stood another naked man paddling her now very red bottom with a black leather paddle. As he stood spanking her over and over again, she continued to suck and fondle the man sitting on the bed as he groaned over and over again. Lyndsay was mesmerized and frozen to the spot. The three people just kept at it and didn’t know or care that she and Jodi were watching. After a few more moments, the scene changed and the woman was now lying splayed out on her back across the bed. The man she had been giving the blow job to came around to the end of the bed where her feet were, spread her legs wide apart, pushed her knees up, and dove his head between her thighs and started licking her in earnest. The other man got up on the bed with his knees straddled on either side of her face and placed his cock in her mouth. As she sucked on the second man, he reached down with both hands and fondled her breasts, pinching her nipples over and over. The man whose face was buried in her vagina was moaning, “You taste so fucking good. I’m gonna make you cum in my mouth so I can taste every last bit of you.”

didn’t know whether to be horrified or whether she wanted to jump in. It had been so long since she had sex that watching the three of these people going at it seriously had heat building deep inside her. Hearing the woman cry out her release, Lyndsay thought they were probably done. She was wrong. Just as she was going to pull away from the door, Jodi reached out for her arm, held her in place and gave her a wicked smile. When Lyndsay looked back in the room, the man the woman had been giving the blow job to was now lying face up on the bed with his dick pointing straight up in the air. The minute the woman sat down on his shaft and started to ride him, the other man got up on the bed, kneeled behind her and started fucking her in the ass. All three of them were groaning and going at it and the woman cried out, “Fuck me harder, give it to me good.” Lyndsay’s body was on fire watching what was unfolding before her. She had never watched other people having sex and the sounds they were making along with the variety of positions they were having sex in sent shivers through her.

Watching other people having sex was one thing, but she didn’t want to be seen watching them by the participants. The minute the two men shouted out their release,
Lyndsay grabbed Jodi by the arm and pulled her away from the door. “Jesus, Jo,” Lyndsay breathed. “Where the hell have you brought me?”

Giving her friend an amused smile,
Jodi said, “Come with me. We’ve only just begun. Stunned by what she had just witnessed, Lyndsay just followed Jodi down the hall to the next room like an obedient puppy. Her body had never felt so sexually charged in her life, and the fact that she wasn’t running in the opposite direction confused her. Approaching the next doorway, Lyndsay had no idea what she was going to see this time. When Jodi looked in first and saw what was going on, she gave Lyndsay a wink and said softly, “I think you’re gonna like this!”

ot convinced, but also not able to tear herself away, Lyndsay looked in. In the middle of the room, a naked blonde woman wearing only black stiletto heels was standing with her arms bound above her head with the other end of the rope attached to a hook affixed to the ceiling. She had one foot on the floor and the other foot was up on a wooden chair. She was wearing a red and black blindfold so Lyndsay couldn’t see much of her face. In front of her stood another woman dressed in a tight black and teal corset, garter belt, fishnet stockings, and stilettos similar to the ones the blonde was wearing. The woman in the corset was holding what looked like a riding crop. Sitting just a few feet away in an upholstered arm chair sat a naked man with black hair and mustache watching the women.

blonde woman who was tied up had very large, heavy looking breasts, a slim waist, and long legs. The woman in the corset was more petite, but Lyndsay admired her full bottom that was bare and quite voluptuous. At first, the woman in the corset reached out and gently fondled the other’s breasts. Ever so softly she squeezed and caressed each of them, running her fingers around the areolas and gently pinching the woman’s puckered nipples. After spending a generous amount of time cupping, fondling, and teasing the woman’s breasts and nipples, she very slowly walked around to the other side and began to squeeze and rub the woman’s bottom in a circular motion. When the blonde began to softly moan, it sent an erotic shock directly to Lyndsay’s clit. As the corseted woman continued to run her hands up along the woman’s back and then down and around her ass again, Lyndsay noticed that the man in the chair had grasped his penis and was massaging it as he watched. It didn’t take long for Lyndsay to find out what was going to happen next. When the corseted woman had begun fondling the blonde’s breasts, she had put the riding crop down on the floor. As Lyndsay watched, she bent down and picked it up again. Lyndsay was riveted to the spot and couldn’t take her eyes off the scene. Caressing the end of the crop in her hand, the woman then rested it across the blonde’s bottom cheeks and began by gently rubbing it all over her creamy mounds. It wasn’t more than a moment later when Lyndsay saw the woman swing the crop back and land it on the blonde’s bottom with a resounding smack. Lyndsay could see the tied up woman twist after the impact but she didn’t utter a sound. Time after time the woman with the crop lashed it across the blonde’s ass as she continued to twist and pull against the ropes.

