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Authors: Donna Hill

Legacy of Love (10 page)

BOOK: Legacy of Love
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When his hot tip touched her wet opening, it took all of his willpower to keep from exploding.

Zoe wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her. She tasted herself on his mouth and sucked on his bottom lip with her teeth.

Jackson pushed in just a little. The throbbing head crossed the moist threshold.

Zoe moaned, pressing her fingers into his back. She squeezed her eyes shut as he arched her legs higher and wider and entered her fully.

“Ohhhh,” he groaned as her walls tightened and surrounded him.

The room moved into the distance. The music shifted from the bluesy tones of Billie to a pulsing drumbeat and bare feet dancing and pounding on dusty earth. Brilliant colors flashed in the distance as the tribesmen and women celebrated the consummation of Zinzi and Etu. The newly married couple moved together reaching a crescendo of celebration as they learned each other's bodies in the rhythm as old as time. The union was a sacred one, destined to be and all the more potent because of the true love that blazed in Zinzi's eyes as she lay beneath her husband, welcoming him into the dark hot valley of her body, crying out when he met the slightest resistance before breaking through the thin veil that separated them.

The pounding beat of the drums joined with the macaw cries of the women of the village and rushed through their veins intensifying the moment. Zinzi raised her legs higher, and opened for her husband. And the drums beat faster, louder carrying the newly joined couple along the rushing waters of the river, above the branches of the highest trees, tossing them against the heavens where they burst into a million pinpricks of light, becoming one with the stars above.

The images bloomed and the past and present merged, sucking Zoe and Jackson into the twisting, turning funnel of ecstasy that roared through Jackson gushing through Zoe's walls, to erupt in her soul sending her on a spiraling journey of unspeakable joy. Their strangled cries of release rose and met Billie's final note of “As Time Goes By.”

Chapter 14

ackson wrapped his arm around Zoe's waist and held her as close as their spooning bodies would allow. He buried his head in her hair and let the essence of her scent drift through and quiet the racing beat of his heart and the tumultuous thoughts that tore through his head.

He wasn't sure what had happened between them. He was here with her, inside of her but at the same time he felt as if he'd been transported someplace else in the distant past. That was crazy, of course, because he was right here in her bed in her house on Drew Lane in Atlanta, Georgia. Yet, it felt like a dream that had somehow come alive. He cupped her breast in his palm and tenderly kissed the back of her neck. This was no dream.

Zoe stared into the darkness, listening to the comforting beat of Jackson's heart against her back. She'd been there, on the mat in a small hut with the villagers drumming and dancing in celebration of the consummation of her marriage. But she wasn't married. She was a single woman, with a history of mediocre relationships, a family tree with leaves that shook, a job that she loved and a man in her bed who she'd only recently met but somehow had known forever. How could all of that be true at once? Zoe wondered if he'd had the same experience. The same waking dream that she'd had the instant he'd entered her. She shivered. Jackson pulled her closer.

“Something happened,” he whispered into the night.

Zoe's senses heightened. “Something…?”

“I've never felt that way before. Been to that place.” Jackson exhaled audibly. “I can't explain it.” He kissed her shoulder and caressed her breast, teasing the nipple back to erection. He felt himself growing hard again.

Zoe moaned when her swollen clit twitched in response to his increasing caresses. She pressed her rear against his rising member and gyrated her hips until he thought he would go mad. She twisted her body away from him until she was facing him. She cupped his face and kissed him long and deep then pushed him onto his back before straddling him.
She felt free and totally uninhibited as she rose up then slowly lowered herself onto the length of him.

Jackson squeezed the taut globes of her rear and pulled her fully down onto him. Her head flung back and the veins in her neck stood out as she was totally impaled on the hard shaft that pulsed deep within her.

Zoe leaned forward and gripped the headboard to steady herself as she began a languid ride. Their bodies moved in perfect symmetry, flowing one onto the other, letting the sensations guide them, the intensity increase their speed.

The headboard banged steadily against the wall. The mattress gave and released as Jackson pushed upward, willing his body to touch the core of her. “Come on baby. Come to me,” he ground out.

Zoe's heart pounded like crazy against her chest making her light-headed and her breath come in short gasps. “Right there, right there,” she groaned, thrusting her pelvis forward and the muscles in her body tightened and that white hot heat sluiced through her veins, then pooled in the pit of her stomach. Her walls clenched and her entire body shook as the grip and release of her shuddering orgasm milked Jackson down to the bone.


When Zoe opened her eyes, the first light of daybreak lurked just beyond the horizon. Jackson stirred beside her. In the filtered daylight, she
studied this man she'd lain with. In a word, he was beautiful. He was physically fit from head to toe, with toned muscles that rippled when he moved and a rock hard stomach that could easily be in a body-building infomercial. His skin was just rough enough to keep it from being soft, and his scent when she pressed her face to his flesh drove her crazy.

Tenderly her hand trailed the length of his side and across his flat belly, and moved lower to stroke his treasure. The air caught momentarily in her lungs as her fingers traversed the silky skin that covered his penis that even at half mast was long and thick.

She moaned softly, letting her fingers wrap around him. He was simply magnificent. She'd been with men before. She'd had great orgasms, but none had filled her. None had stretched her to her limits. None had made her see things, leave her body and come back for more. No, none of the others had done that. She stroked him now, slow and steady, reveling in her power to make him rise fully in her hand and hear his moans of pleasure as he awakened.

Zoe wanted to taste him, to feel the pulse of the veins in her mouth, run her tongue along the sleek head and make it weep. She licked the very tip then began making tiny circles until her lips captured him.

“Ahhhh.” He laced his fingers through her hair
and sucked in air through clenched teeth, knowing that all he could do was give her what she'd wanted and enjoy the ride.


In the full light of day, Zoe expected to feel shy or awkward. Oddly enough, she didn't. Moving around in her kitchen preparing breakfast and listening to Jackson sing off-key in the shower seemed like the most natural thing in the world.

She poured orange juice into a glass carafe, scooped softly whipped eggs onto a platter alongside whole wheat French toast and fat turkey sausage. She placed the tray on the table just as Jackson appeared in the doorway. The whole room seemed to shift or maybe it was her heart finally settling into place.

“Morning again.” He grinned and strolled over to where she stood. Holding her steady with a look he lowered his head and gently kissed her still swollen lips. “Hmm. Just like I remembered.”

She giggled and playfully poked his arm. “It hasn't been
long.” She hooked her fingers along the edge of the towel that was tucked around his waist.

“Long enough for me to recover.” His large hands nearly encircled her waist and he realized how fragile her body was. He took her mouth with his own and savored again the sweetness of her tongue playing with his. He backed her up against the counter teasing the underside of her breasts with
his thumbs. He nuzzled down her neck, pushing aside the folds of her robe. “Hmm. You make me crazy,” he groaned before taking a dark nipple into his mouth.

Zoe's knees wobbled and she felt the inside of her thighs tremble. Jackson tugged on the belt that held her robe closed and practically tore it from her body. His hunger for her flashed so quickly and with such urgency that he was oblivious to where they were. All he knew was that he wanted her.

He pushed his towel away, tossed it on the floor and lifted Zoe into his arms. She wrapped her legs above his hips and laced her fingers behind his head an instant before he rammed inside her with such force that starbursts flashed behind her eyes.

She buried her face in his neck to keep from screaming. The intensity of his thrusts drove her rapidly to the edge and there was nothing she could do to hold back the inevitable. She was coming hard and fast.

And so was he.


It was nearly noon by the time Zoe and Jackson got themselves together and settled on a truce to stay at least five feet away from each other until they got this crazy lust thing under control.

“How about we kiss to make it official,” Jackson teased, finishing up his second shower of the morning. He shoved his arms into the sleeves of his shirt.

“Uh, no, I don't think so, buddy.” Her cat was still purring and she didn't dare risk him coming anywhere near her anytime soon. She twisted her hair on top of her head and tied the string on her sweatpants into a knot, not that a simple knot would stop him if he really decided to get back inside her pants, so to speak.