Just when
Lyndsay thought the woman with the crop was done, she realized again that she was dead wrong. After working the crop all over the woman’s ass cheeks, she walked very methodically back to the front of the blonde. Very slowly, the woman in the corset raised the crop to the side of one of the blonde’s breasts and gently tapped the end of the crop to the most fleshy part of it. Anticipating what she thought was going to happen, Lyndsay held her breath. After gently gliding the crop all over both of the blonde’s breasts and nipples first, without warning she began slapping them with the crop. Lyndsay watched as the woman slapped the end of the crop first against the sides of each breast. She then deftly moved the crop around to slap the undersides with quick successive motions. As Lyndsay looked over at the naked man in the chair, she could see he was rubbing his cock in earnest and his eyes were glazed over. Throwing the riding crop finally to the floor, the corseted woman sat down on the edge of the wooden chair where the blonde’s foot was resting the whole time and she began by gently rubbing the blonde’s calf, then proceeding to run her hand up to the woman’s thigh. After taking a few moments to run her hand up and down just that one leg, the corseted woman very slowly inserted her finger up the blonde’s vagina. Lyndsay caught her breath. As soon as her finger was buried inside, the woman finger fucked her. The blonde’s head fell back as she moaned. Lyndsay was so absorbed watching the scene before her that she didn’t notice the naked man had gotten out of the chair until he was standing next to the two women. As soon as the corseted woman saw him at her side, she dropped to her knees on the floor and bent over slightly while continuing to finger fuck the blonde without missing a beat. The minute the corseted woman was in position, the man kneeled down behind her, spread her ass cheeks apart, and penetrated her. Lyndsay could see the woman was finger fucking the blonde to the same rhythm that the man was fucking her from behind. Lyndsay’s body temperature had risen to such a degree that she could feel herself starting to perspire. She wondered
, Is what I’m seeing really happening or am I dreaming?
After a few more minutes of finger and ass fucking, the sounds from all three of the participants started getting louder and louder in a primal way and Lyndsay almost came herself when all three of them shouted out their release at the same time.

Looking over at
Jodi, Lyndsay, barely able to speak said, “I need a drink.” When they got back to the main room Lyndsay poured them both another glass of wine and took a long draw on it while she collected her thoughts. Finally able to put some coherent words together, Lyndsay asked, “What kind of party is this? And why did you bring me here?”

Jodi explained. “Lin, I know all of this stuff is new to you and seems like quite a shock. It’s called a sex party, or a swinger’s party. People either come alone and hook up with other people or couples come together. A lot of the people who are regulars know who likes the same things they like. Some people are into bondage, some are into threesomes, and some people like to be spanked or whipped. It’s a safe place where people can come and live out their sexual fantasies without judgment. It’s an environment to actively participate in or just watch, like we’re doing tonight.”

Listening intently,
Lyndsay asked, “Have you ever participated, Jo?”

Laughing out loud
, Jodi replied, “Yes. A former boyfriend turned me onto this and we used to come together.”

Still feeling a bit stunned
, Lyndsay asked again, “Why did you bring me here?”

Putting her hand gently on
Lyndsay’s shoulder, Jodi replied, “I brought you here because of Mr. Hottie Pants. Lyndsay, that man has probably been around the block more than a few times and my guess is he’s no slouch when it comes to participating in the bedroom. I have a gut feeling that you guys are going to end up in the sack together sometime soon and I just wanted to give you a little eye opener to the various different kinds of sex play that’s going on. Heck, you may find that there were things you saw here tonight that you may want to try with Mr. Hottie!”

Lyndsay’s eyes roamed around the room, she could see all kinds of sexual activity going on and the crowd that was mostly dressed when they first came were now either partially or completely naked. Although her body was very stimulated watching the kissing, fondling, spanking, and fornicating that was going on between the party goers, Lyndsay was over stimulated and she said as much to Jodi.

BOOK: Legally Tied
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