To seal the deal they sat on opposite sides of Zoe's couch intermittently stealing glances at each other and laughing like fools as they finished up brunch and watched
Intimate Betrayal,
a made-for-television movie.

When the movie was over, Jackson helped clean up the kitchen and kept his promise to keep his hands and body to himself.

“So how long do you think your sister will be staying with you?” Zoe asked as she put one of the glasses into the overhead cabinet.

While they lay in bed earlier that morning, they'd found themselves whispering into the morning light about the importance of family—good or bad—and the impact they have on your life.

Zoe told him bits and pieces about growing up in a house full of women and that most of her life was spent under her grandmother's care because her mother wanted to pursue her singing career. She said she'd been an only child until she met Sharlene, who became like a sister to her. And Jackson found himself telling her about Michelle, how close they
had always been and how hurt and angry he was about what her husband Trevor had done.

“You were engaged?” Zoe asked, more curious than concerned.

“Yeah, for about a year.”

“And your ex slept with your sister's husband.”

He nodded, the anger beginning to brew again. He rinsed the last dish and placed it in the rack.

“She deserves jail time for that one,” Zoe said and meant it. She couldn't imagine that kind of betrayal. “Right out of a
Jerry Springer

Jackson couldn't help but laugh at that. “I know. Totally over the top.” He shook his head slowly. “I always believed that Michelle and Travis would be forever. They were the couple to emulate. I introduced them.” He blew out a breath. “And Carla, it never occurred to me that she was capable…”

Zoe touched his shoulder. “You can't blame yourself. It's messy, but they are all adults. You do what you need to for your sister, but don't take on that guilt. It won't help her or you.”

His mouth formed a tight smile. “I could listen to your advice all day. How'd you get so wise?”

She grinned. “My Nana.”

“You talk about her with such reverence. Every time you mention her name, your face lights up.”

She dropped her gaze for a moment. “She means the world to me.”

“I'd like to meet her one day.”

Zoe's eyes traveled over his face, looking beyond
the surface, and saw the essence of the man and felt the goodness of his soul within her own. “I'd like that, too,” she softly said.

Chapter 15

oe walked Jackson to the front door. She leaned against the doorframe and took in his image set against the backdrop of the setting sun. Since yesterday evening they hadn't been out of each other's sight or reach. Zoe felt as if something inside of her was separating, leaving a hollow emptiness.

Jackson brushed his thumb across her bottom lip. “I'll call you when I get in.”

“Okay,” she said, her voice sounding fragile as fine china.

“You okay?”

She pressed her lips together and wrapped her arms protectively around her waist. “Um, ummm.”

“I'll just pick up a few things, check on Michelle
and Shay then head back. We can catch that film you wanted to see.” His brow creased in concern. He gently clasped her upper arms. “Tell me what's wrong.”

“I…I don't know. Just a feeling.” Zoe looked into his eyes. “A feeling I've never had before,” she said, her voice soft and dreamlike.

“Get your jacket and purse and whatever else you women take on the spur of the moment.”

She laughed. “What?”

“You're coming with me. I think you'll like my sister. Besides I can rub your thigh on the drive over.”

She swatted his arm and leaned up for a quick kiss. “Be right back.”


“You sure your sister will be okay with me popping in, I mean with all that she has going on?”

Jackson glanced at her quickly as he maneuvered around a slow moving car. “Michelle is one of the friendliest people I know. And I'm not just saying that because she's my sister. Besides, she knows about you.”

Zoe sat straight up in her seat. “Knows about me?” she cried. “What do you mean?”

He slowed to a red light. “This is going to sound crazy.” He exhaled. “I'd been having dreams about a woman.” He threw her a quick look. “They started getting stronger. And there was a growing sensation that I had to change my life, that there was
something else out there waiting for me. I knew that I wasn't going to find it in New Orleans or with Carla.”

The light turned green. He drove through the intersection and turned onto his street.

Zoe tried to make sense of what Jackson was saying. “A dream brought you here?” Her heart began to pound.

“I told you it sounds crazy. Forget it.” He chuckled nervously.

“Did you see the woman's face?” she asked with trepidation, her thoughts running rampant.

“No. Not really. But I felt that I knew her.”

The hair on her arms began to tingle. “How long ago did the dreams begin?”

“About a year ago, give or take a month.”

Her stomach clenched. Her dreams had begun about that time as well.

He brought the car to a stop in front of a small town house. He turned halfway in his seat toward Zoe. “The only person I've told besides you is Michelle. I told her you were the woman in my dream. I knew it the instant I saw you that morning.”

Zoe's breathing hitched. All of the foreshadowing, the legend was coming to pass. She couldn't ignore it or pretend it was just a bunch of stories handed down among heartbroken women to explain away their unhappiness. But if that was true—then so was the rest.

“See, I've freaked you out.”

Zoe blinked back to the here and now and looked into Jackson's eyes. She smiled softly. “Once you meet my family, you'll realize that you'll have to do better than that to freak me out.”

Jackson blew out a sigh of relief then leaned across the car to share a quick kiss. “Ready?”



“I'm so glad to finally meet you,” Michelle said as she shook Zoe's hand then pulled her into a quick hug. “Jackson has been telling me all about you—well, not
about you,” she said over her laughter. “Oh, and I can't thank you enough for looking after Shay the other night.”

Zoe liked Michelle immediately. For a woman who was dealing with her own drama, she was warm and bubbly and genuinely sincere. And she could tell from the looks that she flashed in Jackson's direction that she adored her brother.

Michelle was also tall and slender and had the same deep dark eyes and strong features as her brother. There was no mistaking that they were siblings.

“He's told me about you as well.”

“Mommy, that's the lady who found me.”

Michelle picked Shay up and propped her on her hip. “Yep, and she came to say hello.”


“Hello, Shay. You haven't been doing any wandering around, have you?”

“No,” she said, shaking her head vigorously back and forth.

Zoe winked. “Good girl.”

“Can I get you anything?” Michelle asked.

“No, I'm good.”

“I was just starting dinner. You are staying for dinner, right?” Her tapered brows rose.

Zoe turned to look at Jackson, who nonchalantly shrugged.

“Sure. Can I help?”

“I never turn down help. Hope you like baked salmon.”

“Love it,” she said following Michelle and Shay into the kitchen.

While the ladies were busy in the kitchen, Jackson went up to his bedroom to change clothes, but he had a feeling that they wouldn't be going anywhere. Once Michelle got to talking there was no stopping her. He smiled and opened his closet door. Zoe might just be the medicine that Michelle needed. She could use a friend, especially now.


“So how long have you lived in Atlanta?”

“Just about five years. I came here from New Orleans.”

“You're kidding!” She spun toward her, holding a piece of salmon in her hand. “We grew up in New Orleans.”

“I know,” Zoe said over her laughter. “It's crazy that we never met.”

“Where did you go to school?”

“Montclair High School and then the University of New Orleans. I came to New York for grad school then moved back home, then here.”

“I've never lived anywhere other than New Orleans. Everything I know is there,” Michelle said, her voice losing its vitality. She turned back toward the sink.

“Atlanta is a wonderful city. Full of history, nightlife, places to eat, great schools, good people.”

Michelle was quiet then talked with her back still turned. “Did Jackson tell you why I'm here?”

Zoe wasn't sure how much she should admit to. Was Jackson breaking a confidence by telling her? “Um…not a lot.” She sliced and diced tomatoes and added them to the spinach in a large glass bowl.

“It's okay if he did. I trust my brother's judgment.” She paused and sprinkled some black pepper on the salmon and then squeezed lemon juice over them. “I'm kind of at a loss right now. I feel like I'm in some kind of limbo.” Her voice began to wobble.

Zoe felt her pain right in the center of her chest. She couldn't imagine that kind of betrayal, from not one but two people who you trusted. She got up from her seat at the table and came to stand alongside Michelle at the sink.

“Limbo is probably where you need to be right now. Just for a little while,” she added, when Michelle turned a stunned look on her. She gently touched her arm. “Give yourself some time. Time
to be angry, sad, confused, hurt, whatever it takes and then you put one foot in front of the other and move forward.”

Michelle's eyes were watery as her tears cascaded over her lashes. She sniffed and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “I just…” Her slender shoulders heaved and she broke down and sobbed.

Zoe gathered her in her arms and held her close, whispering soothing words, telling her that it would be all right. Jackson appeared in the doorway and stopped short. Zoe looked at him over Michelle's shoulder and mouthed that it was all right. He quietly turned and left.

“I feel so silly crying all over you and we just met.” She sniffed and sputtered a nervous laugh.

“As long as you don't get all those salty tears all over that salmon,” Zoe teased.

Michelle giggled self-consciously and wiped her eyes. She blinked back the rest of her tears and focused on Zoe. “Thank you.”

“I didn't do anything.”

“I see why Jackson is with you. You're a very special woman.”

“Mommy! I'm hungry,” Shay said, bursting into the kitchen.

The two women turned to Shay then looked at each other and knew that they'd found a new friend.


“Dinner was delicious,” Jackson said, wiping his mouth with a paper napkin. “I could get used this.”

“Don't,” Michelle said, beginning to pick up empty plates from the table.

“I told Michelle that as long as she was going to be here for a little while, if she wanted to stay busy we have a part-time opening for a docent at the museum.”

Jackson's brow rose. He looked from one face to the other. “Really?”

“I haven't decided yet, but I'm thinking about it. I mean there are things that I need to take care of first, back home.”

“Whatever you decide to do, sis, you know I'm behind you one hundred percent.”

“Whenever you're ready,” Zoe added.

Jackson checked his watch. “If you still want to catch that movie, we need to leave to make the last show.”

Zoe stretched and covered a yawn with her hand. “Hmm, maybe I should take a raincheck on that. I have to be in the office early tomorrow.”

“I'll drive you home.”

Zoe put the last of the dishes in the dishwasher. “Great dinner, Michelle.” She lightly kissed her cheek. “Next time dinner is on me.”

“I'll be there. And thank you,” she added for only Zoe to hear.

“Don't even think about it. And call me. We can
have lunch. I'd love for you to meet my friend Sharlene.”

“I will. Night.”

Zoe followed Jackson out of the kitchen, said good-night to Shay who was drifting off to sleep on the couch and walked out into the balmy spring night.

“You and Michelle really seemed to hit it off. I kinda knew you would.” He opened the passenger door to the Explorer.

“Did you?” She grinned and hopped in.

Jackson came around and got in. “She could use a friend. And that was really nice of you to offer her a job.”

“Our tour guides are mostly students, so they come and go. It's easy work. Great hours and it will take her mind off of her own problems for a while.” She fastened her seat belt. “Has she said what she plans to do about her husband?”

He turned the key in the ignition. His jaw clenched. “No, not really. I think she's still in shock. I know I am. I want her to relax for a while before she even thinks about dealing with Travis.” His head snapped toward her. “You know the bastard didn't even call.” He slammed his palm against the steering wheel.

Zoe reached out and covered his clenched fist with her hand. “She's going to come through this.”

He lifted his gaze. “Yeah. But she shouldn't have
to go through it at all.” He put the truck in gear and pulled off.

Shortly after, Jackson and Zoe pulled up in front of her house. He cut off the engine.

“This has been an amazing two days. I feel as if I've known you so much longer.”

“I know. I feel the same way.” He reached across and rested his hand against the back of neck.

She sighed softly. “Don't go home,” she said, capturing his hand. “Stay with me tonight.”

“Do you promise to keep your hands and body to yourself and let me sleep undisturbed?”

She grinned. “No.”

“Now that's what I wanted to hear.” He kissed her softly and they went inside.

BOOK: Legacy of Love
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